The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 523 Brothers Break 1.0 (Two In One)

Chapter 523 Brothers Break 1.0 (two in one)

What is Gyarados Attribute?

Water system plus Flying system.

So, four times weaker.

The electricity-type "Thunderbolt" gave Gyarados a chilling blow.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Togekiss is not an electric Pokémon, otherwise, with the increase of the previous "Nasty Plot", Gyarados will not be far away from being lifted.

Of course, Gyarados' excellent special defense ability also played a role.

But the current situation makes Gyarados very passive all of a sudden.

Fortunately, Watana was still calm, not panicking because Togekiss was lucky once, "Metronome" won "Thunderbolt" and hit Gyarados hard.

He raised his arm again, his face grim, "Gyarados, Scary Face!"


Gyarados turned his head and glared at Togekiss while laughing, a terrifying black face flew out from its head, and the terrifying appearance made Togekiss appear stunned for a short time.

Scary Face: Intimidates Rival with a terrifying face that drastically reduces Rival's speed.

good chance!

The success of "Scary Face" is a good opportunity for Gyarados.

"Gyarados, use Ice Fang again!"

Xia Yan's face was slightly tight, "Scary Face" really slowed Togekiss's speed, and in the face of Gyarados rushing towards him, Xia Yan could only choose a backup tactic.


Togekiss was hit by "Scary Face", and immediately showed a pitiful appearance, with crystal tears rolling in his eyes.


Affected by such a cute scene of Togekiss, Rao is such a vicious Pokémon of Gyarados, his heart was shaken a little, and the power of his attack plummeted.

boom! ! !

But Ice Fang, still under the terrifying bite of its giant mouth, hit Togekiss.

Both fell from the sky.

"Good chance! Gyarados, Earthquake!"

Although Togekiss is a Flying-type Pokémon and is immune to Ground-type moves, that's in the air.

Now that he was pressed to the ground by Gyarados, the damage that "Earthquake" could cause to him should not be underestimated.


I saw Gyarados' tail slapped Ground hard, and rippling Olivine-colored lines spread out around it centered on it.


However, the "Charm" that Togekiss had cast before, also played a role in this moment.

Gyarados couldn't hold it down completely.

It was an "Extrreme Speed" move that quickly escaped Gyarados' mouth, and the "Earthquake" move failed to hit.

Just when Togekiss breathed a sigh of relief, Xia Yan's command entered its mind again.

Turn on dog mode.


Casting "Metronome" again, Togekiss didn't know what he would shake.

But in the next second, you will see the results.

A small group of dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky opposite the battlefield, golden thunder slurry surging in the dark clouds.

At this moment, Gyarados wanted to scold her mother.

This is so special.

"Gyarados, Dragon Dance!"

Du was also frowning at the moment. He really didn't expect Togekiss's luck to be so good. If he didn't know Xia Yan enough, he really doubted whether Xia Yan was open.

This trick is


Boom! ! !

The golden thunder and lightning were like a long winding dragon, wrapped in a terrifying might from the air, swerved down sharply, and slashed towards Gyarados on the ground.

If this move "Thunder" hits, no matter how strong Gyarados' special defense ability is, he will have to stop.


Du knows that the biggest weakness of Gyarados is the electricity system, is there no defense at all?

see you.

Gyarados performed "Dragon Dance" again, and with an extremely Contest and flexible posture, skillfully avoided the thunder that fell from the air.

The hit rate of "Thunder" moves is still too low. Although the power is strong enough, its practicality is not as good as that of "Thunderbolt".

Boom! !

Thunder Thunder Shock in the middle of the field, shattered the Ground, and raised a large amount of dust.

Gyarados' huge body was covered in dust like this.

In the next instant, a black shadow jumped out of the smoke and dust, and the behemoth with a body length of nearly seven meters was wrapped in terrifying terror, and the extremely cold breath hit Togekiss again.

See also "Ice Fang"!


Togekiss was ready for a long time, and the three crests on his head were lit up with "red, blue, yellow" Cal.

Tri Attack!

Attacks composed of three different Attributes, there is always one "suitable" for Gyarados.

"dash forward!"

Du clenched his fists tightly, knowing that it was too late to avoid him at this time.

Moreover, with Gyarados' Contest Condition at the moment, if he chooses to avoid it, then there is really no chance to fight back.

Just like that, Gyarados resisted Togekiss's "Tri Attack" abruptly and gave "Ice Fang" to Togekiss without hesitation.

Another head-on collision.

Bang! !

Gyarados hit the ground hard.

But Togekiss has suffered two Ice Fangs in a row, and the Contest Condition has become very bad.


At this moment, Gyarados can still stand up forcibly. Such perseverance is something that Xia Yan did not expect.

Crossing eyes.

"Gyarados, the last Hyper Beam!"


Togetic's two "Air Slash" splits from top to bottom, passing through layers of air barriers.

However, Togekiss, who has shown his luck in two consecutive "Metronome", this time perfectly presents what is called the "law of conservation of luck".

"Air Slash" failed to make Gyarados into "cringe", although the last shot of "Air Slash" harvested Gyarados' last trace of physical strength, but also made it successfully use "Hyper Beam".

Extreme Speed!

After Togekiss used "Air Slash", no matter what the result was, he immediately used "Extrreme Speed" under Xia Yan's order.

But the "Scary Face" of Gyarados is still affecting it.

