Chapter 384 "Bulldozer"!

It can be resurrected, but I don't know if the instrument that can resurrect fossils has been developed.

Because Sinnoh Region has the most fossils, if it is to be developed, it will definitely be the first Region that Sinnoh Region will develop.

Jubilife City and Black Gold City (Oreburgh City), a city with the most developed technology, a city rich in minerals such as coal mines and a large number of fossils, only these two cities have the highest possibility.

So after this auction is over, Xia Yan is going to try to inquire and investigate to see if this instrument has been developed.

But now.

Still waiting for the auction to end.

The impact of the auction of this fossil is still a little bit, and the price premium of the next few lots is not so serious.

But as the auction continued, the enthusiasm for the auction soon picked up again.

During the period, all those herbs of Xia Yan were also packaged and sold.

The price is not high. A total of eight herbs sold for a total of 800,000 Alliance Coins, which is about 100,000 Alliance Coins for a single herb.

Of course, the premium is definitely a premium, but not much.

But according to Xia Yan's meaning, when the Cherrims picked these herbs, they left their rhizomes behind.

You can try to see if you can plant in the future. If you can, you will have another income. If you don’t, you won’t lose money anyway.

Then there were a lot of good things auctioned on the way.

Xia Yan also tried to bid.

But the price of some things is really too high, and it is not a necessity for him, so there is no force.


"Congratulations to this VIP for taking the recipe for this special energy cube at the price of four million Alliance coins!"

Xia Yan had itchy teeth in the box.

The recipe for a special-grade energy block that he took for four million Alliance coins really made him feel a lot of pain.

But there is no way, some things, always have to take the first step.

Moreover, this is a super power block suitable for Bug Type and Poison Pokémon, just suitable for Beedrill's Attribute.

With the idea of ​​​​flowing, Xia Yan gritted his teeth and photographed the formula of this super energy block.

According to the description on it and Xia Yan's own understanding of the combination of energy cubes, the quality of the energy cubes produced by this recipe should be a little higher than what Beedrill is eating now.

Although he has not tried to make a super energy block, he doesn't know if he can make it successfully, but he does lack a formula for a super energy block to try and practice.

Whether it's to feed the Beedrill better, or to level up your own power cube crafting, it's a must.

Now that he has the equipment, materials, and Psychic to try, he lacks a formula.

This is complete.

He can try to charge at higher power blocks.

"I believe everyone can feel it. The auction is coming to an end. The next things are more exciting than each other. I hope you don't miss it." .

"The next item, Millennium Frost!"

The palm-sized silver-blue crystal ice crystals exuded a cold atmosphere, and the temperature on the entire auction table dropped several degrees.

Those who approached the auction table subconsciously rubbed their arms and cheeks.

Xia Yan's Millennium Ice.

It is also the most valuable thing he has sold this time.

He is currently participating in this auction, and he is still in the loss-making stage, with 3.7 million for "Dragon Scales of Twilight", 1.25 million for Dragon Messiah's fossils, and 4 million for a special energy cube recipe.

The three Miracle Seeds sold at the auction were 8.1 million, and the eight herbs of various types were 1 million. Counting the 10% commission deducted by the auction house, he had to pay back.

The market price of "Millennium Frost" is not very clear, but it is estimated to be high, but its actual price still depends on the demand.

When demand is high, the price will naturally not be low, and if no one needs it, the price may even drop significantly.

Just like the Dragon Scale before it.

If it wasn't for Xia Yan's needs, it might be auctioned to the end, just to the extent that it matches the market price.

The only difference is that the market price of Dragon Scale is clear and stable, while the market price of Millennium Frost has no market price.

So Xia Yan decided that if he couldn't meet his psychological expectations, he would shoot it himself, and it would be a big deal to lose a little commission, but he couldn't take advantage of it for others.


He was obviously overthinking it.

The appearance of the Millennium Frost quickly attracted the attention of many people.

"The starting price is 3 million Alliance coins, and each increase shall not be less than 100,000!"

