The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 467 Don't Think You Don't Know You If You Take Off Your Cloak! (Two In One)

Chapter 467 Don't Think You Don't Know You If You Take Off Your Cloak! (two in one)


Before Xia Yan asked Chimchar how he felt, what moves it mastered, and what it got from this fragment, Duolong Bartto suddenly shouted at Xia Yan, and then went into hiding again.

And Xia Yan's complexion changed slightly when he heard Duolong Bart's words.

someone is coming?

And it's getting closer.

An existence that can attract Doron Bartto's attention.


No, it's too late!

Not sure if there is any way to restrain Psychic and Teleport.

There is no natural problem.

But if there were, it would be too dangerous to be interrupted by Teleport.

Too late to think about it.

Xia Yan immediately put away several Pokémon including Chimchar.

The piece was wrapped in Psychic and put into his backpack, but Chimchar's body color didn't change back.

Leaving Doublade to guard in the shadows, and the Turtonator, who had been summoned to defend against Volcarona's surging energy waves.

Turtonator, in fact, when he first caught it, he planned to try to sell it after leaving.

As a dragon-type Pokémon, and it is a quasi-Elite Pokémon, the value will not be low, and once it appears, it may be robbed.

But after some deliberation, Xia Yan chose to keep it.

On the one hand, it is because the quasi-Elite Pokémon is really not easy to sell, either participate in the auction, or only participate in the auction, if you sell it directly to the Pokémon store, although the price will definitely not be low, but it will definitely not reach what it should be. the value of.

But no matter which one you choose, it will definitely attract unnecessary attention.

If the Elite Four grandfather of Ryuzaki Hoshino wanted to investigate, he followed the clues and traced the people who participated in the trial with Ryuzaki Hoshino, and there was someone who actually had a quasi-Elite-level Pokémon, how would you feel?

It is estimated that he will find Xia Yan to have a good "chat", Ning kills the mistake and does not let it go.

Don't underestimate the abilities of a veteran Elite.

On the other hand, Xia Yan considered that he had chosen to avoid or back down when faced with the magma environment several times.

The Turtonator's ability to make it move on land or in the sea isn't ideal, but in magma, there should be no more suitable Pokémon on him at the moment.

The reason why he didn't put it away was to prevent people from being hostile and attack without hesitation. Even if Turtonator's defense was facing an Elite-level Pokémon, he could withstand it for a while, allowing Xia Yan to react.

Soon, the Pokémon is over.

The existence that Doron Bartto said quickly approached here appeared in his sight.

A fast-moving Charizard.

On Charizard's back, stood a tall woman dressed in the special costume of the Lava Team, with a delicate face with purple bangs.

The lava team Groudon is the main person in charge of the space trip, the top executive of the lava team, and one of Maxie's subordinates.


Courtney, who was flying in the air, noticed Xia Yan who was standing on the rocky mountain.

Gently patted Charizard on the neck, falling quickly from the air.

fell on the rock.

Under Xia Yan's gaze, Courtney stared at Volcarona who was still in the sky in the distance, and walked not far from him.

Feeling the breath of Courtney's Charizard, Xia Yan pulled his hood and lowered his head slowly, his expression slightly moved.

Shouted respectfully, "Lord Courtney."

As expected of the top executive of the Lava team, this Charizard is very powerful!

Turtonator saw this Charizard, and his movements and expressions were quite restrained.

"What's the situation?" Courtney's cool voice came.

It's like communicating with a regular lava team member.

"I don't know." Xia Yan replied following her words.

At this time, Courtney finally turned his head, his eyes swept over him, and finally stopped on the Turtonator beside him.

Raised eyebrows, "Ordinary members?"

Xia Yan lowered his head, did not answer, and expressed silence.

Although the Alliance members who entered the different space this time are a group of young trainers, in Courtney's view, they are a group of "new recruits", and it is unlikely that they will sneak into the lava team.

But Xia Yan appeared here with a quasi-Elite Pokémon, which inevitably made her suspicious.

"Name." Courtney asked.

"True me." Xia Yan replied.

Courtney nodded discreetly. "Belonging to whom?"

Xia Yan thought for a while, and then said, "Shanchuan."

Anyway, Shanchuan has already been killed by him, and there is no proof.

"Mountains and rivers."

Courtney recalled carefully, and finally remembered that Shan Chuan was her subordinate Youhuo's subordinate.

Still far away.

Couldn't help but chuckle.

I don't know if I'm laughing at this relationship chain, or at Xia Yan's cautiousness.

