The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 463 Groudon (Two In One) To Pop Out Of The Soil

Chapter 463 Groudon (two in one) to pop out of the soil


Togetic entered the fiery beasts' lair and landed beside Chimchar, shouting softly.

As a happy Pokémon, Togetic may feel it more clearly than Xia Yan, and it also clearly feels the loneliness and loss emanating from Chimchar.


Chimchar glanced at Togetic, but didn't seem repulsive.

It also knew that if it wasn't for Togetic's help just now, it might have fallen into the mouth of the flaming beetle with Cyndaquil and became a ration.

Moreover, Togetic's petite appearance contains powerful power, and Chimchar yearns for such a strong posture.

What it worshiped most before was the powerful flaming beast.

But today Xia Yan's Pokémon let it see a powerful side.

Power is not necessarily all about the power of the individual. If you have a group of reliable friends, you can become very powerful with the cooperation.

This is the new awareness it has gotten today.

And it also imagines that when it becomes stronger in the future, Cyndaquil also evolves into a hot beast and becomes stronger, and the two Pokémons work together to dominate the beautiful picture of this area.


It's a bit disappointing to think that Cyndaquil might be with its people, rather than choosing it as an "outsider".

Togetic is chatty, and that showed early on.

Maybe because of character, maybe because of Pokémon's nature, Togetic was optimistic even when he was alone.

Not as precarious as Chimchar appears to be.

Chimchar looks very strong, stubborn, and stubborn, showing a strong appearance.

But in fact it proves its inner fragility.

The more obvious it is on the outside, the weaker it is on the inside.

This is its disguise, an unconscious disguise of self-preservation.

Of course, it cannot be denied that it does have a strong temperament in its bones.

And its temperament, it can be said that Togetic just complements it.

Seeing Togetic and Chimchar chatting with each other, Xia Yan smiled and felt relieved.

When you arrive at the den of the flaming beasts, you don't have to worry about where they can go.

He had plenty of time to learn more about Chimchar and try to conquer.

But not now.

With the Pokémons, we found a relatively flat place outside the Flaming Beast's lair.

It's time to rest.

A lot of things happened today. He not only disguised and mixed into the lava team, but also entered the Valley of Fire to find a suitable fire-type Pokémon. In the end, he really found a few targets.

Although it has not been subdued, the result is good and things are going well.

But Pokémon who have been fighting for a day also need to rest. This day alone makes BeedrillMega evolve twice, which is a big burden for him and Beedrill.

Doublade has only been coated for a few days, and is still in the stage of getting used to it. After another whole day of fighting with the Pokémon that restrains it, he is naturally exhausted.

But one thing to say, combat is indeed the best way to break in. Compared to the day when the film was just coated, Doublade is used to it a lot now.

According to the plan, Xia Yan should now assist Yongjila's Teleport and go back to the Vigoroths' territory to meet with Lorelei and Kenin.

But now that Chimchar and Cyndaquil have been found, he is not ready to go back.

Anyway, after a few days of getting along, Lorelei and Kenin consciously studied, these two typical members of the academy, their ability to survive in the wild is much stronger.

There is also Vigoroth's territory as a natural barrier protection, so there is no need to worry too much about safety.

If he goes back like this, Xia Yan feels that he is really about to become their nanny.

After deciding not to go back.

Let's start preparing today's dinner.

The change of light cannot be seen underground, but now the Valley of Fire should be pitch black.

Xia Yan's food is easy to handle. He brought enough dry food and water this time, and he can deal with it casually, but the food of the Pokémon is not sloppy.

It is best to consume enough of energy cubes every day to maximize the effect of energy cubes.

Not only Beedrill and the other four main Pokémons, but Xia Yan also has a lot of auxiliary Pokémon on him, like Cherrim, Mudsdale, Tyrantrum, etc. can't be left behind. With the number of Pokémon that Xia Yan is currently carrying, every time it comes to dinner, they are all Pokémon. A big project.

There are nearly a dozen Pokémon in total.

And the movement outside naturally attracted the attention of the hot beasts and Cyndaquils in the nest.

For so many Pokémons that suddenly appeared, they stuck their heads out one by one, watching curiously.

The leader of the flaming beast is naturally watching the situation outside.


