Chapter 191

Looking at Sharpedo, who was covered in scars and crawling in front of him.

Xia Yan nodded in satisfaction.

Good, honest.

You don't have to go through a beating to be safe.

However, Xia Yan couldn't completely trust this Sharpedo, at least for a period of time.

Simply give Sharpedo treatment for the lower body injury and put it away.

"Looks like a trip to the Pokémon Center is necessary to treat it, and Beedrill to check it out."

Although Xia Yan was injured in every battle, Xia Yan would deal with the injury in time for Pokémon. After the high-intensity training, Xia Yan would also give Pokémon some massage methods. With the special medicine prepared by himself, Pokémon could recover faster and better. .

These are all things he learned and mastered little by little after he started to learn the knowledge of the Breeder family.

Breeder's family doesn't just make energy cubes, but also includes various Pokémon massage methods, the preparation of special functional potions, such as healing sprays, and various complicated techniques.

But just relying on these means can't completely remove the internal damage caused by Pokémon after high-intensity training, which is the so-called hidden injury.

That's why the Pokémon Center needs to do a full check-up and cure.

Once the dark injury is overworked, it may cause permanent damage, which will affect the Pokémon's talent and even strength.

This is also the reason why so many wild Pokémon talents have an upper limit, often reaching a certain strength, it will become difficult to continue to improve.

Because of the long and repeated field battles, they will suffer some injuries more or less. Even if they recover later, the potential effects of these injuries will remain, and finally accumulate into shackles, which limits the upper limit of these wild Pokémon.

For example, the Sharpedo that Xia Yan subdued this time, although he has qualification-level strength, he has no idea of ​​continuing to cultivate it.

It is because this Sharpedo has grown up so far, that it has accumulated too many dark wounds in its body, and these dark wounds have accumulated into incurable damage, which may not show up in battle, but its growth limit has caused a great deal. Impact.

Of course, there are opportunities to repair these damages, but the cost and time required are terrifying.

And it's clearly not worth it.

Xia Yan sat on the beach, watching Ling Lingbo light on the sea, listening to the laughter of the Pokémon next to him.

The mischievous Togepi poured sand into Shuckle's hole with a grin, causing Shuckle to roll his eyes.

Abra, who pretended to be calm, finally couldn't hold back the "Captivate" brought by Togepi's laughter, and a small sand castle appeared as soon as Psychic was running.

But before he could show a proud smile, he saw Togepi flying diagonally, accompanied by the "just hit--" Growl.


Abra got angry and decided to "sanction" Togepi.

So stir up Psychic and roll up a lot of sand.

Unfortunately, Beedrill was also affected.

Beedrill, who has always been serious, couldn't bear the naughty of his "brothers and sisters" this time, and joined the "battle" using sand as a weapon.

A gentle sea breeze brushed across his face.

For a moment, Xia Yan suddenly felt that finding a secluded place and living such a comfortable life with his Pokémon was a good choice.

Naturally, Xia Yan lay on his back on the beach.

Although there is no sun, he feels very warm, and the temperature comes from the heart.

The corners of his mouth lifted unconsciously.

"Take a rest today."

Such a rare Happy Hour lasted for more than an hour.

What interrupted them was the faint sound of fighting.


Xia Yan suddenly bounced off the ground, and the Pokémons in Play Rough also stopped their movements.

As the noise stopped, the sound of battle from a distance became more and more obvious.

The sound was obviously not just because the Pokémon stopped making noise, but also because the sound of battle was getting closer and closer.

Xia Yan put away Pidgeotto and them.

Take Beedrill, Abra and Togepi to hide in a hidden Rock crevice.

Wait a few minutes in silence.

Several figures appeared in sight.

A middle-aged man covered in blood, but it could still be seen that he was supposed to be wearing white short sleeves, and in front of him was a similarly scarred Poliwhirl, who couldn't stand it for long.

The one who attacked him was a brawny, bare-chested, shiny-faced, muscular man. You could see a dark five-pointed star tattooed on his triceps, and his face was full of hideousness.

Standing in front of the strong man was a huge red and white lobster with a golden five-pointed star on its head.


It is precisely because this Crawdaunt continues to attack Poliwhirl that Poliwhirl is scarred.

At the same time, the strong man was holding a bright silver dagger with blood stains in his hand. Obviously, he caused the bleeding wounds on the white short-sleeved middle-aged man.

It's a typical field fight, where Pokémon and Trainer go out of their way to do whatever it takes to kill Rival.


"I have warned you many times not to try to annoy me. I really thought you had some so-called bullshit relationship with Alliance, so I wouldn't dare to touch you? After all, you're just a bounty hunter!" the bald man growled on.

Lei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Showing bloody teeth.

"Patus, I admit that I did something wrong this time. You continue to be your pirate. I promise that I will never provoke you again in the future, or even touch anyone of your 'Terror Star'."

In the face of Paters' attack, the bounty hunter Lehrer is obviously a coward.

This is certainly a good choice.

In the face of an enemy stronger than oneself, it is not a good choice to foolishly talk big.

Appropriate recognition is also one of the skills of living.

However, Patters, who had already killed the red eye, obviously would not believe what Lehrer said at this time.

With a wicked smile, he said, "I listen to your bullshit!"

"Wait!" Lehrer's expression suddenly changed.

"Wait! Pats, I'm really an Alliance guy behind me, I'm serving for Mr. Reichte, who is in Alliance's 4th Marine Corps in the Orange Islands! If you kill me, Mr. Laketty will know! You Know the consequences!"

The movement of Patters' hands paused a little. "Our captain 'Scarlet Henry' often said to us, 'It doesn't matter if you kill, just wipe your ass clean'."

"Who knew that you were strangled to death by me? You are just a bounty hunter. Could it be that Lakti really came to trouble Lao Tzu because of you? To solve you, Lao Tzu will leave the Orange Islands and go back to the boat. Can you find us?"

The more he talked, the more Power Trip his expression became.

Alliance's bounty for them has not been a day or two, but they have not been able to make any effective targets. As a result, although these pirates are afraid of Alliance, they are not afraid.

"Crawdaunt, fix it! Night Slash!"

"Then don't think about it!"

Lehrer was furious.

Just like beasts, the most terrifying thing is not the beasts that starve the Contest Condition, but the beasts that are injured and desperate to fight back.

At this time, Lehrer knew that Paters would not let him go, and only wanted to cause the greatest damage to Paters.

Xia Yan, who was hiding in the crevice of the Rock, witnessed this scene. Through the dialogue between the two, he also had some understanding of their affairs.

Looking at them vaguely, the eyes twinkled.

'Bounty Hunter? pirate? Scarlet Star? ’


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(End of this chapter)

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