The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 498 Collective Rotten?

Chapter 498 Collective "rotten"?

In fact, this is just one of the "quality" tactics that Pokémon like Chansey can use.

Because this Chansey happens to be the "Heavenly Grace" Ability, if it is other things like "Natural Recovery" and "Healing Heart", it can also carry the "Pyroxene" or "Eviolite" item to greatly increase Chansey's survivability.

Then the corresponding move center of gravity can be transformed from "Rock Slide" to "Toxic", which is also a very "quality" tactic.

But anyway.

There is no limit to the number of moves in the Pokémon world, which allows Xia Yan to maximize some of Pokémon's special tactics.

The reason why this Chansey can make the crossing feel "disgusting" is also due to the fact that its former owner, Professor Oak, has trained Chansey in place, and he has covered all kinds of moves, although some moves may not be very proficiency. But only in tactical drills is enough.

Like facing Aerodactyl just now, even if Chansey has not learned Rock Slide, he can use the "Gravity" move to limit Aerodactyl's Flying, so as to find opportunities to use "Seismic Toss", which may be the most lethal move for Chansey.

Of course, "Seismic Toss" is a move that Chansey learned through heredity, and has relatively high requirements on Pokémon's talent.


Crossing is not completely without opportunities.

After all, this is the real world, and although the lack of trick restrictions makes Chansey's "quality" tactics more disgusting, it also gives Rival a lot of room for manipulation.

It's just that the crossing was to cooperate with Xia Yan to practice tactics, so he chose the simplest and rude way.

Withdrawing Chansey, Xia Yan grinned as he walked over hesitantly, as if he would become unfortunate when he was close to Xia Yan.

After this battle, Du should have left a shadow in his heart, right?

Let's see if he dares to continue to invite him to fight in the future.

To send out an invitation to battle, it is necessary to do a good job of facing the test of some "quality" tactics of Xia Yan.

"You weren't like this before, Xia Yan." Du was confused.

Where did the "simple" Xia Yan go?

Xia Yan looked at him meaningfully, and said slowly: "There is no way, I am too far from you, I can only do some in-depth research in this area."

Hearing the words, crossed silently.

In his heart, the "hard" picture of Xia Yan, as a commoner, studying and studying tactics day and night in order to catch up with them emerged.

Sighing, he patted Xia Yan's shoulder.

"If something happens in the future, don't carry it alone."

At this time, Cynthia and others also came up.

"Here, Chansey." Xia Yan returned the Poké Ball to Casey Mei.

"Xia Yan, can you use this tactic in this match?" Casey asked hesitantly.

She felt that the next time she went to the competition, she should wear a windbreaker and a mask.

so as not to be recognized.

"Although Chansey's proficiency in mastering some moves is not high, it has an advantage in strength and can make up for these deficiencies to a certain extent. It can be used naturally." Xia Yan said.

"I'm afraid of being beaten." Casey Mei showed a dumbfounded expression.

"It's okay, they can't beat you."

Casey Beauty: "."

"Xia Yan Senior, if this tactic is learned, what should we do if we encounter it in the future?" Lorelei hesitated and asked many people's doubts.

Xia Yan didn't answer immediately, and looked at Du.

Du fell into deep thought, and after a long time he said tentatively, "Contain it from the beginning?"


Cynthia suddenly opened her mouth and followed Du's words to give a more accurate answer.

"That's right, Taunt is one of the moves Chansey is most afraid of in this tactic." Xia Yan gave a positive answer.

Hearing this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It's good to have restraint.

"Actually, you don't have to worry so much, right? Pokémons like Chansey are not available to everyone." Xia Yan said again.

Most of the Pokémons like Chansey are under the control of the Joy family, and the possibility of being able to obtain them from the wild environment is not high.

At least Xia Yan has gone out until now, and he has gone through several different spaces, but he has never seen a Chansey.

"Besides, one of the core moves of this tactic, 'Seismic Toss', can be obtained through genetics, so only Nurse Joy and the others have a greater chance of Breeder producing such a Chansey, Casey is beautiful, it is a comparison of the situation special."

It is.

It's Professor Oak's granddaughter after all.

People thought so.

However, when looking at Casey Mei, she gave everyone a wink and told them to keep it secret.

In her opinion, Xia Yan didn't know her identity yet.

After seeing Casey Mei's gesture, Du and the others showed a knowing smile.

Everyone tacitly said nothing.

At this moment, what they thought in their hearts was that when Casey Mei's identity was revealed, everyone took it for granted, and only Xia Yan was left in the dark.

must be fun.

As everyone knows.

Xia Yan guessed Casey Mei's identity early.

Cynthia, Du, Steven and the others did not participate in the ranking competition, which had a relatively large impact on the ranking competition in the afternoon.

Those who gradually discovered this situation and identified some players who entered the knockout rounds started a collective unpremeditated behavior.


Of course, the reasons for "rotten" are all kinds of strange, such as diarrhea, forgot to turn off the gas at home, and the wife is about to give birth, these are all excuses left by Xia Yan to play.

Since some people are "rotten", naturally some people will take this opportunity to fight for the top spot.

Even if it is the first place in the group stage, it is also the first place.

When uninformed people see that this person is actually in the same group as Du, Cynthia, and Steven, and is still the first place, it is inevitable that they will pay a little more attention.

And that's what these people need, of course.

As for getting first place and then meeting Cynthia and others in the knockout round?

never mind.

There are some people who are not particularly strong, but those with good luck have entered the knockout round.

Once there is an opportunity to become famous, no one will let it go.

Therefore, although there was a collective "rotten" situation, some uninformed audiences still watched with enthusiasm and high spirits.

As for some viewers who understand it, they are already looking forward to the start of the knockout round.

For this to happen, the organizers were also unexpected.

Fortunately, there was no dissatisfaction.

After entering the knockout stage, then all this is not a problem.

Now, the organizer is running a list of players in the knockout round.

What, random?

Oh, don't be naive.

This competition is not just a competition, it involves a total of six regions and dozens of players who are well-known in their respective regions.

In order to achieve the goal of "promoting friendly exchanges between regions", the organizers have also made great efforts.

Was someone said to have an inside story?

It is said that as long as the game is exciting enough, who will pay attention to the match list in the end?

And in this case.

The knockout round has finally officially started under the highly anticipated circumstances!

(End of this chapter)

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