The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 521 Steven Vs Cynthia

Chapter 521 Steven VS Cynthia


The much-anticipated Lily of the Valley Youth Competition has finally entered the semi-final stage.

This is definitely an exciting thing for every spectator who pays attention to this game.

This Lily of the Valley Youth Competition is definitely the highest quality youth competition in recent years.

Whether it is the strength of the players' Pokémon, or the control of each player's tactics and rhythm, it shows the high "quality" of the contestants this time.

There is no doubt that in such a high-quality game, those who can still make it to the semi-finals are definitely the best among the younger generation today, and the future hope of Alliance.

The attention this competition has attracted is definitely the highest in recent years.

It goes without saying that Du, Steven, and Cynthia are already popular players, but this competition has made them even more popular.

The most unexpected thing is Xia Yan, the dark horse who "breaks the siege".

This has made his attention soar. One of the main purposes of many people watching this game is to see how far he can go and whether he can break people's doubts about him again and again.

Of course, no matter which step he can take in the future, the position he is in now has far exceeded people's expectations.

And the happiest, of course, was the group of people who started to support Xia Yan from the very beginning, during the group stage.

They have become loyal supporters of Xia Yan.

There are also some people who were first attracted by Pokémons such as Togekiss, Beedrill, Alakazam, Doublade, and then slowly began to support Xia Yan.

But in any case, the game has not yet started, and the cheers for him are actually no lower than Du.

Do not doubt.

This is Sinnoh after all.

Even some passers-by, between Du and Xia Yan, will choose Xia Yan who represents the Sinnoh Region.

However, it was not Xia Yan and Du, but Steven and Cynthia who were the first to appear in the semifinals.

This was arranged by the team, and the match between Du and Xia Yan was arranged later.

Not to mention the popularity of the two of them, the top players in this competition, their names represent everything.

Xia Yan, who was sitting in the waiting room for the players, looked at Watari who was rubbing his hands beside him, and patted him on the shoulder strangely.

"What are you nervous about?"

Du glared at him angrily, "It's not because of you."

"I said, I will play." Xia Yan reassured.

"Are you sure? You don't have six Pokémon, how do you fight?" Du hesitated.

Xia Yan glanced at him, "Can't you fight without six Pokémon?"

Looking at him as if he was afraid that he would not fight, Xia Yan was also amused.

It was obvious that he was the one who should be more worried about being beaten, but now he is more nervous.

Can't blame him either.

Even in the face of the underworld forces like the Rockets, Du was not nervous, but the long-awaited battle with his best friend was finally about to begin, and he was a little worried about gains and losses.

"Don't think about it, the battle between Cynthia and Steven is about to begin."

Xia Yan looked at the screen.

Even across the screen, the cheers of the audience can be heard one after another.

"Xia Yan Senior, who do you think will win?" Lorelei tilted his head slightly and asked.

"Definitely Steven Senior!" Little transparent Kenin rarely expressed his position for the first time.

"I don't think so."

Suddenly, several figures came from outside.

The leader was a man with his hands in his pockets, an explosive head, and a swaying man.

Big leaf!

And behind him, there are two people.

One of them is Dianji with a straight face and no emotion at all. His personality and Da Ye are two extremes, but they complement each other very well.

It was the other two that surprised Xia Yan.

One of them was wearing a black vest and had green hair, especially the boy with a "dumb" high bunch in the middle.


Future Bug Type Elite in Sinnoh Region.

It was just bad luck that I met Rival, who was good at fire, and was eliminated.

In fact, Aaron's strength is not weak, and he is also one of the few Trainers who specialize in Bug Type Pokémon.

His experience is actually a bit similar to Xia Yan. Bug Type Pokémon has never been a very promising Pokémon, but Aaron relied on these Bug Type Pokémon to reach the position of Elite Four in the future.

It is also the only Elite Four that will be bug-typed in the future.

This alone shows that he is not simple.

The other looked bookish in a magenta suit, a pair of sunglasses, and long purple hair.

It is the future Sinnoh's Psychic Elite, Lucian!

It's Cynthia's group of relatives and friends.

Although Aaron followed behind Daye, his eyes kept looking forward, as if he was looking for something.

When he saw Xia Yan, his eyes lit up instantly.

He strode up, "Master Xia Yan! I'm your fan!"

As he said that, he wanted to grab Xia Yan's hand, but Xia Yan avoided it.

Master Xia Yan

Xia Yan twitched the corners of his eyes.

"Master" has never been a good word in his dictionary.

Master = big wet.

"Master Xia Yan, I."

