The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 322 Split Personality, Honedge

Chapter 322 Split Personality, Honedge

Throws a Poké Ball.

Summon Sharpedo.

As soon as he came out, Sharpedo shivered when he felt the cold wind.

It also suffers.

It is a shark that lives in a tropical ocean, but it has to face even colder conditions in such a cold environment.

But Sharpedo "has no complaints."

"Sharpedo, wait for you to swim under that ice layer and destroy the ice layer as much as possible without breaking the ice layer, can you do it?"

Sharpedo nodded solemnly with a stern face.

It's not that it doesn't want to make expressions, it's that it has basically lost the ability to manage expressions.

It's cold enough here.

into the water?

"Yongjila, Honedge, you send it down." Xia Yan gave a satisfied look and said to Yongjila.


Yongjira launches Teleport, and in a flash, takes Sharpedo and Honedge to the edge of the frozen lake.

Make a hole in the ice with Honedge's razor-sharp blade for Sharpedo to go down.

I saw Sharpedo took a deep breath and dived into the icy lake water with a look of "Feng Xiao Xiao Xi Yi Shui Han".

In fact, it is cold all of a sudden, as a "qualified" water Pokémon, this kind of adaptability is still there.

After entering the water for a while, he swam to the bottom of the ice where the Beartics were standing.

After sending Sharpedo into the water, Yongjira returned to Xia Yan with Honedge.

"Then you just have to wait."

It didn't make him wait too long, Sharpedo's work efficiency is still very high.

As the ice thins, the lake becomes fragile, and when the Beartic "inadvertently" stomp the ice, they accidentally step on the fragile area, causing their feet to sink deep into the ice.

It doesn't do much damage to them, but it limits their movement and battle rhythm.

The leader of Abomasnow is still very good at seizing opportunities. As soon as he sees the opponent's "mistake", he immediately directs the other three Abomasnows to launch a fierce attack.

The Beartic fell into the underdog in an instant.

However, in the face of Abomasnow, who was chasing after him, the Beartics also became ruthless and began to attack frantically regardless of their injuries.

The two ethnic groups have been in a long-term hostile relationship, and the Abomasnows naturally don't want to waste the opportunity to beat the underdogs.

that's it.

The intensity of the battle has suddenly risen by several levels.

Wounds also began to appear on the Abomasnows.

These are the results that Xia Yan expected.

But that's not his ultimate goal.

He just wanted to see the Abomasnows and the Beartic jealous and couldn't join forces against him, that's enough.


Before the two sides could completely decide the winner, just after the battle became fierce, Xia Yan brought Beedrill and the others to intervene in the battle.

It's good to pick up leaks.

But it's a waste of time and totally unnecessary.

Also give Beedrill some fighting chance, especially the combat experience against Ice Pokémon.

Yongjira propped up the Psychic Terrain and used Teleport to appear on the battlefield.

What was originally just a conflict between two ethnic groups suddenly turned into a three-way melee.

Because Abomasnow and Beartic have been completely red-eyed before, there is no possibility of joining forces to deal with Xia Yan.

As long as they don't join forces, Xia Yan is still confident that these two groups can be cleaned up.

Yongjira stood in the center of the battlefield and shrouded all Abomasnow and Beartic into the Psychic Terrain. The beads were fluctuating, the spoons were twisting, and the tyrannical Psycho Cuts flew freely. With multiple amplifications, its Psychic offensive became very terrifying, Yongjila Finally, he slowly realized his super Psychic talent.

Togetic and Xia Yan stood at the back, constantly using Extrasensory for control, or combined with Secret Power to convert the additional effect of Confusion to slow their movement speed.

Beedrill shook its wings, and the golden streamer roamed the battlefield, performing its harvesting mission, but its eyes were always on the elite Abomasnow leader, hoping to fight it.

Honedge, as a steel-type Pokémon, also played a great role at this moment. With the restraint of the steel-type on the ice-type, he became another reaper besides Beedrill.

Although there are fears and worries in his eyes, when he starts, it is really unambiguous.

I don't know what happened, maybe because of Xia Yan's influence, or Honedge's own perception, its character has gradually changed.

It's not that he doesn't have that kind of cautious character, and even because he "cherishes each other" with the equally cautious Xia Yan, it becomes more and more cautious, but it is

The more cautious it is, the more ruthless it is. It seems to be very worried that it can't hack the enemy to death, and the enemy will jump up and inflict heavy damage on it.

There seems to be a tendency to split personality.

One side is afraid and one side fights, the two are not hindered, and the more afraid they are, the more ruthless, the decisiveness of the shot is almost overtaking Beedrill, who is an "assassin".

Xia Yan noticed this situation with Honedge before.

Because Honedge has too many mental journeys, he doesn't know how Honedge has become like this through his own brains and conjectures.

But from the results

Seems not bad.

Xia Yan even wondered if it had something to do with Honedge's faint signs of evolution.

In the future, he will evolve into Aegislash. He is very cautious when holding a shield, and is fierce and fierce when holding a sword. He is preparing for the two forms in the future.

He didn't know if all Honedges had this process, or if only his Honedge was special.

After all, the Doublade after the evolution of Honedge also has a shield.

Although the shield is a little smaller.

Small money is money, and a small shield is also a shield.

While he was commanding the battle and thinking about Honedge, the battle situation had gradually become clear.

All six Beartic have been defeated, either with a sharp needle on Beedrill or a sharp blade on Honedge.

As for the four Abomasnows, two have already fallen, leaving only an elite Abomasnow leader and an ordinary Abomasnow gasping for breath.

The eight Pokémon that fell, without exception, were all Beedrill's masterpieces.

Therefore, the leader of Abomasnow is very afraid of Beedrill's strength.


Chief Abomasnow roared, staring at Beedrill.

Head to head!

As a powerful Abomasnow, it has its own persistence.

I can win, but if it's a fight, winning is not a win!


Beedrill looked back at Xia Yan and asked for his meaning.

Xia Yan nodded silently.

Now Beedrill is full of both Fell Stinger and Agility, the strongest Contest Condition.

With the restraint on Attribute, it is not difficult to take down the Abomasnow boss.

Since it requires itself, then finally satisfy it.

With Xia Yan's permission, Beedrill looked at the leader of Abomasnow with fierce fighting intent, and he had been staring at him for a long time.

As the war against the leader Pokémon rose, the silent "leader momentum" in Beedrill's body became ready to move.

The two Pokémon didn't communicate anymore and started fighting directly.

Fourth more! 9-1=8!

(End of this chapter)

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