The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 284 I'm Really Weak

Chapter 284 I'm Really Weak

To be honest, a Pokémon like Glameow was originally pretty, but once it evolved into Purugly, it was a bit of a cough.

However, Glameow and Purugly are both Normal-type Pokémon, which are immune to Ghost-type moves, so Honedge's Shadow Sneak didn't affect them in any way.

But accordingly.

Normal-type moves, without the support of moves like Foresight, can't pose any threat to Ghost-type Honedge.

Although Honedge was a little cowardly when he saw that his Shadow Sneak didn't work.

"Sword Dance."

Xia Yan commanded directly.

Although Honedge was cowardly, when he heard Xia Yan's words, even if he didn't want to go, he had to bite the bullet.

The blue satin at the end of the hilt grabbed the scabbard, and the sharp bright white blade glowed red. The Sword Dance was completed quickly, and the momentum increased sharply.


The fat Purugly let out a languid cry, and the surrounding Glameow moved in an instant.

Dozens of Glameows fell from the branches, white light on their slender, soft soles.

Fake Out!

However, the coverage of Yongjira's Psychic Terrain prevents the preemptive effect of Fake Out from being exerted.

Moreover, the Fake Out of the Normal series can't bring much substantial damage other than the physical damage to Honedge.

In addition, these Glameows are just excellent strengths, and they can't pose any threat to Honedge with excellent physical defense.

I saw that although Honedge looked nervous, his body speed and reaction speed were not slow at all.

Between the moves, many of the Glameows' attacks failed directly.

There was doubt in Honedge's eyes.


How and what it expected, it seems a little different from Mikey.

"Power Trick, cut them." Xia Yan's voice came, interrupting Honedge's doubts.


Honedge let out a low moan, and at the same time the energy fluctuated on his body, his own defense attribute and physical attack attribute switched to each other.

Immediately afterwards, the blade turned, and the sharp blade landed directly on a rushing Glameow.


The blade of the cold star point directly wiped Glameow's body, and the feedback he got was a soft, dyed blushing.


The sword's edge turned, accompanied by the soft moan of the blade, and between turns, another Glameow was knocked into the air and fell into a coma.

With Honedge's strength and the converted attack power of Sword Dance and Power Trick, even if it's just an ordinary swipe, it's not something these excellent Glameow can resist.

Just a few breaths.

Several more Glameows fell to the ground.


Honedge looked around, shaking his head.

too weak.

'I am still too weak, I can only bully such a weak existence. ’

And its actions at the moment fell into Purugly's eyes, but it became Taunt.

In particular, the self-mockery in its eyes turned into a silent mockery.

What do you mean?


Purugly growls out, drinking back Glameow, who was already a little timid, twisting his body and pacing forward.

Burning eyes, fixed on Honedge.

Honedge also restrained his expression and waited.

next second.

Purugly's figure turned into a shadow, and Feint Attack rushed out quickly, and the fat body did not affect its speed and vigorous figure.

"Honedge, Aerial Ace, Smack Down it!"

Xia Yan spoke out in a timely manner and gave the Honedge method.

I saw that Honedge, who was suspended in the air, met the incoming Purugly head-on, a beautiful collision and flip, not only stopped it, but also let himself assist with the rotation effect of Aerial Ace moves, removing the Purugly Feint Attack most of the impact.



Honedge's figure stabilized, and a low voice came from the sword's edge, the weight of the body was greatly weakened, and the speed increased sharply.

"Iron Head."

Hearing this, Honedge's sword turned, and the tip of the sword was aimed at Purugly, who was stagnant and unable to start quickly.


With a bang, the bright white blade was wrapped in rich steel-type energy, and the bright and sharp tip of the sword slammed directly on Purugly's head.

Just like knocking a gong Normal, it makes a crisp sound.

At the same time, Honedge, under the command of Xia Yan, took advantage of the situation to pursue, and the Slash move took advantage of the situation.


With the violent trembling of Purugly's body fat, Purugly rolled his eyes and fell heavily to the ground, losing his ability to fight.

Xia Yan threw the Poké Ball easily.

Although superior-level Pokémon can have some value, Alliance is still serious about overhunting wild Pokémon, and rangers appear at the entrances of some forests and cities from time to time.

If you are not particularly short of money, there is no need to challenge the bottom line of the rangers for a few excellent Pokémon.

However, the senior-level Purugly still needs to be caught.

At least 200,000 to 300,000 yuan was recorded, not a small sum.

Honedge's blade was sheathed, and he shook his head.

"How is it? Is it weak?" Xia Yan asked with a smile when he saw its appearance.

Honedge nodded.

Really weak, even Purugly, the leader of this group of Glameow, poses no threat to Honedge.

It may be what Xia Yan wanted to express, and what Honedge understood.

A little bit of discrepancy.

The rest of the Glameow saw that Purugly was defeated, so they lost the courage to stay here and ran away.

Xia Yan was too lazy to care about them.

After Yongjira used Psychic to clean up the traces they left behind, they continued on their way.

Sunset West Mountain.

The sun is already hanging on the top of the towering Mt. Coronet in the west, and the orange sun has dipped Soaring in the sky into a fiery red.

The white snow above Mt. Coronet, also in the afterglow of the setting sun, exudes a gorgeous Cal.

After walking for a day, Xia Yan had completely left Sunyshore City and entered the no-man's land with lush forests.

The moment when the sun goes down is also the time when wild Pokémon become more active, especially those who hunt, and night falls and the light is dim, making it an excellent time to hunt.

Before the sun has completely set, it is necessary to find a suitable place to live.

Even with Togetic's Secret Power, water sources and a relatively safe environment are the best when there is a chance to choose.


Suddenly, Yong Gila, who was following Xia Yan, looked at a certain direction of the forest from afar, with Cianwood-colored Psychic fluctuations in his eyes.

These are some special uses of its "Future Sight" move, but it is not proficient enough to master this kind of use, and it is far from Absol's innate ability to perceive danger and disaster.

"Someone?" Xia Yan's eyes flashed slightly.

In such a forest, it is not an easy thing to meet someone.

Also, encountering people in the wild can often be more dangerous than encountering wild Pokémon.


'It's getting closer. ’

Yongjira stretched out Psychic and was already able to faintly sense the distance of the other party.

Then hold up two fingers.

"Two people, the direction is still here." Xia Yan nodded slightly.

Immediately, he said to Yongjira and Honedge: "Hide first."


The two people in Yongjila's mouth appeared in their sight, and Xia Yan, who was hiding in the canopy, looked at them silently and condescendingly.

After the two approached here, their footsteps gradually slowed down.

"There are no traces." One of the stronger people surrounded the lake and said solemnly.

The traces he was talking about were naturally the branches and bushes that Honedge had cut down.

"Don't be so suspicious, the other party may just happen to pass by." Another relatively thin man, digging his ears, didn't care.

"By coincidence? I don't believe in coincidence."

"Then what do you want to do? Find him? Since people stopped here, they may have already run away." The thin man spread his hands and continued: "And look from the direction of the traces he left before. , obviously not in line with our goals.”

Hearing this, the strong man was silent for a long time before he said solemnly: "Maybe. Take advantage of this mission to make extra money, and when it's over, you must go back quickly to avoid being scolded."

"You know, the wild Yusanjia Pokémon is not so easy to come across."

After speaking, the two of them started again and disappeared into the forest.

Thanks for the reward of Qinggu boss, plus more: 20+1=21!

(End of this chapter)

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