The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 324 Tyrannosaurus (Two In One)

Chapter 324 "Tyrannosaurus" (two in one)

The forehead is inlaid with an oval golden jade, the crown, neck and tail composed of bright red wide feathers, Pewter-colored body and vigorous limbs, dark red eyes full of indifference, slightly raised mouth corners with a little disdain.

This arrogant-looking Pokémon is exactly Weavile!

Evil and Ice Pokémon.

It is the top predator among wild Pokémon, ferocious and cunning by nature, and likes to move in packs against those who are slower or weaker.


Weavile in Chengdu Region likes to deal with Swinub and Piloswine, while Weavile in Alola Region feeds on Ice Vulpix and Ice Pangolin.

However, Xia Yan has seen relatively little news and news about Pokémon like Weavile, and thought that no one knew about this evolutionary method.

He shifted his gaze and landed on the man who had just walked out from behind the tree, wearing a gray tight suit, with silver-white short shoulder-length hair, and a pair of covered sunglasses hanging on his delicate nose.

This look is very similar to Hunter J in Xia Yan's impression.

Her appearance proved that Xia Yan's feeling was not wrong.

The evil Weavile isolates Yongjira's Psychic perception.

"Why are you following me?" Xia Yan asked with a cold face.

"Shouldn't I be asking you this question?" The woman lightly brushed off the hair on her shoulders and raised the corner of her mouth, "What are you doing here?"

Xia Yan frowned slowly.

"What? The guild is so lenient now?"

The silver-haired woman laughed lightly, raised her palm, and a Poké Ball appeared in her hand.

No more talking.

But the meaning is self-evident. If Xia Yan didn't explain it clearly today, it must have been done.

Glancing at Weavile standing beside the woman, his sharp claws slowly combed the hair on his head, reflecting Sen Han.

Should have elite strength.

Although it is not quite sure, it is estimated that the worst is also elite.

Xia Yan didn't put Beedrill away, but the other party still looked unscrupulous, showing that he was very confident in his own strength.

Silently took a deep breath, posing as a compromise.

He took out the hunter's guild hunter's identity certificate and the mission certificate to capture Abomasnow from his arms.

Seeing these things, the woman's raised arm slowly fell.

The smile faded slowly.

"Abomasnow is more at the foot of the mountain."

Xia Yan lowered his eyes and quickly thought about a few questions in his mind.

The first one, and his biggest choice, is to leave quietly like this, and then wait for the right opportunity to approach, but the problem is that his one-time identity guarantee has been used up, and if he is found again next time, it will be completely inexplicable. Yes, it must be done.

The second is to take advantage of the fact that the other party has only one Weavile outside, and he has Beedrill, Yongjira, Togetic hiding in a large trench coat, and Honedge hiding in the shadows, there is a certain chance to take advantage of The other party has not yet summoned the second Pokémon to deal with her, but it is very risky.

The third is to directly let Yongjira use Teleport to take him to the outside of the Xuefeng Temple. The distance here is not too far. Yongjila's Psychic can do this teleportation within the field of vision.

However, this third option is also troublesome. His abrupt action will definitely attract the attention of the Hunters Guild. The next time he sends Miyu over, he will definitely face the situation of waiting for the rabbit.

As long as he dares to transmit, the other party dares to wait.

There wasn't much time for him to think.

In the end, Xia Yan preferred the first one.

Even if it will be troublesome to be discovered next time, at least he has to wait until the next time. He still has a chance to try, although the possibility is not high.

There is a large open area around the gate of Xuefeng Temple. Once he approaches, he will undoubtedly be attacked.


After a while of active thinking, he made the most "correct" decision.


But he couldn't let his guard down on this silver-haired woman.

Xia Yan has seen this method many times before letting the enemy relax his vigilance and attack from behind.

Keep enough distance and vigilance, and slowly leave this area.

"Wait a moment!"

But when Xia Yan was halfway there, the silver-haired woman spoke again.

Xia Yan frowned, and his eyes signaled Beedrill and Yongjira to get ready.

Look at each other silently and see what she wants to do.

"You, just joined the club?" the woman asked.

Xia Yan nodded without a trace.

"First mission?"

Xia Yan still nodded.

Confirming this, the woman smiled again, "Very good, from today onwards you are my 'Tyrannosaurus' Joe Anna's subordinate."

