The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 449 Half-Step Divine Beast! (Two In One)

Chapter 449 "Half-step divine beast"! (two in one)

In a burst of growl, several white Pokémon swayed their long arms, quickly passed through the woods, and appeared in the sight of Xia Yan and Lorelei.

The whole body is white, with brown eye rims and chin, a tuft of red hair on the head, long arms hanging from the tree, swaying thick branches, mouths pouting, one after another sound comes from their mouths, one after another. An uncontrollable look of excitement.


Normal is a Pokémon.

Seeing them, both Xia Yan and Lorelei's mind flashed the name of this Pokémon.

Vigoroth is the evolution of lazy people. They will be in an extremely excited mood for a long time. Even when they are eating, they will not settle down. If they can't vent their excess energy, they may not be able to stay overnight. will fall asleep.

Xia Yan is very familiar with this kind of Pokémon, mainly because of their evolutionary type, Slaking.

"It seems to have entered the territory of this group of Vigoroths." Xia Yan said slowly.

Pokémons such as Vigoroth have excessive energy, so they will go to some wild Pokémon to fight for a long time to consume their excess energy, so the territory of such Pokémon is often very large, and very few Pokémon can endure living in Next to the Vigoroths.

After all, no one can withstand endless challenges, even after falling asleep in the middle of the night, or when some predatory Pokémon rest during the day, they have to face their harassment.

It's useless to fight, because they tend to be dispatched in groups, even if they beat a group to the ground, they can quickly recover Contest Condition after a period of time.

But if you want to kill, you need to figure out whether you can withstand the wrath of the Slaking people.

So, this type of Pokémon is like a bully in the forest.

"The guy who left the mark lives in Vigoroth's territory?" Xia Yan was a little surprised.

Good guy, how strong is the guy who can endure the harassment of the Vigoroths?

It is very likely that it is the fighting maniac, and of course it may be Cynthia. Her desire to fight is actually not low, and the possibility of Steven is relatively low.

In addition, living in Vigoroth's territory can also use the Vigoroths as Barriers to isolate some unnecessary wild Poltergeist disturbances, which is an excellent choice.

"It's a good idea." Xia Yan rubbed his chin.

"How?" Lorelei couldn't help asking, looking at the Vigoroths who were getting closer.

"Hit in."

With that said, Beedrill rushed forward to fight.

The strength of these Vigoroths is not too strong, only one of them has reached the elite level, and the rest are only senior level, and Beedrill can pick them all alone.

However, Xia Yan did not choose to do so, but gave Lorelei more opportunities to play.

You can't really carry a burden by your side, can you?

More or less, she wants to play a role, and it is also an ice-type Elite in the future.

And Xia Yan has a good reason.

Euphemistically called: exercise.

Lorelei didn't think much about it, but cherished this opportunity to exercise very much. She seldom went into the wild, and she cherished every fight with wild Pokémon.

No, after Xia Yan gave the "opportunity", Lorelei directed her Cloyster to start harvesting this group of Vigoroth.

And while fighting, he would also ask Xia Yan for advice.

However, although Lorelei lacks field experience, her strength is still very strong, and her learning ability is also very strong. In just half a day, compared with the first time she met Xia Yan in a different dimension, she has made obvious progress. .

In this way, the group of Vigoroth who came out of nowhere lay on the ground "safely" to rest.

Defeating them doesn't attract more Vigoroths, after all, it's part of their lives to "rest" after losing battles with other wild Pokémon.

Xia Yan and Lorelei were also able to enter the territory of the Vigoroths.

Slowly going deeper, I encountered several batches during the period, but they were not too strong, and there was no need to use them to practice, so Xia Yan threw them all to Lorelei.

Unconsciously, Lorelei has become a thug to help Xia Yan clean up the mobs.

And as I went deeper, I finally saw traces of some other Pokémon.

For example.

One of them is lying on the ground, or lying on the trunk, with a look of "no love", even if Xia Yan and Lorelei break into their territory, at most they move their eyes to show "respect" .

Lazy Man and Vigoroth are two extremes, one is very lazy and the other is very active.

There are special researchers who have studied the reason for the change of the lazy man and Vigoroth, not only because of their ability changes, but also because Vigoroth was silent for too long in the lazy man period, and the energy and power he accumulated all came to Vigoroth. time to vent.

