The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 506 Xia Yan Taught Me

Chapter 506 Xia Yan taught me

Xia Yan VS Da Ye.

Both represent the Sinnoh Region.

From here, we can see the team's "field control ability" again.

No matter who wins Xia Yan and Daye in the end, Sinnoh Region will get two places to qualify.

It seems that since entering the knockout stage, Xia Yan's Rival has always been a Sinnoh Region player.


Ash and Gary have become regulars in the spectator seats.

"Gary, do you think Xia Yan can qualify this time?" Ash asked.

As for whether Xia Yan can qualify, they have been discussing since they started paying attention to Xia Yan.

The so-called discussion is actually what Gary chooses, and Ash chooses the other side.

"This time. It should be suspended, Daye player is good at fire-type Pokémon, and among the three Pokémon Xia Yan is currently using, Beedrill and Doublade are restrained by fire-type, and the most important thing is that Xia Yan has not appeared yet. Pokémon at the master level, but Da Ye has two."

Gary Rational Analysis.


In fact, it's not just him, most of the people on the field also think that Daye is more likely to win.

Among them were many spectators who came from all over Sinnoh.

After all, Daye has already gained a lot of fame, and he has participated in a lot of competitions, both big and small. In terms of paper strength and Pokémon's Attribute, he has more advantages, and the possibility of winning is indeed greater.

"Then I will support Xia Yan."

Ash ignored Gary's analysis and had no brain support.

And Gary obviously knew Ash's temperament very well, didn't care about his support at all, and looked at Casey Mei, who was holding his head with his hands beside him.

"What do you think, sister?"

"Me?" Casey was surprised that Gary would ask herself.

In the past, if it was related to Pokémon research, Gary would find Casey Mei excitedly, but if it was related to Pokémon battles, she would never find her.

But now, Gary actually asked her opinion rationally.

"Sister, aren't you familiar with Xia Yan? You must know him better. Does he have any other cards?

And sister, you said that you are a person who entered the top 32. I went back and studied Chansey's tactics carefully, and it was almost impossible to understand. If you can figure out such tactics, you must have learned a lot in this area, right? Should be very insightful. "

Gary has made a big difference to Casey since Chansey's play.

Speaking of Chansey's tactics, Casey's face flushed slightly.

But that made her answer unquestionable.

"Xia Yan."

"Huh?" Gary wanted to hear a "professional" analysis, but he didn't expect Casey to answer so succinctly.

"What's the reason?"

Looking at the curious little brother beside him, Casey rubbed his head slightly dotingly and said softly:

"Because of that tactic... Xia Yan taught me."


Gary was completely taken aback.

Even Professor Oak, who had been smiling at the arena and listening to their jokes, looked sideways.

Was that tactic developed by Xia Yan?

How shady is this guy. Bah, how well does he know a Pokémon like Chansey?

Chansey is not his Pokémon, and he can tinker with such tactics, so aren't his main Pokémons?

"Hehe - how about being a villager?" Ryu Hoshino said with a smile.

Obviously, these Elites who watched the game for a day are also a bit bored.

"What are you betting on?" Agatha, who was sitting in the corner, became interested.

"Bet some gadgets."

"it is good."


Agatha took out several stones of different colors directly from the pocket of the apron.

Evolution Stone!

And they are all super-quality evolution stones, three of which are Fire Stone, Water Stone and Thunder Stone.

"I want that Dusk Stone of yours."

"This" Hoshino Ryuichi was a little dumbfounded, he didn't expect Agatha to be so straightforward.

"Three super-quality evolution stones, it's not a disadvantage to replace you with a top-quality Dusk Stone, right?"

In terms of value alone, it even exceeds.

It's just that the evolution stone has reached a super or even higher quality, and Normal is not a simple measure of price.

Agatha's play is definitely a big deal.

If a top-quality evolution stone is really urgently needed, tens of millions are easily attainable prices, and the difference is only tens of millions.

Hoshino Ryu just wanted to have a little fun, how could he know that Agatha would play so big when he came up.

Although this top-quality Dusk Stone was useless to him, it was a top-quality evolution stone after all.

"If that's the case, then let me play." Drake smiled and took out a piece of Dragon Scale.

Dragon Scale, compared to Agatha's hand, is quite small.

Both Bertha and Drasna shook their heads, expressing little interest in it.

On the contrary, Alder, who had been sitting lazily in his chair, suddenly became interested.

"Then I'll come out with this."

What Alder took out was a fiery red orb, which seemed to have a flame burning.

Fire Orb.

Alder's action made the other Elites in the private room a little surprised.

But he saw him looking at Xia Yan and Daye, especially Daye, who were already standing on both sides of the field at the moment.

From Daye's body, he vaguely saw a little shadow of himself.

That passion burns.

"Okay, I don't know who you are going to press?" Ryuichi Hoshino, as an Elite Four, except that Agatha's "big hand" made him feel a little tricky, Drake and Alder were just sprinkling water.

"Da Ye." Alder pressed Da Ye without hesitation.

"Then I'll press Xia Yan." Drake said with a smile.

Just like Bertha, Drake had a little impression of Xia Yan during the last trial, and these few battles did not put much pressure on Xia Yan, so he felt that Xia Yan should still be hiding something.

Besides, it was just for fun.

Ryuichi Hoshino looked at Agatha.

Agatha didn't give an answer right away, just looked at Bertha and Drasna, "If you're not playing, you can guess."

Bertha and Drasna looked at each other and felt that Agatha was right.

"Big leaf." Bertha pondered for a while and then said her choice.

As for Xia Yan and Daye, Bertha still knows a little more about Daye.

"If that's the case, then I'll press Xia Yan." Drasna said casually with a smile.

Apparently, she chose this only for balance.

Right now it's two to two.

"Hehe." Agatha chuckled softly, "I'll beat Xia Yan."

She has had three contacts with Xia Yan, and she should be the one who knows Xia Yan the most here. If she doesn't believe that Xia Yan has such ability, she will not find Xia Yan for this mission.

No one was surprised that Agatha pressed Xia Yan.

after all.

Xia Yan is also a person from Kanto. Although he represents Sinnoh this time, it does not mean that Kanto will completely give up such a person.

If there is a chance, I believe that Kanto Alliance is still very willing to let Xia Yan go back to Kanto to be stationed.

Hearing Agatha pressing Xia Yan, Hoshino Ryuichi said nothing.

If Agatha overpowered Oba, Ryuichi Hoshino might not agree with Agatha's bet.

It now appears that Agatha is taking on more risk, so it is understandable that the payoff is greater.

Don't doubt that Ryuichi Hoshino will drop his face and refuse the bet. With his character, he can really do such a thing.

As for Ryuichi Hoshino, Agatha thinks that he can see clearly, and he naturally knows what he is thinking.

He sneered and said nothing.

In this way, because of the opening of Hoshino Ryuichi, the six Elites in the private room paid more attention to the game between Xia Yan and Daye.

(End of this chapter)

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