The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 406: The Old Yin Bi Is Eyeing

Chapter 406: The "Old Yin Bi" is eyeing

Not to mention, in the fifteen minutes of waiting, I really waited for a few people who came more slowly and were far away from here.

For example, far away in the southernmost waters of the Kanto Region, Lorelei is on vacation in the Orange Islands.

The four Regions of Kanto, Johto Region, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are actually not too far apart, and the Orange Islands are already relatively far away.

Lorelei came in a hurry, but he didn't see Xia Yan in the crowd.

The last fifteen minutes passed, and the three Elites felt that there was no need to wait any longer.

Afterwards, Xia Yan and the others saw how Alliance opened a door to another dimension that had been sealed for an unknown number of years.


Thanks to the efforts of a group of Alliance staff, a space installation has been installed on the island a few days ago.

It just seems to be hidden under the isolation of some power.

The technology tree level of the Pokémon world is relatively high, and the emergence of space devices like Poké Ball is of great epoch-making significance.

And Alliance can't just be satisfied with space devices like the Poké Ball. There has always been a group of professional people researching space technology, and no one knows how far it has reached.

Xia Yan only knew that the promotion and application of the transmission equipment for Pokémon and props should not be far away.

With the dull sound of "hum" and the accompanying roar of machines, a whole new world appeared in front of everyone.

Rao is Steven, the young owner of Devon Company, when he saw this scene, he couldn't help showing surprise and admiration.

Devon is only a private company after all. Although it is very large, it is almost tied to Fengyuan Alliance, but it is incomparable to a behemoth like the entire Alliance.

Under the arrangement of the Alliance staff, the young elite trainers present stepped into the space device one by one in an orderly manner.

Xia Yan found that many people were whispering to each other before entering, as if they were discussing how to meet after entering.

In such an unknown and potentially dangerous alien space, it is obviously a very good choice to keep warm.

In the rules that Drake told before, it didn't say that small groups were not allowed, and collective activities were allowed.

This may also be one of the purposes of the Alliance's trial, to exercise the cooperation of their group.

Xia Yan glanced at the few people around him.

Whether it is Du, Steven or Cynthia, they all have rich experience in the wild, and they are obviously very confident about whether they can survive in different dimensions.

Therefore, there is no intention to gather in space.

Xia Yanben doesn't care.

But think about it carefully, if the risk factor of this different space is really that high, maybe it is a good choice to form a group.

At least maximize profit.

The goal of others is to survive for two weeks, and Xia Yan is already thinking about how to maximize resources from this different space.

no way.

His innate conditions are not as good as more than 90% of the people here, and the acquisition of resources can only rely on his own efforts.

But the three of them didn't say anything, and Xia Yan suddenly didn't know how to speak.

Just when he hesitated, God's assist came.

"Steve Senior, I think we should meet as soon as possible after entering? This will give us the opportunity to maximize the exploration of the secrets of this space." Kenin, pushing his glasses, suggested.

She said she wanted to explore secrets, but the hand holding the folder in her arms tightly revealed her nervous heart.

As a member of the academy, Kenin has zero field experience, but he is indeed lacking.

Hearing this, Steven pondered slightly.

He can feel Kenin's nervousness, but there's no denying that there's some truth to what she's saying.

If this group of people can hold the group, it is estimated that they will be the most powerful group in this different space, and they should be the most qualified group to explore this different space.

After all, the three future champions, these four regions combined, can't find a higher configuration than this.

"What do you think?" Steven looked at Xia Yan and the three.

Rendezvous is a good option.

But there is a big problem.

How to meet?

No one knows where they will be teleported, swaying blindly like a headless fly, and the danger will come before they can find a partner.

If you don't have enough strength to run around, it is better to hide in a place and environment that you are familiar with, which is safer.

Xia Yan did not speak.

He waits for Du and Cynthia to make a decision.


When he looked up to see why several people didn't speak, he saw that whether it was Du, Cynthia, or Steven, all eyes were on him.

"Look at me for what?"

But they just looked at him and didn't speak.

Du and Xia Yan have been to the wild a long time ago, and they trust Xia Yan's judgment and execution ability very much, and to be honest, he is not that familiar with Steven and Cynthia, but has lived and died with Xia Yan.

Not to mention Cynthia, she was also taken care of by Xia Yan on Mt. Coronet two days ago, and she recognized Xia Yan's strength very much.

Steven also escaped trouble once in the dark ruins because of Xia Yan's reminder.

Xia Yan's strength may not be the strongest among them, but his field experience should be the most abundant among them.

And, vaguely, he seemed to be a link between the three of Du, Steven, and Cynthia.

As the proposer, Kenin did not forget Xia Yan, who she thought was a "paparazzi" at first, but he never thought that these three Alliance's top geniuses seemed willing to listen to his advice.

This made Kenin both surprised and curious.

Xia Yan raised his hands and surrendered.

"Alright alright."

After a little pondering, he said: "I mean, don't act blindly after entering. Find a relatively safe place to familiarize yourself with the environment, understand the degree of danger in the space, and consider other things when you can ensure your own safety. matter."

"Tell me how to arrange it." Du stated his position, and this time he was willing to listen to Xia Yan's arrangement.

Cynthia and Steven also nodded.

Xia Yan: "."

He rolled his eyes angrily.

After thinking about it, he said: "Five days. Five days are used to familiarize yourself with the environment. After five days, you are sure that you have enough ability, and then you start to look for others. Those who feel that they are not capable should stay where they are and don't move around. Wait for others. come find.

We unify a mark, no matter in the forest or wherever, we leave a mark when we pass by. And the positions of the marks are all down, at the root of the tree or below the Rock, which is concealed enough but can ensure that each other can be found. "

After he finished speaking, he looked up at a few people.

Regarding Xia Yan's proposal, the three of them didn't think there was any problem.

"Why is the mark hidden? Isn't it easy for us to miss it?" Kenin asked.

While speaking, several people have followed the main force to the entrance of the space device.

Xia Yan glanced at her with a look of "silly white sweet", smiled vaguely and said, "Don't be too naive, trust others too much, little sister."

After speaking, he took the lead in stepping into the space device.

And his words were also heard by Agatha and Drake who were standing not far from the device.

Agatha had a smile on her face, her old face wrinkled like a chrysanthemum, and a low voice sounded, "It's a pity that this little guy appears in this age."

Drake next to him nodded in agreement, "I should have been able to chat with him when I was young."

They all came from the most chaotic era at the beginning of the Alliance. If the Elite Four were younger, they might not like such words.

Otherwise, why are the people of the older generation so capable of field combat?

Especially Agatha, although her regular combat ability is not weak, it is still a few grades worse than her field combat ability.

Ghost Legion, not just talking.

"I didn't see those three little guys, do you have a good relationship with him? It's the same age when you were born." Bertha smiled and pouted, motioning for the three of them.

Agatha nodded, and there was a glimmer of light in her lowered eyes.

It seemed that there were still some hesitant questions, but at the moment just now, a decision was made.

And it was Xia Yan who had just stepped into the space device who let her make a decision.

If Xia Yan was still on the island, he should have felt the chill down his spine.

That feeling of being stared at by "Old Yin Bi".

(End of this chapter)

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