The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 275 Lance And Steven

Chapter 275 Lance and Steven

fifteen minutes later.

In the luxury car of the Zvoch family, Xia Yan looked at Steven and Du who were sitting opposite.

The atmosphere is slightly subtle.

It's true because it's too coincidental.

Steven originally stayed in Slateport City for a few more days in order to promote their tool. He just returned to Rustboro City. Thinking that he failed to fulfill his original promise, he found Xia Yan for the first time and was going to take him with him. Take a good look at the Hoenn Region and see its customs.

As for Du, it was because of the investigator mission that they needed to capture the hunter Clay, but when they had deployed everything and were ready to carry out the final action, Fengyuan Alliance informed them that Clay had been arrested and was now detained in the Hoenn Alliance. within the headquarters.

So Du also found Xia Yan, who had just finished the mission, and was going to have a Pokémon battle with him.

Well now.

The two future champions are now sitting together.

And what Xia Yan didn't expect was that they actually knew each other, and the two chatted one after another, as if making him prepare to shoot the plan of the two future champions fighting each other.

Actually, think about it.

Since Steven and Sinnoh Region's Cynthia know each other and have a pretty good relationship, how could he not know Du?

The Zvqi family and the Yulong family where Du is located are both top families that can rank in the forefront of the entire Alliance. There may be more or less connections, and even business contacts and cooperation.

As the top-notch figures in the new generation of the two families, they are also talents that the family has vigorously cultivated. This kind of network should still exist.


Xia Yan, who supported his forehead on the head, could only be silent.

The clown was me.

"Where are we going?" Du asked.

"my home."

Xia Yan: "Huh?"

"It's getting late today. I'll take you to my house for dinner. It's rare that the weather is good. You're still here. I can take you around Rustboro City tomorrow and see Hoenn." Steven explained.

"Alright, my vacation isn't long." Du shrugged.

Xia Yan looked down at his phone, "Look at the time, I should return to Slateport City before tomorrow night, continue my cruise on the San Anus, and continue my trip."

Originally, his purpose was not strong, but now, Mt. Coronet in Sinnoh Region, must go and see.

"That's really rare, we all have a short free time, and we happened to meet each other."

A smile appeared on Steven's face.

Several people nodded in agreement.

"Speaking of which, I originally wanted to complete a battle with Xia Yan that I have been looking forward to for a long time." Du said, his eyes with some surging fighting intent fell on Xia Yan.

"Oh?" Steven's eyes lit up, "Speaking of which, I also wanted to have a Pokémon battle with Xia Yan."

The interest of the two was immediately aroused by Du's words.

Xia Yan hurriedly raised his hand.

"Yes, don't look at me, I refuse." Xia Yan refused decisively.

His current strength has improved a lot, but he has not yet imagined that he can compete with these two people.

The final result may be 90% of his defeat.

With such a large probability of failure, there is no need to proceed.

Moreover, he considers himself to be a fighter too.

Du opened his mouth, and before he could speak, Xia Yan took the lead, "I found you a very outstanding Rival, and you should have a lot of fun with her."

The three words "very happy" are emphasized, which should not be heard without transition.

What he said, of course, was Lorelei, whom he met in the Orange Islands.

Since the two added their contact information, Lorelei will send Xia Yan some videos of her virtual battle from time to time to see if Xia Yan can give some reasonable advice.

Although Xia Yan didn't reply much, he did keep in touch.

Given that he felt that Du might really be out of space, he always held on to him and prepared to arrange the most reasonable Rival for Du, so that they would "love and kill each other".

Moreover, Xia Yan was going to tell Lorelei all the "special" tactics he knew about Lapras, Cloyster and other ice-type Pokémon.

Backstabbing, starting with me, is everyone's responsibility.

"You can always have a fight with me, right?" Steven said.

Xia Yan glanced at him.

"No, you'll have Rival too, but it just takes a while."

Now that he has confirmed that the "Draconid Tribe" does exist, and that Luang Po is very similar to Zinnia's grandmother, then Zinnia may indeed exist.

She and Steven will meet sooner or later.

Hearing him say that, Steven and Du looked at each other.

No matter how I heard it, I felt that Xia Yan was looking for an excuse to refuse.

But he said so, and it's really not good to force it.

"However." Xia Yan suddenly spoke again, "I think, why don't you two come over?"


Watanabe and Steven looked at each other again.


Really can have.

The car quickly pulled into a very luxurious estate.

It is already winter, but the manor is still full of vitality, with emerald green plants everywhere, and it is quite neatly built.

The car stopped in front of a house in Contest that looked like the castle Normal.

After the waiter opened the door, the three got out of the car.

Looking at the "unpretentious" door of the house, Xia Yan was silent.

Sure enough, poverty still limited his imagination.

Because he actually saw that the door of the house was inlaid with evolution stones!

Although they are only primary evolution stones, there are dozens of different types of evolution stones for such a large two doors.

Highlight two words.


Xia Yan felt that if he found a chance to pry these two doors, he should be able to make a lot of money.

However, although the decoration materials are extravagant, the overall feeling is not abrupt at all. There is no impact of the upstart smashing money in the face, but it gives people a very comfortable, warm and harmonious feeling. a feeling of.

This may be the embodiment of a truly wealthy and profound family.

Even crossing, looking at Steven's Decorate, the surprise in his eyes is no less than that of Xia Yan.

Their Royal Dragons and Steven's Zvochs are still a little different from Mikey.

Most of the buildings of the Yulong family are classical wooden buildings, which are quite different from this modern Decorate.

"Let me show you guys a random walk first. The servants have already gone to prepare dinner. If you have any taboos, you can tell me now." Steven said with a smile.

Du pursed his lips and said, "I don't like to eat 'Wasabi' (Wasabi, wasabi, can also be understood as mustard)"

"it is good."

If you don't eat mustard, it means you don't eat seafood and sashimi, which is still relatively rare.

Steven looked at Xia Yan.

"I don't have any taboos, just don't go to Pokémon."

Steven was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "We still have a bottom line."

Many rich people like to put some Pokémon on the table as food, and the most eaten is Farfetch'd. For this reason, Pokémon such as Farfetch'd are on the verge of extinction.

But Steven's family obviously doesn't have such a special hobby.

"Let me show you my collection first."

After confirming dinner, Steven took them to his stone collection room with some excitement.

Here, it's really all Steven's baby.

In all kinds of glass cabinets, there are all kinds of stones of different materials, and most of the regions from the Pokémon world can be seen here.

When Steven introduced these stones and Du listened with interest, Xia Yan's eyes were attracted by a few stones.

Look at the little colored stones in the glass case.

"This is. Key Stone?!"

Yesterday, my mind exploded, and I didn't sleep until 4am after watching the game.

(End of this chapter)

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