The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 493 They Really Gave Too Much (Two In One)

Chapter 493 They really gave too much (two in one)

the next day.

The preliminaries for the Lily of the Valley Youth Competition have officially started.

However, because Xia Yan and the others did not need to participate in the qualifiers, except for the occasional few people who went to the scene to cheer and support, most of the time stayed in the villa and made the final preparations.

During this period, Kenin did a good job of gathering intelligence and brought back some player information and materials that performed well.

At the same time, she also said something more influential.

That is the competition that should belong to the four major regions of Kanto, Johto Region, Hoenn, and Sinnoh. Unova Region and Kalos Region also sent people to participate.

It is said to have obtained the permission of the General League to promote friendly exchanges between regions.

The only effect this had on Xia Yan was that the chances of getting a better ranking became less.

Obviously Unova and Kalos won't send someone who can't make it to the competition.

And this made him feel the pressure again.

The qualifiers lasted for three full days.

When the game was in full swing, the bigwigs from their respective Alliances as representatives of the spectators also arrived one after another.

For example, Elite Four Agatha of Kanto Alliance, Elite Four Drake of Hoenn Alliance, Elite Four Bertha of Sinnoh Alliance, Elite Four Alder of Unova Alliance, Elite Four Drasna of Kalos Alliance.

By the way, the hometown of Kalos Alliance's Dragon-type Elite Drasna is the Celestic Town where Cynthia is located.

Even Drasna and Cynthia are related by blood.

The arrival of the various Region Elite Four naturally caused quite a stir, and even Agatha, who usually looks a bit infiltrating, has a lot of supporters.

Not to mention someone with an approachable and gentle personality like Alder.

At this time, Alder is not yet the champion of Unova Alliance.

I heard that it was because one of his Pokémon died some time ago, which made Alder look a little decadent and not too keen on Alliance affairs.

And as long as they can enter the knockout stage, there will be a few Elites watching the game, and it is also an exciting thing to be able to enter their field of vision.

Only Xia Yan felt a little nervous after hearing that Agatha arrived.

until night.

Du came to Xia Yan's room, and when he saw his meaningful smile, Xia Yan rolled his eyes.

"Xia Yan, Agatha Elite wants to see you." Du said.

Xia Yan took a deep breath.

"I see."

What should come will always come, and if you want to hide, you can't escape.

Although Xia Yan explained it when he saw Agatha for the second time, but in the end, he used Agatha's name to "roll" a lot of things away. At that time, he was a little excited. At first.

Following the crossing, Xia Yan came to a relatively secluded villa.

In the night, just looking from the outside revealed a gloomy feeling.

"You go in, I won't go." Du said.


Responding to him, it was the back of the head that was gradually receding.

"Unscrupulous" whispered softly.

But he still mustered up his courage, pushed open the door, and with the sound of the wooden door "creaking", Xia Yan walked into the dark villa.

"Here." Xia Yan was taken aback when a low, hoarse voice sounded from the side.

Looking closely, I saw an elderly figure sitting on the sofa with a cane under the hazy Moonlight shining in through the window.

"Ju, Agatha Elite. Long time no see." Xia Yan squeezed out a smile that he thought was okay.

"Ha ha--"

What came was a chuckle from Agatha.

The hairs on Xia Yan's body stood up.

What are you laughing at?


A crisp sound.

All the lights in the room turned on, and Agatha sitting beside the sofa also appeared in front of Xia Yan's eyes.

"Kou Jie—" At the entrance, Gengar, who was standing beside the switch, looked at the lights in the room and nodded in satisfaction.

Gastly emerged from the wall one by one, submerging into Gengar's shadow.

"Fixed?" Agatha asked.

"Jie Jie!" Gengar turned back to her.

"Sit down, we've gotten to know each other, don't be nervous, it's just that the house has been unoccupied for too long, and there is a problem with the wiring." Agatha explained in a rare way.

so friendly?

Xia Yan nodded and sat on the sofa opposite Agatha.

half ass.

This villa should be Agatha's property, but it is estimated that she will not come here several times for several years, and it is normal to have problems.

Kaz Kaz -

The two fell into silence, only Agatha sat there, eating snacks slowly, and Xia Yan had only one feeling, like sitting on pins and needles.

To be honest, in the face of other Elites, Xia Yan may not be so restrained, but this Agatha makes him really dare not be too presumptuous.

