The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 485 Alakazam! (10/10)

Chapter 485 Alakazam! (1010)

Intense white light erupted from Yongjira's body.

And wrap it up in an instant.

Inside, the most amazing and most anticipated thing is happening as a Pokémon.


Among Xia Yan's main Pokémon, except for Beedrill who evolved to the final evolution type early due to his race, the rest of the Pokémon are either in the second stage of evolution, or just joined the team like Chimchar.

And now, the evolving Yongjira is about to become the second Pokémon to evolve to its final form.


There were two pink threads mixed in the white light, circulating on Yongjira's evolutionary light.

"Two ways?"

When he saw the pink silk thread, Xia Yan was stunned.

The pieces of Psychic slate that Yongjira had just acquired were completely absorbed so quickly?

Should not.

One of them is the shards of slate it originally absorbed, what is the other?

This made Xia Yan a little puzzled.

However, without waiting for him to think too much, the evolutionary process soon ended, and through the hazy white light, the subtle changes in the Pokémon could be seen.

When the white light gradually dissipated, a brand new Pokémon appeared in front of Xia Yan.


From the appearance alone, in fact, the whole and Yongjira are not too much, and some are only some changes in details.

First of all, the height is slightly higher, reaching the level of one meter five. Second, the two beards have become longer, and the ears are thinner and sharper. The stars on Yongjila's forehead and the stripes on his abdomen are all gone. Even Yongjira's big tail disappeared completely.

The most conspicuous change was that the thing in Alakazam's hand changed from one spoon to two. The Buddha beads that he used to move with his left hand were strung on his wrist, still exuding a faint red light.

The overall mental outlook has improved a lot, especially the bright forehead.

Legend has it that Alakazam's IQ reaches a terrifying 5000, and his power after evolution will become very small, but his Psychic will reach a terrifying level.

Their brain cells are very developed, so the forehead is bright, and the older the Alakazam, the bigger the head, the brighter the forehead.


Alakazam shouted softly, suddenly unable to react from the evolutionary ground.

It always feels like it's time for evolution all of a sudden.

Xia Yan walked to Alakazam with a smile, looking at Alakazam who had reached his chest now, he seemed to recall the snooze appearance of Abra, who was hiding in his pocket.

"Growing up." Xia Yan patted Alakazam's thick shoulder armor and sighed sincerely.


Alakazam also sighed with emotion. Following Xia Yan, it has experienced too many things, but now it has really reached the final evolution Contest Condition of its Covet.

Suddenly there is a feeling of emptiness and lack of purpose.

"Evolution is a good thing, but it seems that before the game starts, you will have to work hard for a while to adapt to your own changes." Xia Yan said with a smile.


When it comes to training, Alakazam is always open to anyone.

"Okay, let me see your ability and strength after evolution, Alakazam."


In response, Alakazam turned, almost instinctively, and invoked his Psychic.

However, when Psychic's halo appeared, it was stunned.

Originally, Cianwood's Psychic was only mixed with a pink Psychic made of Psychic slate.

But now, pink accounts for at least one-third of the Psychic it releases subconsciously, and it can feel that these pink Psychic are all produced by it, not from the power of the slate.

And these pink Psychic are obviously more intense than the blue Psychic.

the most important is.

It suddenly felt like

It seems that these pink Psychic should be its original power, and the blue one is just a disguise.

I don't know why it feels like this, but it is very sure that this is not an illusion.

Shake your head.

I can't figure it out, so I put this year aside for now.

It can be seen that with the control of Alakazam, the Cianwood-colored Psychic slowly covered the pink Psychic until all the Psychic became the original.

Seeing this scene, Xia Yan nodded secretly.

Alakazam is really grown up.

It knew that Xia Yan didn't like publicity, so it took the initiative to cover up the stronger pink Psychic, so as not to attract unnecessary attention in front of outsiders in the future.

At the same time, Xia Yan can also feel that this pink Psychic is obviously stronger, but he doesn't know the feeling of Alakazam.

After simply getting used to his Contest Condition, Alakazam got into action.

As the spoon flexed, a transparent blue Barrier appeared in front of Doublade, which greatly weakened the physical attack caused by Avalugg.

"Reflect." Xia Yan nodded silently.

Reflect is a move that can last for a period of time, and during Reflect's existence, the power of physical attacks suffered by Pokémon is halved.

Combined with Doublade's defense and the Iron Defense he casts to improve his defense, Avalugg is a pavilion-level Pokémon, and the threat to it is not that big.

Immediately afterwards, a tyrannical mental force emanated from Alakazam's body, quickly wiped the distance, and submerged into Avalugg's body.


Avalugg staggered and fell to the ground, making a lot of noise.

Avalugg is a typical Pokémon with strong physical defense but almost zero special defense, and Alakazam's Psychic caused huge damage to it.

With this move, Xia Yan had a clearer understanding of Alakazam's strength.

Master class!

After Yongjira evolved through the catalysis of Psychic slate fragments and became Alakazam, his strength directly passed the threshold of the master level and officially stepped into the master level!

Among Xia Yan's Pokémon, the first Pokémon that really stepped into the main level of the museum!

Counting the Beedrill, which can surpass the general master-level strength after the Mega evolution, Xia Yan now has two Pokémons that can play the master-level combat power!

Before the "Lily of the Valley Youth Contest" started, Alakazam entered the main level of the pavilion, which definitely gave Xia Yan a boost in whether he could obtain the qualification for the pavilion's main assessment.

Without Jynx, the Avalugg was easily defeated by a few Pokémons.

At this time.

They finally had a chance to express their joy at Alakazam's evolution and strength.

Of course, the competition between them also put a lot of pressure on Beedrill, but this is a healthy competition, and it will only be encouraging for Alakazam while secretly urging himself to work harder.

In general.

Alakazam, the Pokémon identified by Xia Yan as the core, took the lead in reaching the pavilion master level, which is definitely an improvement that has a great impact on his overall strength.

With the support of Alakazam, the elite-level Doublade just now can also face off against the pavilion-level Avalugg, which is evident.


The evolution of Alakazam is something to be excited about, but their actions this time are not over yet.

After the evolution, Alakazam Psychic has become stronger, and his perception ability has been improved accordingly, and his understanding of the move Future Sight has deepened.

So it feels that this ice cave is not over yet.

Inside, there may really be the fragments of slate that Xia Yan was looking forward to.

Not a small piece from Jynx this time, but a palm-sized piece.


Ten more is over! Tired ~ Finally ask for a monthly pass again!

Thank you for the three ten thousand rewards of the Dark Star Emperor, thank you for the two ten thousand rewards of Meow Si, and thank all the friends for their rewards and monthly ticket support! Love you guys~~Wait for my next CD to turn well~~

(End of this chapter)

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