The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 457 I Am Really A 'Wicked Person' (Two In One)

Chapter 457 I am really a 'wicked person' (two in one)

Three Houndours.

As the Breeder family's Xia Yan, it is easy to distinguish the situation of these three Houndours.

It is said that Pokémon are the same, as long as they are cultivated well, they can reach the limit that this Pokémon can achieve.

But in fact, this is just a lie of the Alliance in order to appease the trainers who were born in the commoner.

Yes, theoretically, Pokémon's upper limit is actually the same, as long as it's nurtured correctly.

However, the energy, time, resources, etc. that need to be consumed in the training process are completely disproportionate.

For a Pokémon with outstanding talent and a Pokémon with ordinary talent, the resources consumed by training to the same level are several times the difference.

And as the strength is stronger, the gap will be larger, the kind that increases geometrically.

This is also one of the reasons why so many trainers have worked hard to cultivate their own Pokémon, but their strength is still at a certain level and stagnant.

At the same time, there are also so many Trainers. After their strength reaches a certain level, they begin to cultivate the second and third echelon Pokémon, and even the reason for replacing the main Pokémon who have been with them for so long.

Just like the same dragon-type Pokémon, the dragon-type bloodline concentration contained in the body is different, will they be the same?

Genetic moves are different.

And some of the most critical moves of Pokémon cannot be acquired through growth or learning, and can only be acquired by genetics, which is also a manifestation of talent.

That's why there are so many Breeder houses to try out Breeder's Pokémon with rare moves.

The slight gaps are not obvious when the strength is still weak, but as the strength becomes stronger, after reaching a certain level, these gaps will be magnified as if they were under a magnifying glass.

Why do many people say that genius is 1% talent plus 99% sweat, but that 1% talent often blocks the vast majority of people, and they don't even have the opportunity to work hard? Give.

The same is true.

There are gaps in intelligence quotient, physical fitness and other aspects between people, not to mention Pokémon.

Of course, the existence of perseverance and success cannot be denied.

But sometimes, the perseverance that can persevere is not a talent?

Xia Yan carried the three Houndours, checked them from beginning to end, and quickly came to some conclusions.

These conclusions may not be very precise, but they can also provide a preliminary judgment on the strength of a Pokémon's talent.


The age should be the oldest, the talent in the evil element is not weak, but the fire element is relatively lacking, and it seems that it has begun to try to fight with a few Houndooms, there are obvious traces of self-training, which leads to its plasticity. decline.

The second one.

The age is in the middle of the three, and the talent is also medium. The abilities of the evil and fire elements are relatively mediocre. Although he has not yet entered the stage of trial battle and training, it has not made Xia Yan feel that there is anything that shines in front of him, nothing too big. features.

The third one.

It is the youngest and has the strongest relative plasticity. It has inherited the three moves of Fire Spin, Nasty Plot and Thunder Fang, indicating that its talent in the fire element is stronger than that of the evil element, and the "Nasty Plot" move can also make it in The special attack ability in the early stage has become stronger, and it is the best of the three Houndours.

After comprehensive consideration, if Xia Yan was asked to choose, he would choose the third one.

It can make up for his shortcomings in the fire element, and it can also make up for the lack of evil elements to a certain extent. If he can evolve into a Houndoom in the future, he will be able to Mega Evolution, which will have a good performance.

The "Flash Fire" Ability is also a good Ability, which can further strengthen the resistance to fire-type Pokémon.

But this is an option for Xia Yan.

The Valley of Fire is very large, and he has only explored a very small part, so there is no need to draw conclusions so early.

After checking the three Houndours, Xia Yan used the Poké Ball to put them all away together with the Houndoom.

This valley has come to an end, there is still "B5" area to visit.

Nanmu and Ishino went to inquire about the information again, and if there is no accident, they should be able to obtain some valuable information.

Turn around and walk outside the small valley.


Just like Xia Yan's choice of Pokémon was not smooth, his actions and plans were also not smooth due to some variables.

When he was about to approach the exit of the Valley, a Salandit ran into the Valley in a hurry, just jumped to Xia Yan who was walking back.

Under Yongjila's translation, he immediately told Xia Yan what happened at the entrance of the Valley.

After listening to Salandit's description, Xia Yan slowly frowned, and his expression became a little gloomy.

Think about it.

Or put away Beedrill, Yongjira, and Togetic, and let Doublade continue to hide in his shadow, guarding against a sudden attack.

Taking big strides, led by Salandit, who is following every step of the way, not far from the entrance of the Valley.

Then I saw that Salazzle was carrying a few Salandit and was in a stalemate with several members of the Lava team.

The clothing of the leader was different from the rest.