Other Elites hold their own status as Elites no matter what, they won't embarrass Xia Yan, only the moody Agatha, it's really hard to say.

I didn't see the contradiction between Professor Oak and Agatha when I was young. At this age, will Agatha teach anyone who looks like Professor Oak?


The reason is like Professor Oak.

Besides, Ghost-type Pokémon are the most difficult to deal with. They are elusive. If you really want to deal with a person, there are too many ways to deal with them.

So for Agatha, Xia Yan was really worried.

After a long time, when Agatha ate the last bit of biscuit in his hand, he looked at Xia Yan again.

"Team Lava, are you having fun?"

A sudden sentence almost made Xia Yan not hold back.

"Get over him."

Before he could finish he was interrupted by Agatha, "That little guy didn't say anything, I guessed it myself."


"I know him quite well. Although he has good abilities, he is too upright. When he sneaks into the lava team, at most he will be an ordinary member, and he will not be able to reach the decision-making level." Agatha said slowly. .

The implication is to guess the role of Xia Yan in the information provided by Du.

Quite a fair assessment.

No matter how he looked at it, he was a righteous person, and it would not work for him to go undercover.

Undercover agents must be flexible, and only clever and even cunning people can do it, such as

Xia Yan's head, nodded, slowly froze, turned his head with difficulty, and looked at Agatha who was smiling, and an extremely bad premonition suddenly rose in his heart.

Let him go undercover?

Seeing the change in Xia Yan's expression, the smile on Agatha's face became more "bright", "It seems you guessed a little."

"I refuse." Xia Yan's answer this time was firm and decisive.

"Oh? Don't think about it?" Agatha asked meaningfully with the same smile.

"I don't think about it." Xia Yan bite the bullet and did not change his attitude.

"What about Tom Ritchie?"

"Huh?!" Xia Yan's eyes narrowed slightly.

Agatha is like a treacherous old fox who has seized Xia Yan's life.

Long silence.

Xia Yan's slightly hoarse voice sounded again, "I still refuse."


This time, Agatha was a little surprised. She glanced at Xia Yan, who had a gloomy expression but still had a firm attitude.

Being able to not be controlled by the hatred in his heart shows that Xia Yan has strong self-control and a comprehensive understanding of himself.

Slowly raise a finger.

"I accept you as a disciple."

A disciple of the Elite Four, and also a disciple of the veteran Elite Four, this title alone is enough to make many people break their heads.

But Xia Yan still shook his head.

Agatha's disciple, although the title is very good, but in the Sinnoh Region where he wants to stay, it is probably not very useful.

"The identity of a gym owner, Sinnoh Region." Agatha raised a second finger.

Xia Yan was a little surprised.

Can an Elite Four give you the identity of the gym owner?

He is also the owner of an Elite Four in Kanto Region who promises Sinnoh Region.

Why do you feel so unreliable?

"Plus 50 million Alliance coins to start the gym."

third finger.


In fact, when it comes to the identity of the master of the gymnasium, Xia Yan has already begun to waver.

"A Pokémon worth not less than 100 million Alliance coins."

fourth finger.


Hold your breath.

"A chance to enter the Silver Secret Realm."

The Silver Secret Realm is the largest secret realm in the Mt. Silver vein. It is completely controlled by the Alliance headquarters. Only a small number of them are qualified to open it. It is one of the secrets of the Alliance.

"Where to?" Xia Yan's eyes were red, and his hoarse voice sounded again.

no way.

They give too much.

They really give too much.

Xia Yan really wanted to refuse, but found that he knew that he couldn't refuse, either physically or subjectively.

Such treatment.

To put it bluntly, in Alliance's plan to cultivate direct trainers, it is already the top level.

That is, an old elite like Agatha can make promises, and Xia Yan doesn't believe it if he is younger.

Hearing this, Agatha smiled, "You have dealt with it, Hunter Guild."

"Hunter Guild?" Xia Yan was a little surprised.

He thought he was going to go to the Rockets, so he was quite reluctant. The Rockets were not a good place to treat him.

But the Hunters Guild.

Even if Agatha doesn't say it, isn't Xia Yan dealing with Joe Anna of the Hunter Guild?

This feeling

It's like someone else took the initiative to hit the muzzle of their own gun and sent things to their doorstep.

If he had known that it was the Hunter Guild, he would not have been entangled.

So many benefits in vain.


