The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 421 This Person Is The Most Taboo To Be Petty

Chapter 421 This person is the most taboo to be petty

The so-called plan is actually very simple.

It was Xia Yan and Hoshino Ryuzaki who attacked Krookodile's territory from two directions.

Since neither of them can handle it alone, it will be relatively easy to split Krookodile into two batches.

And you don't need to defeat all of the Krookodile, as long as you can lure them away and break into the center of the quicksand vortex.

After entering, there are intricate underground passages like a labyrinth. The ability of the Krookodiles to move quickly in the sand cannot play an advantage in the corridors full of rocks, so they can be thrown away.

The key to this was how to lead the Krookodiles away, so that he could successfully enter the quicksand vortex.

Xia Yan also directly expressed his doubts without hesitation.

Hoshino Ryuzaki said with relief: "Brother Xia Yan, you can rest assured, even if you can't get in, I will definitely have a way to get in. As long as I succeed in getting in, when all the gains come out, I will divide it equally according to the agreement. "


The purpose of this plan is actually to help Hoshino Ryuzaki so that he can successfully enter.

Hearing this, Xia Yan suddenly hesitated and Struggle, as if considering whether to do this.

At this time, Hoshino Ryuzaki spread his hand and handed it to Xia Yan, only to see a shiny fiery red evolution stone lying quietly in it.

"This is an intermediate-quality Fire Stone. As a matter of sincerity and determination, Brother Xia Yan, you should trust me this time, right?" Hoshino Ryuzaki said rather "meatly".

A mid-quality Fire Stone, worth anywhere from one million to one and a half million.

It is also available.

"And you don't have to worry about safety issues at all. We have a messenger to call the three Elites. If we really encounter trouble, we can call the three Elites for support. Although we will be eliminated in this trial, but If you can harvest five or six million materials, it will be worth it, what do you think?"

Three Elite

"Okay." Xia Yan "reluctantly" agreed.

Reached out and took the evolution stone.

I don't know if it's because it's better protected, or because it's waxed, and it's a little slippery.

But there is no reason not to take the benefits of giving away.

"Then I will listen to my signal. Once the signal appears, we will rush to the center of the quicksand together. After attracting enough Krookodile fish, we will leave quickly and find a chance to see if we can enter the center of the quicksand." Hoshino Ryuzaki made a decision.


The two of them appeared on both sides of the quicksand area.


When only Xia Yan was left, Togetic stuck his head out of his neckline.

'That guy is not a good guy. ’

The smile on Xia Yan's face remained unchanged, his hands were in the pockets of the windbreaker, looking at the wind and sand in the distance.

"I know."

There are actually many loopholes in Hoshino Ryuzaki's words.

Haven't seen traces of people moving in this area?

How to explain the rag at the end of the Krookodile leader's tail that Xia Yan encountered?

Intricate underground passages, so how did he know there were high-quality Sun Stone and Smooth Rock in it?

It stands to reason that since you have seen it, you should have taken it away and left.

Actually the easiest.

Togetic, who is a happy Pokémon, feels abnormal, even faint malice, from his seemingly friendly counterpart.

"Yongji." Yongjira next to him glanced at Togetic on Xia Yan's neckline and said something.

'In terms of flickering, he's still a long way off. ’


Togetic laughed cooperatively.

"Actually, I'm more curious about why someone died here." Xia Yan held his chin.

Are the three Elite rescues not in time?

Or is it that there is no time to send a signal at all?

Even more.

In fact, there is no such thing as rescue?

Xia Yan shook his head.

The third possibility is unlikely. Since Drake said that there is rescue, and from the status of their group of young trainers who participated in the trial, rescue is definitely there.

"I don't know what role this Hoshino Ryuzaki has played in it. Maybe he is not Hoshino Ryuzaki at all, the grandson of the Elite Four."

Defenses can not do without.

It's not that Xia Yan thinks that there are many evil people in this world, but sometimes he doesn't feel good when he encounters a "good person", but once he encounters a "bad person", he will keep in mind the losses he has suffered.

If you eat too much of this kind of loss, you will naturally feel that everyone looks like a "wicked person".

Facts have also proved that in a big dye vat like Alliance, all kinds of things may be available.

"Let's see what he's going to do." Xia Yan looked into the depths of his eyes in the distance, flashing a cold light.


Already dead, this rescue may not have such a great deterrent effect.


Hoshino Ryuzaki on the other side was also ready, and a fiery fireball quickly lifted into the air and exploded, causing a lot of movement.

"Draco Meteor? That Flygon has good dragon blood."

This is the signal.

Xia Yan still acted according to the plan.

Although there is a high probability that this Hoshino Ryusaki did not have any good intentions, but what if?

In case Togetic feels wrong, in case Xia Yan guesses wrong, in case

Couldn't help but chuckle.

"How can there be so many emergencies. Let's do it."

It's very convenient to attract Krookodile's attention. As long as the Pokémon makes the most movement on the sand surface, it can attract a few Krookodiles, and attracting a few means attracting a group.

Sure enough, it didn't take long.

A few Krokorok stuck their heads out of the sand and found Xia Yan.

And it was quickly confirmed that he just stepped into their territory and defeated a lot of Krookodile guys.

quickly submerged in the sand.

rustling --

One after another sand gully quickly approached their location, and there were still a lot of them.

But soon, Xia Yan realized something was wrong.

This number. A little too much, far more than half of the expected number, even if Krookodile had just clashed with him, there should not be so many.

Suddenly, Xia Yan seemed to think of something, and took out the middle-level Fire Stone that he just took from Hoshino Ryuzaki, the shiny Fire Stone.

He smacked his mouth involuntarily.

"This person is the most taboo to be petty and cheap"

This Fire Stone should be manipulated.

Put it on the tip of the nose and sniff it gently.

There is a faint fishy smell, kind of like some kind of egg liquid.

Egg wash?

Krookodile's Pokémon Eggs?

Xia Yan grinned.

Take out the handkerchief and gently wipe the "oil" on it.

"Very well, even if I am vigilant, I have become a bait thrown by others."

Those who are vigilant are caught unknowingly, and those who are not vigilant are not completely played by that Hoshino Ryuzaki to applaud?

And even if he survives afterwards, he will not think about this aspect, and will only feel that he is unlucky, because in a short time, the egg liquid will also dry up.

Even Xia Yan might not be the first bait he chose.

"Some scum, I like to do things that I think are smart."

Put away the cleaned Intermediate Fire Stone.

Looking at the sand gully approaching from all directions.

The cold light in his eyes is no longer concealed, and there is no need to conceal it.

The two have neither injustice nor enmity, and if others want to use his life as a bait, then Xia Yan, the self-proclaimed real "wicked person", does not need to retain any kindness.

"Fortunately, I have a good habit."

Every time he goes to a more important place, he will let Yongjira leave the "anchor" point of Psychic.

Just like this time.

When approaching the quicksand whirlpool, Yongjira had already left behind.

Throwing the handkerchief stained with egg liquid on the ground, Psychic's agitation disappeared instantly.


Not surprisingly, there should be ten updates tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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