Chapter 300 Mega!

"Eh? He seems to have found a trick himself, not bad."

In the sky, Azelf looked at Xia Yan's Contest Condition, quite surprised.

"Perhaps. When expressing surprise like this, the word 'fuck' should be used?"

Azelf's eyes lit up.

"Yes, yes, this word would be very appropriate to use here, what?"

Glancing at Beedrill and Xia Yan, he revealed a knowing smile.

"That's it, keep up the Contest Condition like this, soon"

Azelf seemed to be thinking of something happy, his two tails waving irregularly, like a child who likes toys the most.

With a little excitement in his eyes.

"Soon, you can feel it!"

Xia Yan didn't notice the change in his Contest Condition, he only knew that now he was going to command Beedrill to defeat this Slowking.

His thinking has become very sensitive, and his mind is constantly simulating what may happen in this battle and how to deal with it.

Now, Beedrill's advantage is that its speed in the Trick Room is finally faster than Slowking, and the previously reserved blessing has always been there. In terms of offensive ability, it is not weaker than Slowking. Finally, it has a certain restraint in Attribute.

To use all of these strengths, and to avoid weaknesses and avoid Beedrill's shortcomings, it is possible to defeat Slowking.

And Beedrill, too, held his breath, unwilling to squander the opportunities that Togetic, Yongjira and Honedge gave him.

At this moment, Xia Yan completely agreed with Beedrill's will.

The breath and the state of mind are also completely compatible.


Xia Yan's pocket burst into a dazzling colorful light that even clothes could not cover.

Like a ray of sunshine, it shot out from his pocket.

Beedrill also seemed to feel something, and turned to look at Xia Yan.

Feeling the heat in his pocket, Xia Yan's expression froze.

Slowly take out the things in it.

And with his movements, two large and small stones lay quietly in his hands, and the colorful light came from these two stones.

"Mega Evolution Stone!"

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan was shocked.

With disbelief, he looked at Beedrill.

As if having a good heart, Beedrill's eyes also met Xia Yan.

In this second, the minds of one person and one Pokémon are completely in tune.

This Mega Evolution stone is from Beedrill!

Although, Xia Yan had also imagined that if he was lucky, the Mega Evolution stone he got happened to be Beedrill's?

But he also tried to let Beedrill touch it, and nothing special happened.

Immediately thought it was not Beedrill's Mega Evolution stone.

After all, in Xia Yan's view, he and Beedrill should satisfy all the factors of Mega evolution, and his intimacy with Beedrill should also satisfy the requirements of Mega evolution.

So there is no thought.

But now, he realized how ridiculous his previous thoughts were.

Mega evolution is not just enough intimacy to meet the requirements.

Instead, it pays more attention to a kind of spiritual communication and interaction between Trainer and Pokémon.

This time, his and Beedrill's minds were completely in tune for the first time.

The faint blue halo in Xia Yan's eyes became more and more obvious, he took a deep breath, and threw the Mega Evolution stone in his hand to Beedrill.

He held the Key Stone that Steven gave him tightly in his hand.

Beedrill understood Xia Yan's meaning, dodged and caught the Mega Evolution stone that was thrown.

next second.

The Key Stone in Xia Yan's hand burst out with dazzling colorful light, and the strange mysterious energy formed the bond between him and Beedrill.

The hearts that were originally compatible, were completely fused together with the bond formed by the light from the Key Stone.

at the same time.

The Mega Evolution stone caught by Beedrill was motivated by the power of the Key Stone, unlocking the mysterious energy hidden in it, and the colorful Mega Evolution energy instantly enveloped Beedrill.

In the rich cocoon of Mega Evolution, Beedrill is enveloped in the energy of Mega Evolution.

"Mega, evolve!"

Xia Yan clenched the Key Stone in his hand tightly and murmured in a voice that he could only hear.

The light dissipated.


Accompanied by the imposing Growl, Mega Evolution's energy is completely restrained, revealing a new look of Beedrill.

Mega, Beedrill!

The three parts of the body are no longer directly connected, and a black link grows between them. The antennae on the head are shortened and extend a long distance behind the head, the mouth is more pointed, and the eyes have become narrow and sharp, quite a bit. The smell of "Venom" eyes.

The tail becomes tapered, there are two tapered grooves in front of the body, pointing diagonally forward, and the Poison Barb is also longer.

The two-handed Poison Barb has grown a part similar to the lance guard, this time it is truly a double gun!

Even the feet have become Twineedle, with black and yellow stripes.

The wings as thin as a cicada's wings have also changed, becoming more scientific and technological, with golden lines all over it, like two pairs of mechanized electromagnetic jet wings.

The overall appearance is still the same as before, but if you look closely, you can see that all the details have changed.

True Dragon Mega Beedrill!

Also known as Changshan Zhao Zibee!

The minds of Xia Yan and Mega Beedrill are one.

They looked at Slowking together, their eyes sharp and intimidating.

Behind them, Togetic, who was supporting Yongjira, had a dull gaze, a small star flashed in the bottom of his eyes, patted Yongjila who had just stood up, and muttered:


‘Big fox, come and see, it’s God. ’

Yongjira, who was staggering to his feet, was almost slapped by Togetic on the ground again, but this time he didn't say Togetic again, but gave him a look, staring at Beedrill, whose appearance had undergone a great change, and was blown away by the radiance emanating from his body at the moment. Actually impressed.

So strong!

Honedge, who poked his head out of the shadow behind Yongjira, also had a similar expression to them.

But Honedge's idea is obviously a bit more complicated than them.

'I can still evolve, the world is so dangerous, I really want to be just a sword'

the other side.

Mega Beedrill's heart was actually quite shocking. It didn't expect such a change in itself. It only knew that there was a steady stream of power spewing out of its body at this time.

After Xia Yan passed the initial excitement again, his body suddenly froze, and fine sweat oozes out from his forehead.

In just a few seconds, he was under tremendous pressure.

Mega evolution is not only a test for Pokémon, but also a test for Trainer. At this time, his body is under tremendous pressure, and he knows that he will not last long.

"Beedrill, quick fight!"

Beedrill also felt Xia Yan's change and no longer hesitated.

The wings vibrated, leaving behind a golden phantom, and electricity shot towards Slowking.

Slowking was amazed at Beedrill's change, and he didn't react for a while.

Right in front of Mega Beedrill.

When I reacted, I responded in a hurry, Psychic!

But facing Slowking's Psychic this time, Mega Beedrill didn't have any intention of dodging, just like the Twineedle with a real spear crossed his chest, bearing Slowking's Psychic, and rushed in directly.

Just when Slowking felt that Mega Beedrill was a little too conceited about the change in strength, the shadow of Mega Beedrill in his pupils was getting closer and closer.

Mega Beedrill carried Psychic hard and came to it.

Under the sharp eyes, the crossed spears split out in a cross shape.



In Slowking's horrified eyes.

Its huge body flew straight out.

The attack that Slowking gave Yongjira, Beedrill returned it intact!

The terrifying increase brought by Mega Evolution stands out on paper!

In 20 days, nearly 23W words have been updated.

(End of this chapter)

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