The auction house obviously did some research on the market before putting this thing in the finale.

The price quickly soared to five million.

Although there are many fewer people participating in the auction, the price is still rising.

Hearing that Xia Yan deleted a string of numbers he had entered into the bidder.

There is no need.

He didn't expect the price of this thing to be so high.

In his opinion, the effect of the millennium ice is similar to that of Dragon Scale, stimulating the talents and abilities of ice-type Pokémon, improving their control of ice-type attributes, and strengthening the power and coldness of ice-type moves released.

However, this thousand-year-old ice seems to be a little more rare than the Dragon Scale.

"It seems that the dragon-type Pokémon is putting too much pressure on most of the trainers." Xia Yan couldn't help sighing.

For now, the only thing that can pose a threat to Dragon-type Pokémon, apart from the Dragon-type Pokémon itself, is the Ice-type Pokémon.

This is also the reason why Dragon Pokémon is unique among all Pokémon.

And as the strength increases, the possibility of facing a Trainer with a dragon-type Pokémon will be higher.

Therefore, many people will more or less prepare some ice-type Pokémon, whether it is used as a zone defense or as a main attack, it is a good choice.

I just don’t know how these Trainers who are cultivating Ice-type Pokémon to deal with Dragon-type Pokémon will feel when they learn that Fairy-type Pokémon appears.

I am afraid.

Not too well.

The appearance of the Fairy type has undoubtedly caused the greatest impact on those trainers of the dragon type Pokémon, and the second biggest must be the trainers who have tried their best to train the ice type Pokémon in order to deal with the dragon type Pokémon.

to this.

Xia Yan looked at Togetic who was lying on the sofa beside him, calling Yawn, and looked like he was about to fall asleep.

Fortunately, he was prepared in advance.


This piece of "Millennium Ice" was auctioned for 8.8 million.

After selling it, Xia Yan didn't know whether he made a profit or a loss, and really didn't know much about the market value of this thing.

But thinking that there is still a large piece of thousand-year-old ice and a small piece of ten-thousand-year ice, Xia Yan suddenly felt that.

The slap-big Arnold block is worth so much, so the one he still keeps is estimated to be sold for tens of millions, right?

Suddenly I felt that Froslass was probably the rich woman in Hidden Village. Compared with other Pokémon, it was a bit far behind.

The Millennium Frost can only be regarded as the appetizer in the final batch of auctions, and the prices of the things that come out later are exaggerated one by one.

Although there were no quasi-god Pokémon cubs, there were quite a few dragon-type Pokémon cubs.

There is even a Snipe Shot Hand Ability, which inherits the move "Outrage", the talented Horsea with top bloodline.

The price almost broke a small target.

Snipe Shot Hand Ability, although the lineup is not as good as Horsea with the Youyou Ability Ability, it is not bad.

Even in the ability to push the team, stronger.

Think about it, after evolving into Kingdra, Dragon Dance jumps twice, Outrage opens, and Snipe Shot triggers once or twice, then pushes the team directly.

Even, if you use this Kingdra's Trainer, you will be able to match some tricks, find a Pokémon with "Role Play" and "Skill Swap", and prepare a Pokémon with the "Do My Own Way" Ability, at the end of "Outrage" The stage will cancel the stun Contest Condition, and "Outrage" will become an infinite continuous move.

To put it bluntly, it is to prepare a Smeargle with the "Do My Own Way" Ability, combine it with the "Skill Swap" move, and use it as an assistant for the "Snipe Shot" Kingdra.

So, this is simply a bulldozer!

What more bike do you want?

Actually think about it.

Buying a precious Dragon-type Pokémon with a "small goal", the ice-type Pokémon cultivated by the "Millennium Ice" bought for 8.8 million was crushed.

If you compare the price/performance ratio, do you think the price of this "Millennium Ice" seems to be a bit "cheap"?

But what surprised Xia Yan was that such a Horsea was not the finale of this auction.

(End of this chapter)

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