Glancing at him, he said lightly, "It's not necessarily a good thing to hide so far."

It seemed to her that she was staying so far from Volcarona to avoid trouble.

Xia Yan still lowered his head and did not speak.

"Humph." Courtney hummed proudly, stepping on Charizard's back again. "Follow me."

After that, Charizard's wings vibrated gently and Gust waves rose into the sky.

The issue of identity requires more people to investigate clearly.

Xia Yan under the hood pursed his lips, knowing that Courtney did not leave immediately, but was waiting for him.

Sigh silently.

Fortunately, his preparations are still sufficient. The existence of Nanmu and Shiye can help him eliminate the problem of identity to a certain extent.

Throw the Poké Ball to summon the Yanmega, step on it and signal it to follow Courtney's Charizard.

Seeing Yanmega, a Pokémon he had never seen before, Courtney's bright eyes flashed, but he looked up at Xia Yan again in his heart.

Then, take Xia Yan to the Valley of Fire.

At this time, a lot of lava team members had gathered here, and when they saw Courtney appear, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

With Lord Courtney here, at least there should be no need to worry about safety.


Many people cast curious glances at Xia Yan, who followed Courtney and wore the clothes of ordinary members.

Who is that?

But some people recognized Xia Yan.

Just like Nanmu and Shiye standing in the crowd.

'Is Lord Shingo being valued by Lord Courtney? Are you going to compete for the elite captain position? ’

This is the thought of the two of them.

Courtney came to the front of the line after landing.

Several members dressed in Executive costumes immediately greeted them.

Among them is the person in charge of the Valley of Fire Operation.

Quiet fire.

A thin and difficult man of about twenty-seven or eight-year-old, his appearance is not very conspicuous, but a scar extends vertically from the left eyebrow corner to his neck, which adds a bit of grimness and ferocity to him.

"His name is Zhenwu, he belongs to Shanchuan, your people, check it out."

Courtney didn't shy away from Xia Yan's existence at all, and said directly to You Huo, who was approaching.

Hearing this, Youhuo glanced at Xia Yan calmly.

He didn't know the reason why Courtney wanted to investigate Xia Yan, so he regarded him as a potentially dangerous person. After responding, he meticulously conveyed Courtney's instructions.

There are a lot of lava team members gathered here, so the investigation is quick.


Youhuo came to Courtney with the collected information and two ordinary members.

It was naturally Nanmu and Shiye who had come in contact with Xia Yan that day.

at the same time.

Quiet fire was close to Courtney, whispering in her ear the information she had collected.

After listening, Courtney glanced at Xia Yan again with strange eyes.

And Xia Yan, who stood silently on the side and didn't speak, had already put his hand on the Poké Ball around his waist calmly.

But I saw Courtney pouted and muttered in disdain.

"Pretending to be weak and dealing with a few ordinary members is really useless."

She was talking about the two teammates of "Shingo" who had disappeared.

He said so, but doubts about Xia Yan's identity were eliminated in a short time.

For her sarcastic muttering, Xia Yan twitched the corners of his mouth and did not answer.

"Arrange a few people for him. You are now an elite captain, and you are an executive. Go back and talk about it." Courtney waved his hand and said casually.


But the rest of the people who heard Courtney's words looked surprised.

Does this person have the strength to become an Executive?

Nanmu and Shiye next to them were even more stunned.


Shingo-sama has the power of Executive?

Doesn't that mean that as long as the two of them follow Xia Yan's footsteps closely, they will have a smooth road in the future?

If it was said that they obeyed Xia Yan's orders before because he moved his hands and feet, now it is really from the heart.

But actually.

The most surprised at this time was Xia Yan!

Not to mention the surprise that Courtney asked him to verify the Executive's words, not his identity, but also the promotion of elite captain.

What surprised him was that he saw a person.

A person dressed in ordinary lava team clothes, who was called by the flames to follow him.

The dark red hair looming under the hood, and the face that Xia Yan was still very familiar with although there was a slight change, a respectful expression that he had never seen before.

This is so special.

Isn't it crossing? !

Don't think you don't know you when you take off your cape and put on your hood!

Xia Yan never imagined that Du and he still had such a tacit understanding, and they both chose to sneak into the lava team.

It's just that Xia Yan is looking for Pokémon in the Valley of Fire, and Du may be investigating the lava team.

I just said that I couldn't find the shadow of Du after searching for a long time. It turned out that I had sneaked into the lava team!