Xia Yan, who had a brief understanding of the structure of the Lava Team members, recognized at a glance that this outfit represented the identity of the Lava Team's management captain.

The elite captain, staring at Salazzle, showed unabashed greed.

The fire-type Pokémon he had never seen before, and he was still the master level, undoubtedly aroused him a lot of interest.

After Xia Yan stopped for a while, he walked steadily forward.

And his appearance naturally attracted the attention of several members of the lava team on the opposite side.

"Captain Yamakawa, that's him, Shingo. I saw him enter here with Nanmu and Ishino before, and then Nanmu and Ishino came out, holding the Poké Ball of the three Shimono in their hands." The guy who was as thin as a mouse whispered flatteringly in the head of the man's ear.

Just as Nanmu and Ishino felt that they could get close to Xia Yan's "thighs", Shanchuan, the elite captain, was naturally the object of the other lava team members.

Hearing the thin man's words, Shan Chuan's eyes flashed and he nodded calmly.

Xia Yan walked to Salazzle's side, and the conversation on the opposite side was so low that anger was low. As a Psychic, it was not difficult for him to hear it.

He had thought that some of his Pokémon might attract unnecessary attention, be coveted by others, and thus cause some trouble, so Togetic and Xia Yan tried their best not to let them show up.

It's just that he never imagined that it would be Pokémons like Salandit and Salazzle who could only be used as "tools" at best.

In the end, he still looked at the quality of the middle and bottom members of the Lava Team.

When Nanmu and Ishio showed greed when they saw Salandit using Dragon Pulse, Xia Yan actually thought about it.

But he felt that they were just some ordinary members, and they came to deliver food.

Some did not expect to be favored by elite trainers.

In terms of Normal, the strength has reached the level of elite trainer, and it should be less likely to look at Pokémon with little plasticity.

Either that, the elite Trainer's Pokémon aren't high quality.

Or, it is because of the rarity of Salazzle.

"You are the real me?" Shan Chuan glanced up and down at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan didn't say anything, just looked at him silently.

Seeing that Xia Yan was unmoved, Shan Chuan raised his eyebrows and said with a tight smile:

"Let me ask you, what about Benwu and Ida, your former teammates? Also, what about the Shimono three who were originally responsible for the cleaning of this area?"

After speaking, he slowly narrowed his eyes, his eyes became sharper, and he asked again, "Did you kill them all?! Do you know that it is a felony to do something privately against the members of the organization?!"

After listening to his words, Xia Yan smiled.

It's going to happen.

Put a tall hat on him first, whether it's true or not, let him live up to such a name first, and no matter what he wants to do next, he will have a suitable excuse.

"You just caught these Pokémon, right? The traces of wild Pokémon on them are still obvious."

Hearing this, Xia Yan was stunned.

Let's just say that no matter how arrogant a person is, they will still be afraid or jealous when they see a Pokémon at the master level?

But if this pavilion-level Pokémon was captured not long ago, and the fit with the Trainer is extremely low, it will be different.

Salazzle and Salandit Xia Yan really did not train.

Naturally, in some of their behaviors, it is not difficult to see some of the habits of wild Pokémon before they have been captured.

And the Pokémon, which is also the main level of the pavilion, how well it fits with the Trainer, and how much strength it can exert, is also different.

The person in front of him obviously thought that Xia Yan's Salazzle and several Salandit did not fit well with him.

Normally, Pokémon that are also master-level, ordinary wild Pokémon cannot defeat master-level Pokémon cultivated by Trainers. There is a big gap.

Seeing that Xia Yan didn't speak, Shanchuan continued: "Give you a chance, keep those elite-level Pokémon for yourself, hand over the Poké Ball of this master-level Pokémon, and I can recommend you to join Lord Youhuo's. Under your command, you may be able to get the opportunity to be promoted to the elite captain in the future."

In the end, I still fell in love with the Salazzle in Xia Yan's hands.

"Okay." Xia Yan finally spoke.

And also directly agreed to his request.

"I can?" Shanchuan obviously didn't expect Xia Yan to agree so simply, and was a little surprised.

Then I saw Xia Yan took out a Poké Ball expressionlessly and put it on the ground, "Come and get it."

After speaking, he took a step back and reached out his hand to signal.

Shanchuan took a deep look at Xia Yan, and didn't quite understand what he meant by doing so.

But he still winked at the "mouse" beside him who had tipped him off, and motioned him to go and get it.

The guy nicknamed "Rat" swallowed softly, looked into the eyes of Poké Ball on the ground, with greed, his body swayed slightly, and moved forward a little stiffly, while staring at Xia Yan closely, taking precautions. His sudden outburst.

But Xia Yan just stood there with his arms crossed and watched his movement silently.

Because of caution, walk very slowly.