But when it saw Stuff Cheeks, Snorlax, who seemed to be eating everything in his stomach, spit out a fiery snort from time to time, but became very honest with a glance from Xia Yan, Turtonator, Barbaracle, these quasi-Elite Pokémon, was stunned. .

this lineup.

So strong!

Rao is that it feels a lot of threat from these Pokémons.

The only good thing is that Xia Yan didn't have any bad thoughts about them.

The flaming beast leader thought to himself.

In fact, Xia Yan didn't care much about the Pokémon who had to sell them for resources after leaving. It didn't matter much if you starved for a few meals, as long as you didn't starve to death.

The powerful physiques of the Pokémon are on full display at this moment.

He will only be a little bit concerned about the Pokémon that he can use.

For example, Snorlax, Mudsdale, and Turtonator, who was "convinced" not long ago.

The rest of the land has left this different space, what should be sold is sold, what should be exchanged for resources is exchanged for resources, and what should be stocked is stocked.

As for the previously captured Pokémon that are ready for captivity, such as Abomasnow, Vanilluxe, and Cherrim.

Long before it entered this different space to participate in the trial, it was placed in a forest not far from Mt. Coronet outside Celestic Town. There were Froslass guards, conscious supervision of the Cherrims, and Xia Yan deliberately broke it down. A small piece of thousand-year-old ice, they are not willing to leave that forest at all.

Pidgeotto, Shuckle, they're all in that forest too.

It is a good habit to clean up the backpack before entering the different space.

And caught after entering the Groudon space.

For example, Salazzle and Salandit are released in batches, and they can find food and solve the problem of food and clothing in this environment with abundant fire energy.

Like Mudsdale, they are highly tolerant, and it is good to release them once a few days to eat grass.

The Houndooms and Pyroars were only subdued today. Even if they leave the other space without eating, there will be no problem. Occasionally throwing some Pokémon food into the Poké Ball is enough to keep them alive.

The same goes for Excadrill, Darmanitan, Hoshino Ryuzaki's Sandstorm team, and Onix.

The rest of the Pokémon confiscated from the lava team members

Sorry, Xia Yan didn't collect any Pokémon, he threw them all to Cofagrigus.

These Pokémons have all seen him, and although the possibility of being traced is low, Xia Yan doesn't want to take risks.

So don't look at the many Pokémon on him, but in fact, there are only a few that really want him to be responsible for the diet.

The four main Pokémon, the big eater Snorlax, Cherrim who eats less Mega, Sharpedo, Tyrantrum, Mudsdale, Yanmega, Turtonator, Barbaracle, and Noiven who need to stay in their hands.

And the perennial invisible Doron Bartto.

Now it's even rarer to show up for meals, only Xia Yan will show up when he needs it.


The flaming cockroach that I just received is the most tenacious of this kind of thwart-type Bug Type Pokémon, and it is estimated that there will be no major problem if it is starved for ten days and a half months.

The good thing about catching wild Pokémon is that it doesn't really matter if you're hungry a few times.

Otherwise, an organization like the Hunter Guild, which is hunting wildly, just raises Pokémon, which is a huge expense.

If the Pokémon hasn't been sold for a long time, the cost will be even greater.

At the end of the day, the only ones that really made him feel stressed about his diet were Snorlax and Doron Bartto, and the rest were minor issues.

Arrange the food for the Pokémons too.

The tantalizing scent of the energy cube undoubtedly caught the attention of the hot beasts, including Chimchar who was chatting with Togetic.


Only then did Togetic react, pulling Chimchar and going to eat.

It understands the reason why Xia Yan so "blatantly" released all the food.

Having followed Xia Yan for a long time, Togetic, who is "simple in mind", also understands his old routines.

But although the routine is old, it works.

Under Togetic's tugging, Chimchar finally "gives in".

Togetic also got a little bit of Chimchar's temperament.

Summarize it in one sentence with its own understanding, that is.

Die for face.

like just now.

Cyndaquil invited Chimchar to play with him, but Chimchar chose to refuse due to other Cyndaquil's strange eyes and vague repulsion.

According to Togetic's temperament.


It is impossible to refuse to refuse in this life. Let's play together, as long as it doesn't feel embarrassed, then the embarrassment is someone else.

That's why it is said that Togetic can be eaten in Pokémon, which is one of the reasons why it can become a "social flower".


Chimchar followed it to Xia Yan at Togetic's repeated request.

And this is also the first close contact between Xia Yan and Chimchar.


