The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 339 I Really Was A Bad Guy (2 In 1)

Chapter 339 I Really Was A Bad Guy (2 in 1)


Tyrantrum growled.

He signaled to Xia Yan that when facing the Heracross of this Contest Condition at this time, he would not need hard steel.

Not good to fight.


Heracross's Insect's Premonition Ability is triggered, and Cherrim's Flower Gift Ability is also blessed to Heracross, and its damage ability has definitely improved several grades.

Although it is only a sunny day instead of Sunny Day, the blessing of the gift of flowers should not be maximized, but it is also very troublesome.

In addition, Cherrim provides healing at the back, as long as you can't kill Heracross in seconds and enter a protracted battle, it will become very difficult and troublesome.

But it is definitely impossible for Xia Yan to retreat like this.

His target is Cherrim, and if the Heracross can't deal with it, the following series of goals and plans will be limited.


It is not difficult to break the blessing of this Ability of Cherrim.

Xia Yan took out a Poké Ball.

Since he had long known that facing Cherrim, he would inevitably encounter its ability, so he was naturally prepared.

Throws the Pokémon from your hand.

When the Pokémon in the red light appeared, the surrounding temperature immediately dropped several degrees, and scattered Icirrus drifted away with the appearance of this Pokémon.

Tyrantrum shuddered suddenly as he felt the temperature drop.

This temperature change makes it think of Amaura, a Pokémon nemesis like himself.

But it was not Amaura who appeared, but Froslass, who Xia Yan promised to help it and its children find a safe place not long ago.

As soon as Froslass appeared, he looked at Xia Yan suspiciously.

Xia Yan smiled apologetically and said in a calm tone: "Froslass, the situation is a bit special, please give me a Hail."

Hail: A weather-type move that can cause a Hail to descend from an area for a period of time, during which all Pokémon in the Hail will continue to take damage.

It is one of the four weathers in the Pokémon world: Sunny, Sandstorm, Hail, and Rain.

That's right.

What Xia Yan planned to be able to resolve Cherrim's "Flower Gift" Ability was to use the most fundamental method to change the weather.

Once it's not sunny, the Cherrim "Flower Gift" ability is useless.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, Froslass nodded slightly without asking why.

It was just a blue-white light in his eyes, and he raised his hands, and the weather in the surrounding area immediately changed. Hails of different sizes began to fall from the air.

The surrounding Pokémon are all damaged by Hail.

Especially Tyrantrum, the ice-type Hail of the Dragon-type Pokémon deals the most damage to it.

But he could only endure it silently, without making a sound.

Didn't you see Xia Yan's other Pokémons silently enduring Hail's damage?

But it was Cherrim that had the biggest impact.

Originally like a gorgeous blooming Sakura, after the weather changed, the petals quickly gathered, and the purple petals and purple rhizomes wrapped it into another form.

Cherrim is also a rare Pokémon that changes form, and changes with the weather, and even personality is affected.

Another one that changes with the weather is the floating bubble, which changes with the four types of weather and has more shapes.

With the change of form, the Sakura blessing on Heracross also quietly dissipated.

Heracross's breath was noticeably weaker.

"Quick decision." Xia Yan said.

Hail's damage to Beedrill and them is also continuous, and taking the opportunity to solve Heracross as soon as possible can also be regarded as reducing the damage you receive.

Several Pokémon also understand.

Togetic's Extrasensory didn't control Heracross and instead controlled Help Heracross's Cherrim, so did Yongjira, but he just focused some of his attention on Heracross, and his main energy was used to deal with a few Cherrims.

And without the support of Cherrim, Heracross, even with the blessing of Insect Premonition, is not a big threat to Beedrill and Doublade.

With the Sword Dance blessed, Heracross was defeated by one enemy and two.

Finally fell to the ground and lost the ability to fight.

Froslass stopped the continuous Hail in time, nodded to Xia Yan, and returned to the Poké Ball.

Looking at Heracross lying on the ground, before Xia Yan got close to it, a group of weak-looking Pokémon ran out from the nearby trees, bushes, and grasses, watching Xia Yan and a group of Pokémon vigilantly, guarding in front of Heracross.

Most of these Pokémons are cute-looking Pokémons like Cherrim, which are obviously weak, and most of them are grass-type Pokémons.

The appearance of the fierce milk is not deterrent at all.

However, it can also be seen that Heracross has a high status in the hearts of this group of Pokémon.

"Ho la!"

Heracross didn't completely lose consciousness. Seeing the group of Pokémon stopped in front of him, he immediately roared and signaled them to leave him alone.


It was the unmoving backs of these Pokémons who responded to it.

Heracross was moved, staggered, stood up forcibly, and shouted at Xia Yan.

"Ho la."

It means that it can be at the disposal of Xia Yan, but please Xia Yan not to embarrass these little guys.

Xia Yan, who was standing on Tyrantrum, touched his nose in embarrassment.

