The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 332 Honedge Changed Unconsciously

Chapter 332 Honedge Changed Unconsciously

Approach cautiously.

Now that it's getting dark, be sure to identify and secure near your home before full sundown.

It has been considered before, once entering the night, the danger level of this forest is definitely not Xia Yan dare to try easily.

"As long as there are no more than three and there are no master-level Pokémons, you can take them!"

When necessary, you can use Mega to evolve.

But if there is a Pokémon at the master level, he can only choose another place, and the conditions are not so good.

"The footprints on the ground are large, but not complicated, and they seem to be similar in shape and size, and there is a high probability that there is only one."

As he got closer, Xia Yan felt a lot more relaxed after observing the footprints on the ground.

As long as it's not at the master level.

Even if you have just reached the master level, you have to do it!

And their approach finally caught the attention of Pokémon in the cave.


A roar roared from inside the Fan Cave, and it was just the air waves brought by Roar that blew the bushes outside the Cave back and forth, groaning in pain.

Xia Yan frowned.


Bang! Bang! Bang!

With the sound of heavy footsteps, the Pokémon in the cave slowly walked out.

"Get ready." Xia Yan whispered to a few Pokémon.

The Pokémons also felt a lot of pressure from the Pokémon that came out of the cave.

Beedrill used the Sword Dance with Honedge.

With the increasing communication between Beedrill and Honedge, the proficiency of Sword Dance moves is also increasing. Although the use of Sword Dance is not as proficient as Honedge, it can be regarded as a great improvement.

And Yongjira was directly suspended in the air and sat cross-legged, while Calm Mind improved his strength while quickly propping up Psychic Terrain.

Togetic is also waving his little hands constantly, and moves such as Wish, Lucky Chant, Safeguard, etc. continue to bless other Pokémons.

However, when Togetic used these moves, it suddenly had a strange feeling, and it couldn't say where it was, and it didn't think much about it when there was not much time.

In this way, while the Pokémons were getting ready, the Pokémon in the cave finally came out slowly.

It is more than 2.5 meters tall, with dark red body and hexagonal scales the size of half a fist can be clearly seen on it, as well as orange Rock protrusions around the eyes and on the tail, like a certain golden crown, neck and body It has a ring of white hair at its junction, stout feet that walk upright, a large tail for balanced movement, and short but advantageous arms.

At first glance, it looks like a ferocious tyrannosaur.


A ruthless and ferocious Rock and Dragon Pokémon.

Another Pokémon that should have gone extinct in the Pokémon world.

The golden eyes swept across Xia Yan and the Pokémon around him, with disdain and contempt in his eyes.

If Yanmega is the top predator in the forest, then the Tyrantrum in front of him is definitely the top of the food chain.

Moreover, as the dragon bloodline carried by the dragon-type Pokémon, it has an unrivaled strong body.

Especially the huge mouth with sharp teeth, the bite force is definitely not something ordinary Pokémon dare to try easily.

Seeing Tyrantrum, Xia Yan's expression became more solemn.

This is definitely not a good Lord to get along with.

Roar! !

Tyrantrum roared again, declaring sovereignty over the lands.

Elite class?

The master class?

Can't judge.

The first time I saw this kind of Pokémon, Xia Yan couldn't grasp its strength judgment, and more about Tyrantrum, he stayed in the understanding of the game. The description of this kind of Pokémon in the Pokémon world is almost impossible to find.

But at this time, even the main hall can only bite the bullet.

It was Xia Yan who took the lead.

Togetic's Extrasensory was the first to launch.


As soon as he made the move, Togetic had a hunch that his Extrasensory could not bring the control effect to the opponent, and promptly reminded Beedrill of them.

However, Togetic's attack managed to instantly ignite Tyrantrum's already violent temper.

Roar! !

As it roared again, with heavy footsteps, it rushed towards them at no slow speed.


Beedrill, who was the big brother, took the lead, and the vibration of his wings quickly shortened the distance to Tyrantrum.

Seeing that Beedrill dared to take the initiative to meet him, Tyrantrum gave up Lock On on Togetic in an instant, and instead focused on Beedrill.

He opened his bloody mouth, the rich black light covered the sharp teeth, and the upper and lower jaws with strong bite were locked towards Beedrill.


The giant mouth closed, and "Beedrill" turned into a bubble and dissipated directly under its mouth.

Double Team!

And the real Beedrill has appeared behind it.

The long needle was raised horizontally, and the khaki halo circled and condensed on Beedrill's long needle, instantly turning into a golden spear.

Drill Run!


The Ground-type move, Drill Run, has an excellent Attribute restraint effect on the Rock-type Tyrantrum.

Bearing the huge impact, Tyrantrum staggered forward while suffering.

At the same time, the sturdy tail swung, and the wind carried by Dragon Tail was drawn towards the large needle that was unable to dodge quickly after the attack.

And just a second before it attacks, Honedge appears behind it using Shadow Sneak.

He wanted to take advantage of the situation to attack, but saw that Beedrill became the target of the attack.

Although his eyes were full of fear, I'm afraid even Honedge didn't think he would do such a thing. He flashed and appeared beside Beedrill.

The rapidly drawn Dragon Tail is like a terrifying whip, and just the strong wind driven by the swing can make life painful.

The cautious and timid Honedge stopped in front of Beedrill without thinking at this moment, which is definitely against its usual habits and behavior.

For some reason, when Beedrill was about to suffer a painful attack, Honedge's mind flashed the scene of Beedrill learning "Sword Dance" from him.

After flashing the appearance of being stronger, but still humbly asking it for advice, the attitude of acknowledging Honedge's ability made some changes in Honedge's heart invisibly.

If it is said that in Xia Yan's team, who Honedge has the best and most recognition for, it must be Beedrill.

It admires Yongjira's efforts and is no worse than himself, but Yongjila is not good at words, and on the contrary, Togetic is too good at words and likes to interact, but less dedication to training, only Beedrill, Honedge The first communication partner of each choice.

Now, Beedrill is in danger, and Honedge can't help but stop in front of it.

Maybe Yongjira and Togetic will do the same when they are in danger, but that's definitely a conscious, subjective choice, not a subconscious behavior like Beedrill's. brain.

In its view, among Xia Yan's four Pokémon, its defense is the top, even if Xia Yan doesn't say it, it knows when it should stand up.

No matter how scared you are.


The powerful Dragon Tail slammed on Honedge, which successfully slowed the Dragon Tail's swing and bought Beedrill time.

Honedge was directly pumped and flew out from Beedrill's side.

"Beer beer!!"

Beedrill's already scarlet eyes burst into anger in an instant, and his leader's aura rose up.

at the same time.

A colorful halo appeared in Xia Yan's pocket.

It was the Mega Evolution Stone who felt Beedrill's mood swings.

And Xia Yan, at this moment, can clearly feel Beedrill's anger.

without hesitation.

Throw the Mega Evolution stone directly at the Beedrill.

Beedrill who Assisted the Mega Evolution Stone and Xia Yan who held the Key Stone in his hand shot out a lot of Mega Evolution energy at the same time.

Seeing that Honedge, who used to be so timid and cautious, did not have his reminder and took the initiative to help Beedrill resist the attack, Xia Yan was surprised at the same time, but also felt the change in Honedge.

Shen said: "Beedrill,."


Fourth more! 7-1=6!

(End of this chapter)

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