The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 262 Growing A Dragon

Chapter 262 "Growing a Dragon"

"The starting price is 800,000 Alliance coins, and each increase shall not be less than 10,000 Alliance coins. Start now!"

As the hammer in the female Host's hand fell, the auction began.

Although many people laughed at Druddigon, but when it came time to bid, they all seemed to be fighting chicken blood.

No matter how much you look down on Druddigon, this is a true Dragon Pokémon, and an elite Wild Dragon Pokémon.

Being able to raise one's own strength to the elite level in the wild environment is enough to explain a lot of problems.

Without the support and help of the Trainer, to be able to achieve this level, either luck, talent, or both.

One of the factors that determines the talent of a dragon-type Pokémon is the concentration of its dragon-type bloodline.

This Druddigon may have a decent dragon blood concentration.

Perhaps, for ordinary Trainers, they don't pay much attention to this aspect, but for some people who are engaged in special Pokémon-related occupations, the concentration of dragon blood may even exceed its own value.

Most of these people are breeders, or more precisely, the owners or workers of the Breeder house.

Breeder House.

As the name suggests, it's where the Breeder Pokémon is.

All regions and most cities have breeding houses, and some are not as simple as one or two. For example, Rustboro City, there are more than a dozen Breeder houses, large and small.

The Breeder House has several major businesses, the most common of which is the breeding of Pokémon.

After all, not all trainers choose to take the elite route like Xia Yan.

There are many Trainers who are unrestrained in the capture of Pokémon.

Once you encounter any Pokémon you like, you will conquer it, and the consequence of this is that you will not be able to breed and raise it.

At this time, you can choose to store some Pokémon in the Breeder House, pay a certain amount of money to buy different packages, and the Breeder House will help its Pokémon raising.

There are many such trainers, so Breeder House is a very profitable industry, the premise of course is that there is enough professional knowledge and ability.

And that's not Breeder's most profitable business.

The most lucrative of them is selling Pokémon, and most of them are Pokémon that have just finished their formative years.

The Earl Dervish Pokémon of the Alliance Trainer can be obtained from the Alliance.

But most of the Trainers are trainers who are not affiliated, and their Earl Dervish Pokémon, more than 90%, are purchased from various Breeder houses.

This is the real money making business.

Because the price of Earl Dervish Pokémon will be considered according to the type of Pokémon, hereditary moves, Ability, talent, etc. Even if it is the same Pokémon, the price will be very different.

And how Breeder Pokémon produces such high-quality Pokémon has become the secret of every Breeder house.

Even some of the more extreme Breeder houses will use the excellent Pokémon of the Trainer fostered in the Breeder house for breeding, in order to obtain more valuable Pokémon cubs.

It's just that this is definitely a very bad thing for Pokémon who was forcibly pulled to breed, and it may even lead to excessive consumption of the body and affect future growth.

So Xia Yan never considered fostering Pokémon in Breeder's house, it's not safe.

And now.

Obviously, the elite Druddigon with good dragon blood has attracted many Breeder house owners who came to participate in the auction.

A good Dragon-type Pokémon may be enough to change the quality of a new Breeder Pokémon.

To put it simply, I just want to buy Druddigon and go back and be a "Dragon Breeder".

Although the "egg group" theory Professor Rowan has not yet been published, the Breeder house industry has existed for many years. Although they do not know the breeding situation of all Pokémon, they have more or less their own experience and know Some Pokémon can mate even if they cross races.

As a result, Druddigon became a sought-after item in the eyes of these Breeder owners.

In just ten minutes, the price of Druddigon soared from 800,000 Alliance coins to 1.6 million, which doubled!

And the auction has not stopped.

The female host also seemed to realize who was competing for Druddigon, and kept emphasizing that Druddigon was a dragon-type Pokémon, and they tested the concentration of its dragon-type bloodline, which can be said to be quite high.


With her vigorous efforts to fan the flames, this elite Druddigon sold for a high price of two million Alliance coins!

It can be said that it far exceeds the market price of elite-level Pokémon. Even with the premise of dragon-type Pokémon, the price is far higher.

Typical price gouging.

Let the auction house earn more commissions.

Of course, it was Xia Yan who really made the most of the money. Even after taking out the auction commission, this Druddigon still exceeded the market price by several hundred thousand Alliance coins.

Normally, the price of an elite-level Pokémon is between several hundred thousand and one million, but the price of some special ones may exceed one million, such as dragon-type Pokémon.

And Xia Yan estimated the price of this Druddigon to be between 1.2 million and 1.3 million.

Obviously, he made a lot of money.

Even if the auction house took a 10% cut, he could get 1.8 million yuan, making an extra 50,000 to 600,000 yuan.

In addition to the previous nine Solrocks, Xia Yan has already earned more than three million.

The appearance of Druddigon was regarded as a small climax.

Then came a relatively stable period.

Xia Yan made money, but he always wanted to see if there was a place to spend some money, but he never got the right item or Pokémon.


"This auction is quite special. Not only is the auction item very special, but the auction method is also very special. If it weren't for the fact that the client was a friend of our boss, this item might not have appeared on the auction floor."

"However, congratulations to those of you who have Psychic Pokémon, you have come across something good this time."

With that said, the staff brought up an item wrapped in transparent glass.


in the box.

Yongjira, who was playing with Togetic, suddenly raised his head and shouted softly.

I saw it stood up in a daze, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked at the thing on the stage, and was fascinated.

Yong Gila's strange performance certainly caught Xia Yan's attention.

On the stage, the transparent glass contained a rust-stained piece that looked a few years old.

"Spoon?" Seeing this item, Xia Yan also understood why Yongjira had such a reaction.

"This is a spoon, but it is not an ordinary spoon. It has a history of at least a thousand years, but it can still maintain its complete appearance and shape. And, according to our detection, there is a strong alpha wave inside it, which is Psychic in everyone's mouth!"

After a short pause, he continued: "That's right! As everyone thought, this was an Alakazam spoon, and it was an Alakazam thousands of years ago! The function is also very intuitive and can be greatly improved. Pokémon's Psychic, if you have Psychic Pokémon in your hands, you must grasp it, even if you don't have Psychic Pokémon, you can choose to compete in the future if you have this preparation."

"Even! It's still a highly collectible antique, a Pokémon prop from thousands of years ago, and everyone must know the value."

When she said this, those with Psychic Pokémon, those without Psychic Pokémon, and even wealthy businessmen who wanted to collect antiques, were all covered.


Charming eyes looked around.

"Because of the seller's request, the auction of this item is given priority to barter. Of course, if you really don't have a suitable Pokémon item, it's not that you can't choose the Alliance currency, but the price is relatively high."

"The starting price, one million Alliance coins!"

Hearing this, many people frowned.


This is not how people like it.

But if it is money, it is indeed a bit high.

The starting price of a Pokémon item is one million. Although this spoon is very rare and valuable, the starting price is not equal to the landing price.

Seeing that she was trapped in a quiet auction venue, the hostess also showed a rare expression of helplessness.

Just as she told her, if it wasn't for being friends with their boss, such an auction form would rarely appear on the auction floor.

Fourth more! 29-1=28!

(End of this chapter)

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