Xia Yan smiled and handed the energy cube to Togetic, and patted its little head.

Togetic let out a cheer, then sat directly on the ground and started stuffing one by one into his mouth.

Then he looked at his raised head and pretended to be an indifferent Chimchar.

From the corner of his eyes, he glanced at the behavior of the energy cube in Xia Yan's hand from time to time, betraying his true thoughts.

Power Cubes are really an extremely tasty and nutritious food for wild Pokémon, and few can resist Power Cube Captivate.

"I haven't prepared any good fire-type Pokémon energy blocks. This is an intermediate fire-type energy block. You will eat it."

With that said, he stuffed the prepared energy cube into Chimchar's arms.

then tentatively

Reached out and rubbed its head.

Chimchar was stunned, and before he could resist, Xia Yan took his hand away.

The only one who rubbed its head was the fiery beast it worshiped, and Xia Yan was the second.

It feels completely different.



With Togetic's urging sound, Chimchar sat on the ground in a daze.

After returning to his senses, he carefully took out one of the pieces, put it in front of his eyes and took a tentative bite.

Immediately, the fragrant smell burst out in its mouth.


Chimchar's eyes lit up instantly.

He looked at Xia Yan with surprise.

What is this?

"Eat well."

After Xia Yan patted its head again with a smile, he got up and walked towards the flaming beasts.

He was not stingy with the flaming beasts, and placed a large number of intermediate energy blocks loved by fire-type Pokémon at the mouth of their lair.

Cyndaquil, who was his only friend, was the first to stop seeing Chimchar eating so hard.

And it took the lead to eat, and the rest of Cyndaquil, Quilava, and Fire Beasts also stepped forward to eat.

Only the leader of the flaming beast took a deep look at Xia Yan, who was smiling and kind-hearted.

It vaguely understood what Xia Yan wanted to do.

But it didn't tell the truth, and it didn't stop it.

Because in its view, this may be a better choice for Chimchar.

Xia Yan's strength is much stronger than he imagined.

Happy eating time, nothing but the sound of chewing and swallowing.

The only difference is that some Pokémon swallows do move a bit louder.

Take Snorlax, for example.

In Chimchar's opinion, Snorlax's posture, one sip, is too easy.

And Xia Yan finally had the opportunity to sit down and observe these Pokémon up close.

Unsurprisingly, the previous Cyndaquil was really good. It was the most talented Cyndaquil among all the Cyndaquils in this hot beast group.

However, it is too well protected by the hot beast, and his temperament is a bit timid and weak.

Chimchar is also good.

But it is obviously stronger, and it has obvious traces of self-training.

However, this trace is not too obvious, because its training is obviously pondering on its own, and it has not learned anything from other Pokémon.

Like Firebeast, although it is a fire-type Pokémon like it, they fight in a completely different way.

And the flaming beast understands this, so it doesn't interfere with Chimchar's self-training, just letting it practice and explore on its own.

This caused Chimchar to take a lot of unnecessary detours, but it also left no trace of Pokémon.

Plasticity is okay.

What makes Xia Yan a little puzzled is Chimchar's Ability.

There are two kinds of abilities of Pokémon like Chimchar, one is the more common "fire" ability, when the physical strength is reduced, it will burst into a stronger fire-type move power, and the other is the "iron fist" which is more in line with the Fighting attribute. Ability.

It stands to reason that the stance of Chimchar's daily practice of boxing, the possibility of "iron fist" ability is relatively high, but it is not so obvious after careful observation.

Just when Xia Yan was about to ask Chimchar what moves he had.

But when he saw that he was full and patted his stomach, he carefully took out a small piece of sharp, pointed stone with the length of a finger from the junction of the flame and the hair at the buttocks, from the thick hair.

Then he put it in his mouth. Picked his teeth.

But Xia Yan, who saw the stone piece, and Togetic who was beside it, were stunned.

Xia Yan and Togetic looked at each other.

They know this piece of stone!

Isn't this the Primal Groudon carapace fragment they were looking for all this time?

Although the film is much smaller, the feeling can't be wrong.

Such precious stone chips, Chimchar used to pick teeth?

I wonder if Groudon knows, will he jump out of the ground and give Chimchar a Precipice Blades?

"Chimchar, where did you come from?" Xia Yan couldn't help asking.


Four or five together~~ Ask for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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