The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 336 Investigation (Ask For A Monthly Ticket!)

Chapter 336 Investigation (Ask for a monthly ticket!)

the next day.

bang bang bang-

Accompanied by the sound of heavy footsteps, a ferocious Tyrantrum slowly walked out of the cave, and just by looking at the upper and lower jaws of its open mouth, one knew its ferocity.

The ability of this Tyrantrum is also the ability that most Tyrantrums have, Jaws of Strength.

Strong Jaws: Because of the strong jaws, the power of all bite-related moves will be increased.

However, when Tyrantrum's appearance is completely exposed to the sun, its mighty and domineering appearance is greatly reduced.

On its huge head, there is a playful and cute Togetic with a novel face, and a Doublade with only one eye open, showing fear and caution in his eyes.

In the only place on its neck with long soft white hairs, stood a man with a faint smile on his face.

Although the jagged scales added friction, he was still able to stand firmly on his neck.

A faint blue halo can be seen under his feet, which is why he can stand still on Tyrantrum's neck.

Surrounded by the man is a Beedrill with a particularly gorgeous golden color, Twineedle reflecting the cold light.

On Tyrantrum's back, a Yongjira with frowning frowned was sitting cross-legged. When Calm Mind, he kept twirling the beads in his hand, chanting words in his mouth, and the Psychic halo on his body was flowing up and down.

And they, of course, are Xia Yan and his Pokémon, and Tyrantrum who just fell under his "mercy".

With the shock of Snorlax, and the Captivate of power cubes, Tyrantrum was quick to embrace it.

In fact, there is nothing unacceptable.

If Xia Yan didn't have Snorlax, Tyrantrum might still "persist". Although it might not last long, he was somewhat unconvinced. After all, when Xia Yan and the others defeated it, it was not one-on-one.

But since seeing Snorlax

That's fine.

The one who accepted the surrender calmly.

This is also one of the laws of survival in the wild environment where the strong eat the weak.

The one with the same result as Tyrantrum is Yanmega.

Compared with Tyrantrum, it is more receptive, and it is also a Pokémon who chooses to surrender before Tyrantrum.

Yanmega already has a clan, and there are leaders in the clan, and they are not very resistant to obeying orders.

Although it is from obeying the leader of the tribe to obeying a human being.

But not much difference.

What's more, it can clearly perceive that even the leader of their clan is not as strong as Snorlax, and the resistance is even less strong.

So Yanmega became Xia Yanxin's Flying mount, and Pidegeotto had to retire before he officially started his job.

Fortunately, it was Xia Yan who had the choice to leave to return to freedom or to stay and live a comfortable and comfortable life.

Yanmega's ability is "acceleration", which will make it faster and faster in the process of flying in a straight line. Coupled with the already strong and powerful wings, flying for a long time is not a big problem.

The most important thing is that Yanmega and Tyrantrum, as "indigenous people", must have a better understanding of the surrounding situation than Xia Yan, which can save him a lot of unnecessary trouble.


Xia Yan rode his new mount Tyrantrum, ready to investigate the surrounding situation, centering on the cave where he lives now, to investigate the nearby Pokémon territory.

Which ethnic groups cannot be provoked, which ones can be provoked, and those areas are rich in materials that can be collected or excavated.

The wild Pokémon here are of high level and strength, and there are dangers everywhere. Even with the Snorlax guarantee, Xia Yan is not sure whether he can fully guarantee his own safety, but one thing is certain, danger will inevitably accompany more opportunities and benefits.

Where there have never been humans, or where humans have rarely set foot, there must be a lot of supplies, especially some things that don't help wild Pokémon, but are very valuable to Trainers.

Maybe, after this trip is over, Xia Yan's material strength will usher in a qualitative leap.

However, this investigation process also needs to be very careful.

Time flies.

It was getting dark.

Xia Yan and a group of Pokémon returned to the cave where they temporarily lived with their exhausted bodies, with more or less injuries on their bodies.

But from the mental outlook, although injured, but very good.

It seems that they participated in the battle today and achieved good results.

Between the cave and the stream rose a bunch of Courtneys.

From Tyrantrum's back, some wild animals that were hit on the way back were taken off.

I didn't have time yesterday to prepare.

But today Xia Yan deliberately let Beedrill capture some ordinary wild animals.

So dinner will be adding some new food.

I don't know how long I'm going to stay in this space.

It's fine if it's short, but if it's long, there's bound to be a shortage of food, whether it's him or the Pokémons.

Eating some fresh food in moderation can relieve this stress.

At the same time, Xia Yan can also try to store a wave of dry food for himself. After all, it is not always possible to catch wild animals.

But with the addition of Tyrantrum and Yanmega, there is a lot more food to prepare.

Especially Tyrantrum.

If it weren't for Snorlax in the team, I'm afraid the title of "Big Eater" would have changed hands.

Yanmega is not bad either. As an omnivorous Pokémon, the need for food equals the need for energy.

With the combined efforts of the Pokémons, two wild deer and two wild boars were removed from Tyrantrum's back, commanded by Yongjira's Psychic, Beedrill and Doublade, and Togetic shouted, and soon these ingredients were all processed.

For Xia Yan and Beedrill, Tyrantrum and Yanmega don't understand much about their behavior.

Wouldn't it be fine to just eat it?


Then they are completely conquered by the "Honey" barbecue aroma.

While roasting the meat, Xia Yan also cut some meat from the strong hind legs of a wild boar, and made a separate shelf to make bacon, which can prolong the shelf life of these meat products and add some flavor. Time to prepare your own rations.

Thankfully, I have watched a lot of survival videos before, and I have taken the initiative to dabble in this knowledge in the Pokémon world, otherwise I may not be able to do it.

While waiting for the roast.

Xia Yan sat next to Courtney, holding a branch and scribbling and drawing on the manicured ground.

Taking the cave where they are at the moment as the Chinese and Western, expand outward and divide it into a grid area, which marks the wild Pokémon in the area, the level of strength, the degree of danger, and some materials or materials that can be obtained from these areas.

After the descriptions of Yanmega and Tyrantrum, as well as my own personal exploration and investigation, I learned that there are three largest ethnic groups nearby, namely the Yanmega and Archeops that Xia Yan had experienced before. run away.

The Braviary and Mandibuzz are the two Pokémon tribes that live on a cliff not too far away.

The number is not too much, but the general strength is very strong.

If Xia Yan just came to this different space and was targeted by Flying's extremely fast speed, he would definitely not be able to escape except to turn around and deal with it.

Among these three groups, Braviary and Mandibuzz are the strongest, Yanmega and Archeops are on a par, but all three groups have Pokémon with master-level strength, which can be said to be the only one in this area.

In addition to these three ethnic groups, there are also some large and small ethnic groups, some of which are weaker, but some are equally strong, but compared with the three major ethnic groups, they are either smaller in number, or this kind of Pokémon. The character is relatively mild, does not like to fight, and lives in a couple.

However, if an alien Pokémon approaches and shows malice, they will also fight back violently.

After marking the Pokémon in these areas, Xia Yan began to focus on marking some materials that could be used and collected in each area.

This is related to some of his next arrangements and plans.

Fourth more! 6-1+2 (1400 and 1600 monthly passes) = 7!

I have had a fever and a cold over and over again, but I am finally getting better. I will officially resume the fifth watch tomorrow! Ask for a double monthly pass at the end of the month!

(End of this chapter)

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