Chapter 287 User "Fairy"

Yongjira understood and let go of the two's mouths.

The violent gasps were like bellows.

"Cough, you, you say." The thin man said.

They have succeeded in this way I don't know how many times.

The Captivate power of Yusanjia Pokémon is really strong, and not many people are not moved after hearing the name of Yusanjia Pokémon.

And the grass in the depths of the swamp is also their usual venue.

Grotle acts as bait, and two Carnivines block the back and ambush.

This Grotle is really not that good.

It is the "defective product" that they bought from the black market at a high cost.

But even if it is a defective product, it has great appeal to many trainers who do not know it.

It's just that, often walking by the river, there is no one who doesn't get wet shoes.

I didn't expect that just to earn extra money once, I would encounter a real hard stubble.

Usually, the two of them join forces, and even if they encounter a more difficult prey, they can retreat safely.


I met Xia Yan, who was not very reasonable, and detected their trick from the very beginning.

I can't say Detect, it should be said that I felt something different.

"How many times have you done it?" Xia Yan asked.

The two looked at each other, and in the end, the thin man with more active thinking answered, and twitched the corners of his mouth a little embarrassedly.

"I ask, you answer."

Meeting Xia Yan's gaze, the thin man shrank his neck and nodded stiffly.

"What was the mission you mentioned earlier?" Xia Yan continued to ask.

The skinny man said embarrassingly: "It's a mission issued by the Hunter Guild, let us stand by in Sunyshore City. We don't know exactly what it is. The two of us are just members of the periphery, assisting the channel of the Hunter Guild and earning a little money."

Hunters Guild.

Xia Yan nodded slightly.

He knew a little about this organization, but not much.

Compared with the Rockets and Team Aqua, it is a looser organization, and it does not have Snatch sites and resources. The goal is to capture all kinds of Pokémon.

Some of them are distributed to the black market in each region, and then sold by the black market Pokémon store.

In the black market of each region, there must be some merchants who have a cooperative relationship with the Hunter Guild.

In addition, it is to provide Pokémon to major underground forces.

For example, a behemoth like Team Rocket has a lot of members who join every year. Part of their Pokémon comes from Team Rocket’s own inventory, and part of it comes from the Hunter Guild.

It can be said that the Hunter Guild has business dealings with various regions, large and small.

The network of relationships is intricate and covers a lot of Regions.

Therefore, the Hunter Guild adopts the method of recruiting external members to relieve the pressure brought by the demands of various forces.

Correspondingly, these forces will also provide certain convenience and help to the members of the Hunter Guild.

The Hunter Guild also has a business, customizing the capture of Pokémon.

As long as you have enough money, it is said that the beasts can be caught for you.

Of course, there is a lot of exaggeration.

The two people in front of them were obviously external members of the Hunter Guild.

"But... but I heard from a friend that they were... looking for a little Stephanie, we really don't know who it is," the thin man added.

Hearing this, Xia Yan's squinted eyes flashed a gleam of light.

Little Stephanie?

Miwa? !

So, the hunter's guild is going to catch Miu?

That way, things get a little trickier.

"Who is your leader?"

The thin man swallowed softly, looked at his companion next to him, and said hesitantly, "We don't know what his name is. We only know that people who call him usually call him 'Mr. K'."

Mr. "K"?

The code name of the Hunter Guild, Hunter K?

"Then what's your next action plan?"

"No, I don't know"

Xia Yan frowned.

I don't know anything, I don't know anything.

But I think they are only peripheral members, it is strange to know.


Yongjira next to him nodded, its Psychic monitoring their mind fluctuations and not lying.

boom! boom!

Under Xia Yan's signal, the two fell from mid-air and fell to the ground.

Xia Yan took a deep look at them again, and left without looking back with a few Pokémon.

"You really don't want to kill us?" The two were a little surprised.

"Is there a difference? He took both Poké Ball and Pokémon away." The strong man said sullenly.

In such a swampy area deep in the forest, it is still night, the most dangerous place in the forest, without the protection of Pokémon, they may not survive even an hour.

"Call someone! Call someone!"

But when they took out the communicator, they were dumbfounded.

All the communication equipment on them has become a pile of parts, and Yongjira's Psychic has already disposed of these.

Do you really think that Xia Yan is very kind?

Moreover, according to Yongjira's Psychic perception, Xia Yan learned that because of the movement of the battle just now, there are many Pokémon in the swamp, approaching here.

kill them?

If you get your hands dirty, let's mend the wild Pokémon.

Not long after he left, he heard the bleak Growl in the distance.

However, Xia Yan's attention was no longer on them.

"Hunter Guild."

He still knew too little about the information about the Hunter Guild.

The Pokémon hunter J, who he knows the most and only knows through anime, has an eye-catching Salamence.

Other than that, not much is known.

Take out your phone.

"Du is an investigator, so he should know more, right?"

The hunter I met last time at Meteor Falls may also be a member of the Hunter Guild.

However, at this time, Du may have fallen asleep.

Just as he was about to put away his phone, Xia Yan suddenly thought of a person, and then thought of a lot of people.

A bolder idea suddenly formed in his mind.

A few Pokémons worked together to find a river and a seemingly safe area.

Fire Courtney.

Sitting in front of the fire, Xia Yan continued to hold the phone.

"We must expand our intelligence capabilities and channel capabilities."

Using the same tool from the predecessor of Pokédex, a small group was created.

[User 205**1, user 314**2, join the group chat. 】

Before the two could speak, Xia Yan sent a message first.

Flying: Change the nickname, use the Pokémon Attribute.

After a long time, the small group of the three finally moved a little.

Normal: So late?

Ice: Night owl?

Seeing their replies, Xia Yan smiled, and the nicknames they took did not exceed his expectations.

The two who chose "Normal" were Captain Binena, the "Charming Star" on the sea, with the shadow of Alliance behind them.

Xia Yan guessed that he should be a member of a certain family in Alliance, but he was dissatisfied with the family's marriage arrangement, so he went to sea and became a free pirate, which is considered a good ability and relationship.

The other, of course, is Lorelei, whom he met in the Orange Islands, a typical academic, one of the future bearers of the Kanto Alliance academic school, the future Ice Elite, whom he found Rival for Dudu.

He and Lorelei have always been in touch, but mostly tactical discussions.

Lorelei also proposed more than once that he wanted to know the so-called "Teacher" in Xia Yan's mouth.

As for Binena, she owes Xia Yan a lot of favor.

This is one of the relationship networks he has established during this period of time, and it is finally time to use it.

Xia Yan didn't answer them right away, but just took out another mobile phone that was prepared in advance in the black market.

This is called a self-built trumpet.

In other words, self-proclaimed "Teacher".

The prompt pops up again in the group chat.

[User "Fairy", join the group chat. 】

Fourth more! 20-1+ (Ten thousand rewards from Qinggu boss) = 20!

(End of this chapter)

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