Chapter 390 Agree, bury it!

the next day.

Xia Yan and Cynthia, who had packed their bags, were going to Mt. Coronet.

Counting this day, there are only two days left, and Alliance's trial has begun. There is not much time for Xia Yan to calm down and settle Pokémon.

Maybe this heart has just calmed down, and the trial will begin.

It's better to keep the Contest Condition and wait until this trial is over.

So this time, there are two main purposes for Mt. Coronet. One is to maintain the Contest Condition of Pokémons through some battles, and the other is to see if we can help Cynthia's Eevee evolve.

After all, she has been promised several times, and Mt. Coronet may indeed meet the conditions for Eevee to evolve into Glaceon.

There is actually a third secondary purpose.

Xia Yan didn't forget the large slate fragment that Arceus dropped in the memory pictures he saw through "Bending the Spoon".

Yongjira only obtained a small fragment of the Psychic slate from Agatha, and the Psychic was significantly enhanced after absorbing it.

It's hard to imagine how much a Pokémon would change if you could get a slab of that size.

Although Mt. Coronet was not fully formed when the shards of slate fell, it did not mean that Mt. Coronet had no chance at all.

Find it again.

If Mt. Coronet doesn't have any, then the shard of slate is more likely to fall on Mt. Silver.

Mt. Silver is different from Mt. Coronet.

That's where the Alliance and Kanto Alliance are located.

The reason why I chose to be there is not because of the good location. After all, it is on a high mountain, and it is not convenient to go back and forth, and it is more troublesome to build facilities.

Moreover, the mountains of Mt. Silver are surrounded by the Trackless Forest, which is inaccessible, and the strength of wild Pokémon is very strong.

Alliance initially chose to place its headquarters on Mt. Silver, mainly to prevent Mt. Silver's wild Pokémon from entering the Kanto or Johto Region, preventing them from causing greater damage.

However, with the passage of time, as the strength of the Alliance continues to strengthen, Mt. Silver has instead become a training place that very few powerful Alliance direct line trainers are keen on. At the same time, because of the strength of the wild Pokémon, the resources inside are also quite Excellent, has become one of Alliance's natural treasures.

It can be seen that if you want to enter Mt. Silver, you need a lot of permissions, and your requirements for strength will not be low.

If the slate fragment cannot be found on Mt. Coronet, Xia Yan can only give up temporarily and go to Mt. Silver to have a look later.

Xia Yan summoned Togetic, and Cynthia summoned her Eevee.

Cynthia's Eevee is obviously well-trained. Cal is supple all over the body. Although it looks petite, its flexibility, explosiveness and reaction ability are not weak at all, at least it has elite-level strength.



As soon as Togetic and Eevee met, they both felt a strong "threat" from each other.

Threats from "cute pets".

"This Eevee has been cultivated quite well. If the evolution is smooth, it is likely to break through to the master level, right?" Xia Yan sighed.

Cynthia brushed off the hair that was scattered in front of her, and said with a smile, "It may be a little bit closer, but it shouldn't be far."

Master level.

If the Pokémon, the main force of the "monsters" in the Lily of the Valley Youth Contest, had the master level, Xia Yan felt that it would be too difficult for him.

"Has your Togepi evolved? It's so cute."

Cynthia opened her hand towards Togetic, and Togetic slipped into her arms.

The little head kept rubbing against her chest, and winked at Eevee a little "Taunt".

'Did you hear me, I'm cute. ’

Suddenly, it wasn't just Eevee who was jealous.

Xia Yan couldn't help showing envy.

At this moment, he is willing to exchange with Togetic!


"Not to be outdone," Eevee ran up to Xia Yan and called Nuo Nuo.

With those big eyes, anyone who sees it can't help but want to hug it.

To be at the top of the "Most Popular Pokémon for Women" list, Eevee has not only an advantage in appearance, but also an advantage in personality.

Xia Yan retracted his gaze and hugged Eevee with a smile.

Warm palms press lightly on some of the acupuncture points on Eevee's back.


Eevee squinted his eyes comfortably, and the softer Growl continued to emit from its mouth, and even turned over in Xia Yan's arms, exposing his soft abdomen.

Cynthia, who saw this scene, was a little surprised.

"Your massage makes Eevee so comfortable, and he likes you."

This is the first time Cynthia has seen Eevee show her belly to anyone other than her, not even her grandmother mustard.

Of course, this is partly because Eevee is "competing" with Togetic, but mainly because Xia Yan's massage is really comfortable.

In order to write a better and more accurate paper on the evolutionary type of Eevee, Xia Yan's knowledge of this kind of Pokémon is no less than that of Beedrill.

Eevee originally just wanted to "revenge" the Togetic, but he didn't expect it to be so comfortable, so he couldn't hold back.


Togetic saw that the embrace that originally belonged to it was now "occupied" by an Eevee, and immediately puffed out a small mouth, and "Revenge" kept drilling into Cynthia's arms.

For Togetic, Cynthia actually liked it back when it was Togepi.

She also wanted to capture a Togepi, but she never had a chance.

The "jealousy" of the two little guys gave this trip to Mt. Coronet a good tone.

Looking at Eevee walking in front with his head held high and his fluffy milky white tail waving, and Togetic flying not far from it with his head held high, Xia Yan and Cynthia both smiled in unison.

The road to Mt. Coronet is not easy.

Even if it has not yet reached the snow-covered area, the rocks and soil here have become smooth and hard due to the temperature.

Be careful wrestling before taking a step.

Xia Yan did not intend to show Psychic in front of Cynthia, and walked with extreme caution.

On the other hand, Cynthia seems to be quite familiar with this kind of road, and walks much easier than Xia Yan.



After walking for a while, the two little guys shouted at the same time.

A foul-smelling pool of purple liquid ran through the woods.

The two little guys looked at each other "not pleasing to the eye" before, but they reacted and cooperated quite well in the face of attacks.

Togetic stretched out his feet, Eevee also raised his front paws, and the two Pokémon's feet collided with each other, assisting each other's force, and quickly pulled away to avoid the sudden "Venoshock".


As soon as the venom came into contact with the ground, it immediately showed strong corrosiveness, dissolving part of the ground and giving off a foul smell.

Immediately afterwards, a huge red centipede with a height of more than 2.5 meters crawled out of the woods carelessly. The Poison Barb with its high head exuded a purple halo. Obviously, the Venoshock before came from its hands. .

Xia Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

"Elite Scolipede?"

It's only been a while since he went up the mountain. Although it was a mountain from the middle of the mountain, his strength was somewhat surprising.

"This is the backside of Mt. Coronet, and few people go up the mountain from here, so wild Pokémon are a little bit stronger than elsewhere," Cynthia explained, not surprised at all.

As for Pokémons like Scolipede, although they are rare in the Sinnoh Region, they are not without them.

at the same time.

Togetic and Eevee dodged Scolipede's attack, with anger in their eyes at the same time.

sneak attack!

The two Pokémon looked at each other and nodded to each other.

This is a "battle" for cute pets. What are you, a big centipede? !

Also looked arrogant.


'Deal with it first! ’


'Agreed, bury it! ’

Eevee, who was just about to rush out, stumbled and almost fell, and turned to look at Togetic.

what do you say?

(End of this chapter)

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