The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 273 The God Of Creation And The Three Dragons

Chapter 273 The God of Creation and the Three Dragons


Xia Yan didn't pay much attention to the fact that Togetic brought Honedge to meet new friends, and just called Yongjila.


Yongjira heard Xia Yan's call and immediately came to him.

I saw that Xia Yan was holding a glass box and a rusty spoon in his hand, lying quietly in it.

Yongjira's attention was quickly drawn to the spoon.

"Although I don't know what is so special about this spoon, I think it will help you a lot."

Lifting the glass cover exposed the spoon to the air.

The faint smell of metal corrosion soon diffused in the room, and invisible alpha waves were emitted from the spoon.


Yongjira shouted softly and reached for the spoon.

Unconsciously, the Psychic on it also began to surge, and it seemed to be attracted by the spoon.

Slowly, the alpha waves emanating from the spoon gradually matched the alpha waves on Yongjira's body, and the frequency of the fluctuations became the same.


Yongjira's hand was on the handle of the spoon.

next second.

Its Psychic began to spurt frantically, wrapping it and Xia Yan next to it.

And the spoon in Yongjira's hand was also washed away by Psychic, and the rust spots gradually faded away, revealing the original shiny mirror-like Normal appearance.

As it changes, Yongjira's Psychic begins to slowly increase.

In its eyes, a Cianwood-colored halo appeared, and the white, red, and silver light spots became clearer.

Along with that, blue light gradually appeared in Xia Yan's eyes.

With blurred vision.

After closing and opening, the scene in front of them changed.

I see.

A red fiery sun hung high in the sky, dyeing the entire Soaring in the sky a scarlet color.

Under the feet, there was a scorched earth that could not be seen, and a few Pokémon were rummaging for food on the scorched earth, but more, there were a lot of Pokémon corpses.

Like the end.

They are standing on a high mountain.


Behind him are dozens of Psychic Pokémon, looking at Xia Yan and Yong Gila with expectant eyes.

They all have the same characteristics, with thin faces, swaying figures, and a faint Psychic halo overflowing from their bodies, drifting towards Xia Yan and Yongjila.

Or floated to a spoon with a metallic sheen.

"This is."

Xia Yan regained his senses, only to find that he and Yongjira had become an "Alakazam", an Alakazam with a cold face and a slender beard!

"This is the memory fragment left in the spoon? The memory fragment of Alakazam, the owner of the spoon?"

"Yongji." Yongjila nodded lightly.

It looked at the group of Psychic-type Pokémon behind it, and could clearly feel the deep sadness and despair from these Pokémons, but it still gritted its teeth and poured all the remaining Psychic into Alakazam and its hands on the spoon.

This is the stance of a last desperate gamble.

"A historical picture from thousands of years ago?"

At this point they are like outsiders, they can watch and listen, but can't do anything.


All the Pokémon stopped and looked up at Soaring in the sky.

Yongjira also seemed to feel it.


Soaring in the sky thundered, and a dark crack appeared out of thin air. At the other end of the crack, was a world where everything was reversed.

And what emerged from this crack was the master who destroyed the world.

Charon Dragon Giratina!

Immediately after.

There was another muffled sound, another crack appeared, and a silver-white Pokémon with purple lines flew out from it.

Dragon of Space, Palkia!

The changes haven't stopped yet. With the twisting of Doro's swirling ripples, another Pokémon appeared in the sky with a dark blue appearance, stepping on all fours and covered with silver spikes and stripes exuding a strange halo.

Dragon of Time, Dialga!

Xia Yan squinted his eyes, he couldn't feel the pressure from the air, but he was shocked just seeing these three Pokémons.

Giratina! Palkia! Dialga!

The three Pokémons first created by Arceus, the creator god, control antimatter, space and time respectively!

One of the highest level legendary Pokémon in the world.

And they appear at this time, and this scene like the end of Normal

"Sanlong is going to fight."

As soon as his voice fell, Giratina, Palkia and Dialga started to collide directly.

Giratina's reversal power, Palkia's Spacial Rend, Dialga's Roar of Time, the three dragons come up with a big move, and the entire Pokémon world becomes violent and twisted in an instant.

And it can be clearly seen that although the three dragons are fighting in a melee, Palkia and Dialga are fighting against Giratina together.

They have joined forces!

However, Alakazam, who was replaced by Xia Yan and Yongjira, could only hold a spoon to resist the endless horror aftermath and shelter the group of Psychic Pokémon behind him.

The battle continued, and Alakazam could only hold on.

This level of combat is enough to destroy this fragile world and destroy all the Pokémon that live in it.

The end has come!

This is also the reason why this group of Psychic Pokémon is so desperate, and the aftermath of such a battle is not something they can resist.

They put all their hopes on Alakazam.

And Alakazam was indeed trying his best to support it, even though it seemed to be dying, he still kept inputting Psychic into the spoon, resisting desperately.


Just as blood rolled from Alakazam's nose and he couldn't hold on, the sky changed again.

The fiery red sun gradually faded into a warm orange sun, and the red Soaring in the sky slowly turned back to white.

All this changes.

All because of another Pokémon that appeared.

It exudes a faint halo, full of holiness and holiness.

Scattered Lucas, healed most of the Pokémon still alive.


God of creation, Arceus!

But its appearance did not stop the three dragons.

They are still banging on each other.

There was helplessness in Arceus' humanized eyes.

A total of eighteen huge slates of different colors floated out of its body.

However, among these slates, several of them were densely covered with cracks of different shades, and they were still severely damaged.

Assisting the power of the slate, finally separated the three fighting Pokémon.

Palkia and Dialga gradually subsided.

However, Giratina was already mad and rushed towards Arceus regardless.

Giratina is worthy of being able to fight against Palkia and Dialga at the same time, and in the face of Arceus who created it, it is actually true.

In a short period of time, he actually resisted Arceus.

But their collision has once again caused turmoil in the Pokémon world.

Unable to see the world he created destroyed, and to see so many innocent lives lost because of this, Arceus' eyes flashed decisively.

Boom boom boom!

With a few loud noises, among the eighteen stone slabs surrounding Arceus, several of them shattered directly, and the terrifying energy that burst out pushed Giratina back into the space crack that destroyed the world at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, Arceus used a few slates again to block the destruction of the world and take Giratina Imprison.

In the end, it still didn't want to die.

But before they finished, the vision in front of Xia Yan and Yong Gila became blurred again.

Alakazam, no way

Xia Yan frowned, he didn't stare at the battle between Arceus and Giratina, and he didn't care how Giratina was Imprisoned.

His eyes fell on the broken slate fragments.

I saw a large piece of it fell on the high mountain he was standing on. The energy and high temperature carried by the slate directly melted part of the soil and rock, and hid in the mountain.

With the last blurred vision, I remembered this position.

As soon as the screen turned, the sight became clear.

Xia Yan and Yong Gila were still staying in the hotel room.

With the spoon in Yongjira's hand, the halo slowly dimmed.

Yongjira closed his eyes tightly.

Xia Yan was already recalling.

Which mountain is that?

Fifth! 25-1=24!

(End of this chapter)

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