The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 277 I Predict Your Prediction

Chapter 277 I Predict Your Prediction

"Dragonair, Aqua Tail!"

Steven's Lairon fell to the ground as the Dragonair's slender tail stirred its turbulent current.

However, in order to defeat Lairon, Dragonair also paid a lot, gasping for breath and looking very tired.

Steven took Lairon back with a Poké Ball, his face didn't change much, he was still calm, not arrogant or impetuous, but whispered to Lairon, "You've done a good job."

On the other hand, Du did not hesitate, and took back the Dragonair, which had consumed too much physical strength.

In this way, Dragonair of Contest Condition won, but if he continued to fight, it would have nothing to do except consume his stamina.

Although this seems to be a win, but in fact the result is not much worse than a tie.

"Great! His Dragonair is not good either!" Kenin clenched his fists with excitement.

In her opinion, as a quasi-god Pokémon, why is it also a Trump Card Pokémon?

The first one won't work.

Xia Yan just smiled and said nothing.

Du and Steven are still somewhat different, Steven's Earl Dervish Pokémon is Flash Beldum, and the Pokémon that has accompanied him the longest, just like Cynthia's Gible.

But Du was only taken back to the Yulong family later, and his Dragonair was also taken not long ago. It was said that it was Trump Card, which was a lot worse.

"The choice of the second one is particularly important." Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and thought about which Pokémon he would send if he stood on the side of the two.

Kenin next to him rolled his eyes.

Nonsense, there are only three Pokémon battles in total, and every choice is important, right?

She didn't understand what Xia Yan meant, and Xia Yan was too lazy to explain.

He just said to himself, "If Steven, he should go to Skarmory. Is Toto Gyarados?"

As soon as his voice fell, Steven and Watari threw the Poké Ball again.

Kenin's eyes widened, and he looked at Xia Yan, who folded his arms in thought, in disbelief.

Because, the Pokémon summoned by Steven and Du is exactly the same as what he guessed.

"Why would you know?"

Xia Yan didn't look at her, but said to himself again:

"Unfortunately, Du's courage is still not big enough. If Gyarados is dispatched at the beginning of the game, the game will be decided. Lairon will give Gyarados more opportunities to prepare. If the Gyarados Dragon Dance is stacked, it is not impossible to push the team, but There is no problem in choosing the more secure Dragonair, but it just adds a little suspense."

Continued: "But the order in which Steven sent Pokémon is indeed bold enough, with Lairon at the head, it is doomed that his greatest weakness has been avoided."

To put it simply, the battle between Steven and Du is actually a battle of "I predict your prejudgment".

The probability of winning or losing by psychological game is greater than the command in actual battle.

Kenin watched Xia Yan analyze there alone, and she said that she didn't quite understand what Xia Yan was talking about.

It seems to be the same as what she has learned from books, but there seems to be many differences, but she can't tell where the difference is.

"Then who will win this time?"

Kenin unconsciously wanted to get Xia Yan's judgment.

Xia Yan glanced at her without a trace, and said with a chuckle: "No surprise, this time Skarmory should have won."

Steven's Skarmory is very good, and of course Gyarados is not bad. Unfortunately, Skarmory has the advantage of the air, so it has created Skarmory to try to use Air Slash many times.

Skarmory's win rate is one point higher as long as Gyarados recoils once.

After all, it's not a turn-based game, so give me a shot.


It didn't take long for Toto's Gyarados to fall heavily to the ground, incapacitated.

Skarmory fell slowly from the air, and the Contest Condition was not very good, with arcs jumping on his body.

The Thunder that crossed Gyarados still managed to hit once, but just once, Skarmory was almost unable to parry.

But Thunder's hit rate was too low, and in the end it was Skarmory who won with Air Slash.

But Steven, like Du, chose to take Skarmory back.

"Great! Steven Senior's Trump Card hasn't debuted yet, and the victory is in your hands!" Kenin said excitedly.

He looked at Xia Yan subconsciously, wanting to see a disappointed look on his face.

In her opinion, if she is Steven's supporter, then Xia Yan is Du's supporter. As a supporter, she cannot lose in terms of momentum.

"Steven won't go to the Metang." Xia Yan just said in a calm tone, as if stating the facts.


Because Metang was restrained by Charizard. Xia Yan didn't answer, just muttered something in his heart.

But if the last Rock-type Pokémon is different, the Rock-type quadruples the Charizard.

"In this case, Watanabe won't send Charizard in the end, it's interesting."

"Charizard? It turns out that Steven Senior's Rival has a Charizard?" Kenin seemed to finally realize something.

Honedge, who was behind Xia Yan, also kept looking at the field.

'Why are others so powerful? ’

The last of the two sides.

The two throw the Poké Ball together.



Two loud roars.

But when they saw the Pokémon summoned by the other party, they were all stunned.

"Not Charizard?"

"Not Onix?"

Even the Pokémon summoned by the two are actually the same.



Xia Yan couldn't help laughing.

This psychological game, full marks.

Steven thinks that the Duo will send Charizard as the last hand, and the Aerodactyl of the Rock type has quadruple restraint on the Charizard of the Fire type and Flying type, and there is a great suppression in the Attribute.

Du Ze predicted that Steven would not send a Metang, and would definitely send a Rock-type Pokémon, which is Steven's Onix. After all, he is a fan of Rock-type and Steel-type Pokémon.

Never doubt that Steven will have a Rock Pokémon on him.

Among Steven's Rock Pokémon, Onix is ​​relatively famous, so Du sent Aerodactyl, thinking that with the advantages of Soaring in the sky and flexibility, Aerodactyl is more suitable than Charizard.

Moreover, the Aerodactyl that Du captured not long ago is very powerful.

The result.

I saw it all, hit Oolong.

Eventually evolved into AerodactylVS Aerodactyl.

Kenin didn't speak any more, just stared at Xia Yan blankly.

Who is this person?

Why are you able to judge Steven and Du's choice every time, and know the outcome clearly?

Gaming insiders?

No matter how she looked at it, Xia Yan didn't seem to be very strong.

"It's over." Xia Yan shook his head.

It is also Aerodactyl, and Du's Aerodactyl is still slightly stronger.

But the battle doesn't mean anything.

After all, Steven is a few years younger than Du. If Du and Steven are brought to the same age, the result may be different.

No, it will definitely be different.

Trainers who are in the growth stage will have a big gap in a few months, let alone a few years.

Comparing the two, Du's advantage is age and experience, and Steven's advantage is that he received the top education and the top resources earlier than Du.

"I didn't expect that this Trainer, who is good at Flying Pokémon, is really good."

After Dragonair evolves into Dragonite, there will be Flying Attribute, Aerodactyl, Gyarados, and Charizard, who has not appeared, are also Flying Pokémon.

Isn't this a Flying Pokémon Trainer?

Although Kenin fought for Steven, he had to admit Du's strength.

Xia Yan's expression became a little weird.

Trainer who specializes in Flying Pokémon?

This sentence is really not what he said.

Fourth more! 24-1=23!

(End of this chapter)

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