The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 255 The PokéMon Version Of Son Of Prophecy?

Chapter 255 The Pokémon version of "Son of Prophecy"?

"Haha-" The old man, the elder Longyan, who is also known as Longxi and others, put down the book in his hand, stood up with a smile, and walked towards Xia Yan.

"This little brother has helped us a lot in 'Meteor's Land', and I don't even know how to thank you."

As he said that, he also wanted to pull Xia Yan's hand very spontaneously.

Fortunately, he escaped in time.

Taking two steps back, he looked at the old man with a little fear and shock in his eyes.

old glass?

However, it was Longxi, Nina, and Long Yi who were more shocked than Xia Yanhe.

The three looked at each other, and they all saw incredible things in each other's eyes.

Just now

Elder Long Yan smiled?

Elder Long Yan, who is known for his seriousness and rigidity on weekdays, actually laughed when he saw Xia Yan?

Why did Long Yi wilt like a frosted eggplant after hearing the name "Elder Longyan", isn't it because of his fear?

At this time, the smiling and kind elder Long Yan, let alone Long Yi, may not even be seen in Longxi and Nina.

"Cough, sorry, sorry, abrupt, abrupt."

Seeing Xia Yan's guarded appearance, Elder Long Yan just reacted, and he was a little rude.

Xia Yan reluctantly twitched the corners of his mouth.

Elder Long Yan saw that he didn't believe it, and after hesitating for a while, he slowly asked, "Does the little brother know about the 'star power'?"

Star power?

Xia Yan only knows the power of Psychic, the power of Vibrant, the power of waveguide, and the power of supergram, but he really doesn't know what "star power" is.

Shake your head.

Later, Elder Long Yan slowly told the whole story.

There is a reason why he was so rude just now.

Because he saw the "star power" in Xia Yan and several of his Pokémon.

Thousands of years ago, the "Draconid Tribes" who believed in dragon gods, Rayquaza, summoned Rayquaza through Wish, and successfully made Rayquaza Mega Evolution, quelling the dispute between Primal Groudon and Primal Gaio Orm.

According to records, what made Rayquaza perform Mega Evolution at that time was a piece of Meteorite originating from the sky, and the special power on it allowed Rayquaza to complete Mega Evolution.

It is impossible to find out what that power is, but the "Draconid Tribes" call it the "star power", which is the mysterious power of the universe.

Just now, when Elder Long Yan saw Xia Yan and his Pokémon, he felt a trace of "star power", especially in his several Pokémon, the most intense is Absol.

Because the "Draconid Tribes" at that time, in addition to calling Rayquaza, also got a prophecy.

After a thousand years, there will be another meteor hitting the earth, and then the dragon god Rayquaza will save the world again.

And now it is not long before the millennium.

The "Draconid Tribe" also wasn't sure if he would be able to summon Rayquaza again, or make Rayquaza Mega Evolution again.

But if there is still "star power", it will be different, and the chances may be greater.


In the prophecy, it is also said that there will be a person who will give Rayquaza power again and wake him up completely.

Elder Long Yan, this is Xia Yan as the person who may appear in the prophecy.

After listening to his story, Xia Yan had a strange expression.

Is he the "son of prophecy" in the Pokémon world?


Xia Yan probably knew the reason for the so-called "star power" that Elder Long Yan felt.

The "star power" in him is actually the power of Jirachi Wish.

All three Pokémon have received wishes from Jirachi, and Absol is the Pokémon who has been in contact with Jirachi for the longest time and has paid the most. Of course, the breath on his body will be the strongest.

It seems.

is a misunderstanding.

On the contrary, Long Yi and the three behind Elder Long Yan showed a sudden look.

Looking at Xia Yan's eyes, there are more unknown things.

It was all fate.

Xia Yan touched his nose and said hesitantly, "This may be a misunderstanding."

He could understand.

Isn't the "Son of Prophecy" in the mouth of Elder Longyan the Zinnia who will work with Steven in the future?