Xia Yan didn't know what method he used, but judging from the way he was quite familiar, he should not be suspected of identity.

Come on.

There is a special class among investigators, undercover.

Doesn't Alliance know that there are many undercover agents from underground forces here?

Actually know.

Just can't find it.

So Alliance simply retaliates with the way of others, and has also trained a group of undercover agents.

And Du, once in the Rockets, stayed for a period of time.

It is not too difficult for him to mix into the lava team.

But it was beyond Xia Yan's expectations.

the most important is.

He now seems to be Du's immediate boss?

And he doesn't know yet.

cough cough.

On the other side, Youhuo explained:

"Because the previous teams have already been allocated, it will be very troublesome to dismantle the allocation. These are all members of the team who died for some reason. Brother Shingo, you can do it first. After this task is over, the organization will redistribute it. ."

Youhuo looked ferocious, but he spoke very politely.

Xia Yan nodded, "Trouble."

Youhuo explained a few words, and then went to Courtney's side again.

And Xia Yan has a few more subordinates.

In addition to the excited and respectful Nanmu and Ishino, there are also Tou and six other ordinary members in disguise.

"Nanmu, divide into groups."

A total of nine people can be divided into three groups.

"Yes!" Nan Hawes nodded instantly.

And just when Xia Yan was thinking about how to leave the center of the vortex and looking for a chance to slip away, an ordinary member trotted over respectfully and said to Xia Yan:

"Lord Shingo, Lord Courtney is holding an impromptu meeting, please come over."

Xia Yan raised his eyebrows and said, "I see."

Afterwards, Nanmu was instructed not to move around with the three groups of people who had just been divided, and followed the person.

in the crowd.

Du, who looked harmless to humans and animals, looked at the back of Xia Yan leaving, and there was a little doubt in his eyes.

This back figure is a bit familiar.

A small cave in the Valley of Fire.

The top executives and executives of the lava teams such as Courtney and Netherfire gathered here.

Surrounded by a gray-white stone platform, he stood with different expressions.

Xia Yan wore the clothes of ordinary members, and seemed so out of place among them.

"Listen to it too." Courtney said to Xia Yan.

Xia Yan silently stood at the bottom, lowered his head, and looked at the lines on the gray and white stone platform.

Making sure everyone was there, Courtney went straight to the point.

"Have you got something?"

The people around the stone platform looked at each other, and they all knew what Courtney was talking about.

But the time to enter the different space is too short, and this different space is too big, it is really not easy to find that thing.

Under the carpet search, whether in the hands of wild Pokémon or in the hands of those Alliance Trainers, the Lava team has lost a lot of people.

However, Quiet Fire, who was standing on Courtney's right hand, slowly stretched out his hand and placed a dark red fragment with scattered golden lines on the stone platform.

With the appearance of stones, the temperature in the cave suddenly increased.

Primal Groudon's Carapace Fragments!

Xia Yan, who lowered his eyes, saw this thing and recognized it at a glance.

"Very good." Courtney nodded in satisfaction. "It's not big, but it's enough."

Putting away the stones, he glanced at the few people present, and his tone became a little heavy.

"Everything is instructed, and be prepared to leave at any time. The boss has passed the news, and the information blockade of the Alliance is not thorough enough. The support of the Alliance may arrive at any time, and the people over there will not be able to take off for a long time, so hurry up and pack up."

people over there?

Hearing this sentence, Xia Yan's heart moved.

Do you mean the undercover agents in the Alliance who belong to the Lava team or a certain faction?

With such a large amount of energy?

"When necessary, some small roles should be given up and given up." Courtney said without the slightest wave of emotion.

And to her words, no one expressed or opposed anything.

Ordinary members, even if they are the better ones among the ordinary members, will give up what should be discarded.

"That Volcarona" someone asked.

Courtney raised the corners of his mouth in a smile.

"I'll go meet it."

That Volcarona was strong, very strong, and Courtney was confident she could be the top three executives on the Lava team if she could get it.

The three top executives of the Lava team are not in harmony.

What a qualified leader needs is definitely not a peaceful appearance from his subordinates, and it will not be long before the leader steps down.

What he needs is definitely balance, the balance of the three of them fighting against each other in secret.

Just like the Rockets' Giovanni never stopped the competition between his subordinates, the Lava team's three top executives also competed with each other a lot.

And this Volcarona was an opportunity for Courtney to push the other two down.

Even if it is strong, she wants to try.

Standing at the bottom listening to Courtney's words, Xia Yan under the hood's eyes flickered.

(End of this chapter)

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