How does it feel, he is now like the big villain in the movie.

The Messenger of Justice was defeated, then a group of people shouted "Believe in the light", and finally the Messenger of Justice stood up again and defeated him.

Xia Yan fell from Tyrantrum's body.

Walk up to the group of Pokémon.

Since they are all regarded as villains, it seems that they should not be "villains" once, as if they are a little disadvantaged.

Cough lightly.

Face up.

Shen said: "From today onwards, this is my territory."

Yongjira helped translate, and transmitted Xia Yan's meaning to every Pokémon's brain through telepathy.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, these Pokémon showed despair one by one.

Without their territory, it is impossible for them to snatch other Pokémon's territory, so they are destined to live a life of displacement and have no source of materials and food, and they may die on the way of migration.

Regarding their expressions, Xia Yan pretended not to see, but continued: "If you don't want this Heracross to die, then do as I say."

"All Cherrim and Cherubi, get out!"

"Ho la!"

Heracross shouted excitedly, but before it could make any movement, Beedrill's long sharp needle was on its neck.

Seeing Beedrill's actions, these Pokémons panicked.


All Cherrim and Cherubi came to the forefront, trembling and looking at Xia Yan timidly.

There are roughly thirty or so.

Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction, there should be something to meet his requirements.

"Those who have mastered the Heal Pulse, take one step forward."

Thirty or so were suddenly reduced by nearly half.

"Having mastered Grassy Terrain, one step forward."

There are not many stops this time, basically every Cherubi and Cherrim have mastered Grassy Terrain.

Xia Yan rubbed his chin.

"Having mastered Healing Wish, go one step further."

Healing Wish is a great move if you say it's powerful, and it's not that powerful if you say it's not, because it's really not commonly used.

It's a move similar to exchanging your Contest Condition and Stamina for another Pokémon Contest Condition and Stamina, which is considered life-for-life.

But if used well, it can work wonders.

There are indeed very few people who have inherited this move, and only five of them are left in the end.

Cherubi was all knocked out.

Xia Yan shook his head helplessly, breaking his plan to subdue one and join the team.

After hesitating for a while, he spoke.

"If you have mastered Aromatherapy, let's go back to the rest."

In the end, there were only two Cherrims left.

The strength of the two Cherrims is senior level, barely reaching Xia Yan's standard for auxiliary Pokémon.

He was considering whether to keep both of them.

Although Heal Pulse is not a move that can be stacked, otherwise there are so many Cherrims who will be Heal Pulse, and the Heracross just now can't be defeated at all.

But it doesn't matter, Xia Yan will take a second to heal.

As long as two Cherrims can "interrupt the second treatment" skillfully, the effect is similar.

And there are two team doctors, Beedrill and their Contest Condition, naturally.

However, just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly found that one of the Cherrims was lit with golden light spots, looming and hidden under the petals.

"This is. Miracle Seed?"

Cherrim and Cherubi have a certain probability to produce Miracle Seed, mainly because of the usual eating habits of this Pokémon, and some special abilities they have.

However, the probability of producing Miracle Seed is extremely low, and the specific conditions are all unknown.

Another reason for Xia Yan's first target to choose here is because Cherrim can produce Miracle Seed.

"Just you."

Xia Yan pointed at the Cherrim carrying the Miracle Seed.

This Cherrim also seems to be the strongest of all Cherrims.

Hearing this, the Cherrim was suddenly full of despair. If it wasn't for the end of Hail, it became a sunny Contest Condition again, forgetting its fears and troubles, I'm afraid it would have cried out.

"From today, you follow me and do things according to my orders, and Heracross will be safe." Xia Yan said.


The Cherrim responded in a low voice.

He slowly raised his little feet and walked to Xia Yan's side, enduring the grievance and reluctance in his heart, and gave his companions a comforting look, indicating that he was okay.

Seeing their life-and-death appearance, Xia Yan didn't hold back and laughed.

"Ahem, my first order, use Heal Pulse on Heracross."


Cherrim questioned that he had heard it wrong, blinked his eyes, and looked at Xia Yan with a puzzled face.

"Huh?" Xia Yan made a vibrato from his nose.

Cherrim shuddered, and for whatever reason, immediately used Heal Pulse on Heracross.

A faint pink energy emanated from it and fell on Heracross.

Those wounds on its body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. In just a few seconds, not to mention the recovery to the best Contest Condition, but at least it had a certain combat effectiveness again.

"Ho la!!"

Heracross let out a low growl, poised to attack again, snatch Cherrim back.

But Beedrill looked at it gravely, and the needle moved slightly to signal it not to move.

Heracross glanced at Beedrill and Doublade behind him, gritted his teeth and didn't do anything out of the ordinary.

Cherrim is important, but there are more Pokémon behind it to protect.

Now that the territory has been "robbed" by Xia Yan, there will be a long and dangerous migration, and the safety of all Pokémon must be protected.