Of course, these are unfounded conclusions.

And seeing the lazy man means that it is not far from the central area of ​​the Vigoroth's territory.

Vigoroth's strength will also become stronger.

Moreover, going deep into this place, it is already a kind of Taunt, and the Vigoroths are no longer just used as a flavoring agent for ordinary life, and they have begun to show hostility to Xia Yan and the others.

As the emerging Vigoroth became stronger, Xia Yan inevitably joined the battle.

And he was sent to deal with the Vigoroths, it was Doublade.

The Vigoroth of the Normal type is only restrained by the moves of the Fighting type, and among Xia Yan's Pokémon, the one with the most skill and power in the Fighting type moves is only Doublade's "Sword of Equality of All Things".

And the active and aggressive Vigoroth, coupled with elite-level strength, is undoubtedly the best training "tool" for Doublade.

"Sword Dance." Xia Yan said slowly.

"Hey." The dark red air flow from his shoulders pinch his body, and Doublade's mastery of Sword Dance moves can be said to have penetrated into the bone marrow, and completed the increase in a very short period of time.

"Sacred Sword Fury Cutter."

Facing Vigoroth who was rushing in front, Doublade was not slow at all despite his fear.


When Vigoroth saw Doublade rushing up, he was so excited that he couldn't contain it, screaming strangely, and a fiery flame suddenly rose from his waving fist.

These wild Vigoroths are obviously very experienced in combat. After recognizing that Doublade is a Steel Pokémon, they immediately used Fire Punch to fight.


There was a crisp sound from Doublade's body, and the imaginary blue sword met Vigoroth's Fire Punch without hesitation.

Blue, cyan, red, the three-color halo collided with the air.

boom! !

Vigoroth and his shoulder pinch stepped back at the same time, pulling his body apart.

"This is." Seeing the move Doublade used, Lorelei showed surprise in his eyes.

Looking at Xia Yan, who was looking as usual next to him, he felt a little admiration in his heart.

Combination moves are not so easy to learn and master.

Obviously, Doublade's sword was just the beginning, but Vigoroth on the opposite side had already used all his strength.

Soon, the second sword came.

It was greeted by Vigoroth's Fire Punch, but the result was completely different from what Vigoroth had envisioned.


After a short contact, Vigoroth was directly slapped on the ground by the terrifying power.

what's the situation?

Before he could figure it out, he saw a blue sword shadow grow bigger and bigger in his eyes, and finally landed heavily on his forehead.

next second.

The Vigoroth lost its ability to fight and lay quietly on the ground.

"So strong."

Lorelei, who was behind, saw Doublade with the third sword, and sighed with surprise in his eyes.

Substitute your own Pokémon into Vigoroth's position, and the result may be similar, because the ice-type Pokémon is also restrained by the Fighting-type moves.

And the power of Doublade's "Sacred Sword Fury Cutter" actually exceeds the power range of ordinary moves.

However, Xia Yan's focus is somewhat different from Lorelei's Mikey.

What he saw was the reddish blade of Doublade.

He couldn't help frowning.

Coating Doublade should be on the agenda. When he hedged against Mudsdale last time, Xia Yan felt Doublade's lack of body weight. This time he hedged with Vigoroth's Fire Punch and saw it facing the fire element. Inadequate move attack.

And the sooner you coat Doublade, the faster it can adapt to the changes brought about by the coating, and when it evolves to Aegislash, it won't have any bad effects.

Xia Yan wanted to think about it, and the battle continued.

The second Vigoroth followed immediately after the first Vigoroth fell.

Unlike the first one, this Vigoroth fell to the ground completely and lost its ability to fight just after a single blow.

Successfully superimposed Fury Cutter and Sacred Sword to the third power, plus the restraint of Fighting against Normal Pokémon, and the blessing of Sword Dance in advance, it is really not something that Normal Vigoroth can resist.

However, because they entered a sufficient interior area, the Vigoroths didn't talk about wheel battles, it was swarming.

Even after Doublade had dealt with the first one, the Vigoroths swarmed towards Doublade amid red-eyed growls.

In such a situation, it would be more difficult for Doublade to deal with it alone.

But luckily, it's not alone either.