Xia Yan: "???"

What is this operation?

Can't get him straight all of a sudden.

Seeing Xia Yan stunned, Qiao Anna was not surprised, just said:

"Don't worry, I'm an eighth-level hunter in the guild, under the command of 'Mr. A', and I have the qualifications to recruit subordinates independently."

After a short pause, he continued: "Being my subordinate, you can directly be promoted to a fourth-level hunter. I know you can do it quickly, but it saves a lot of trouble, doesn't it?"

Xia Yan recovered and asked in a deep voice, "Why?"

Joe Anna brushed her hair and chuckled, "Why? Because I think you have good strength and high vigilance, and have the conditions to become a good Pokémon hunter."

Looking at Xia Yan's still disbelieving expression, Qiao Anna shook her head.

"Well, because I need some good subordinates, and you fit the bill."

If so, the credibility is a little higher.

There was a glimmer of light in Xia Yan's lowered eyes.

As a relatively idle organization, the Hunter Guild also has a parliamentary group composed of 26 people. Such an organization is bound to be accompanied by a problem, and there are many factions.

Even if the Rockets are so highly condensed under the management of Giovanni, the top executives of the Rockets are still in many factions, such as the Kanto faction, the Johto Region faction, the three beasts, the three generals, the three executives, and so on.

What's more, an organization like the Hunter Guild managed by twenty-six people, even if it is the highest meeting, six people have the right to vote.

The reason why the Hunter Guild has such a system for core members to recruit peripheral members is a faction performance.

For example, when Xia Yan met An Jie before, he said that Xuefeng City was the area in charge of Hunter A, while Hunter K was in charge of some areas to the south, such as Sunyshore City.

In front of this person who dares to take the nickname "Tyrannosaurus", it does not mean that her character is a female tyrannosaurus. The big reason is that it has something to do with her Pokémon, so "Tyrannosaurus" is easy to associate with Salamence.

In other words, the woman named Qiao Anna in front of her is likely to be the future hunter J.

A powerful and ambitious woman.

Recruiting subordinates is not just for recruiting, it is very likely to prepare for the impact of the ninth-level hunter or even the twenty-six seats.

And he is a "rookie" who has just joined the Hunter Guild, and he has good strength, isn't it a good choice?

Of course, these are all Xia Yan's guesses, not necessarily preparations, but they should be roughly inseparable.

"Why should I become your subordinate? I believe that with my strength and ability, it is only a matter of time before I become a core hunter. And even if I want to become someone's subordinate, aren't the hunters in those seats more suitable?

Besides, I like freedom, not restraint. "

Although he can assist this opportunity to get close to the Xuefeng Temple, he can't be too obvious, and he must maintain his cautious impression in Qiao Anna's eyes.

"You're smart, I know you get what I mean, they can't give you what you want, I can. Like the power to act freely."

Staring closely at Xia Yan.

"You don't have to regard yourself as my subordinate, but as a partner. When I sit on the top seat, I promise to help you sit on the seat too."

She made no secret of her purpose, and also revealed a meaning.

The secrets and ambitions in their hearts are known to Xia Yan. If Xia Yan does not agree, then the two can only become enemies.

But I have to say that such an unconcealed behavior really looks like a big thing.

"Also, I can tell you a secret." Slowly lowered his voice and said solemnly: "Do you know why the guild has invested so much power in the Xuefeng Temple this time? Because the top of the guild will soon have a big change. At that time, it is not known how many people will still be able to keep their seats.

So, do you dare to choose one? "

Is the top of the Hunter Guild going to change?

No wonder Joe Anna couldn't hold back.

Moreover, listening to her, the Hunter Guild's action against the Xuefeng Temple this time was also because of a premonition that the Heaven-changing event was about to happen.

"I know that you have a special purpose for approaching Xuefeng Temple, and even joining the guild may be just to cover up that purpose. I don't care, everyone in the guild is in danger now, but it is also an opportunity for me."

Xia Yan's heart sank, is his abrupt behavior still easy to cause suspicion?

But he raised his brows and asked, "Don't you think, are you talking too much at once? A stranger to me."

It's okay to say a word or two, but having said so much, even including some secrets within the Hunter Guild, is too easy to think about, especially for Xia Yan, a stranger who met for the first time.

Just because of the elite Beedrill he showed?

