Chapter 270 Hemorrhage

Premium Power Cubes are Pokémon Foods that are one step higher than Premium Power Cubes.

Xia Yan originally had three Pokémons. If he wanted to maintain a high-level energy block, he would spend hundreds of thousands of Alliance coins every month.

And the price of the super energy block is not as simple as twice as high.

Because super energy cubes are rarer and more specific to Pokémon, you can't buy them in any store, and sometimes you have to go to a special Breeder home for special customization.

Fortunately, Xia Yan is now in the black market of Rustboro City, which can be said to be the largest black market in the entire Hoenn Region, covering the most varieties of things.

After visiting dozens of Pokémon food stores in a row, I managed to collect a few Pokémon for a month.

That still pretty much wiped out most of the entire black market inventory.

All in all, a total of 1.5 million Alliance coins were spent. Except for Togetic's energy cubes, each Pokémon spent an average of 500,000 Alliance coins to buy energy cubes.

"This is definitely not the way to go. Most of the super energy blocks are customized. Although the ones I bought can be regarded as super energy blocks, they are not targeted enough, and the quality is not the top of the super energy blocks."

Xia Yan shook his head.

To be honest, this one and a half million dollars was much less than he thought, and he thought it would cost two million less.

"You have to find a way to find someone to customize it. Or you can do it yourself, but the probability is too low."

However, there is another Xia Yan taboo when it comes to finding someone to customize, that is, you must present Pokémon in front of others, and give them observation and research from beginning to end, from the inside to the outside.

This is equivalent to exposing all of his Pokémon information to the other party.

But if he fiddled with it, his current ability would be much worse.

into a rather embarrassing situation.

You have money, but you can't spend it, you can't buy what you want.

"Maybe Sakuragi can help me with this."

The first person that flashed in Xia Yan's mind was Sakuragi, who was about to become a Professor. With his network of connections, it should not be difficult to find a Breeder family that could customize a special energy cube.

"But in the future, I will always try to make it myself. It seems that my goal has become clear in the next period of time, to supplement the knowledge about the Breeder family."

But when it comes to the level of advanced energy cubes or even super energy cubes, the learning materials in this area are not so easy to obtain.

"This is a black market, and if it doesn't exist here, it's even less likely that there will be anywhere else."

When it comes to this knowledge, the price will be very terrifying, and may even exceed the super energy block itself.

After all, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish.

Knowledge is the most expensive thing in any world.

After buying the energy cubes, Xia Yan swept through the black market stores of a large number of Pokémon books, and bought a lot of books related to the knowledge of the Breeder family.

And all of these cost him a full two million Alliance coins.

Mainly those related to the advanced power block and the production of super power block books.

Of course, the reason for the high price is that he purchased two high-level energy cube recipes for training, which is what really costs a lot of money.

The recipes for these two advanced energy blocks alone, and among the many advanced energy blocks that are relatively simple to make and have relatively simple functions, total more than 1.5 million Alliance coins.

But the advantage is that if Xia Yan can successfully make the energy cubes of these two formulas in the future, he can live a life of selling energy cubes to make money.

It's an investment in yourself.

Now that the books and recipes have been bought, the corresponding tools, as well as the fruit and various materials, must not be left behind.

The set of tools he bought before was only a relatively cheap and simple tool, and he also needed a more sophisticated set of instruments that could carry advanced energy blocks or even super energy blocks.

that's it.

Purchased a set of precision instruments that were close to the top, and spent nearly one million Alliance coins.

Fortunately, this set of equipment can be used for a long time. Even if Xia Yan can make super energy blocks in the future, he can still afford it.

Immediately afterwards, I made up the whole thing and spent 640,000 Alliance coins to buy a lot of fruit and supporting materials.

He has done a good job of wasting a lot of raw materials, to accumulate experience for himself, and have done a lot of failed results.

The reason why he made enough 640,000 is also a small obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Because of this, the sum of all the small and large pieces of money would cost a total of 5.14 million.

There are six million Alliance Coins left.

A few hours ago, he had just become a multi-millionaire, and in a few hours, he had only six million left.

"This money is really worthless."

Fortunately, there are space equipment in this world, otherwise it would not be easy to take away so many things.

After finishing the consumption, Xia Yan left the last black market store dripping with sweat.

The whole person is like collapsed.

And after he walked out of the last store, Honedge shivered again on his back.

"I know, I know, I didn't want to pay attention to them at first, but now that I spent so much money, taking them back and forth for blood is also a good choice. No matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat." Xia Yan replied helplessly.

Turn around and walk into the alley of the black market.

The intricate buildings and shops have made these small alleys a place for the black market to solve many problems.

Just like now.

After Xia Yan entered the alley, a shadow quickly followed.

Immediately after.

Another dark shadow.



There were a few more corpses on the ground that had no names and that not many people would care about.

However, Xia Yan, who solved them, did not leave, but shouted to the dark corner of the alley:

"Come out, this lady who has been with me since I left the auction, can I call you Miss No. 15?"

As his voice fell, the crisp sound of leather shoes reverberated in the alley.

A person wrapped in a black robe and wearing a fox mask slowly appeared in sight.

Passing through the hole in the mask, a pair of eyes with a little shadow and Sen Han swept across the corpses all over the place, and finally landed on Xia Yan's body.

And beside her, followed by a yellow Pokémon, followed suit, holding a shiny spoon in his hand.


Seeing her, Xia Yan's eyes flashed, revealing a bit of surprise.

No wonder the other party is also interested in the spoon, it turns out that she also has a Yongjira, and it does not seem to be weak.

"I'm willing to pay 1.7 million Alliance coins to buy that thing." The woman's sharp and cold voice sounded.

Xia Yan slowly narrowed his eyes.

It seemed that he still underestimated the importance of that spoon.

Shrugged, "Sorry."

The woman was silent, not surprised by Xia Yan's answer.

"There's nothing I can do about it. I have to get it."

But Xia Yan didn't look at her anymore.

His eyes fell on Honedge, who was cowardly and frightened by his side.

He murmured: "Just right, I also happen to need a decent Rival to help me test the upper limit of my new partner, where is it."

Gently stroked Honedge's hilt.

Another reason why Xia Yan chose it, or the most important reason.


Senior level!

Approaching, elite class!

(End of this chapter)

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