She does seem to be able to help Rayquaza in Mega Evolution.

It's just that Xia Yan is not sure whether this world is the world of anime or the world of special chapters.

Does Zinnia exist?

"No!" Elder Long Yan concluded, "This must be the guidance of the Dragon God, so that you just helped Long Yi and punished the wicked, the breath of your body, especially the breath of this Absol, is the most important thing. Good proof!"

"You are young, but you can have such a powerful Absol, which is also one of the proofs!"

Xia Yan: "."

Looking at Absol, does it still look grim, as if nothing has anything to do with it.

Looking at Togetic, eyes full of little stars, looking back at him admiringly.

"Son of Prophecy" Oh, how awesome!

Looking at Yongjira again, he saw helplessness in its eyes. Obviously, Yongjila also roughly understood the whole story.


There are people who understand.

Otherwise, Xia Yan felt that he was about to be fooled and lame.

He almost regarded himself as a "son of prophecy".

Didn't you see that Togetic was lame?

As for Beedrill, Xia Yan doesn't need to look at it at all. Even if the elder Longyan doesn't say it, in Beedrill's eyes, Xia Yan is also its "son of prophecy".

"So. What does the elder want me to do?"

"doing what?"

Elder Long Yan was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know how to answer for a while with his mouth open.

doing what?

Save the world!

but not now.

After a long silence, Elder Long Yan said slowly: "I don't need you to do anything. Everything is guided by the Dragon God. When you really need to do something, you will naturally know what to do."

Xia Yan: "."

This is not the legend.

Listen to your words, if you listen to a word?

"However, in order to thank you little brother for your help to our 'Meteor's Land' this time, I am in charge and can let you go to the 'Dragon Nest' to pick a dragon egg."

Dragon eggs?

Dragon-type Pokémon eggs?

Xia Yan's eyes finally lit up.

Isn't that right, it's not good to say that there are so many things and not some things?

Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp, Hydreigon and other dragon-type Pokémon flashed in my mind.

A little excited to think about it.

Elder Long Yan smiled again and said to Long, "Long Yi, take little brother Yan Xia to Granny Long and pick a dragon egg."

"Alas." Long Yi responded quickly, "But how should I tell Granny Long?"

Elder Long Yan waved his hand, "She knows it when she sees it, she doesn't need to say anything."


Long Yi took Xia Yan out of the village and set foot on a forest path.

"Mr. Yanxia, ​​are you really the person in the prophecy?" Long Yi couldn't help asking.

Xia Yan didn't answer, just gave him a self-understanding look.

how to answer?

He said no, does anyone believe it?

"Definitely! I've never seen Elder Long Yan talk to anyone so kindly." Long Yi answered himself, and was very sure.

Xia Yan rolled his eyes silently, too lazy to refute.

"By the way, Mr. Yan Xia, can you teach me something about the outside world?"

"for example?"

Long Yi scratched his head and said with a naive smile, "That's right. It's what people outside said, Pokémon battle."

"Pokémon battle?"

"The elders said that times have changed, and now it's a form of Pokémon battles that are popular outside, not fighting anymore."


Thousands of years ago, did humans and Pokémon in the Pokémon world get along in this form?


This is what should exist in nature.

It's just that after Alliance took power, it began to promote the propaganda of Pokémon and human beings in peace.

Up to now, between Trainer and Trainer, it is more in the form of Pokémon battles, rather than life-and-death fights.

There are good and bad policies.

But it's a good thing for the peace of the entire Pokémon world.

"I'll try my best, I'm not too good." Xia Yan said truthfully.

Long Yi showed an expression of "understanding", "Understand, understand."

Be humble.

"Understand what?"

Long Yi didn't answer him, just gave an "I understand very well" expression.

"We have arrived."

What appeared in front of them was a huge towering ancient tree and a huge bird's nest-like object.


It's all dense

Dragon Pokémon Eggs!

(End of this chapter)

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