The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 296 Azelf's Different Space

Chapter 296 Azelf's Different Space

After walking through the not too long passage, the line of sight in front of him has changed a lot.

It's like entering a whole new world.

The moon is still in the sky, surrounded by trees, and a thin pink mist shrouds the surroundings, keeping visibility within a certain range.

"This is the different dimension of Lake Valor? Where Azelf usually lives?" Xia Yan murmured.

The Pokémon also looked around curiously, sensing the energy changes in them.


Yongjira slowly raised the spoon in his hand, and a dense mass of Psychic energy surrounded its spoon.

It just moved gently and released a much stronger Psychic than usual.

"The Psychic energy in this space is many times stronger than other attributes."

Such a result must be very suitable for Psychic Pokémon life, which means

"There may be a lot of Psychic Pokémon in the space."

Psychic Pokémon, once Psychic can be used well, in the wild environment, it is more difficult and difficult to deal with.

However, Xia Yan felt that entering this space, his safety should not be a problem.

Azelf is not a vicious Pokémon. It exists to balance the Pokémon world and stabilize the Pokémon world. It is a proper and decent character. If there is no hatred, he will never take the initiative to harm others or harm other Pokémon.

Therefore, letting him enter this space is definitely not to put any danger in front of him.

Or rather, not facing such a danger involving life and death.

It is precisely because of this that Xia Yan walked in without hesitation.

"Azelf said, when I come in, I'll know what to do, do"

Before Xia Yan's muttering was finished, a strange feeling suddenly rose in his heart, and he looked up in one direction.

He had a very strong feeling in his heart that made him look for something in this direction.

It was a strange feeling, as if one of his things had fallen there and couldn't wait to go and pick it up.

"Is this what I'm going to do?"

Shouldn't be wrong.

It feels too strong.

"I know where I'm going, just keep our usual formation and Contest Condition. Yongjila, pay attention to your surroundings, and notify me as soon as you find anything unusual." Xia Yan ordered.


The rest of the Pokémon nodded as well.

Immediately, Xia Yan set out on the road with the Pokémons.

Beedrill fell in front of Xia Yan to open the way, Yong Gila followed behind Xia Yan, Psychic perception extended, and he was alert to the surroundings.

Honedge hid in the shadows, peeking around with blue eyes sticking out of his head.

This space gives it a very similar feeling to the space in Sending God Mountain, except that the space in Sending God Mountain is filled with energy that is mostly Ghost type, and this is full of Psychic type energy.

Too thick Psychic energy makes it uncomfortable.

Togetic stayed in Xia Yan's arms, waving his hands constantly, blessing Beedrill, Yongjira and Honedge with Contest Condition and buffs little by little.

Because he felt Xia Yan's solemnity, Togetic also put away his usual joking appearance and was quite serious.

In this way, under the escort of the Pokémons, Xia Yan entered the forest shrouded in pink mist.

As soon as you enter, there is a faint fragrance.

'This is a real world. ' Xia Yan thought to himself.

It is not much different from ordinary forests. The dense branches and leaves block the view from above, and the complex and thick roots make this road difficult to walk. The bushes that occasionally lie in the middle of the target direction are even more difficult. The biggest problem of walking.

the only difference.

"It's just too quiet." Xia Yan said.

Compared with the normal forest, although it is also quiet, it will definitely be mixed with some "rustling" slight movements.

But here, nothing at all.

that's it.

Walked for half an hour and nothing happened.

Not even the shadow of a wild Pokémon.

But Xia Yan could feel that he was getting closer and closer to the place where he was summoned.


Suddenly, Yongjira shouted softly, the spoon crossed his fingers, and a figure slowly walked out of the woods.

He was tall, and the first thing that appeared in his line of sight was a face with a strange smile.

It was followed by a stout body the color of a tree, followed by a crown like Leafage, and below it were five heads of different expressions, each with a face on it.


After seeing the appearance, Xia Yan softly called out the name of the Pokémon.

Pokémon registered in Kanto Region, dual Attribute of Grass and Psychic.

Each head of the Exeggutor has its own independent thinking ability, which makes this Pokémon's Psywave extremely powerful and can control a strong Psychic.

At the same time, the Exeggutor is different from other Pokémon in that it has one more feature.

That is, the number of Exeggutor's heads like coconuts is not fixed, it will be between three and six, and like the fruit of the coconut tree, the heads will continue to grow, and when a head is too large, it will be removed from its body. It falls off, and then reassembles into Exeggcute, which is the form before Exeggutor evolved.

That is to say, Pokémons such as Exeggcute and Exeggutor can not only give birth to new Pokémon through breeding, but also give birth to new Pokémon through a similar split.

"Yongji!" Yongjira's face was heavy. She was also a Psychic Pokémon, and she could feel the pressure from this Exeggutor.

Elite class!

Xia Yan also felt it.

Not too panicked, though.

Because of the combination of grass and Psychic, the Exeggutor's resistance is not excellent. There are a total of seven weaknesses, which are four times restrained by Bug Type.

"Beedrill." Xia Yan shouted.


Beedrill gently rubbed the Twineedle, the scarlet compound eyes flickered fiercely, and a sharp aura rippled from his body, and in this aura, there was a hint of contempt like a king.

Sword Dance!

Xia Yan glanced at Beedrill, it still couldn't feel the change in itself, but Xia Yan felt that after the leader's momentum was absorbed by it, it did not dissipate, but brought some changes to it faintly.

"Hey!" The head in the middle of Exeggutor shouted.

The other four heads also made a sound, Psychic was released from it without reservation, and the highly condensed spiritual power gathered in front of it.


Without hesitation, the attack was launched, targeting Beedrill.


Beedrill's wings shook, leaving behind wings completely drawn by golden arcs. The body shape was already shot out like sharp arrows, the air flow around the body, the faint Psychic fluorescence flickered, and the continuous flapping of the wings, the speed once times have surged.


The X-Scissor split by the crossed Twineedle directly charged towards the Exeggutor's Psyshock. The Bug Type energy instantly completed the division of the Psychic energy. After a brief stagnation, the body quickly shot towards the Exeggutor again.

Seeing that Beedrill was still rushing over, Exeggutor didn't panic, and a huge fruit was thrown from its head.

"Beedrill, avoid it." Xia Yan gave a timely reminder.

This is the result of the Seed Bomb, rushing into it, which is far more dangerous than going straight to the Psyshock.

Hearing this, the rapidly moving Beedrill folded his wings and folded his body, avoiding Seed Bomb's attack just right.

boom! !

An explosion sounded behind it.

However, Beedrill has appeared in front of Exeggutor, and X-Scissor is ready to go.


At this time, Yongjira spoke again, and behind Exeggutor, several figures appeared.

Exeggutor, a gregarious Pokémon!

Xia Yan's complexion changed slightly, and he hurriedly said, "Fix one first! Beedrill, don't worry about anything else."

Immediately, he said to Togetic, "Extrasensory!"

Togetic understood, an invisible attack that could not capture the trajectory was sent from it, and submerged into Exeggutor's body.

Ready to counterattack Beedrill's Exeggutor stagnated, and the additional flinch effect was triggered.

X-Scissor successfully landed on it.

boom! !

(End of this chapter)

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