The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 253 A Dragon-Type PokéMon As A Thank You Gift?

Chapter 253 A Dragon-type Pokémon as a thank you gift?

Long Yi came in.

I saw a mess on the ground, and Xia Yan who was comforting Absol.

Eyes shrink.

Some people said in disbelief: "Mr. Yanxia, ​​are you doing all this?"

Especially when he saw the Absol, he felt a strong threat, and the Flygon below him whispered softly, telling the pressure it felt from Absol.

To know.

At the beginning, this hunter entered their "Meteor Village", and after stealing a group of dragon-type Pokémon cubs, he also fought with several experienced dragon trainers in their "Meteor Village".

Although he finally fled, Long Yi also learned from the mouths of the dragon trainers that the hunter's strength is not simple.

Even if the Contest Condition has not fully recovered yet, Long Yi believes that it should not be Rival.

As for Beedrill, who had not been defeated by his Flygon a few times, Long Yi thought that Xia Yan's strength was similar to his own.

But when I saw this Absol, my cognition was refreshed.

"It turns out that Mr. Yan Xia really kept his hand last time, and helped us catch this hateful Thief" Long Yi thought silently in his heart, and his attitude towards Xia Yan was better.

Jumped off Flygon's back and landed in front of Xia Yan, with his right hand on his left chest, and bowed slightly.

"No, it's all due to it." Xia Yan patted Absol on the back and said truthfully.

After this campaign, Absol's recognition of Xia Yan was also higher.

But facing the unfamiliar Long Yi, he returned to the ruthless appearance when he first met Xia Yan.

That's the same.

‘Isn’t this Absol the Pokémon of Mr. Yanxia? ’

Seeing that Absol had completely different attitudes towards himself and Xia Yan, Long Yi became more and more certain.

'Mr. Yan Xia is modest. The elders said that the more powerful the stronger, the more modest they will be. This Absol doesn't give me the feeling that it is no worse than the dragons of several elders. Sure enough, to their level, modesty has become an instinct. ’

Long Yi still remembered a few more kind elders, who always had a very kind smile.

Whenever he asks how strong they are, he always replies, "Just a few years longer than you, Long Yi, your talent is limitless, and the future is yours."

But every time he played against them, he was beaten with two strokes.

Therefore, the masters are humble.

Thinking of this, Long and Xia Yan raised a trace of admiration.

After all, the elders are indeed much older than him, and Xia Yan is only one or two years older than him.

"I still want to thank Mr. Yan Xia for his help in catching this Thief." Long Yi said again.

Xia Yan waved his hand.

"Catch him is not the key, the key is the group of 'Dragon Boys'."

As he spoke, he checked what Clay was carrying.

not much.

Everything Clay had on his body was used to restore Pokémon.

Fighting the "Draconid Tribe", fighting Absol, plus dealing with the wild Pokémon in Meteor Falls, the supplies are pretty much depleted.

As long as there is something useful left, it's not enough to fight with Nidoking of Contest Condition and wounded Pokémon.

As for money, there must be a lot.

It's just that most of the money is stored in the bank card, and these Xia Yan obviously can't get it.

After a while of fiddling, apart from a few Pokémons, the most valuable thing was the Life Orb he deducted from Nidoking, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and the only item he found from him, a sharp tooth of unknown origin.

As for what Long Yi said, the stolen dragon-type Pokémon cubs and some precious things were not found.

Can't help but want to rant about this result.

But when I think about it, I don't seem to have done much, and it's all Absol who is charging, so I'm relieved.

Glancing at the teeth in the palm of his hand, he pursed his lips together calmly.

"Don't worry about this Mr. Yan Xia, when I was looking for him, I already found the group of 'Dragon Boys' and the lost things, he hid in a corner of Meteor Falls, but I don't know how familiar we are with Meteor Falls, How can you hide it from me?"

Long Yi grinned and said, rubbing his nose with his fingers, with a "please praise me" expression.

Xia Yan: "."

Looking at this tall man who was about 1.9 meters tall and had an expression begging for compliments, he didn't know what to say.

Originally, I was wondering if I could get a few dragon-type Pokémon cubs along.

Who knew it had been taken away by Long Yi long ago.

Honest family

I couldn't help but glanced at Clay on the ground, and I didn't know if I should complain about his behavior of not taking valuables with him.

Otherwise, let’s talk about a few dragon-type Pokémon.

That's a Dragon-type Pokémon!

There aren't many pure-blooded Dragon-type Pokémon on a guy!

Reluctantly showing a smile, he patted Long Yi on the shoulder, "Well done"

"That's what I should do."

Xia Yan: "."

Taking a deep breath, he silently put away some of Clay's Pokémon.

Stop loss.

"By the way, Mr. Yan Xia, please be sure to come back to the 'Meteor's Place' with me."

Xia Yan pondered.

"Please! If the elders of the clan knew about your help, they would definitely thank you." Long Yi said sincerely.


A Dragon Pokémon as a thank you gift?

Xia Yan touched his nose.

"I really want to see the unique scenery of 'Meteor's Village'."

After processing the traces on the ground, and finishing all the harvested three Pokémon, they all came to Xia Yan.

Hearing his words, the three Pokémon behave differently.

"Chucky!" Togetic was the most excited, and he also wanted to see what "Meteor's Place" looked like.

Yongjira took a step back without a trace.

Beedrill was silent.

"Great!" Long Yi also seemed very happy.

Although "Meteor's Village" is rarely open to outsiders, after all, Xia Yan did provide a lot of help, and Long Yi thought it was no problem to do so.

"wait for me."

Xia Yan walked over to Absol and whispered a few words.

Absol hesitated, looked at him, then at Jirachi's sleeping cocoon, and finally at the eye dragon.


Seeing that Absol did not refuse, Xia Yan smiled.

After all, he was going to someone else's site. Long Yi thought it was okay, but Xia Yan didn't dare to entrust his safety to someone else's "no problem".

He trusts Pokémon more than humans.

Through this battle with Absol, a basic "revolutionary" friendship has been established.

With it, not to mention whether it can guarantee its own safety, at least some things can be predicted in advance, coupled with Yongjila's Teleport, security is guaranteed.

As for the sleeping cocoon of Jirachi.

I have never encountered any danger here before, and now that Clay has also been arrested, there is no need to worry about safety.

that's it.

Xia Yan followed Long Yi, took several Pokémon including Absol, and left the cave, ready to go to the "Meteor's Land".

"Mr. Yanxia, ​​that stone just now"

"It's just a stone." Xia Yan said casually.


"By the way, it will come with us." Xia Yan pointed at Absol.

Long Yi nodded as a matter of course.

Pokémon follow the Trainer, shouldn't it?

(End of this chapter)

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