Before he could say much, he was interrupted by Xia Yan, "Call me Xia Yan."

"Eh? Can you?" Aaron was surprised.

Xia Yan nodded.

"Oh, okay, that's it, Xia Yanda. Xia Yan, I want to ask, how did you cultivate your Beedrill, how should you keep the 'leader breath' of the Bug Type Pokémon, and why is your Beedrill charged?"

A series of questions left Xia Yan not knowing how to answer.

I can understand.

Aaron, as a trainer specializing in Bug Type Pokémon, has always been criticized for Bug Type Pokémon. Seeing Xia Yan, who also uses Bug Type Pokémon Beedrill and also reached the semi-finals, is inevitably a little excited.

"Okay, Aaron, Miss Cynthia's competition is about to start, let's finish it." Daye stopped Aaron in time.

"Oh, yes, eldest sister." Aaron came back to his senses.

Xia Yan cast a grateful look.

As a result, Daye raised his eyebrows at him, and there was something strange in his smile.

Xia Yan: "."

on the field.

Steven and Cynthia throw the Poké Ball at the same time.

Appearing in front of Steven is a burly and ferocious Pokémon covered in metal, Aggron!

And what Cynthia called was Lucario, who was handsome and confident in his gestures. He was dubbed the "road dog" by those who liked it!

"In terms of Attribute, Cynthia has a huge advantage." Lorelei murmured.

"Cynthia and Steven, Cynthia's Pokémon Attribute is fully dominant, so she can be relatively more lenient." Xia Yan said casually.


"My guess is that the Pokémon that Steven sent this time should be Aggron, Skarmory, and Flash Metagross, while Cynthia should use Lucario, Glaceon, and Garchomp."

Xia Yan said his opinion, but found that everyone in the room's eyes fell on him.

Because the six Pokémon that both sides can use are already displayed on the big screen.

Steven's Pokémon are Flash Metagross, Aggron, Skarmory, Claydol, Aerodactyl, Onix.

Now the machine for the resurrection of ancient fossils has just been invented, and it is not mature enough.

So Pokémons like Steven's Armaldo and Cradily who make up for the team's shortcomings haven't been caught yet.

Cradily, in particular, is too important to Steven's entire roster.

And without Cradily, Steven's lineup is actually easy to target.

Water, Grass, and Ground all restrained him very much.

Take a look at the six Pokémon that Cynthia showcased, Garchomp, Lucario, Glaceon, Spiritomb, Gastrodon, Roselia.

Among them, Gastrodon's Water and Ground, Roselia's Grass, and Lucario's Fighting all restrain Steven's Pokémon.

Not to mention Garchomp's Ground system.

Even Spiritomb's villainous and Ghost series are very restrained by Steven's Flash Metagross and Claydol.

But Aggron and Metagross and Steven's Trump Card Pokémon, there is no possibility of replacement, only Skarmory, one of the few Pokémon he is not very restrained.

Cynthia is dominant in Attribute, and Pokémon is relatively more relaxed in selection.

When Xia Yan finished talking about these things, everyone in the room fell into contemplation.

The truth is that everyone knows it.

Just hearing it, why do you feel that Steven has no chance of winning?

At the same time, I admire Xia Yan's tactical ability even more.

Not only does he know his own Pokémon very well, but he also knows the Pokémon of others like the back of the hand.

This makes those who specialize in one department very convinced.

Except for some Pokémon professors, they really rarely see all Pokémons so thorough.

After all, being busy training Pokémon and fighting takes almost all of everyone's energy, so how can there be so much time to study Pokémon.

Otherwise, aren't the professors who study Pokémon all master tactics?

Human energy is still limited.

"Steve's odds are still there, it still depends on the performance of Flash Metagross."

The first, without a doubt, was the victory of Cynthia's Lucario.

Attribute's advantage is too obvious, the quadruple restraint is too strong, and Lucario's speed also makes it difficult for Aggron to have a chance for Struggle.

However, this time Cynthia did not take Lucario back.

The difference between the three-of-six singles and the previous one is that it is more important to determine the Pokémon used by the opponent.

So, as Xia Yan guessed, Steven's second summon was Skarmory, which has the advantage of Flying and Soaring in the sky.

As a result, as expected, Lucario was incapacitated.

Cynthia's second Pokémon is Glaceon.

Because Skarmory is a typical Pokémon with strong physical defense and weak special defense.

Glaceon is well-deserved as the new No. 1 striker on Cynthia's team.

It's just that this game was tougher.

Although it limits Skarmory's Flying type, the steel type is also very restrained against the ice type.