Shanchuan saw that Xia Yan really had no sign of moving, his eyes flashed, and he urged: "Hurry up!"

At this moment, a member of the lava team standing behind Shanchuan twitched his nose and suddenly said with some doubts, "It smells so good? Someone is using Sweet Scent to attract wild Pokémon?"


The hand of the "mouse" touched the Poké Ball on the ground, and while his expression loosened, joy flashed in his eyes.

Here it is!

Master-level Pokémon!

At this time, his inner world was at war.

Should I go back obediently and hand over this Poké Ball to Shanchuan, or will I forcibly get rid of the ink?

A pavilion-level Pokémon is definitely a life-changing existence for him!

Even if he doesn't know anything about Salazzle now, as long as he can escape successfully and hide for a while to get acquainted with Salazzle, he will be able to come back strongly with Salazzle, the master-level Pokémon, even if he faces mountains and rivers, he will not be so vain. .

Xia Yan jokingly looked at the guy who got the Poké Ball and stood there in a daze, looking at the change in his expression, he knew what he was probably thinking.

The so-called following and the so-called loyalty are nothing but vanity in the face of absolute interests.

Shanchuan also obviously noticed the abnormality of his behavior. Like Xia Yan, it was not difficult to guess what was in his heart.

He frowned, he didn't know when there was an extra Poké Ball in his hand, and said solemnly, "What are you hesitating about?"


The man's body trembled slightly, and he suddenly remembered that Shanchuan also had a Pokémon at the master level, otherwise why would he covet Xia Yan's Salazzle?

The strength of Shanchuan is second only to a few executives among the members of the lava team who entered the different space. Whether there is a master-level Pokémon in his hand is completely different at the level of the elite captain.

Given that he doesn't know anything about Salazzle, even if he can command Salazzle, he is definitely not the Rival of the mountains and rivers.


such an opportunity.

"Aren't you going to give it a try? It might only be one chance in a lifetime." Xia Yan Frillish's words came.

"Mouse" suddenly shuddered.


Once in a lifetime opportunity like this!

However, when he just made a decision and his eyes were fierce, his body suddenly stumbled, and his limbs fell to the ground weakly.

Shanchuan, who saw this scene, was suddenly shocked, the Poké Ball in his hand opened, and a Mightyena with master-level strength appeared in front of him.

bang bang bang-

Behind him, several members of the lava team who followed also fell to the ground one by one.

Even Yamakawa himself swayed slightly, holding Mightyena before he could not fall to the ground.


Shanchuan stared at Xia Yan for the first time, there is no doubt that what happened here was because of Xia Yan.

Xia Yan smiled and patted Salazzle next to him, and he could see the dark red lines on its abdomen, emitting a faint shimmer.

Not only it, but also the texture on the back of the surrounding Salandit.

The pheromone gas released by a single female Salandit is enough to poison a whole bunch of people, not to mention there are Salazzle and so many Salandit here.

"This ability is really useful when dealing with people who don't know Salazzle and Salandit." Xia Yan sighed.

Even someone who understands Salazzle's abilities can be attacked if he is not defensive enough, let alone someone who doesn't know anything about Salazzle.

The drifting pheromone gas carries a fragrance, which is different from most fishy smells and pungent toxins, and it is difficult for people to raise vigilance.

And the more gas you suck in, the easier it is to lose your normal thinking ability. The reason why the members of the lava team nicknamed "Rats" are so entangled is also for this reason.

It is precisely because the gas is difficult and difficult to prevent that Pokémons such as Salazzle and Salandit are so unpopular in the Alola Region, even like a normal rat crossing the street.

It is definitely an excellent means of killing people and designing plots.

Xia Yan found that he liked this feeling a little bit.

"I really am a 'villain' in my bones." He smiled slightly self-deprecatingly.

He waved his hand, "Get rid of them."

Upon hearing the order, Salazzle and the Salandit immediately showed sly smiles.

These two plays have finally made Salazzle and Salandit recognize their abilities again.

Since they were shrunk on Xia Yan, they once doubted whether their Poison Gas ability was still effective.

It turns out that it's not that their Poison Gas is not good, it's that Xia Yan has done a good job of preventing their gas.

Without a conductor, a pavilion-level Mightyena would not be able to make much waves under the Beat Up of Salazzle and Salandit.

Besides, this Mightyena wasn't a very good Pokémon.

This encounter was a small episode in Xia Yan's search for fire-type Pokémon, but it also made him vigilant again.

Behaving more carefully, and speeding up even further.

It must be done as soon as possible, and then away from the lava team, away from the place of right and wrong in the Valley of Fire.

And not long after that, he finally met a few Pokémons that shined in front of him.


Sorry for being late, two-in-one delivery~~

(End of this chapter)

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