Chapter 515 Is it open?

Summon the Pokémon again.

Diantha was clearly more serious than before, and this time she called.


It was a Pokémon with green hair, wearing a white dance evening dress, and a pair of elegant and dignified Diantha.


That blowing, veritable "queen" attitude.

This Gardevoir is one of Diantha's Trump Card Pokémon and her Earl Dervish Pokémon, because Gardevoir also has a nickname, called "Super Queen", so even Diantha also won the title of "Queen" before. The reason why Host called her the "Queen of Movies" came from here.

And when it comes to Gardevoir, it is estimated that many Pokémon fans will show a smile, a strange smile.

Who can say no to a Gardevoir, right?


Back to topic.

"Just~~ ok~ 嗿!!"

And what Xia Yan called was Togekiss, who just completed the evolution yesterday!

The appearance of Togekiss undoubtedly brought a huge sensation to the entire arena.

"What is that Pokémon?!"

"Wow, so cute!"

"It's a bit like Togetic, both in terms of color and the red and blue triangle pattern on the body."

"Togetic? Can Togetic evolve again?"

"Could it be that Xia Yan's Togetic evolved?"


For a time, the impact of Togekiss' appearance even overshadowed the audience's attention to the battle.

Even Professor Oak, who had been sitting in the corner without making any outrageous movements, and disguised his identity well, jumped up from his chair at this moment.

Excitedly watching Togekiss.

He can't wait to rush to Togekiss immediately and observe, this is his professional instinct.

However, Professor Oak's abrupt behavior also attracted the attention of some audiences around him.

Soon, his identity was recognized, and it spread quickly.

It didn't take long for the whole audience to know that Professor Oak had actually come to the arena.

The photographer in charge of the scene shot even aimed at Professor Oak and made it appear on the big screen.

Professor Oak, a well-deserved authority in the Pokémon research community!

Even he is so excited, doesn't it mean that this Pokémon

In the Elite's private room, he was surprised by Xia Yan's Agatha from Togekiss, but his face sank when he saw Professor Oak on the big screen.

The Elites who noticed the change in Agatha's complexion could only stare at each other and smile bitterly.

Only Ryuichi Hoshino revealed a playful smile.

No matter how sensational the scene is, we have to wait until the end of this battle to get some information from Xia Yan's mouth.

The battle will continue.

But, seeing Togekiss's Diantha, I'm a little confused.

Although Diantha's heart was conquered for the first time for Togekiss of the cute meat Doduo, he was really a little confused about the next battle.

Unknown Pokémon, how to fight?

It's not that she can't continue fighting, it's just that her Gardevoir Ability is "Copy".

The function of "Copy" Ability is to copy Rival Pokémon's Ability when it comes out.

But now.

Gardevoir is a copy of Togekiss's Ability.


What is Togekiss' Ability?

She doesn't know!

The Pokémon that originally "copied" the ability will test the trainer's knowledge of Pokémon. It requires the trainer to be familiar with or even well versed in the various abilities of various Pokémon, and according to the characteristics of these abilities, formulate tactics to suppress Rival.

Simply put, the "Copy" Ability is to let the Trainer use his own knowledge reserves to crush Rival's knowledge reserves, and then win.

just now

Diantha was a little confused.

Gardevoir was equally stunned.

It can be said that the existence of Xia Yan and Togekiss really restrains Diantha, even more influential than the restraint on Attribute.

However, Diantha's professional combat literacy is still there, and he will not be overwhelmed like those Trainers who have just been exposed to combat, and quickly adjust the Contest Condition.

the other side.

Togekiss, who made his debut for the first time, was particularly excited at this time, and kept flapping his wings towards the cheering audience around him.

Obviously, Xia Yan was right, and Togekiss enjoyed the feeling of being in the spotlight.

"Togekiss, the battle is over." Xia Yan reminded with a light cough.


Hearing this, Togekiss adjusted the Contest Condition immediately, and looked at Gardevoir on the opposite side with confidence.

Blinking his eyes, the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and his round Doduo body was so cute that he was instantly greeted with cheers from a large number of female audiences.

Subsequently, the sensation caused by the appearance of Togekiss was quickly diverted by the start of the battle.

