The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 334 The Sword Of Equality Of All Things

Chapter 334 The Sword of Equality of All Things

The damage from the Beedrill Drill Run, combined with Doublade's two Sacred Swords, finally knocked Tyrantrum down.

The huge body fell heavily to the ground, causing the ground to tremble and raising a large amount of dust.

I have to say that this Tyrantrum is very strong. It was finally defeated by the continuous attack of Mega Beedrill and Doublade, as well as the assistance of Togetic and Yongjira.

Originally, Mega Beedrill could be defeated, but since Doublade wanted to take the initiative to fight, Xia Yan held the opportunity to give it a try even if he gave up. He did not expect that Doublade would be so fierce after evolution.

The mastery of Sacred Sword's moves is also true, which made him a little unexpected.

as far as he knows.

The move "Sacred Sword", Doublade is the only Pokémon that can be learned apart from mythical beasts, phantom beasts and ultimate alien beasts.

Not to mention whether this move is strong or not, it is just a card face that ordinary Pokémon can master those moves that can only be learned by divine beasts.

And the power of Sacred Sword is not weak.

There are also effects attached to it, which can ignore the change of the target's evasion rate ability and the ability change of defense power.

That is to say, if you encounter a Rival who likes to use the "Minimize" tactics or use the "iron plate" tactics, Doublade can send a Sacred Sword to let the opponent understand why the flowers are so red.


Sacred Sword is also referred to as the sword of equality of all things.

Under the Sacred Sword, all things are equal.

Of course, there are still exaggerations.

However, mastering this trick is still very helpful.

After Doublade defeated Tyrantrum, he didn't mean to leave. Instead, he hovered over its head, with his two swords stroking Tyrantrum's neck, as if he was looking for where to enter the sword more easily.

Tyrantrum is indeed a strong enough Pokémon. After being defeated and incapacitated and fell to the ground, he quickly regained consciousness, but he was still unable to move freely.

But in this way, it saw Doublade's stance that he was ready to find a knife.

Suddenly a shiver, the scales on the neck stand up.

Meeting Doublade's open eyes, his eyes quiver.

its serious.

Is it to be dismembered? !

While it was still Smelling Salts!

Not far away, Xia Yan also discovered Doublade's Status Condition.

The madness and ferociousness in its eyes have not yet faded away.

He frowned.

Doublade of this Contest Condition become so violent?

Is the temperament it usually repressed released after evolution?

Or is it because of the influence that Giratina brought to it in the first place?

The Honedge period has not been revealed yet, and after evolving into Doublade, this hidden character is exposed

Seeing that Doublade had already found his position, he was about to fall when he raised his sharp blade, Xia Yan also reacted from his contemplation and hurriedly shouted:


The cold front stopped less than three centimeters away from the scales of Tyrantrum's neck.

Tyrantrum held his breath, a heart hanging in his throat.

Fortunately, as a lord, as a dragon-type Pokémon, it's not too embarrassing and doesn't shout.

On the other side, Xia Yan was silently relieved when he saw that Doublade had stopped.

Doublade hadn't lost his mind completely, and could still hear him.

I see.

Doublade slowly raised his head, his eyes fell on Xia Yan.


The violent madness in his eyes gradually returned to clarity, and a sense of drowsiness struck. Finally, after giving Xia Yan an "apologetic" look, he slowly closed his eyes.

But Doublade didn't fall into a coma.

As this eye closed, the other closed eye slowly opened.

At first, he was briefly confused, and then he seemed to remember something.

Looking at Tyrantrum, who was clenching his teeth without making a sound, and then looked at Xia Yan and a few Pokémon not far away.


Suddenly, there was fear and shock in his eyes, as if to say, this is what I did?

He immediately left Tyrantrum and returned to Xia Yan.

Seeing Doublade's reaction, Xia Yan smiled helplessly.

It seems his guess was correct.

This guy Doublade is really schizophrenic. On the one hand, he is timid and cautious, and on the other hand, he is full of violence and ferocity. After defeating Tyrantrum, he did not stop and even thought of killing it.

Don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing.

But I just feel that the opened eye and the closed eye, which represent the sword and the shield respectively, seem a little wrong.

"Chucky!" Togetic stood behind Xia Yan, grabbed his legs, stuck his head out to look at Doublade, and called out softly.

The murderous side that Doublade showed just now, to be honest, it was a little scary.

Hearing Togetic's doubts, Doublade didn't know what to say for a while.

It seems to have an impression of the process just now, but it does not seem to be, like a bystander, not a participant.

After confirming that Doublade really "recovered", Togetic patted his chest and walked out, telling him what had just happened.

"Beer beer."

Beedrill moved closer to Doublade, and the long needle patted it in gratitude.

Doublade, the magenta ribbon, scratched his head and smirked, not knowing how to deal with this situation.

But it can also feel that it seems that its relationship with Xia Yan and Beedrill has become closer, and the distance has become smaller.

"Congratulations, Doublade, we will continue to work hard together in the future." Xia Yan stroked its hilt with a smile.

"Sigh." Doublade nodded again and again, it also felt the change in his own strength.

Xia Yan's help is needed to survive in this world better.

Seeing the change in Doublade's eyes, Xia Yan smiled and patted its hilt again.

Still this Doublade is more familiar.

I just didn't expect that among his Pokémons, the second person to break through to the elite level was actually Doublade.

Honedge at that time was indeed the strongest among the three little ones, and the senior level was the strongest.

But because of its character, Xia Yan never thought that Honedge would be the first to break through and evolve.

Now it seems.

He still somewhat underestimated Honedge's potential.

Just after completing the evolution, the strength is close to Beedrill. It can be seen how long it has stayed in the Honedge stage and how much it has saved.

Honedge has evolved so that the joy of defeating Tyrantrum and taking the abode isn't as great.

With the Pokémon still immersed in the joy of Doublade evolution, they walked to Tyrantrum, who was lying on the ground with Smelling Salts, but not yet recovered.

Pulled out a normal Poké Ball.

With a smile, he said, "Poké Balls are expensive, don't waste my Poké Balls, understand?"

Tyrantrum poked his neck and said nothing.

Xia Yan didn't say much, just glanced sideways at Doublade.

Tyrantrum's eyes moved with his, and when he saw Doublade, who had a "timid" face and even a little "friendly" smile, his eyes trembled and he swallowed.

Then Xia Yan threw the Poké Ball.

The results were not unexpected.

Although Tyrantrum seems to be saving face, the Poké Ball quickly stopped shaking after he was thrown.

Take the Poké Ball from Yongjira Psychic.

This Cave, even if they are accepted.

And because Tyrantrum has lived here for a long time and has formed a territory, there should be no need to worry about the safety issues of living here for a short time.

Get a good night's sleep tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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