Not so.

An elite Pokémon isn't enough to draw such attention.

Joe Anna gave him a meaningful look, "Because you are bold enough."


Xia Yan was stunned.

But when she saw Joe Anna throw the Poké Ball, in the red light, a ferocious and terrifying breath came to her face.


A huge Cianwood-colored body, two Contest's signature blood-red wings, sharp eyes, and three small delta wings similar to the front wings of an airplane on each side of his head.


After Joe Anna's Salamence came out, a loud dragon roar resounded through the mountains and forests.

Xia Yan's heart trembled slightly, looking at the quasi-god Pokémon that had evolved to its final form in front of him, and it was also the first quasi-god Pokémon he had seen so far that had completed its final evolution.

Then the identity of this Joe Anna in front of her is really ready to be revealed.

Future Hunter J!

And judging from the momentum of this Salamence, it should at least have the strength of the main hall.

The most important thing is that once the quasi-god Pokémon reaches the final evolution type, its strength will usher in a period of rapid soaring.

I'm afraid this is also the source of confidence that Joe Anna is targeting those twenty-six seats, even the highest seats.

After all, the Hunter Guild is not an organization that depends entirely on strength.

A very ambitious woman.

This is what Xia Yan gave her at the moment.

Qiao Anna has been paying attention to the changes in Xia Yan's expression. When he saw Salamence's appearance, he only showed a surprised expression, but he did not show the fear that a normal person should have, and he became more determined.

"Don't you want to know why? Then I'll tell you."

As he spoke, he gently stroked Salamence's neck, feeling the hard scales on it, and said slowly:

"First, you know the guild's arrangement for the Xuefeng Temple, but you still dare to approach here, and carefully choose to become a member of the guild first, so that you have a suitable excuse to approach Xuefeng Mountain. Dare to do this, or A lunatic, or he has the confidence and confidence to protect himself. I believe in the latter one more."

Raise your second finger.

"Second, if I didn't feel wrong just now, are you thinking of killing me? Don't deny it. My Weavile doesn't talk about other abilities, but I feel most sensitive to these things."

Without waiting for Xia Yan to say anything, he raised a third finger.

"Thirdly, when you saw my Salamence suddenly appear, you just showed surprise, but no fear. This is not what a normal hunter should do unless you have the confidence to deal with it."

He folded three fingers, clenched his fists, and said the last point with a smile.

"Finally, how can you be sure that we are meeting for the first time?"

Hearing her slightly joking words, Xia Yan suddenly reacted.

"You've been watching me these days?"

Xia Yan thought of the looming feeling of being stared at for the first five days. He thought it was a Ghost-type Pokémon from the Hunter Guild, but he also tried to find it.

But now it seems that the gaze is from heaven.

Glancing across Salamence.

For fear of attracting more attention, Xia Yan did not let Pidegeotto spy on Sky.

Salamence's strength, if so desired, is enough to evade Yongjira's perception.

"It's a bit too much to say it's surveillance. I just found a more interesting person at first. It turns out that you are more interesting than I thought." Joe Anna shrugged.

As soon as she said it from the beginning to the end, Xia Yan was not very surprised by her actions.

But her actions and behavior also gave Xia Yan a certain warning.

Don't take everyone for a fool, some things can't be taken for granted subjectively.

Possessing the trump card of Snorlax also affected some of his actions and judgments.

The bottom of my heart is that I have enough protection for my own safety.

This is a dangerous and unknowing change.

It may be fine in normal times, but if he is really in trouble, it might really get him into big trouble.

"I'm done, make your choice and become my ministry. No, cooperate? Or do you want to have one?"


Salamence let out a coy roar.

Beedrill and Yongjira beside Xia Yan felt tremendous pressure and concentrated on maintaining the highest vigilance.

Looking at this posture, Xia Yan showed a helpless expression.

"You, you don't have the chance to choose at all, okay?"

Joe Anna smiled.

He strode forward, without Weavile and Salamence, and stopped in the middle.

She is showing sincerity.

Xia Yan thought for a while, and motioned for Beedrill and Yongjira to stay still and step forward.

"Now, can you tell me what your name is?"

Saying that, reaching out.

"Bee sting, hunter 'bee sting'."

Immediately, they held hands with Joe Anna and initially reached a cooperative relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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