The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 138 Selection (Fourth More! Follow Up!)

Chapter 138 Selection (Fourth more! Follow up!)

Today's Saffron City highlights a word.

Not quite.

Xia Yan is only at the senior level of Beedrill, and his strength is decent. Togepi at the excellent level can only be used as an auxiliary. It is not long before Abra has ended its growth period.

Buying a senior-level Shuckle, although it is the kind of Pokémon with a hugely flawed character bought from the black market, it is still possible to use it as one of the means of self-protection during this period.

What's more, Shuckle's role is more reflected in the production of energy blocks.

that's it.

For the first time, Xia Yan directly spent a million Alliance coins on this black market trip.

If it wasn't for Steven's 100,000 employment fee and Cynthia's 200,000 appreciation fee, it would not be able to support this consumption.

When he turned around, there was only a little over 200,000 left on his body.

This is because he sold all the Pokémon he captured last time, in order to maintain more than 200,000.

‘The consumption of Breeder Pokémon is too high. Fortunately, Steven should be able to help me sell the Dusk Stone soon. Otherwise, with the current situation of Saffron City, I can’t do it if I want to go out and make money’

Xia Yan couldn't help but sigh.

This is under the premise that he only bought some Pokémon food, and if he wants to buy some cheats for Pokémon, he has no ability.

‘No, we still have to hurry up with the publication of the paper, and strive to get a few titles first, so that the remuneration for publishing a paper will be more or less. ’

Xia Yan, who left the black market, sighed in his heart.

Stand still.

Thinking about what to do next.

"The first thing to do is to find a place to stay. The previous small hotel had too much influence on Pokémon training. Abra is okay, and the training process of Beedrill and Togepi will be affected. It is not feasible to go to the remote suburbs to train like before."

"Just with the current situation in Saffron City, it is unlikely to find a safe and quiet place."


A figure flashed in Xia Yan's mind.


After thinking about it, Xia Yan still dialed the contact information that was first stored in the mobile phone.


The phone goes through.

"Xia Yan?"

On the phone, there was that immature voice, but the frivolity of before was lost in the tone.

Hearing this voice, Xia Yan sighed silently.

"Jian'er, it's me."

There was a long silence on the other end of the phone.

After a long time, Jian Er finally said, "I thought you were dead."

Xia Yan suddenly didn't know what to say.

At the beginning, he promised Jian'er to find his brother, but he never knew that his brother Jimmy Sato had already come together with Thompachi, and even helped her complete the final plan.

These, based on Jian Er's family relationship, should not be difficult to know.

But in the final analysis, it was Xia Yan who failed to fulfill his promise, and he may not even be able to fulfill his promise in this life.

If he meets Sato Jimmy again in the future, the relationship between the two should not be very friendly.

"What do you need me to do? My brother's business. You don't have to take it to heart." Jian Er said again, with a complicated tone.

Xia Yan pursed his lips, and finally said, "I want a quiet place to live, preferably with a larger backyard, and the rest of the facilities are fine."

"No problem." Jian'er agreed, and his tone finally recovered a little, "I don't have anything else in my house, just a lot of houses."

Xia Yan: "."

Afterwards, Jian'er reported an address, "I'll ask someone to put the key at the door, you can just go there, I'll come over at night, let's have a good chat."

"it is good."

Take a taxi to the address provided by Jian'er.

The location is a high-end community in Saffron City. The single-family luxury villas are in front of you. There is a large distance between each villa, and there is a backyard that is even larger than before.

He took off the key, opened the door and walked in.

But Xia Yan didn't notice that when he walked in, there was a pair of eyes looking at him on the top floor of the villa in the distance next door.

But there seems to be no hostility.

The facilities in the villa are also readily available.

It's just that Xia Yan has no hard requirements for these things.

Go straight to the manicured backyard and throw the Poké Ball to summon three Pokémons.

"Abra, check it out."


Abra nodded, closed his eyes and slowly suspended his body, while Psychic slowly wrapped and covered his surroundings.

Even if it is a house provided by Jian Er, one must be vigilant.

After a while, Psychic retracted and shook his head at Xia Yan.

"it is good."

jingle jingle-

Wearing Soothe Bell's Togepi running on short legs, he came to Xia Yan's feet and pulled his trousers.


My Onion Stick?

Xia Yan's expression stiffened.

There were so many things going on at the time, and my mind was very confused, and I couldn't think of the fresh Onion Stick I promised to buy for Togepi.

He looked up at the sun in the sky.

"Sunny Day, Togepi and bells go better."

Togepi looked at him suspiciously.

"Cough, I forgot the grilled squid I bought for you earlier."

Xia Yan could only change the subject and took out the cold grilled squid from his bag.

Grilled squid?

Togepi's eyes lit up, he instantly forgot about the Onion Stick, and nibbled on a squid that was about the size of it.

Soon the little mouth was covered with thick sauce, and it didn't care.

Qi Qi breathed a sigh of relief when Beedrill and Abra heard that there was no Onion Stick.

Nothing is fine.

When the three Pokémon had almost eaten, Xia Yan arranged training tasks for them.

The learning of Beedrill's Drill Run and Knock Off moves has been on the right track. Abra's Psychic is still its strong point, but the control of Psychic is not enough, so it needs to be strengthened.

Shouted Togepi aside again alone.

At the same time, the newly bought Shuckle was summoned.

Togepi looked curious as he looked at Shuckle's small, dull eyes.


Is this a turtle?

Shuckle: .

Xia Yan smiled without explaining.

I took out the cube making tools and a lot of tree fruits I bought in the black market and listed them on the ground.

Seeing so many fragrant tree fruits, Togepi's eyes suddenly lit up.


Xia Yan angrily expelled Togepi's secretly outstretched hand.

Togepi stuck out his little tongue mischievously.

"This is for you to make delicious energy cubes, and you can eat them when you're done."

"That's right." Togepi's small head was like pounding garlic.

Sure enough, he made food for himself, he smiled and narrowed his eyes.

"But there is one more thing you need to do before that." Xia Yan said again.

bang bang-

Togepi raised his head and patted his small chest.

bring it on.

"In this way, you look at this pile of tree fruits, which ones do you think are the best combination for you."



Togepi raised his head in confusion.

Xia Yan thought for a while, and then said, "Or to put it another way, which combination do you think is the most delicious?"


Having said that, Togepi understood.

Let yourself pick something delicious, and then make it for yourself.

Xia Yan is so kind to himself.

And Xia Yan silently squatted aside to watch Togepi choose one by one.

I thought about how these fruits and materials should be matched to best present the effect of the energy block.

The first step in making an energy block is to determine the recipe, that is, to determine the material.

Xia Yan already had a certain idea in mind, but he wanted to see if Togepi could bring him some new ideas.

Shouldn't the European Emperor Pokémon be used like this?

Looking at the materials and fruit selected by Togepi, Xia Yan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He seems to have found a shortcut to success on the Breeder's road.

Fourth more! The addition of the big reward of Meowth ~~

(End of this chapter)

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