"Gardevoir, Future Sight!"

No matter what the Ability of Togekiss is or what the characteristics of Pokémon are, Diantha follows his original tactical arrangement.


I see.

A large number of Psychic emerged from Gardevoir's body, a light pink halo appeared in his eyes, Lock On Togekiss in the sky, Psychic swept towards Togekiss with its sight.

Xia Yan and Togekiss are very familiar with the move "Future Sight".

There is no good way to deal with it.

However, there is no need for any countermeasures.

We are now "airplanes", and we are no longer the stage where we only gambled on control for a very small probability.

Let's round it up now, that's 100 percent control.


"Togekiss, Air Slash." Xia Yan raised the corner of his mouth and said slowly.


Togekiss responded cheerfully, his wings vibrating vigorously, and two bright white Air Cutters flew from its wings.

Diantha frowned slightly.

There was a vague feeling of bad feeling in his heart, just because Gardevoir was using "Future Sight". If this move could hit Togekiss, it might not be unacceptable at the cost of "Air Slash".


"Future Sight" sank into Togekiss's body and "Air Slash" hit Gardevoir.

The result.

Togekiss seemed to be fine for a while, but Gardevoir fell into the "cringe" Contest Condition.

Diantha's brows furrowed even tighter.

The "Air Slash" move has a certain probability to cause the hit Pokémon to fall into the "cringe" Contest Condition, but it's also a bit bad luck.

She could see that Togekiss's proficiency in "Air Slash" was not high.

This is also the reason why she is willing to try to exchange injuries for injuries.

Fortunately, as a Psychic Pokémon, Gardevoir is quite outstanding in terms of spirit and willpower, and quickly recovered from the "creeping" Contest Condition.


When Gardevoir had just resumed the Contest Condition, he saw two bright white blades attacking him.


Diantha was taken aback.

Because Gardevoir was once again caught in the "cringe" Contest Condition.

And then.

the third, fourth, fifth

Diantha was numb, her expression a little dull.

Once, twice or whatever.

This Nima, is it hanging up?

The entire Lily of the Valley arena fell into complete silence.

In their sight, they could only see Togekiss continuing to cast "Air Slash" on Gardevoir, but Gardevoir couldn't recover.

There is also a careful number of people.

For the entire "Ten Fury Cutter", he actually "cut" Diantha's Gardevoir to death with almost no resistance?

After a brief silence.

boom! ! !

Audiences in the field, the Internet, TV and many other places are boiling!

They want all the information on this Pokémon now!




As a result, following the "song-kill" tactic, the official website of the competition, Alliance's official website, and major live video portals have once again endured situations that they should not have endured.

"Is this the ability of Togetic's evolution? 'Tian En' Ability with 'Air Slash'? If you are lucky, you can control it to death?"

Du stared blankly at the scene on the TV where Xia Yan's Togekiss used "Air Slash" to consume Diantha's Gardevoir to death.

The impact this had on them was not small at all.

"Won't Normal luck be so good?" Steven said with a stiff smile.


What happened just now, it is undeniable that Xia Yan and Togekiss were lucky enough to have such an exaggerated visual impact.

But who can guarantee that Xia Yan and Togekiss will have less luck next time?

What's more, even if the luck is not good enough to continuously control, if it appears three or four times, five or six times, no one can afford it.

"Cynthia, what do you think?" Du looked at Cynthia.

Only to find that Cynthia showed a dull expression rarely seen, staring at the cute Togekiss on TV.

She now finally understands why Xia Yan asked her to cultivate her Togepi in the direction of the controller.

In theory, her Togepi can eventually become an existence like Xia Yan's Togekiss.

no doubt.

Ten Fury Cutter kills Rival. This is definitely a very small probability, and it may even be difficult to reproduce, but Togekiss's control ability is obvious to all.

This is definitely a position that can be used as the top controller in a team, and even if the team is built around it, it's not impossible to have Togekiss as the core.

"I see."

Cynthia murmured something.

"Gary! Gary! Did you see it? Did you see it?!" Ash shook Gary's clothes frantically.

He abruptly called Gary back from his dull expression.

Gary ignored Ash and looked at his sister Casey instead.


