The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 184 Pirate King Of The PokéMon World?

Chapter 184 Pirate King of the Pokémon World?


The thick whistle sounded throughout the port of Vermilion.

The huge "San Annus" officially set sail, slowly heading towards the boundless coastline.

There are many excited people lying on the railings of the deck, or waving to say goodbye to relatives and friends on the shore, or thinking about this trip with friends around.

The golden sunlight slowly rose from the east and fell on the sea with sparkling waves.

It also illuminated Xia Yan's room.

Togepi on the bed pouted his butt, suddenly felt a touch of warmth from his buttocks, sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Long hit Yawn.

One rolled over and jumped off the bed.

He walked to a seemingly hard stone with holes left beside it, and tapped lightly.

Tuk Tuk.


Wake up, Turtle, the sun is drying my ass, I want to drink juice.

From these dark holes, four soft tentacles were drilled, as well as a slender head with a dull expression.

Shuckle's sweet dreams are awakened by Togepi.

Shuckle's face was blank when he heard Togepi call it.

You are the tortoise, the whole family is a tortoise, no, you are a tortoise egg!

Thinking so, Shuckle still poured some pure and translucent transparent liquid into the cup that Togepi handed him.


Turtle you are amazing!

Togepi gave a timely compliment, and drank most of it "ton, ton, ton" while holding the cup.

And Shuckle next to him retracted into the shell again, ready to make up for the return to the cage.


Togepi hiccupped and looked at the Berry Juice that had not finished drinking in the cup. Thinking of Xia Yan's expression when he repeatedly told him not to waste it, he rolled his eyes and jumped to Abra who was cross-legged on the bedside table.

It can be seen that Abra seems to be sitting on the bedside table, but in fact, his feet are still a little distance from the bedside table. It is suspended in the air under the influence of Psychic.


Little Fox--

Abra slowly opened his eyes and looked helplessly at Togepi, who likes to nickname Pokémon.


What's up?

Togepi raised his glass, which contained about a third of Berry Juice.

Abra gave it a sullen look.

It wasn't making any noise, but it was Calm Mind, not something between Rest, Togepi and Shuckle, and it wasn't that it didn't know.


no need.

After he finished speaking, he closed his eyes again, not knowing what to say in his mouth, but the string of Buddha beads in his hand kept moving.


More and more like a magic stick, all day long.

Togepi muttered softly.

He turned to Beedrill with a hopeful look on his face.

However, he found that Twineedle was wrapped in Beedrill, an unknown weight training equipment, and the scarlet compound eyes were already looking at it.

The expression is intriguing.

Togepi's smile froze, and he waved his hand with a mocking smile.

Forget it.

But he looked down at the crystal clear Berry Juice in the cup, and then touched his more round belly.


Surely it can't be wasted.

Look at Pidegeotto standing at the head of the bed with his eyes closed and pretending to be resting.

I glanced at Ditto, who had become a pillow at some point.


It just couldn't drink it, and it didn't deliberately spit in it.

The tight and sly little eyes turned again and looked at Xia Yan, who was sitting at the desk with his back to it, fiddling with the computer.

The corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, with a bit of quirkiness.

Jumping to the table of Xia Yan.


With a smile on his face, he put the quilt beside Xia Yan's hand and called out softly.

"Has Eevee's Return move learning been scheduled? Sakuragi's speed is quite fast, and he really is a practical person." Xia Yan replied with a message to Sakuragi with a smile.

Since Sakuragi decided to cooperate with Xia Yan, the daily experimental progress will be sorted out by Ju Cai and sent to him.

So that he can more intuitively understand how the experiment is carried out.

Sakuragi probably thinks that this kind of accurate and detailed data report is also very important to Xia Yan, who is also doing Pokémon research.

At this time, Togepi just handed the cup.

"You don't wake up until your butt is in the sun, Togepi."

Gently press its little head.

Not much to say about it.

