Chapter 397 Articuno!

Bird's Nest!

What Pokémon would build a nest in a place like this?

Brutal! !

A loud chirping of birds in the distance passed through the clouds and the wind and snow, and reached the ears of Xia Yan and Cynthia.

Xia Yan's complexion suddenly changed.

The name of the master who heard the voice in the distance was about to come out.


The legendary Pokémon!

A Pokémon on the same level as Zapdos once captured by Tom Ritchie!

Although it is definitely not the real Articuno who has a "divine role", just the title of "Articuno" is not something that ordinary Pokémon can match.

Cynthia also understood the meaning of Xia Yan's words, plus the voice, the rapidly approaching black shadow, and the increasing sense of oppression

She also did not expect that there is an Articuno living on Mt. Coronet!

Probably most people can't imagine it.

The main reason is that Mt. Coronet is too high, and there are dense snowstorms floating above it all the year round. Not to mention an Articuno hidden in the snowstorm, even if there are a group of Articuno hidden, no one may find it.

In addition, they were at a very high position at this time, at the junction of Mt. Coronet and the clouds.

Although Pokémon like Articuno are rare, and they are still legendary Pokémon, they do exist in groups, and the scale of this group is not small.

It's just that some powerful Articuno will leave the group to live alone, looking for those cold peaks or remote islands to live in.

Mt. Coronet absolutely meets the requirements of Articuno in terms of altitude and coldness.

But now that an Articuno appears, it is very unfavorable for Xia Yan and Cynthia.

It's no wonder that the "Rock covered in ice and snow" can be found here. It turns out that everything is the reason for the existence of Articuno.

Whether these rocks attracted Articuno, or whether Articuno's existence contributed to these Rocks, has not been explored.

I only know that if I don't leave now, Cynthia and Xia Yan, who moved its stone, will definitely become its first target.

But this time.

She trotted with joy, thinking about evolving into Eevee of Glaceon, and at this time, it was only a few seconds away from those few stones.

Just when Xia Yan was hesitating whether to let Cynthia stop Eevee now and leave, Cynthia said first:

"Xia Yan, thank you for telling me about the evolution of Eevee, don't get involved this time, go!"

Xia Yan opened his mouth, and the words that just got stuck in his throat suddenly choked.


"If you don't tell me I really want to go."

Xia Yan felt helpless.

If Cynthia didn't say that, he might have really left. Now that she said that, it really made Xia Yan a little bit difficult to ride a tiger.

You can say no, maybe not, you will definitely face Articuno's wrath. Although you don't know the strength of this Articuno, it must not be underestimated.

But if you say go, Cynthia's words made him feel awkward, and he was a little embarrassed to leave.

The only thing that is certain is that after he leaves, the relationship with Cynthia will be completely parallel, and he and Cynthia will be clear of each other, and they will not owe each other.

There was nothing.

But if he wants to settle down in Sinnoh and build a gym, then the future champion, he absolutely cannot avoid it.

If he doesn't go, then no matter what the final result is, success or not, Cynthia owes him a favor.

And as Cynthia's strength increases, it becomes more and more valuable.

This is a trade-off.

at last.

Xia Yan gritted his teeth.

Go far!

It's not Articuno, Zapdos has done it too, what are you afraid of Articuno.

I just don't know if Doron Bart can stand it.

Articuno is not the same as Zapdos after all. The restraint of ice-type Pokémon over dragon-type Pokémon will make Duolong Bartto put more pressure on Zapdos.

After making a decision in his heart, Xia Yan said coldly to Cynthia, "Who do you take me for?"

This is the first time Cynthia has heard Xia Yan speak to herself in such a cold tone, but she has no disgust at all, and is even a little moved and admired.

There are not many people who dare to face Articuno.

He pursed his lips and said to Xia Yan sincerely, "Thank you."

"Although I say that, prepare for Articuno's wrath." Xia Yan said, with a few more Poké Balls in his hand.

open one after another.

Beedrill and Doublade were summoned.

"Rival is very strong, be prepared."

Hearing Xia Yan's words, both Beedrill and Doublade nodded solemnly, especially Doublade, who was really worried.

Obviously it seems to be safer with Xia Yan, but I don't know why, there will always be an occasional stimulation or two.

On the other side, Cynthia also throws the Poké Ball.

In addition to Eevee who entered the Articuno Bird's Nest, Lucario who was summoned by Ice Pokémon and Gabite who were familiar with this place, he also summoned a Spiritomb and a Roselia.

In Cynthia's Pokémon, except that Spiritomb is a bit out of her identity and temperament, the rest of the Pokémon are okay.

As for Roselia.

Obviously, it's the controller in Cynthia's team.

Although the grass type Pokémon is restrained by the ice type.

The two were ready to meet Articuno.

the other side.

The excited little Eevee didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. His mind was now full of the "Rock covered with ice and snow" in front of him. As he got closer, he could feel the resonance with him. It seemed that the cells in his body were all because of him. approached and cheered.

The genes in the body are also moving as it approaches.

Eevee finally understood why it was so happy to see ice and snow when it was a child, it was born for this Attribute.

So ever.

When it approached the extremely cold Rock, instead of feeling cold, it felt very kind.

It was so kind that it couldn't help but want to put its hand on it.


Eevee didn't restrain his impulse and Covet, and jumped gently in front of the stone, facing one of the brightest and most attractive one, stretched out his claws and put it on it.

In an instant.

Eevee's body trembled slightly, and a cold current penetrated into the body along its arm, instantly awakening the silent gene fragments in its body cells.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling white light burst out from the whole body.

And with the continuous influx of cold currents in the stone, the milky white light became more and more obvious, until it was completely wrapped.

In the haze, Eevee's form began to change.

Enter the Evolution Contest Condition!

Xia Yan and Cynthia were also stimulated by the dazzling white light.

"It seems that it does have a similar effect to Ice Stone." Xia Yan nodded secretly.

"Evolved!" Cynthia's eyes flashed with undisguised excitement, her pink fist clenched at some point, happy with her Pokémon, and happy that Eevee had made his favorite choice.

But they were happy, and one Pokémon felt completely different.

Articuno, who was galloping in the distance, also saw the white light, and even felt the energy of one of its stones passing quickly.

He couldn't help but speed up the flapping of his wings.

Not long after leaving the house, the old nest was actually taken out.

Anger welled up in my heart.

Brutal! !

In the long cry, it finally passed through the barrier of clouds and wind and snow, and appeared in front of Xia Yan and Cynthia.


(End of this chapter)

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