The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 465 Did You Go To The Wrong Studio?

Chapter 465 Did you go to the wrong studio?

This Tunnel is very long.

very long.

But along the way, you can always pick up some Primal Groudon carapace fragments of different sizes, rules and shapes, no, fragments.

They were all thumb-sized fragments, and some were even smaller than a thumb, the size of a fingernail.

But don't say it.

All together, I have collected a lot.

These fragments were taken by Togetic for safekeeping.

In its own words.

'I'll help you put it together. ’

Togetic is the best at jigsaw puzzles.

Xia Yan didn't have any requirements for this, so he simply gave Togetic to let it play on its own.

Because there are too many pieces, Chimchar also joined the "puzzle" process.

The two Pokémons followed behind them, chattering about where to put one of them and where to put the other, both in high spirits.

Chimchar drew a large circle with both hands.

Togetic shook his head and took out a slender piece of it, indicating that it wouldn't work.

Tightly, its small eyes turned, and its two small hands clasped together, pulling it horizontally from the inside to the outside.

Chimchar's eyes lit up in an instant, and he nodded again and again.


Or Togetic has insight and ideas.

So Chimchar was under Togetic's command, and the two Pokémon put together pieces together.

Found another one.

This one is a little bigger, but not by much.

Yongjira picked it up with Psychic and sent it to Togetic and Chimchar, and Xia Yan's attention was no longer on it.

Because this long tunnel seems to be finally coming to an end.

Not far away in the dim light, at the end of the tunnel, is an orange Cal.

Can not help speeding up the pace.

There were no wild Pokémon attacks along the way, which is why Togetic and Chimchar had that interest and time.

As it approaches.

The orange Cal also became more and more obvious.

Along with it, of course, the temperature is getting higher and higher. Even if Xia Yan is isolated from Psychic, there are still fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

The most obvious change is the flame at the tail behind Chimchar, which is very vigorous and energetic.


As the last step was taken, the scene in front of Xia Yan changed.

The cookie-cutter dark Tunnel became a towering grotto filled with orange Cals, and the first thing that caught his eye was the thing hanging above the grotto, emitting a rich orange Cal, like a small sun.

"A. Cocoon?"

Xia Yan stared at the glowing object carefully, and it was not difficult to see that it was a cocoon wrapped in thick silk threads.

Because above this huge cave, there are a lot of silk threads, densely packed like the cover of the sky, fixed on the rock walls around the cave, and regularly distributed with the cocoon as the center.

The Cal emanating from that cocoon looked like a burning sun, but these bright white threads didn't look like they were burning at all.

Moreover, such a Contest Condition has been maintained in this cave for many years.

Chimchar is most sensitive to the perception of fire energy, and it also looked up at the cocoon above its head, only to feel

It was like a huge fire-type energy aggregate, so huge that it could not be described at all.


The sharp-eyed Togetic saw a piece of debris scattered on the ground again, and it was almost exactly the same shape and size as it had imagined.

It's the last piece of the puzzle.

Without further ado, pick up the pieces.

Then, with some strength, he smashed one of the objects into the outline in his hand with a little difficulty.

With the insertion of this piece of stone, some scattered fragments were completely compacted at this moment, and the gap between them was almost invisible.

Don't say it yet.

Togetic does have a talent for "jigsaw puzzles", things that are pieced together

Xia Yan's gaze moved from top to bottom, and finally he saw a dark Red Shard about the size of a basketball just below the glowing cocoon. The golden lines on it were particularly distinct, and in the halo that shone down from above, Appears brighter.

It is Primal Groudon's carapace fragment.

And it is the largest piece that Xia Yan has seen so far, and even the two pieces collected before are not as big as this one.

Just as he was squinting to consider whether taking this fragment would have any bad effects, Togetic handed it to him as if it were a treasure.

Feeling the warm touch from his palm, Xia Yan grabbed it subconsciously.


Soon he felt the difference in touch and shape.

its not right.

No matter how Togetic spells it out, the shape of the restored pieces should not be a little round and only a little angular.

Warm, round, firm, slender.

Xia Yan couldn't help but look down.


He was completely stunned.

Togetic flew in front of him, hands on his waist, raised his head arrogantly, with a "please praise me, I want to hear" expression.

But Xia Yan's attention was completely attracted by the thing in his hand.


This result.

How could it be so different from what he expected?

He thought that the "jigsaw puzzle" that Togetic said was to restore these scattered pieces into pieces.

So what's so good about smashing pieces?

His attention was never on them, guarding against a possible surprise attack.

Unexpectedly, Togetic and Chimchar also joined for freestyle.

He raised the thing in his hand and faced it in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitching constantly.

Togetic what exactly did they spell?



Although the shape is slightly irregular, the appearance is not very smooth, and some edges and corners are still very clear, but there is no doubt that this is a stick!

After a long time, you fiddled with a stick?

Xia Yan looked at Togetic and Chimchar who had fallen to the ground, and the two Pokémon looked at him with hope.

Xia Yan pressed his forehead.

But he still smiled and gave a thumbs up to the two little guys, "Well done."



Togetic and Chimchar smiled at the same time, Chimchar let out a sigh of relief and relaxed a lot.

Xia Yan retracted his gaze and glanced back and forth at the stick in his hand.

Don't say it yet.

The hands-on ability of the two little guys is quite strong.

Pieces of irregularly shaped pieces of different sizes were forcibly spliced ​​together into a stick, which was grabbed in his hand and swayed lightly. It means half to fall apart.

The stick is not long, about half a meter in length, because there are not many fragments picked up.

The whole stick is dark red, and there are also streaks of golden flickering patterns on it.

After watching it for a long time, it is very durable, and even more and more beautiful.

But it is.

Does Primal Groudon know that the pieces of his body are so tampered with that they really won't pop out of the ground?

First a toothpick for picking teeth, now a stick.

and many more.

Xia Yan looked at the stick in his hand, and then at Chimchar who seemed quite happy on the ground.


"Name this stick, 'Ruyi Golden Hoop Stick'?" Xia Yan murmured.

Did Brother Monkey go to the wrong studio?

(End of this chapter)

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