The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 163 The Confidence Of The Elite Four!

Chapter 163 The confidence of the Elite Four!

dong dong——

Not long after An Ci left, the door of the villa was suddenly knocked.

Xia Yan, who was contemplating, was interrupted by a knock on the door, agitated, and walked slowly to the door without speaking.

"Open the door."

A hoarse, high-pitched voice came from outside the door.

Hearing this voice, Xia Yan was obviously startled.

After some hesitation.

Opened the door.

Then I saw the sullen face that easily caused the child to cry in the middle of the night, the crutches and the familiar apron.

Elite Four, Agatha!

Seeing Agatha's first glance, what flashed in Xia Yan's mind was the outrageous rumor he heard in the Trainer Guild.

He just wanted to use Agatha's name to quickly end the identity authentication, and he didn't know how it came to pass.

Wouldn't it be for guilt?

But soon this idea was ruled out by Xia Yan.

Even if you really want to ask the guilt, it should never be at this time. Pryce outside is still rioting against the overwhelming wild Pokémon. As an Elite Four, she has no reason to come to herself for such a "trivial matter".

But if you think about it carefully, with Agatha's perverse character, coupled with that vengeful temper.

It's not impossible!

Agatha raised her eyes and glanced at Xia Yan, whose complexion changed, without guessing what he was thinking.

Just asked: "Dark ruins, have you been there? I'm not talking about the ruins themselves, you know what I mean."

Hearing this, Xia Yan was stunned again?

Immediately, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It's not good to ask for guilt.

He frowned tightly and slowly.

He did go to the dark ruins with Steven and Cynthia, but they didn't fall like him and didn't enter the intricate underground tunnel.

And what Agatha asked was obviously about that Tunnel.

Is it the little monk Anci?

But in their previous communication, Xia Yan had vaguely asked An Ci if he had told Alliance about him and the underground tunnel.

An Ci said that he only mentioned himself and Aerodactyl, and did not mention Xia Yan.

Although An Ci sometimes seems unreliable, for now, he is indeed a monk and has never lied.

Even if it sounds really outrageous, he didn't lie, just because what he told was so true that others thought he was lying.

How did Agatha know that?

Seemingly seeing Xia Yan's doubts, Agatha twitched and drew an even more ugly smile.

"Don't think about it, I know it from an 'old friend'."

When it comes to the three words "old friend", there is a bit of gnashing of teeth.

"Although he's an old bastard, he's also notoriously innocent."

Agatha said so, and Xia Yan knew that he couldn't deny it.


"Very good." Agatha nodded in satisfaction. "Come with me."

Saying that, he turned and left.

Xia Yan stopped for a moment at the door.

Shaking his head helplessly, he put away a few Pokémons, put on the backpack hanging by the door, and followed with strides.

What is this called?

After trotting a few steps, he came to behind Agatha.

Even though Agatha was old and still on crutches, she was not slow at all.

The two were on the snow, leaving two rows of footprints.

"Have you been to the spirit world?"

Suddenly, Agatha asked without looking back.

Then I saw a round head and a pair of teasing eyes emerging from her shadow.

Gengar of Agatha!

"Yes, I was accidentally involved, and I just came back." Xia Yan said honestly.

For the spiritual world, it seems that no one knows better than the Ghost series Elite, right?

"Gengar said that you have a very special aura on your body, but it's very light now. Something must have come out of the spiritual world with you."

"Special breath?"

Xia Yan remembered the Haze that helped them stop Haunter Mean Look.

Agatha chuckled lightly, "It seems that you are aware of it too. This is very good, and your vigilance is good, so I don't need to remind you any more."

But Xia Yan was not as optimistic as her.

He was in a hurry to let Abra bring them back from the spiritual world, so as to avoid the master of that Haze?

Unexpectedly, the other party seems to follow them out?

"Thank you Agatha Elite for the reminder."


Agatha did remind him out of good intentions.

Looking at it now, although Agatha seems to be a person who is not easy to get along with, and has a dark heart, in fact, his temperament is not as bad as he imagined, and it is so difficult to get along with.

At least.

Xia Yan, who had been in contact with her twice, didn't give a good face, but every time it paid off.

The last time he was able to directly certify the Trainer level, this time it was a reminder.

Maybe it's not very useful to Xia Yan, but at least it's a good sign.

Think about it too, Agatha used to be the one who played with Professor Oak, although he later turned against Professor Oak, and even now he still hates him.

She hated Professor Oak because Professor Oak later turned his attention to Pokémon research and felt betrayed because he felt that his strength had seriously declined.

But people who can play with Professor Oak, even if their personality is eccentric and their brain circuits are different from ordinary people, their nature should be good.

"No." Agatha said flatly: "After all, this vigilance is barely worthy of the title of my 'disciple', or 'nephew'? Or"

Xia Yan's expression stiffened.

He took back what he had just thought.

"Hehe-" Agatha's mournful laughter reached his ears.

Xia Yangan smiled and hurriedly explained: "Agatha Elite, that's all someone else's imagination, I didn't say that."

"Really?" Agatha stopped, half-turning.

Boom! !

Before Xia Yan had a chance to explain, the ground in the entire Saffron City suddenly made a huge roar, and the ground trembled violently.

Even Pryce's freeze was broken.

Immediately afterwards, a pillar of fire shot up into the sky, and the scorching heat rose, which actually created a big hole in the clouds where the water system was stored in Soaring in the sky.


With the whistling wind, a red-eyed Aerodactyl burst out of the ground.

And this Aerodactyl Xia Yan just met.

It was the one he and Anci met in the huge cavern of the underground tunnel.

It's just that the Contest Condition at this time seems to be a bit wrong.

Agatha also saw the Aerodactyl soaring into the sky, her expression as usual.

But she stopped and continued to move, and the speed was faster than before, and even Xia Yan found that she seemed to be suspended in the air, leaving no footprints wherever she passed.

As a last resort, Xia Yan could only trot to keep up with her.

"Aerodactyl also came out, it looks like the other party has reached the end, then it's time to catch them all." Agatha said to himself.

But the introduction into Xia Yan's ears made his heart shudder.


Pryce and Agatha were waiting.

Wait until the last minute when the opponent shoots, and then wipe out.

Otherwise, if they find them one by one, no matter how strong they are, they will not be able to find everyone on the other side. As long as they are not completely eradicated, they will come back sooner or later.

Instead of wasting time doing this, let the other party take the initiative to expose.

It was determined that no matter how things developed in the end and how they went, they could deal with it with the strength of the two of them.

This is the confidence of the two veteran Elite Four in Kanto Region!

Also their arrogance!

Thanks for the reward of 2N male boss

Available tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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