After all, yesterday's training Togepi was also very hard, and he completed all the training tasks assigned by Xia Yan.

Togepi shrank his neck.

The small eyes looked at Xia Yan expressionlessly as he lifted the cup and put it to his mouth.

However, Xia Yan didn't notice this scene. He controlled the computer with one hand to open the official website of Alliance, read the latest news, and took a sip.


Xia Yan frowned, smashed his mouth, and looked at the cup.

"It's Berry Juice, are you bullying Shuckle again?"

Togepi blushed, trying to be serious and sincere, crossing his chest with his little hand to make sure he wasn't bullying Shuckle.

Xia Yan didn't think much about it, and drank the Berry Juice in one gulp.

Tree fruit is a natural treasure gifted by the Pokémon world to Pokémon. It has a great effect on Pokémon, but it does not mean that humans cannot eat it.

It's just that the taste of some tree fruits is not ideal.

And humans eat tree fruits, and Help is not that big.

Return the cup to Togepi.

Togepi held his mouth shut, tears welling up from the corners of his eyes.

No, I can't hold it anymore, hurry up!

He got into the quilt, trembling visibly.

The rest of the Pokémon in the room also reacted at this time. They either raised their heads, stuck their heads out, or opened their eyes and looked at Xia Yan with a weird expression.

But at this time, Xia Yan didn't have the heart to care about their expression changes, because he was attracted by a piece of news on the Alliance homepage that was not too big but not too small.

"The Horsea was attacked by pirates yesterday. The attacker was one of the five-star pirates, the Terror Star Jack gang. Many passengers were injured, and five sailors were killed. Property damage was serious, and Pokémon was looted."

Xia Yan, who originally lived in Saffron City, would not care about this news.

After all, it's instinct to pay attention to which aspects of the news where you are and where you are.

But now that he is also at sea, these similar news naturally entered his eyes.


After paying attention to the news in this regard, he soon saw a lot of historical news about the tragic losses caused by previous pirate attacks.

"Every time a pirate attacked, a lot of people were injured, but the death rate was very low, but all the finances on the ship must have been lost, and Pokémon will also be snatched. "


If there is a large-scale death, it is estimated that the Alliance will also be under pressure to clean up the pirates at sea.

But it's just a financial loss, which seems to be within the acceptable range.

After all, the sea is too big. To find some pirates in such a vast sea, the financial, human and material resources required are very huge.

The frequency of pirates attacking ships is not low, but the success rate is generally not high.

There are so many ships sailing in a year, at least several thousand, but the number of successes in a year is less than ten times, and the probability is less than 1%, which is relatively safe.

At the same time, when looking at the news, Xia Yan saw something "interesting".

Alliances from all over the world jointly offer bounties.

1. (Three Kings) Black King, Kuroshio, the reward amount is 200 million Alliance coins.

2. (Three Kings) White King, Anna Fitch, with a reward of 100 million Alliance coins.

3. (Three Kings) Tommy King, Bartholomew, the reward amount is 100 million Alliance coins.

4. (Five Stars) Scarlet Star, Henry, the reward amount is 70 million Alliance coins.

5. (Five stars) Terror star, Jack, the reward amount is 50 million Alliance coins.

6. (Five-star) Charm Star, Binena, with a reward of 40 million Alliance coins.


Xia Yan looked at the reward list with a strange face.

Although this is all money, and it is also an astronomical amount, it is enviable.

But it still feels weird.

"Is this the Pirate King of the Pokémon world?"

Moreover, the Black King, the so-called one of the three kings with the first reward, the Kuroshio, looks like one of the highest executives of Team Aqua, the tide.

"It seems that it is a very profitable business to set up people to plunder resources at sea. Alliance doesn't have that much energy to manage it."

The fourth update, the debt is 45-1, the 44 update, it seems that the monthly ticket is over 1300 and it is another update. I seem to be talking big before, I take it back

(End of this chapter)

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