423 What a coincidence

Step over the quicksand curtain.

The field of vision suddenly became wider, as if entering a small different space, but it was actually a ruin under the desert.

It's not pitch-dark, the red Cal radiates from the top, like a small artificial sun, emitting light and heat continuously, and at the same time illuminating the relic space.

The huge arc-shaped dome supports the entire range of the ruins. From time to time, sand and gravel slide down from above. At first glance, it looks like a rain of sand.

Most of the ruins have also been covered by sand, with only a few ancient rock column structures that have not been completely buried by sand.

A small desert under the desert?

Not quite.

Not far away, stood a huge tower of dark brown with a little red light, and it was also the only building supporting the dome of this space.

Obviously, this tower is the most valuable building in the ruins, and there may be a lot of good things in it.

After the entire ruins were roughly taken into account, Xia Yan began to look for the trace of Hoshino Ryuzaki.

In such an open and well-lit place, it is not easy to conceal the figure.


Soon Xia Yan saw Hoshino Ryuzaki, who was standing in the sand, commanding Flygon to fight a Sandslash.

That wild Sandslash should have elite-level strength, but in front of Flygon, he was losing ground, and he had already fallen into a disadvantage, and defeat was a matter of time.

With his back to the entrance, Hoshino Ryuzaki didn't notice Xia Yan's arrival for the first time. He just commanded Flygon excitedly, looking up at the tower in the central area from time to time, looking forward to getting benefits from that tower. , and then to the beautiful picture of the pinnacle of life.

Unknown different dimensions that have not been excavated, and relics that have not been discovered, these are all great opportunities.

And now this opportunity is in front of him.

How can you not be excited.

In fact, Xia Yan can more or less understand what he is thinking at the moment.

Compare yourself to know.

Xia Yan searched for a lot of resources in the different space of Regigigas, and also obtained a death board that can improve Psychic in the ruins of the ancients, and also obtained the protection of Pokémon such as Duolong Bartto. For him The change is absolutely huge, and the benefits are obvious.

The different space level here is not smaller than that of Regigigas, and it is very likely that there is something of great value buried in this ruin. If it is used well, it may not be able to make his future journey smoother.


Yongjira suddenly spoke up.

rustling --

The sand under Xia Yan's feet suddenly began to flow, and a thin layer of sand was slowly raised around it, and the sand was getting stronger and stronger, and there was an area where Sandstorm gradually formed.

"Yangsand Ability?"

Sandstorm: Ability to change the weather to Sandstorm while playing.

It is one of the most critical abilities in the Sandstorm team, and Xia Yan is also very familiar with this ability.

Before the Pokémon under the flowing sand appeared, Sandstorm was about to condense.

"Cherrim, Sunny Day."

The only thing that can deal with the weather is the weather.


Cherrim, who was standing on Xia Yan's shoulder, shouted softly, his hands fit together, and his body exuded a faint fiery red Cal like the sun. Sunny Day's Cal slowly dispelled the sand raised around him. Just hold it down.

But the Pokémon in the quicksand had no intention of stopping.

Soon, a huge hippo-like Pokémon emerges from the sand, with a huge mouth that even Krookodile has encountered before.

What appeared was a light brown hippopotamus with black near its nose, eyelids, feet and back, with six small protruding holes on its back, from which the creeping sand flowed, and a short Black tail, slapping the sand surface.

Ground-based Pokémon, Hippowdon!

Hippowdon is irritable and irritable. He is very violent when he is angry. His open mouth is the best proof of his Rage, so as to show off his power to the Rivals around him.

And the big mouth that Hippowdon is proud of is indeed very bite force, even if a human car is placed in front of it, Hippopotas' mouth can instantly tear it apart like it is dealing with wood.

It is said that the fierce and fierce Drapion will become very obedient when facing Hippowdon, and the equally fierce Krookodiles will choose to give way obediently when they encounter Hippowdon.

From this, it can be seen that what kind of position does a Pokémon like Hippowdon have in the desert.


Hippowdon's huge voice roared out, and sand spurted frantically from the six holes behind him, covering Xia Yan's Pokémon and himself.

Quicksand Inferno!

At the same time, the movement here finally attracted the attention of Hoshino Ryuzaki in the distance.

In the looming quicksand Inferno, he saw Xia Yan's figure.

Unbelievable in his eyes, "How is that possible?!"

In his opinion, even if Xia Yan didn't die, he would be peeled off by the Krookodiles, so how could he have the chance to enter the center of the quicksand whirlpool.

What's more, even if he came in, he would get lost for a long time in the face of the intricate maze-like passages, and eventually he would return to the desert with the quicksand because he took a wrong step. He has experienced this result several times. Finally got here.

Kasha Yan.

His face was quickly covered with shadows, and he clenched his fists, "There is no possibility of sharing this ruin with others!"

Exclusive enjoyment is the choice for maximizing benefits, and the result of sharing may be that neither person can obtain the greatest benefit.

What's more, why share?

Just do it!

"Flygon, move fast!"


Xia Yan didn't pay attention to the changes in Hoshino Ryuzaki, but even if he did, it wouldn't have any effect on him.

Now he needs to deal with this Hippowdon first.

"Doublade, Sword Dance!"

Doublade flew out of the shadow and drew out his two swords. The dark red streamer circled around its sword body, and the sword edge gradually became sharper as it swayed back and forth.

"Togetic, Magical Leaf."


The Togetic flying out of Xia Yan's clothes swayed up and down, and pieces of leaves containing special energy appeared around it. With the little hand's remote pointing, the Magical Leaf quickly shot towards Hippowdon.


Doublade also completed the Sword Dance boost, following behind the Magical Leaf and attacking Hippowdon.

tuk tuk-


Magical Leaf hit Hippowdon one after another, and the restraining effect brought by the grass-type moves made Hippowdon cry out in pain.

What followed was Doublade's gigantic blue blade phantom, interspersed with cyan Cal.

Fury Cutter plus Sacred Sword!

Hippowdon's pained Growl stopped abruptly, and "luck" Togetic's Razor Fang was triggered, which immediately fell into a flinching Contest Condition.

Bang! !

The blue phantom sword fell heavily, smashing Hippowdon's limbs into the sand a bit.

However, this is just the beginning.

The biggest advantage of Doublade is that although it does not have multiple attacks, it can do multiple attacks by virtue of its control over the body.

One sword fell, and the other was immediately attached.

Hippopotas had recovered from the flinching Contest Condition, but before he could react, Doublade's attack came.

Bang! !

Fury Cutter and Sacred Sword's second sword, the power has been doubled!

However, this is still not the end. After the second sword fell, Doublade's third sword was also ready to attack. This was the first time that it used two swords at the same time to perform a combo.


After Hippowdon took the second blow, his ferocity was thoroughly stimulated, his head held high, and flames erupted from his open mouth.

Fire Fang!



Doublade's third sword, regardless of whether Hippowdon resisted or not, smashed heavily on its head, smashing its raised head and huge body to the ground.


The surrounding sand shuddered, and Hippowdon sprawled, embedded in the sand.

The three-pronged axe is neat and tidy, and the effect is striking.

And after Hippowdon lost his ability to fight, the quicksand Inferno sand that was flying around also fell from the air.

Xia Yan, who noticed something, turned his head and just met Hoshino Ryuzaki's gloomy gaze.

And Xia Yan's response was...

grin and smile.

What a coincidence.


Tomorrow will be ten! Although I don't know when it will be finished, it is no surprise that there are ten updates! This pigeon is going to continue coding, and that's it.

(End of this chapter)

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