The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 174 The Identity Is Solid? (Please Subscribe! Eighth More!)

Chapter 174 The identity is solid? (Please subscribe! Eighth more!)

Agatha briefly told Pryce about the situation.

After listening to it, Pryce also roughly made up some details.

The look in Xia Yan's eyes changed again.

Originally, among the younger generation, he was most optimistic about the two little guys from the Yulong family and the little girl from the Orange Islands who also played ice.

Now Xia Yan's on-the-spot commanding ability, and his rich Pokémon knowledge, barely made Xia Yan into his eyes.

Hedu and Lorelei are definitely not comparable, but they are also Rookies with good potential.

Trainer is a profession that combines many factors.

Among them, the most important points are xinxing, knowledge and resources.

The knowledge includes basic Pokémon knowledge, Breeder knowledge, training knowledge, combat knowledge and other aspects.

As far as this preliminary understanding is concerned, Pryce knows that Xia Yan is at least good at basic Pokémon knowledge, Breeder knowledge and combat knowledge through the "blazing ember energy block" that Xia Yan said and the Haunter who commanded Agatha to arrange tactics.

He also helped Agatha deal with such a big trouble. I don't say how good the heart is, but at least it's not too bad.

It is the lack of resources.

However, this did not prevent Pryce and Agatha from looking at Xia Yan differently.

"Not bad," Pryce exclaimed.

Xia Yan smiled awkwardly.

Being able to get into the eyes of Pryce and Agatha is not a bad thing for him, at least it didn't leave a bad impression in the hearts of the two bosses.

Xia Yan didn't like Alliance's system very much.

That's from his point of view. For a trainer born as ordinary as him, it is not even ordinary enough. The Alliance's system is very flawed.

But for those Trainers who are directly affiliated with the Alliance, they may feel that the Alliance's system is very good.

This is what people from different perspectives see differently.

Xia Yan will not criticize, let alone want to overthrow such policies and systems.

Even the Rockets couldn't do it, and even Giovanni couldn't shake it completely, he was a little "new trainer".


By roar?

Thinking so far is either angry, or the brain has shit.

His goal now is very clear and simple, and it is what he has been implementing since he came to this world.

The benefits are the most important.


Whether he will change in the future will also be considered as his strength and social status change in the future.

But for now, what he lacks is resources.

Massive resources.

So it would be good for him to have a relationship with Pryce and Agatha.

"That. Agatha Elite, Pryce Elite, that last evolution stone, can I exchange it for something else?" Xia Yan asked hesitantly.

"What do you want to change?" Agatha asked rhetorically, frowning.

"Equivalent knowledge, such as the experience or notes written by some Breeder families, can also be exchanged for Pokémon's tricks."

Earning resources is one aspect, but some things are firmly in the hands of the Alliance, which cannot be bought with money.

Anyway, some of the money you make will be used to buy knowledge and cheats, so it is better to take some rarer and rarer ones directly from the Alliance.

"I thought you were going to switch Pokémon." Agatha teased slightly.

Most of the Pokémons from Alliance are very good.

Xia Yan also skipped this option.

But to be honest, he has almost reached the limit of cultivating three Pokémon now, and one more will definitely delay his progress in cultivating Pokémon.

Secondly, a mid-quality evolution stone, he doesn't think it can be exchanged for the best batch of Pokémon from the Alliance, such as the excellent quality Yusanjia.

If you can't change it, it's better not to change it.

Seriously cultivate the current three Pokémon.

Accumulate strength, earn resources, and when his abilities come up, it's not too late to think about it.

"Yes." Pryce agreed directly.

He appreciates the conditions put forward by Xia Yan.

Very sensible, and know the replacement of resources, Alliance's knowledge is indispensable.

So he immediately agreed.

"Let's go."

Agatha didn't say anything, it's not a big deal anyway, they still have this power.

After receiving the news from Pryce and Agatha, the trainers of the Saffron City Trainer Guild are already busy.

Clean up the wild Pokémon that are gradually returning to calm around Saffron City, and restore Saffron City's connection with the outside world as soon as possible.

Count the losses of Saffron City for this event.

Most importantly, find out all the underground tunnels in Saffron City and try to control them all within three days.

And when Pryce and Agatha brought Xia Yan back, huge cheers erupted in the entire guild hall.


The troubles that have plagued Saffron City for nearly two months are finally over!

Came up to the trainer guild's president Carmela and two vice presidents.

When Azir's eyes fell on Xia Yan, a few strange colors flashed.

Is it really related to Agatha Elite?

It seems to have a good relationship with Pryce Elite.

"Agatha Elite, Pryce Elite, you've worked hard." Guild President Carmela said gratefully.

Agatha waved her hand.

"President Carmela, please send someone to let this little guy go to the warehouse to pick up some things, just no more than the price of an intermediate quality evolution stone." Agatha sideways gave Xia Yan away.

Hearing this, Carmela's curious eyes fell on Xia Yan.

She was concerned when the two Elites brought a young man in just now.

She was very busy during this time, so she didn't pay much attention to some rumors in the guild, and it was naturally impossible for others to convey it to her ears.

While Carmela was observing Xia Yan, Xia Yan also glanced hurriedly.

Such a young guild president?

"This is" Carmela asked hesitantly.

"His name is Xia Yan, and he provided a lot of help in this incident. If it wasn't for him, the culprit might have run away." Pryce gave a simple explanation.

This undoubtedly makes Carmela even more curious.

She couldn't participate in the Elite-level collision. How could this young man still provide help to the two veteran Elites?

"Okay, I'll arrange it."

Saying that, Carmela beckoned to call a person, and simply ordered a few words.

Then he smiled at the two and said, "The two Elites, and the final meeting needs to be attended by the two of you."

The two nodded, not surprised.

There is nothing else about the Alliance, except that it has a lot of meetings.

This will happen and they will get used to it.

"Right." Before Agatha left, she turned to look at Xia Yan and stretched out her hand.

Xia Yan smirked and took out a Poké Ball and put it in her hand reluctantly.

Haunter's Poké Ball.

If Agatha really forgot, he might turn his head and leave now.

If nothing else, if you kidnap and run away, you will earn blood.

That's a bodyguard with Elite-level strength!


Haunter left from Xia Yan's shadow, waved at him, and raised his eyes.

I like you oh.

Immediately, he fell into the shadow of Agatha.

And this scene fell in the eyes of others, and Xia Yan's identity seemed to have changed again.

Agatha Elite lent him his Pokémon to use?

What is the relationship?

As we all know, it is not uncommon to borrow Pokémon in the Pokémon world, but most of them are loaned by masters to apprentices and elders to juniors

Azir's eyes flickered, and he was a few steps behind. He grabbed the person who Camela called to lead Xia Yan just now, and whispered a few words in her ear.

Then he smiled kindly at Xia Yan.


The name of Agatha's disciple seems to have been implemented unintentionally?

Xia Yan rubbed his chin, thoughts flashed in his mind.

I was afraid before.

how now

Seems a little excited?

I went to do some errands in the afternoon and only came back. Thank you for your rewards, thanks to the leader of Miaosi, thank you Qing Gu and the leaders of several friends, thank you 2N male, Jing Luo, ecstasy, anger and tears, Wan Wan reward! Thank you for your monthly support!

Thank you to everyone who subscribed, thank you very much!

(End of this chapter)

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