So, Glaceon's Contest Condition wasn't very good when Skarmory fell to the ground.

In the end, Steven still sent his Trump Card Flash Metagross and quickly defeated Glaceon as soon as he came out.

While winning is quick, Glaceon slows down Flash Metagross a bit.

This is critical.

It plays a vital role in the next battle.

Cynthia's last Pokémon is without a doubt the one she trusts and relies on the most, Garchomp!

This competition is the first time that there is a battle between the quasi-god Pokémon!

All the processes are as Xia Yan expected.

It was as if he was the director of the game and knew all the scripts.

This undoubtedly made everyone admire his ability even more.

However, now they have no intention of praising Xia Yan, because the battle has become completely white-hot.

The atmosphere in the audience was also quite tense, one by one clenching their fists and holding their breaths, as if they were afraid that saying a word would affect the game.

"Garchomp, Dragon Rush!"

On the TV, Cynthia's calm voice came.

"Metagross, Zen Headbutt!"

Steven also showed no signs of weakness and chose to go head to head with Cynthia's Garchomp.

this wave.

This wave is really Mars hitting the earth.

boom! ! !

The violent collision caused the entire venue to burst into overwhelmed groans.

"Is it really time to gamble on luck?" Xia Yan narrowed his eyes and stared at the TV.

Whether it is "Dragon Rush" or "Zen Headbutt", there is a certain probability that Rival will fall into the "creeping" Contest Condition.

As far as the current situation is concerned, whoever is lucky makes Rival fall into the "cringe" Contest Condition, and basically Lock On wins the game.

It seems that it has changed from a fierce battle to a game of luck.

Steven's Flash Metagross, as a Psychic Pokémon, may be more dominant in will.

But Cynthia's Garchomp came out with a little Laser Focus from the snow and ice of Mt. Coronet, and trained it in the most difficult icy environment of Dragon Pokémon, such a will is also not to be underestimated.

But Xia Yan noticed a detail that many people didn't notice.

"It's over." Xia Yan said slowly.

"Huh?" Lorelei stared at the screen, which was filled with smoke and dust, "Xia Yan Senior, can you see it?"

"No, it's the direction." Xia Yan shook his head.


Lorelei was stunned for a moment, then quickly reacted.

Garchomp is attacked from the top down, while Flash Metagross is attacked from the bottom up. Although it is very detailed, the top-down Pokémon does have an advantage.

the most important is

The ground just now made a roaring sound.

"Garchomp, Earthquake!"

From the sound of the collision causing Ground to shatter, it means that two Pokémons have touched Ground.

The Ground, on the other hand, is the home ground of Garchomp.

Boom boom boom! ! !

With the moaning of the venue again, the battle finally came to an end.

"Steven. After all, he lost at the disadvantage of Attribute."

Being able to rely on the Attribute at an absolute disadvantage to fight with Cynthia to the final key collision, the strength is unquestionable.

If Steven can take down Cradily later, the battle is really not guaranteed, and he has more options on Pokémon.

But now

The dust gradually dissipated.

Steven's Flash Metagross fell to the ground, while Cynthia's Garchomp, tired and a little embarrassed, stood proudly in the middle of the field.

"It's decided! It's Cynthia who made it to the finals!!!"

The host's excited and trembling voice spread throughout the audience.


"Equally matched."

"The most suspenseful one."

In the room, several people sighed.


Very wonderful.

On the TV, Cynthia and Steven walked to the middle of the field and shook hands.

"Congratulations." Steven said with a smile.

"Fuck." Cynthia shook her head, it was really a fluke.

"I'm looking forward to the battle between Xia Yan and Du."

Cynthia smiled knowingly, "Me too."

This battle is destined to be hung on the homepage of Alliance's official website for a long time.

It seems that the last time on the homepage of Alliance's official website was the battle between Steven and Cynthia.

They also have winners and losers.

Winning or losing doesn't seem so hard to accept for their supporters.

Steven's fans: After all, this is Sinnoh, which is a good way to save Cynthia's home game.

Fans of Cynthia: Sister Cabbage Saigao!

It's just that if you let others know that after the battle is over, they are actually looking forward to another battle, and I don't know how they will feel.


PS: After thinking about it, I felt that I couldn’t finish writing about Xia Yan and Du today, so I put it on tomorrow, so as not to say that I deliberately broke the chapter (pq) (I’m really scared.jpg).

I have to think carefully about how to write it, um, it shouldn't be a hassle.

Tomorrow, I will post it when I write it, it should not be updated so late (Humble.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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