Beedrill bullied himself and shared Doublade's pressure, and Yongjira and Togetic also gave help at the first time.

Although there are only four of them, they cooperate very skillfully with each other, and the tacit understanding is also very high. Although the Vigoroths are strong overall, their individual strength is not very good, so they cannot break the tacit cooperation of the four Pokémons.

Lorelei next to him wanted to help, but seeing how Xia Yan's four Pokémons cooperated with ease, he suddenly felt that her intervention might not only provide no help, but also become a burden.

the most important is.

"Good tacit cooperation, this feeling" Lorelei murmured.

She keenly felt that Xia Yan's four Pokémons were able to cooperate so well, and the moves and battle rhythm were so well connected, because there was a "bearing" that was responsible for the smooth operation of the battle, and even the effect of speeding up the operation.

And this "bearing" is Xia Yan's Yongjila.

"Is this the role of the 'nuclear' that Pryce Elite mentioned when he came to the academy for an open class?"

This group of wild Vigoroth, Lorelei believes that if she wants to solve them, she should be able to do it now, but the price will not be small, and many Pokémon may be injured or even lose the ability to fight for a short time.

It is absolutely impossible to be as calm as Xia Yan is now, and even has spare energy.

Of course, part of it is because her melee experience is far inferior to Xia Yan, but the main thing is that her Pokémon lacks an existence that connects the entire team, which is what Pryce once said, the so-called "nuclear".

However, the role of "nuclear" is mainly reflected in full-scale battles and small-scale battles. In Alliance's most popular one-on-one Pokémon battles, it has no effect.

Lorelei suddenly realized that she finally understood why the trainers of the academic school had more knowledge, and the tactics they understood were incomparable. The victory of the Alliance's various competitions was also soft, but once the strength reached To a certain extent, it is not comparable to the people of the actual combat school.

In today's Alliance, most of the staff and clerical workers are from the academic school, while most of the Dewford workers are from the combat school.

Now she vaguely understands that it may be because of the existence of "nuclear".

If the academic faction represents the lower limit, then the actual combat faction represents the upper limit. Maybe the actual combat faction is weaker than the academic faction at the beginning, but if it really reaches the later stage and grows up, it is hard to say.

Lorelei also suddenly realized this through Xia Yan's battle, otherwise there would only be a general concept taught by Pryce before, and he didn't know where to start.

Looking at Xia Yan's eyes, he became more and more admirable.

Xia Yan naturally didn't know what Lorelei was thinking, he just instructed the four Pokémon to quickly complete the cleaning task.

Everything seems to be going well.


A sudden roar came from behind the Vigoroths.

Hearing the voice, the Vigoroths suddenly became a little more honest, looked at each other, and finally chose to slowly retreat to both sides, leaving a road in the middle.

At the end of the road, it leads to a big tree.

I saw a burly Pokémon who looked like a gorilla with a seven-point resemblance to Vigoroth.


An evolution of Vigoroth.

Seeing Slaking lying lazily on the ground, Xia Yan and a few Pokémon didn't dare to treat it like a slacker.

"Yongji." Yongjira called softly.

The intuition brought by Future Sight tells it that the Pokémon on the opposite side is terrifying, very terrifying!

It seems listless, but it is actually accumulating stockpile, and when it erupts, it will release an unusually tyrannical destructive power.

And Xia Yan's understanding of Slaking is obviously much deeper than Yongjila's.

Just say something.

Slaking is the only one with a Species Strength of 670 among all normal Pokémon.

And look at the Pokémon with the same Species Strength of 670 points and those, such as the owner of this space "Cannot Fly" Groudon, and its nemesis "Big Water Fish" Kyogre.

But they are all legendary Pokémon, mythical beasts!

Looking at the lower ones, the quasi-god Pokémon Species Strength of each Region is only 600, which is 70 lower than Slaking.

While Species Strength isn't everything, it does say something.

But Slaking with such a high Species Strength has a very special Ability, "lazy".

Laziness: If a move is used, it will enter a short rest period.

That is to say, every time Slaking uses a move, he will definitely need to rest for a period of time, and this period of time will be seized by Rival and give a crazy counterattack.

So many people love and hate Pokémon like Slaking.

Therefore, it was given a rather appropriate "pet name".

"Half-step beast"!

(End of this chapter)

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