The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 367: The First Collision

Chapter 367: The First Collision

Zapdos' "Magnetic Flux" plus Ampharos' "Electric Terrain", and Ampharos' "Positive Electricity" Ability plus Electrike's "Negative Electricity" Ability, although there are only three Pokémons, the outline of the lineup she prepared can already be vaguely seen.

Very bold dual core!

Xia Yan remembered that although Tom Luqi didn't have a clear core before, that Mr. Mime, with his special abilities, could barely connect the entire team, and could be regarded as a core, or a pseudo-core.

It is also a very bold choice to directly overthrow the original lineup and rebuild it.

However, the current collocation is indeed higher than the upper limit.

Unbreakable, bold.

Although this lineup is obviously incomplete now, if it is Xia Yan, it will be equipped with a Pokémon with the "Power Storage" Ability as a meat shield. After being attacked, the Pokémon in the team can release the Discharge flow to it to restore physical strength.

Or prepare a Pokémon with the "Static" Ability as a meat shield or quick attack to increase the team's output space.

If the conditions and abilities are suitable, Xia Yan will also choose a grass-type or a Pokémon with the "floating" ability for joint defense, dealing with the only Ground-type move that can restrain the electricity-type Pokémon.

Of course, these are all Xia Yan's supplementary constructions to her lineup after seeing the prototype of the lineup formed by Tom Luqi at this time.

However, with Tom's ability, it shouldn't be difficult to think of this level.

But just from what she's showing now, you can see how ambitious she is.

Not only to be promoted to the true Elite level, to reach the level of Elite Four, but also to attack in a higher direction to form a dual-core or even multi-core lineup.

"Very bold."

Xia Yan also had to judge her construction.

Tom Ritchie frowned.

Immediately relieved.

Also, with the strength shown by Regice, it is not difficult to see her thoughts and preparations.

There must be such eyesight, otherwise she wouldn't let her take it so seriously, and she even took out the things that were not fully prepared.

"The old gentleman is very praised." Tom Luqi smiled sweetly, "Then let me set up like this, come and meet your Regice."

With that said, with the support of Mr. Mime's Psychic, use telepathy to command four Pokémon to fight.

A Cianwood-colored Psychic halo also appeared in Xia Yan's eyes.

He doesn't have telepathy yet.

But that didn't stop him from acting.

"Regice!" Regice called, raising her foot and stomping on the ground hard.



The Ground exploded in an instant, and a fissure struck the Electrike at an extremely fast speed.

Electrike is the only Pokémon with the weakest defense and the most crispy among these Pokémons. In addition, this Electrike is only recently cultivated by Tom Ritchie. Obviously, it should be the easiest point to deal with.

Persimmons should be picked softly first!

See, Electrike folded and flashed, trying to assist Quick Attack to dodge Bulldoze's attack.

It's a pity that the strength gap between it and Regice is too big, Bulldoze has Lock On its position under the control of Accumulated Ace.



The red gem on Ampharos' forehead kept flashing, and a flocculent golden vein-like electric current gathered in front of him, and the released electric current shot towards Regice under his control.

at the same time.


There was a sudden thunder, and a Maynard's swaying thunderbolt fell from the sky, followed by Zapdos' Thunder.

After the Thunder of Zapdos, which has been increased by Electric Terrain, and also received the blessing of Electric Terrain, and the combination of "Positive Electricity" and "Negative Electricity" Ability to enhance the power, Ampharos' Discharge move should not be underestimated.

With such an increase in lineup combination, the power of these electric-type moves has become enough to threaten Regice.

last resort.

Regice could only give up the pursuit of Electrike, moved his body to avoid the attack of the thunder, and clenched his fist and swiped out Ice Punch to meet Ampharos' Discharge head-on.

ka ka ka-

The sturdy ice crystals shattered in the powerful and extremely high temperature Discharge, but it was considered to have successfully resisted this attack. The most important thing was to use the ice crystals of Ice Punch to isolate it to prevent the paralyzing effect that the Discharge might bring. .

Once paralyzed Contest Condition, even Regice will become very passive.

call out--

Suddenly, a bright white beam came from the far side, and while Regice was fighting against Discharge, it landed firmly on its body.


Regice took a step back, leaving a white mark on the shiny body of the prismatic ice crystal.

Immediately afterwards, the body seemed to be eternally bright and white, and it returned to its original state.

The Ability of Eternal Pure Body is triggered, preventing the decrease of the ability caused by the attack just now.

Follow the source of the attack.

It's a three-in-one magnetic Flash Cannon!

Steel-type moves have a lot of restraint on Regice. If it weren't for the huge gap between Magneton and Regice, the damage this attack could cause is estimated to be not small.

Moreover, the steel-type moves are not included in the increase of the electromagnetic field.

But Magneton's Ability was also exposed.


If a Pokémon with the Analysis Ability makes the last shot, the power of the move will increase.

Regice suffered a small loss with the first collision of one against four.

From this, it can be seen that with a core lineup, it is indeed possible to compete with the beasts.

If it weren't for the blessings of "Magnetic Flux", "Electric Terrain", "Positive Electricity", "Negative Electricity", etc., with Regice's special defense ability, in fact, there is no need to worry about Zapdos' Thunder and Ampharos' Discharge. The next damage kills Electrike first.

But because of the combination of the lineup and various blessings, Regice can't and dare not take damage.

In the end, Electrike had nothing to do with it, but instead it took a shot of Magneton's Flash Cannon.


Regice was a little pissed.

After all, it is not Xia Yan's Pokémon after all, and his own subjective consciousness is still very strong.

Xia Yan lightly patted its arm as comfort.

Tom Ritchie's choice of "attack what he can save" is quite correct.

After the test just now, both sides have a preliminary understanding of each other's strength and ability.

The current Tom Ritchie should have a real Elite-level strength, and there is still a little gap between those of Orange and Pryce, but if the lineup is assembled, and a slightly weaker Region becomes an Elite Four, he should be qualified to compete a little bit. .

It's not as if Kanto Region, the birthplace of the Alliance, is an unseen Elite Four reserve.

Even, give her some time to grow and develop.

It's just a matter of time before you get your seat on the Elite Four.

It's just that she has defected from the Alliance, and the Elite Four will never have anything to do with her.

But if you can have a pivotal position in the Hunter Guild, or even become the leader of the Hunter Guild that has never appeared before, it is no worse than being an Elite Four, and you will have more resources.

of course.

Now she has to pass Xia Yan's level.

Because Xia Yan, since he decided to tear off a few pieces of meat, he must tear a few pieces!

He glanced at the empty place and nodded without a trace.

Doron Bartto, it's time to load!

(End of this chapter)

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