The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 248 Where Is The Big One?

Chapter 248 Where is the big one?

Dragon's Saliva!

What Long Yi gave to Xia Yan before can quickly restore Pokémon's injuries.

Beedrill, who ate half of the dragon's saliva, fully recovered in less than a minute, which shows its strong effect.

And this is what Xia Yan thought of, the only way to try it.

He remembered that Long Yi said before that Dragon's Saliva can not only be taken internally, but also applied externally.

Maybe it can have a certain effect on this crystal.

Because in essence, the crystal is Jirachi.

Whether it succeeds or not, it is the last attempt. If this doesn't work, then Xia Yan can't do anything about it.

He is not an immortal, and his ability is not enough.

"Yongjira, is it possible to splicing these broken pieces to the crystal?"

This is a complex jigsaw puzzle. Each piece of crystal is different, with different gaps and fractures. If you want to completely fill the cracks in the crystal, you must not have the slightest mistake.

Although it can be done with Xia Yan's ability, it will undoubtedly consume a lot of time.

But since Yongjira was there, there was no need to waste that time.

Yongjila's IQ shouldn't be difficult to handle.


Yongjira nodded without hesitation, raised the spoon, and all the crystal blocks scattered on the ground were suspended.

Cianwood's eyes swept across, remembering the different shapes, structures, and fractures of each crystal block in his mind.

What is hard for others is not hard for it.


After collecting all the information about the crystal blocks, Yongjira began to act.

Piece by piece, piece by piece, even the tiniest particles were not spared, all counted.

It is spliced ​​on the crack and filled a little bit until it is completely repaired, and no gap can be seen.

If it weren't for the fact that there were still cracks on it, I really thought it would be a complete crystal.


Togetic blinked in admiration.

In its view, those crystal blocks are almost the same, and they are not big enough for it to eat in one bite, but Yongjira can distinguish them and repair them with great complexity.

This is too handsome.

Togetic looked relieved, flew to Yongjira's side, and patted the brown shoulder armor on its shoulders.

The little fox finally grew up.

It is very comforting.

Yongjira gave it a sullen look.


'I am your senior. ’

Togetic jumped in and argued with reason.


'I am older than you! ’

Yongjira glanced at it, comparing himself.


‘Where is the big one? ’

Togetic's expression froze, and he opened his mouth, not knowing how to refute.

Where is the big one?

Seeing it like this, Yongjira showed a victorious smile.

After all, even if Abra evolved into Yongjira, with an IQ and wisdom far beyond that of ordinary people, he was just a Pokémon born less than a year ago.

Yongjila's smile "stimulated" Togetic, which puffed out its mouth and looked at Xia Yan for help.

Originally Togetic was very sad, but it eased after it saw Xia Yan preparing to act and Yong Gila completing the "puzzle".

It knows that as long as Xia Yan and Yongjira take action, they will be fine.

This is the trust it has in Xia Yan, Yong Gila, and all its partners.

Very blind, but this is the habit that Togetic has developed through getting along with each other during this period of time.

To Xia Yan, to all his partners, he absolutely believed.

So even in battle, you can give your back to them with complete confidence.

But when it looked at Xia Yan for help, Xia Yan ignored it.

Instead, he carefully crushed the Dragon's Saliva and smeared it on the cracks in the crystal.

Absol next to him held his breath and glanced at Xia Yan, then at the lens, and Miriam rolled his eyes.

‘Hopefully it works. ' Xia Yan thought silently in his heart.

It took a total of four Dragon's Saliva to cover all the cracks and gaps.

After using it once, he knew that this thing should be very precious, and if it didn't work, it would be a waste.

'I don't know if Togetic will lick it or not'

Togetic: ? ?

After doing this, sit on the ground and wait quietly.

Togetic, Yongjira, Beedrill, and even Absol all leaned in, staring at the crack.

Hold your breath.

Time flies very slowly at this moment, and every moment becomes very long.


'It worked. ’

After the meeting, Yong Gila, who observed the most carefully, said.


Under the gaze of many pairs of eyes, the milky white dragon's saliva slowly faded and was being absorbed.

The fine cracks are also slowly disappearing, and they are connected to each other again and solidified, as if they were restored as before.


Surprise flashed in Absol's eyes.

It worked!

It can feel that the flow of Jirachi energy is slowing down, and the gap for energy loss is blocked.

"It worked, but it didn't work completely. It only repaired the cracks on the outside, and those cracks that existed inside were not affected.

This crystal still cannot be moved, although it is better than before, but if there is an accident, it may break again, and it will never be repaired at that time. "

Xia Yan reminded at the right time.


Absol nodded, it also knew what Xia Yan said, but now, it is obviously the best result.

With a long sigh of relief, he sat on the ground.

It is tiring to drag a tired and injured body.

next second.

Absol was stunned.

Looking at the palm that appeared in front of him, Dragon Mouth lay quietly.

Looking up at the owner of the palm.

Xia Yan.

Seeing a faint smile on his face, he said calmly: "You are also injured, this should help you."

Absol was hesitant. It had just seen the effect of Dragon's Saliva in repairing the crystal, and knew that it was of great value.


‘Eat it, Xiao Baibai, it’s delicious. ’

At this moment, "Society" Togetic flew over and hugged Absol's head.

After hesitating for a moment, Absol cast a grateful look at Xia Yan.

This man, not bad. Absol thought so.

He swallowed the dragon's saliva in one gulp.



Jirachi's sleeping purple crystal trembled slightly, and the original purple halo became even more dazzling.

"This is. Waking up?"

"Ugh." Absol shook his head.

'It is thanking you. ’


Immediately, the white light quickly converged, and gentle Cal emanated from the crystal, illuminating Togetic, Yongjira, and Beedrill.

The three Pokémon only felt as if they were wrapped in a warm embrace.

It's like being in the warm sunshine.

Togetic couldn't help moaning.

Yongjira and Beedrill are more restrained, but from their expressions, it can be seen that the feeling at this time should also be quite comfortable.

"what is this?"

"Wow." San Xiaozhi couldn't reply to him anymore, so it was Absol who spoke.

'Make a wish. ’

After this incident, it was obvious that Absol's trust and friendliness towards Xia Yan was much higher, and he was willing to communicate with him, no longer as cold as before.

Since it is willing to communicate, Xia Yan also wants to ask it something.

Fortunately, even if Yongjira entered the special Contest Condition, the Psychic link between him and Absol was not broken, allowing him to understand Absol's words.

sit on the floor.

After a little hesitation, Xia Yan asked, "Absol, what caused the crack in Jirachi?"

'The battle was accidentally affected. ’

"Fight? With the Trainer? Who?"

Before Absol could answer, it suddenly stood up.

The hair all over his body rose, and he stared fiercely at the entrance of the cave, and the blue-gray sharp corners on his head flickered.

Xia Yan frowned and followed Absol's gaze.

A figure slowly walked out of the dark Tunnel and appeared in the sight of Xia Yan and Absol.

With a little surprise and contempt on his face, a slightly hoarse and low voice sounded, "If you are asking who did it, congratulations, you found it."

Fifth! 34-1=33!

(End of this chapter)

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