"Tom Ritchie has gone to the Hunter Guild, causing chaos within the Hunter Guild. This is an excellent opportunity." Agatha explained briefly.

Xia Yan was silent.

After a long time, he asked the question he was most worried about, "Who are the people on this mission?"

The Alliance is not very safe now. The events of the last trial let Xia Yan see the problems within the Alliance.

Speaking of which, Agatha also knew what Xia Yan was worried about. She knew better than Xia Yan what was going on inside the Alliance, and restrained her smile, "Don't worry, only you and I know, there is no third party."

Forgot to mention, Agatha is now in charge of the entire Kanto Alliance's Investigator Division and has enormous power.

This made Xia Yan relax a lot.

"What do you need me to do?" Xia Yan asked again.

"The specific task has not been completely determined, but the first thing you have to do is to sit in one of the twenty-six seats in the Hunter Guild."

"Twenty-six seats? Agatha Elite, do you think too highly of me?" Xia Yan said helplessly.

He also thought, how could the strength not allow it.

"Five months should be enough at the speed of your strength improvement? If it takes longer, the chaos within the Hunter Guild will be completely over."

Five months, if it's just an ordinary twenty seats, it's not a chance.

"Then I have a request."

"Oh? Talk about it." Agatha raised an eyebrow.

"Use the identity I provide as a base."

Xia Yan also has the identity of "Yan Xia", which was fabricated by himself before, and cannot stand up to the investigation, but since Agatha proposed the task, it should be able to help him complete this identity well.

This does not affect his identity as a gym owner on the surface, nor does it affect his identity as a member of the Hunter Guild behind the scenes, killing two birds with one stone.

Agatha gave him a meaningful look and nodded, "Yes."

"Can I ask, why is it the Hunter Guild?" Xia Yan asked tentatively.

Agatha Frillish glanced at him, "Where else do you think it would be? The Rockets? Huh—"

With her last sneer, Xia Yan can be understood as looking down on her.

But look down on it, he is really afraid of going to the Rockets.

"The Hunter Guild has become more and more public over the years, wantonly capturing Pokémon and selling it to a series of underground organizations such as Team Rocket, Team Lava, Team Aqua, Team Galactic, etc. Do you think our Alliance can't see it? ."

The last words Agatha didn't finish, seemed to mean something.

Xia Yan can only say that if the Hunter Guild is safe, it will be fine. Now that it has touched the big cake of Alliance, Alliance can't help but sit still.

Then there's Tom Ritchie's presence.

She succeeded in letting Alliance see her ambitions.

As the original Elite Four reserve, she has enough knowledge about the Alliance. If she is really in charge of the entire Hunter Guild, she can't take off?

Either die in the outbreak, or rise in the outbreak, and rise to the kind that the Alliance can't completely contain.

"The last question, why did you choose me?"

"Because only you are bad enough."

Is this a pejorative or a compliment?

Duo is too upright, can Steven believe that he threw ten 50 million Alliance coins in return? Not to mention Cynthia and Lorelei.

As for those old and famous ones, they are all too recognizable, and only young trainers like Xia Yan who were originally unknown are suitable.

To be honest, Xia Yan's resistance to entering the Hunter Guild is really not very high.

Not only because Tom Ritchie also joined, but also because the Hunter Guild is too loose, and the restrictions on members are actually not that high.

It means that the risk after joining is not so high.

In fact, Xia Yan can be considered a half-join now.

"Then. What kind of ceremony do you need for apprenticeship?"

Now that the matter was finalized, Xia Yan began to care about his remuneration and treatment.

Apprenticeship with Agatha made him feel very uncomfortable, but don't take Agatha as an Elite.

"No." Agatha Solaceon waved her hand.


The two fell into silence again, not showing any sense of master and apprentice at all.

"That Agatha Elite" Xia Yan broke the silence again.


"Uh, old, Teacher? Then Teacher, as an Elite Four of Kanto Region, how did you get the owner of Sinnoh Alliance?"


Agatha's crutches tapped on the ground and slowly stood up.

Rarely showed a trace of domineering domineering.

"My disciple, what reason do you need to be a museum owner?"

Xia Yan.

I began to like the feeling of being protected by a calf.


The end of the 4D ~~ It is said to be 10,000 characters. In fact, it is updated every day at 1.1w, asking for a monthly ticket~~

(End of this chapter)

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