Casey Mei's use of Chansey's "Quality Minimize Rock Slide" tactic is scary enough.

After that, Lorelei used Lapras's "destroying songs" tactic, which made many people see the opportunity to defeat people stronger than themselves.

And now.

This new Pokémon's "Air Slash" actually killed the opponent.

Three tactics.

Tactics that cut into three different corners.

Such an ability definitely deserves the title of a "tactician master".

"Sister, I want to meet him!" Gary said solemnly.

"And me! And me!" Ash also hurriedly raised his hand.

Casey smiled beautifully.

She is probably one of the few people who didn't feel so shocked. She also saw that this Togekiss is the evolution of Xia Yan's Togetic. With the relationship between Togetic and Xia Yan that she felt at the beginning, she was able to play such a role. Strength and ability, Casey Mei feels normal.

But for Gary and Ash's request, Casey didn't refuse, and responded with a smile: "Okay!"

Just when they communicate.

Host didn't know when, but brought a cameraman to the auditorium and came to Professor Oak.

Host couldn't do anything either, his heart was bitter, but he couldn't say anything.

Now that the major websites are about to explode, if he can't give some results that the audience wants, he will wait to be fired the next day.

So, now he can only turn to Professor Oak.

"Professor Oak, I'm sorry to bother you and waste your time. I hope you can answer us all. What is this Pokémon of Xia Yan?" Host asked respectfully, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"Hehe-" Professor Oak laughed.

"do not know."

Host: "."

"I don't know exactly what Pokémon is, but it can be recognized that it should be an evolutionary type of Togetic. But wild Togepi are rare, and the evolutionary conditions for Togepi to evolve into Togetic are still uncertain, and it seems to be related to 'intimacy' ' is related.

Togetic can evolve again, which no one has ever studied. "

Professor Oak first introduced the requirements for Togepi to evolve into Togetic.

Then he continued: "Xia Yan's Togetic Ability is 'Heavenly Grace'. The Ability of this new Pokémon should also inherit Togetic's Ability, and the Ability is also 'Heavenly Grace'."

When he said this, many people gradually realized it.

It turned out to be the "Heavenly Grace" Ability, but with the addition of "Air Slash", it has indeed ushered in a qualitative change.

"Then Xia Yan's Pokémon just now did 'Air Slash' ten times in a row." Host asked again.

"Luck." This time, Professor Oak was quite succinct. "It's hard to replicate luck."

Hearing this, Host breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly cast a grateful look at Professor Oak.

Then the information from the "authority" was immediately informed to the audience.

Elite's private room.

Agatha listened to Professor Oak talking there, and couldn't help but curl her lips in disdain.

Looking at Xia Yan and Togekiss outside the window, he slowly smiled again.

Is this the hole card that Xia Yan is hiding?

Excellent indeed.

The Elites in the private room also look different.

Especially Bertha and Ryuichi Hoshino, two Elite Fours from Sinnoh Region.


Xia Yan slowly exhaled.

Ten Fury Cutter?

Can't even think about it.

"Air Slash", which has not played more than three times when playing the game, has soared to the record of ten times here.

To be honest, this was something he hadn't even thought of.

All I can say is, Teacher Bo is awesome!

Bo Teacher is mighty and domineering!

Xia Yan also heard the content of the interview with Professor Oak, and at the same time he was relieved.

Fortunately, this "authority" affirmed the contingency of this situation, otherwise

Look opposite.

Diantha also slowly recovered after listening to Professor Oak's explanation.


By chance?

But luck is also part of strength.

So what should she do with this new Pokémon?


That is of course impossible, she now not only represents herself, but also the Kalos Alliance!


Diantha showed a solemn look and solemnly removed the Poké Ball from his waist.

There is only it.

There might still be a chance.

after throwing.

Xia Yan, who saw this Pokémon, was stunned, with a weird expression, and muttered: "Is this hitting the muzzle? Dragon, Goodra?"


The old man and the others came to the house for dinner, and they drank a little more with the old man. They were a little dizzy, and the message was wrong all of a sudden, sorry.

However, it has been covered, the number of words is still the same, no need to re-subscribe, I am very sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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