The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 245 Unexpected PokéMon

Chapter 245 Unexpected Pokémon


Three days passed.

Xia Yan's training in Meteor Falls with three Pokémon went very smoothly. In addition to the growth of Pokémon, the harvest was also quite rich.

Solrock alone has captured nine, and this batch alone is worth millions.

It can be seen from this that being a Pokémon hunter is indeed a very lucrative profession, but the risk is also very good. Every now and then, it will be on the arrest list of the Alliance investigators, and occasionally because the target should not be placed on the target. , while facing a wild counterattack from wild Pokémon.

Of course, the most important point is that the rangers set up by the Alliance are responsible for preventing wild Pokémon from being overcaptured.

Rangers have special tools that can temporarily control wild Pokémon for their own use, and as long as they want, there are many ways to find hunters who wantonly capture wild Pokémon from the mouths, thoughts and other aspects of these wild Pokémon.

This makes it easier to get on the Alliance's blacklist.

However, even if the trainers know about the behavior of Xia Yan, which is very restrained, they will choose to turn a blind eye in most cases. As long as the ecological balance in a wild environment is not overly damaged, there will be fewer Pokémon. , and they won't go too far.

In fact, there are quite a few trainers doing this kind of thing, most of them are trainers born in the wild, of course, it is not ruled out that some trainers of Alliance's direct line earn extra money.

This requires a good grasp of a degree that cannot be exceeded.

And these have become an unwritten rule in the Trainer group.

Fortunately, Xia Yan believes that he has this degree of grasp, and he is doing a good job so far.

Otherwise, it is a very troublesome thing to go to the opposite side of Alliance.

"Today is the last day." Xia Yan said to the three Pokémon.

Togetic's energy block consumption was faster than he thought, and if he didn't leave today, the remaining energy block would last for two more days at most.

Xia Yan likes to leave some advance, and doesn't want to get stuck at the last minute, so he doesn't have any buffer time.

At the same time, Beedrill and Yongjira's power block should also be mentioned, and he targeted the super power block one level higher than the high power block.

Of course, this is also bound to be a huge expense.

However, with the resources he has now, he should be able to support it.


Togetic cheered.

It is worried about its food, and it is not a day or two, and it is finally going back.

If he doesn't go back, the energy cubes on Xia Yan's side will run out. At that time, he can only use his own small treasury, which he finally saved.

Seeing how happy it was, Xia Yan couldn't help but patted its head.

It is because of the existence of Togetic that there is so much joy in the team every day.

Looking at Beedrill and Yongjira, both Pokémon are in very good spirits.

Although this trip to Meteor Falls will end a little earlier, Xia Yan is quite satisfied with the result.

Through the battle, many tactical details have been adjusted, and some problems with Pokémon have also been found.

Most importantly, Abra successfully evolved into Yongjira.

"Then the main goal today is to find the source of that voice."

In the past few days, they can hear the mysterious voice one after another, and it seems that the voice is becoming more and more obvious, which shows that they are gradually approaching each other's location.

"Cha~~ just~ ke~ eeee~~"

Speaking of that voice, Togetic hummed involuntarily.

It can hear that voice the most clearly, and the old time has appeared in its mind from time to time and regardless of the occasion these days, constantly repeating brainwashing, Togetic is almost stunned.

After a few days of exploring.

Xia Yan is also familiar with the terrain in Meteor Falls, and knows where there may be water and where the rocks are more fragile, so be careful when stepping on it.

"Speaking of which, the voice didn't come from the water, right?" This thought flashed through Xia Yan's mind.

Tight and thinking along the divergence.

"It's not impossible."

The birth of Meteor Falls was originally caused by the phenomenon of high temperature burning after Meteorite fell, so it is doomed that there is only one plane.

"Try it."

In the past, Xia Yan couldn't go into the water. Even with Sharpedo, he could only move on the water at most. After entering the water, he couldn't breathe, and if he faced the wild Pokémon in the Underwater, he didn't have much ability to resist.

But now that Abra has evolved into Yongjira, Psychic has been greatly strengthened, allowing it to ensure that while wrapping Xia Yan and himself with Psychic, there is still a certain amount of energy to deal with the wild Pokémon in the Underwater.

Just do it.

First find a suitable underground river entrance.

Choose a location where the water flow is relatively gentle, which is easier to control.

Then summon Sharpedo.

Dive into the Yongjila Psychic's wrap, leaving enough air to breathe.

Even if you really run into trouble that you can't solve, you can go back to Ground via Teleport.

But there is one more trouble.

That is, the light after launching will become very dark and the visibility is extremely low, which undoubtedly greatly increases the difficulty of launching.

But Xia Yan thought of a way.

Use a Solrock you caught earlier as a light source.

Getting everything ready, standing on Sharpedo's back, he entered the relatively gentle underground river.

This is also the first time Xia Yan entered the Underwater environment of the Pokémon world.

It still feels new.

There are also quite a few wild Pokémon in the Underwater.

But most are still the most common Magikarp.

Pokémon like Magikarp, Gyarados after evolution are quite difficult to deal with, but before evolution


I heard it again!

shouted Togetic.

Yongjira also nodded.


And compared to before, the sound is clearer, and now it can also listen to the melody.

Xia Yan's eyes flashed slightly.

It seems that his guess is correct, and it is no wonder that no matter how they wandered around, they could only hear the sound, but they could never find or approach.

It turned out to be really below.


The underground river is obviously more complicated than the Tunnel above, and it is more difficult to find the target.


"Oh?" Xia Yan was a little surprised when he heard Yongjira's words, "You said, that sound didn't disappear after it appeared?"

Yongjira nodded and glanced at Togetic, who was still humming next to him, his beard shaking slightly.

This time it's really crazy.

"That's a lot simpler. You can judge whether you are close or not based on the strength of the voice." Xia Yan said.


I can judge subtle changes in the intensity of the sound.

Yongjira said to Xia Yan.

After evolution, the IQ and talent of Pokémon that really belongs to the Psychic department finally slowly showed.

"it is good."

The passage of time is not felt in the water, and the air is replenished by the water many times during the period.

After some effort, an exit appeared.

"It should be here."

"Yongji." Yongjila nodded solemnly.

It's finally time to see the guy who has given them his voice for so long. Just by looking at his ability, he knows that the other party is not easy.

So find the target, and then there may be danger.

Although not very likely.

But the Pokémons were prepared to deal with it.


Sharpedo burst out of the water.


In addition to the expected underground tunnel, there is an unexpected Pokémon.

"Beast of Disaster."

(End of this chapter)

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