So the big picture Heracross didn't move.

"Not bad." Xia Yan nodded.

The veteran-level strength Cherrim can fully support the Contest Condition recovery of the elite-level Heracross, and it should have a good effect even against the master-level Pokémon.

"Now, give me that seed on your body."


This time Cherrim moved quickly.

Miracle Seed doesn't really help it much, and it's just for good looks, as a Decorate product.

A golden seed appeared in Xia Yan's hand.

Miracle Seed: The seed that nurtures life, and the power of the grass-type moves will increase.

Cherrim doesn't usually participate in combat, and if he does, he is mostly a support, so this kind of sub doesn't have much effect on him.

"Very well, since you are very obedient, then I allow you to continue to live in my territory."

Since it is his territory, then these Cherrim and Cherubi are his property, of course they can't go.


Cherrim's face was full of surprise and disbelief.

A seed that has no effect on it can actually live in a forest?

And such a good thing?

Xia Yan nodded, confirming.

Simultaneously glanced across the rest of Cherrim and Cherubi.

These Pokémons have been living here so carefree for so long, they should have some stock on them, right?

"Do you still have such seeds?"

Soon, all the Cherrim and Cherubi took out the Miracle Seed they had, under the shock of his "provocative power".

not much.

Only three.

A Cherrim was carefully handed over and placed on the ground in front of Xia Yan.

Counting the first one, there are four Miracle Seeds in total.

Big gain!

"I don't take advantage of you either. A seed is exchanged for a box of energy cubes."

Saying that, Xia Yan took out four boxes of energy cubes.

Opening the box, the scent wafts through the air, and all Pokémon are drawn to the scent of these power cubes.



Xia Yan took one out and handed it to Cherrim beside him.

Cherrim looked at Xia Yan, then at the crystal energy cube in his arms, still unable to withstand the scent of Captivate, after swallowing, took a small bite.


Cherrim's face was full of surprise.

This taste is something it has never tasted before!

And the energy contained in it also makes it surprising.

There are delicious foods that can replenish energy!

Seeing its performance, the rest of the Pokémon couldn't hold back.

They don't look much different from Cherrim's expression after eating the power cube.

Looking at their surprised appearances, Xia Yan smiled and did not speak.

‘Exchange a box of energy cubes for a Miracle Seed? I'm really a villain'

However, in the eyes of Cherrim, a useless seed for a box of energy cubes that has never been eaten is simply a bloody profit.

So it seems

Xia Yan doesn't seem to be so scary anymore.

Thinking again that Xia Yan asked Cherrim to treat Heracross before, and he did not hurt Heracross's life, but also allowed them to live in this forest again

It doesn't seem that bad.

Slowly, Cherrim and the rest of Pokémon's sense of Xia Yan changed.

"And the fruit in this forest, you can also pick it and exchange it with me for energy cubes. Of course, the price will not be so high." Xia Yan said again.

Since it is his territory, these fruits are theoretically his.

However, the places where the fruit grows are different, and some are hidden so well that you may not be able to see them at first glance.

It took too much time to pick them one by one, so let these free laborers do it. One tree fruit is replaced by two or three energy cubes, which is regarded as a labor fee.

Hearing this, the Pokémon on the opposite side were overjoyed.

Can you still do this?

Although tree fruits also contain a lot of energy, not all tree fruits are suitable for them, and even most of them do not actually taste good.

If it can be exchanged for energy blocks, of course it would be better.

"That's it for today, you can go to the cave to find me if you have anything."

After that, Xia Yan didn't stop, took the Pokémons and the Cherrim, turned and left.

The process was much smoother than he had imagined.

He's also happy with the group of Cherrim and Cherubi.

If you leave with free Poké Balls on you, pack them all with you.

Not just for Miracle Seed, but also because Pokémons like Cherrim are good at taking care of plants, including fruit trees.

These Cherrims would make good growers and restorers if he were to plant a grove of his own when he returned to the Pokémon world.

Leave them here for now, they can't run away anyway, and they can help themselves gather the fruit.

"Sure enough, the word 'good person' doesn't match me, and I'm more suitable to be a 'wicked person'."

A box of energy cubes for a Miracle Seed?

It's probably something he could do.

Looking at Xia Yan who just left, Heracross and several Pokémon looked at each other.

Is this all right?

Looking at Cherrim, who was walking away, standing on top of Tyrantrum, chatting well with Togetic and Shuckle, and occasionally taking a bite of the energy cube that Togetic handed him.

They suddenly felt.

This doesn't seem to be a tiger's mouth, but a paradise?


At the end of the month, it seems to be double the monthly pass, please ask——

The two-in-one of 4900 words, even if it is two chapters, the third and fourth more.


and many more! Just went to take a look, why is the 2100 monthly pass. This.

Recalculate, 7-1+2(1800/2000)=8!

(End of this chapter)

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