The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 140 Wave Teacher (Second!)

Chapter 140 Wave Teacher (Second!)

"What are you doing? Togepi?" Xia Yan asked while holding his forehead.

He had been focusing on making energy cubes before, and he didn't pay much attention to Togepi.

Unexpectedly, the little guy may think that what he is operating is very interesting, and he actually follows it.

"It's just right."

Togepi drooped its little head, and it also knew that it seemed to be doing something wrong.

It just feels fun.

Xia Yan prepared all of these to make food for it, but he still made trouble.



Togepi bowed and apologized very seriously.

Seeing Togepi's appearance, Xia Yan's expression was no longer serious.

No way, really can't get angry.

Gently patted its little head, "Forget it, don't do this again next time."

Togepi raised his head sharply, raised his hand, and the bell on his body made a clear forehead sound.


"Try this energy cube and see, the materials are all chosen by you."

Xia Yan shook his head with a smile and handed the energy cube in his hand to Togepi.


Togepi's eyes suddenly lit up.

The little nose twitched, and the eyes became brighter and brighter. Holding the energy cube, he sat on the ground.

He stuck out his tongue and licked it carefully.


Togepi trembled slightly, nodded towards Xia Yan in surprise, and then ate it in small bites.

Seeing it so satisfied, Xia Yan was relieved.

"Although it is a primary energy block, because there are enough kinds of fruit mixed together, the effect is not inferior to ordinary intermediate energy blocks. Compared with other advanced energy blocks, it may be the most suitable for you at present."

At present, there should be no energy cubes suitable for Fairy Pokémon in this world, and the whole world is the only one.

Xia Yan was more or less proud.

Togepi's little head is connected.

It is extreme.

It tastes better than the premium energy cubes that Beedrill gave it.

Just when Togepi was eating the energy cube and Xia Yan was going to clean up the residue.


The molding machine rang, and the lid slowly opened.

Accompanied by the rising white mist and the wafting aroma, the crystal light pink energy cube was exposed in the hazy mist.

The crystal-like appearance looks much purer than the energy cube made by Xia Yan just now.

Although the scent is a lot lighter, but that's a good thing.

is sufficiently restrained.


Togepi held the half-eaten energy cube in his hand, and looked at the fresh goods in the molding machine, and instantly felt that it was not fragrant.

Xia Yan's expression stiffened.

Pick up one of them and put it in the sun.

The bright sunlight passed through the crisp and bright film, and no impurities were seen in it. The whole energy cube gave him the feeling of being smooth, pure and complete.

"Is this. Advanced quality? Or is the intermediate level close to the advanced level?"

Looking at Togepi, who was also dazed, in disbelief, there were still fine shards of energy cubes in his open mouth.

"You did it?"


I do not know.

Xia Yan: "."

He thought that he knew enough about Togepi's luck, and even let Togepi use his luck to choose the combination of energy cubes.

Just didn't expect it.

Can it do it by itself?

This is Fairy's intermediate energy block!

The only one in the world!

I was a little proud before, but at this moment I was instantly smashed by Togepi, and I was still thrown on the ground and crushed a few times.

Although Togepi was able to do the same because of his own demonstration.

But it hurts more, okay?

"Why don't you do it again?" Xia Yan hesitated.

Togepi looked at him blankly.


Are you serious?

"Try it, it's a waste of material at most, didn't you have this idea before anyway?" Xia Yan said.


Togepi turned his hand and didn't know where to hide the half-eaten energy cube.

Just don't waste any food.

Then, under the gaze of Xia Yan, he showed how to "make" the energy cube again.

And this time, Xia Yan stared at every step of Togepi, seemingly every step of Solaceon.

After some seemingly random operations.

The second box of energy cubes condensed and formed again.

Looking at the molding machine, the energy block is even more translucent than the previous one.

Xia Yan was really speechless.

"It's really God's favor to eat, I can't starve to death, it's all stuffed into my mouth"

Shaking his head.

Look up to the sky.

"Whoever tells me that Pokémon will make energy cubes for himself in the future, I will give him a thumbs up."

This second batch has completely reached the level of advanced energy cubes.

Togepi was stealing, Xia Yan didn't say it.

I kept reminiscing about the previous production process in my mind.

Although it was very brainless, he wrote down some of the detailed operations.

He was thinking about a question.

'Can I reproduce this advanced energy cube as long as I follow Togepi's procedures and methods and grasp some details? ’

Thinking of this, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

There is a play!

If he can successfully make a high-level energy block, it will definitely bring great benefits to his future achievements in the energy block.

This is like a teacher showing it to the students, and then asking the students to do the same, it may not be successful immediately, but after many attempts, maybe they can learn slowly.

"I thought it was just a joke, but I didn't expect to find a shortcut."

Before Xia Yan had considered whether to find a powerful Breeder family to study.

now think about it

I have wave Teacher!

"Give this energy cube a name, Bo Lao. Cough, Togepi." Xia Yan said.


Hearing Xia Yan's words, Togepi quickly put the whole energy cube into his mouth, his cheeks bulged, his voice changed, but he still pretended to be "I didn't steal it".

"Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Let Togepi take the name, I don't know what to think.

Shuckle is a tortoise.

"Just call it Polk Fairy, Polk Fairy Advanced Energy Cube."

Xia Yan just remembered that he was not good at naming things.

Put away these power cubes.

There are about 300 pieces in a batch. According to the price of normal quality high-level energy cubes, it is about 150 to 250. The middle value is 200 Alliance coins. This box is worth 60,000 Alliance Coins.

The raw materials consumed to make this batch are one-fifth, the materials are worth 50,000 Alliance coins, and one-fifth is 10,000 Alliance coins.

Create a value of 60,000 Alliance Coins with 10,000 Alliance Coins.

And this energy cube is specially customized according to Togepi's situation.

The price of normal custom advanced energy blocks will definitely be several times higher.

Even a well-known Breeder family, such as Master Suzuki, whose custom energy block price is definitely more than half a million, or even more than one million.

The intermediate conversion value of this is absolutely immeasurable.

Profiteering industry!

Proper profiteering industry!

It is a pity that with Xia Yan's current ability, there is no guarantee that he can make advanced energy blocks.

Even worse.

Togepi's luck wasn't really that bad.

After several attempts, some failed, some with primary energy cubes, and some with intermediate energy cubes.

Simply put, look at the face.

Of course, the number of failures is the most, and the number of successes may be outrageous.


Xia Yan wrote down some proportions, time, and heat when the only high-level energy block was made.

Try a few more times, you might be able to reproduce it.

"Wait for the next time you have money and save another wave to see if you can solve the problem of Beedrill and Abra's energy cubes, and strive to be self-sufficient."

The sky is getting darker.

It looks like I can have three shifts today~

In other words, will Teacher Bo's luck seem a little off? Dozens of times to produce a high-level energy block——

(End of this chapter)

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