Chapter 239 Draconid Tribe

The man had no intention of leaving.

Instead, after calling Flygon back, he trotted to Xia Yan.

Just when Xia Yan was about to aggressively ask the other party why he let Flygon attack him, he saw that the man came directly to a standard ninety-degree bend.

This time.

It is impossible to fix Xia Yan.

The serious expression also eased a little, but he didn't speak, just folded his arms and wanted to hear what he had to say.

"I'm sorry, sir!"

Then, I heard the man apologize very sincerely.

Xia Yan wanted to say that if an apology was useful, what would he do with his fists, but luckily he didn't carry over the bad habits of his previous life.

He just frowned and asked, "Why attack me?"

At the same time, he also looked up and down the other party's appearance and clothing.

He is very tall, at least one meter nine in height, and his facial age is much younger than Xia Yan imagined, at most sixteen or seventeen years old.

But he was dressed very strangely. He seemed to be wearing a vest that looked a bit like animal fur on the inside, and a large gray linen cloak on the outside. There were two special buttons on either side of his shoulders. If you look closely, you can see that the buttons are Carved from the bones of some kind of creature.

A grey scarf wrapped around his neck, covering half of his face, and was tied to the buttons on the left and right of his shoulders.

This kind of attire is quite a bit like an old-timer, not in line with today's modern clothes, but looks a bit like an ancient person.

'Ancient people? ' Xia Yan only thought it was a little funny when the thought came up in his mind.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, the man slowly raised his head and scratched the back of his head with a smile, "I'm really sorry, Flygon mistook you for someone else."

"Others?" Xia Yan raised his brows.

Although the tone of the other party's speech seems to be sincere, and his attitude is not perfunctory at all, but listening to this, why do you feel so unconvincing?

"Yes, an abominable little soul thief!" The man seemed to have a bit of an atmosphere.

Pokémon thieves?

Pokémon hunters?

Think back carefully.

When Flygon attacked just now, Xia Yan seemed to be throwing a Poké Ball at the defeated Whiscash.

"Who are you?" Xia Yan changed the question.

"Long Yi, a dragon trainer!" To this question, he answered very simply, grinning and smiling brightly.

Dragon Trainer.

Speaking of dragon trainers, Xia Yan can't help but think of the Yulong family who owns the Dragon's Cave in the Johto Region, as well as his good friend, the future Dragon Elite and the champion, Yulongdu!

However, it is not only the dragon clan of Blackthorn City in the Johto Region that can be called "Dragon Trainers".

As far as Xia Yan knew, Celestic Town, the hometown of Cynthia in Sinnoh Region, which was called the oldest town in Sinnoh Region, also had dragon trainers.

And Hoenn Region also has it.

Thinking of this, Xia Yan suddenly thought, and combined with Long Yi's clothes, he vaguely guessed the identity of the other party, or the origin.

"Are you. 'Draconid Tribe'?" Xia Yan asked tentatively.

Long Yi was surprised and surprised, "Sir, do you know the 'Draconid Tribe'?"

Seeing his reaction, Xia Yan was almost 99% sure that Long Yi was indeed the "Draconid Tribe".

"Draconid Tribe" is an ancient ethnic group in Hoenn Region, it can even be said to be aboriginal, but with the changes and evolution of the times, this famous ethnic group gradually faded out of the stage of history.

In the now untraceable history, one night a meteor shower pierced Soaring in the sky, Primal's Groudon and Primal Kyogre fought, and then Rayquaza stopped them, and from then on, the "Draconid Tribe" appeared Now, they believe in Rayquaza and call him "Lord Dragon God".

It's just that at that time, the props of Poké Ball had not been developed, and the relationship between Pokémon and humans was also very conflicted and tense.

The "Draconid Tribe" who believed in Rayquaza began to try to communicate, understand, recognize, become familiar with and master the habits of some dragon-type Pokémon, and slowly became a "Dragon Trainer", that is, the original Dragon-type Pokémon Trainer.

And the sincere belief of "Draconid Tribe" finally made Rayquaza react and accept this group of people who believe in him.

So after a thousand years, another meteor pierced the sky, awakening Groudon and Kyogre from sleep, "Draconid Tribe" Wish Rayquaza, and succeeded in getting a response, and Rayquaza quelled the battle between Groudon and Kyogre.

This is roughly what Xia Yan learned about the "Draconid Tribe" some information and history.

Very general, but it is enough to see that this family has a long history, and their connection with Rayquaza should still be preserved.

In fact, the royal dragon clan who once lived in the Dragon's Cave also gradually became "Dragon Trainers" in this way, but "Draconid Tribe" gradually fell into silence after the appearance of Rayquaza. The Royal Dragon Clan is still very active, and even occupies a very important position in the mighty Alliance.

So not many people know about the "Draconid Tribe" nowadays, and it is only surprising that Long told Xia Yan his identity as the "Draconid Tribe".

"I had a 'Teacher' who was interested in all this history, Pokémon, etc. I had heard him tell stories about the 'Draconid Tribe'. Ben was just trying to ask, didn't think it was ."

Xia Yan once again pushed the pot to the "Teacher" who didn't exist.

Although not many people know about the "Draconid Tribe", Xia Yan believes that there should be some people in the Alliance who know about its existence. After all, there are traces and documents left by the "Draconid Tribe" in many places in the Hoenn Region. The most typical It's Sootopolis City.

And don't underestimate this famous family that has withdrawn from the stage of history. They did not retreat because of decline. On the contrary, they chose to retreat bravely at their peak.

Normally, this group of people is strong enough to have Steven's German company.

This shows how strong the "Draconid Tribe" group is.

"Hahaha—is that right? I didn't expect to admit it myself? But sir, your Teacher must be a very knowledgeable person." Long Yi smiled a little embarrassedly.

After this brief exchange.

Xia Yan had a rough judgment on the young "Draconid Tribe" with a simple smile in front of him.

Simple, straightforward, and not very good at some things that go around in words.

Perhaps because the "Draconid Tribe" has been isolated from the world for too long, coupled with their simple personality, they have not been intrigued and intrigued by many outsiders.

The other party said that he mistakenly regarded him as someone else, not perfunctory, but really regarded him as someone else.

"You said just now that your Flygon treats me as someone else, who is this 'other'?"

Because Xia Yan knew about the existence of the "Draconid Tribe", and the unfriendly attack Xia Yan did not show much anger before, Long Yi naturally had a good impression of him.

So he didn't hide anything, or he didn't know what to hide at all, so he said: "There is a man, he broke into the 'Meteor's place' and stole some of our precious items and dragons, I chased him Here, I want him to return the things."


Precious things and Pokémon were stolen, and they just wanted to get them back.

Is this the way a normal person should think?

and many more.

"Dragon boy?"

(End of this chapter)

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