The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 482 Ice Crystal Crown! (7/10)

Chapter 482 Ice Crystal Crown! (710)

No surprises.

The Cryogonal leader fell under the combined force of Xia Yan and several Pokémon Beat Up.

With experience in the main-level Pokémon of the battle hall in the different space of Groudon, even the Pokémon that Attribute is not very easy to deal with can be successfully won. This Cryogonal, who was restrained by Doublade, really can't make much waves.

After successfully defeating the Cryogonal leader and a large group of Cryogonals, Xia Yan and the others finally stepped into this ice cave for the first time.

The smooth Ground, the hanging Icicle Spear, the jagged ice crystals.

The light coming in through the entrance is refracted by a large number of ice crystals, illuminating the ice cave.

After a brief refurbishment.

Xia Yan took the Pokémons deep into the ice cave.

It seems that you are completely in a world composed of ice crystals, and wherever you go, whether it is a rock or something, it is all covered with a layer of crystal clear ice.

The temperature inside is not as low as expected.

As we all know, the coldest time is actually when the ice and snow begin to melt, and after entering the ice cave, the wind and snow on Mt. Coronet are isolated, and the temperature has warmed up.

However, there are a lot of ice-type Pokémon living in this ice cave, and they are obviously hostile to the alien creatures that Xia Yan and the others entered.

I stumbled along the way and defeated a lot of ice-type Pokémon before I was able to continue.


If he encounters some ice-type Pokémon that are not so strong, Xia Yan will also let Chimchar go off to try to fight.

With the advantages of fire-type Pokémon, Chimchar's performance is not bad.

But the tacit understanding between it and Xia Yan who just joined the team is really not high. During the battle, Chimchar's reaction is often slow, and some are hungry and can't keep up with the rhythm of the battle.

But Xia Yan didn't say it.

This is a process that requires a slow running-in, and Chimchar has also tried his best to learn, and his progress is also obvious.

Through this kind of actual combat, Xia Yan also has a more comprehensive understanding of Chimchar's strength and ability, and has a clearer goal in how to cultivate it in the future.

click -


Sudden cracking of ice cubes.

"Yong Ji." Yong Ji drank lowly, holding up the spoon.

Then I saw that a rock-sized "ice cube" slipped out of a corner and stopped in front of Xia Yan and the others.

After looking at the card carefully, I realized that this is not an ice cube, but a Pokémon.


At first glance, it looks like an ice crystal full of edges and corners, with short limbs and a pair of round yellow eyes.

Bergmite is a pure ice Pokémon that lives in extremely cold regions all year round.

"Ice!" Bergmite, who was close to one meter in size, looked at Xia Yan and the others, and shouted glutinously.

Although the momentum is not very good, the hostility is obvious.

"You go, Chimchar."

Chimchar got another chance to fight.


In this regard, Chimchar naturally will not refuse.

After seeing the power of Beedrill along the way, Chimchar didn't say it, but his heart was still a little urgent.

Desperate to get stronger, be as strong as Beedrill, and fight together.

Instead of always hiding behind them, enjoying a "comfortable" life.

This makes it feel like hiding behind the fiery beast.


It fell to the ground, and the flames behind it were burning, representing its high fighting spirit now.


Bergmite saw Chimchar without any hesitation. After screaming, his body began to rotate slowly, and then the speed became faster and faster. The ice-blue ice energy was wrapped in its body during its rotation. Around, condensed into the shape of a ball.

Ice move.

Ice Ball.

A continuous move that cannot be interrupted by itself, Earl Dervish's power is only 30 points, but the longer it lasts, the faster the rotation speed, the stronger the ice energy it drives, and the stronger its power will gradually become.

The power will go from 30 points to 60 points, then to 120 points, and finally the power under ideal conditions can even reach 480 points.

And, if the "Defense Curl" move is used before the "Ice Ball" move, the Earl Dervish's power will be 60 points, and the final power can reach a terrifying 960 points.

It is definitely a move that must end the Rival as soon as possible. Once the power is successfully stacked, the destructive power will definitely increase exponentially.


Chimchar has the means to cope.

"Fake Out." Xia Yan said calmly.


Chimchar didn't hesitate, taking three steps at a time, approaching Bergmite deftly and swiftly.

Fake Out is a quick release move that doesn't require any stockpile, so it can often be cast before the enemy moves.

And once Fake Out is successfully used, it will inevitably make the opponent recoil. Contest Condition is a 100% control move, which is different from Togetic's control that pays attention to luck.

However, Fake Out also has a flaw, that is, it can only be used at the very beginning of the appearance. Once this period of time has passed, the effect will be greatly reduced, and the effect will hardly be exerted.


Running to the front of Bergmite, who was still in Stockpile, Chimchar slammed his palms in front of it, and a huge shock wave was generated between the palms, which forcibly stopped Bergmite from the rotation.

Ice Ball's move failed, and the high-speed rotation made Bergmite's body uncontrollable for a short time.


Chimchar clenched his small fists, and wisps of flames burst out of his palm.

"Fire Punch." Xia Yan's voice came at the same time.

Seeing that Chimchar clenched his fists and was ready to release Fire Punch before he gave his command, Xia Yan smiled.

The running-in between Trainer and Pokémon is a process, a process of getting used to each other.

This is not.

Chimchar adapts well, and can already keep up with Xia Yan's rhythm.

Bang! !

The flaming fist swung out and hit Bergmite's body.

The fiery breath made contact with the icy body, making a "hissing" sound, and the ice armor that Bergmite had condensed on its own was shattered and melted a little, and at the same time, it was punched out by Chimchar.


was smashed on the ice wall.

One punch to end the fight.


However, while smashing Bergmite, Yongjira, who was holding Psychic, gave a serious warning.

"Ice Rock—" The dull sound, accompanied by the footsteps of "Kakaka", came from the ice cave not far away.

"Chimchar, come back." Xia Yan shouted, recalling Chimchar, and looking up at the huge figure that was gradually approaching.

A huge ice crystal looks like a turtle, with a triangular head, amber pupils, a smooth and flat back, like the limbs of an icicle Normal, every step of falling, there is a crisp sound of ice cubes colliding with ice cubes. .


An evolution of Bergmite.

However, it wasn't the Avalugg that really caught Xia Yan's attention, but the somewhat arrogant figure standing on its back.

She has a human-like appearance, with a long red dress, white arms and purple hands, a purple face, pink lips, saucer-shaped eyes and long blond hair, like a Nordic princess in an opera.


Ice and Psychic Pokémon.

But this Jynx is different from other Jynx.

Because on its head, a crown of ice crystals condenses.

When Xia Yan saw the center of the crown, his pupils shrank.

A small pink fragment is embedded in it.

That is

A small shard of slate!


Jynx of pure female Pokémon, and there is no corresponding male Pokémon, how to reproduce to be the strongest? (Hint: Forget it, no more tips.)

(End of this chapter)

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