A dazzling beam of light soared into the sky, and the fiery energy was mixed with extremely strong destructive power.

Togekiss dodged, but not completely.

He was hit by the "Hyper Beam", and it was only after a dozen laps in the air that he barely stabilized.

And Gyarados, lost the ability to fight!

In the first game of this game, Xia Yanxian won the first prize!


At this moment, Dudu showed the absolute professionalism of a professional trainer. After confirming that Gyarados was incapacitated, he immediately took it back with a Poké Ball, and then threw a new Poké Ball at the same time.

What is this called?

It's called professional Pokémon rotation!

In the face of Xia Yan who even used Psychic, Du did not dare to relax a little bit, and some small details of the Pokémon rotation were also well controlled.

Show the audience what is called "full force crossing".

It really didn't release water at all, just like a broken gesture.


The second one to appear is Earl Dervish Pokémon, his most trusted partner, Charizard!

Assisting Gyarados' final "Hyper Beam" that overwhelmed Togekiss, he summoned Charizard, not giving Xia Yan a chance to replace Pokémon.

When Togekiss managed to stabilize his body, before he could catch his breath, Charizard's fiery breath was already in sight.

Xia Yan's face was solemn.

He saw the attitude on Du's body.

It was too late for Togekiss to dodge, and its current physical condition did not allow it a chance to dodge.

Therefore, Xia Yan made a choice.

Morning Sun!

The little Cal fell from the sky and submerged into Togekiss's body.

Having endured Charizard's "Flamethrower" abruptly, Togekiss's poor Contest Condition, even with the "Morning Sun" recovery, became disgraced.

But Togekiss persisted.

It can feel Xia Yan's attitude.

nothing left!

"Chaco~ yah!"


The two "Air Slashes" drew two graceful arcs in the air, pinching Charizard from both directions.


One of them was neutralized by Charizard's same "Air Slash", and the other one managed to hit its back.

And, this time, success made Charizard into a "cringe" Contest Condition!

Without any hesitation, Togekiss cut out "Air Slash" again, trying to replicate the feat of "Ten Fury Cutter".

However, having such an advantage against Gardevoir is due to the fact that neither Diantha nor Gardevoir is aware of Togekiss's abilities, plus the luck is indeed outrageous.

But this time, the Pokémons who crossed are obviously ready to meet "Air Slash".

In the end, Togekiss's weakness for the "Air Slash" move, which is not proficient enough, is undoubtedly exposed.

The second shot, failed to make Charizard "cringe" again.

Charizard reacted, and in his clenched mouth, strands of flames could not be restrained from burrowing out of the gap between his teeth.

"Charizard, Inferno!"

Immediately after.

The overwhelming flames swept towards Togekiss.

Can't hide.

I don't want to hide either!

Xia Yan's eyes flashed, Togekiss understood, and while giving up resisting this move, he used his last move.


boom! ! !

A terrifying flame engulfed Togekiss.

By the time the flames dissipated, Togekiss was already lying on the ground, incapacitated.

Xia Yan immediately took it back with the Poké Ball, put a compliment on his lips, and looked up at Charizard.

Obviously, if he doesn't summon Pokémon again, Watana won't hesitate to let Charizard try to boost it.

In this battle, both sides are absolutely serious.

Xia Yan no longer hesitated, took out the Poké Ball again, and summoned Pokémon.

This time, it's actually


No one expected that Xia Yan would summon Beedrill, a Pokémon whose Attribute was completely suppressed by Charizard.

Many people even expressed that they did not understand Xia Yan's choice.

But seeing Beedrill's Ferry made him laugh.

No one understands better than him what Beedrill represents to Xia Yan, and no one knows that when he and Xia Yan first met, Du became interested in it, which was Weedle at the time.

No one will know that Charizard and Beedrill have long wanted to have a fight.

It's clear that Charizard's enthusiasm is running high again after seeing Beedrill come on, the flames on his tail are "cramming" upwards.


When Beedrill saw Charizard crossing, his scarlet compound eyes were full of war, and the flocculent currents on his wings were even denser.

At Weedle, Beedrill remembered this Charizard deeply.

At the time, Charizard was still a target it needed to look up to.

At the time, Charizard was the envy of it.

At the time, Charizard was a Rival it couldn't touch.

But now, they are on the same stage.

No need for too many words, there should be a romance between men.

"Charizard, Flamethrower!"

Facing the restrained Beedrill of Attribute, Charizard did not dare to underestimate the slightest, his body was highly concentrated, raging fire, rushing towards his face.


Beedrill did not choose to hard connect, such an attack is too harmful to it.

As the wings vibrated, the speed increased with each vibration, and wisps of white airflow also surrounded Beedrill's body.

Tailwind + Agility!

At an extremely tricky angle, wiping the oncoming flames towards Charizard.

It's all too familiar for a Pokémon like Charizard.

When Xia Yan Trainer strengthens the "Snipe Shot" Ability, an object that often appears is Charizard.

So now, in its sight, Charizard's weakness, it's Lock On!

The wings shook again, and the long-lost "leader's breath" emerged from Beedrill's body again.

With the increase in the number of uses, Beedrill became more and more skilled in the use of "leader's breath".


With a slam, he approached Charizard.

"Well done! Charizard, Heat Wave!"

Charizard's wings were also flapping rapidly, with its body at the center, the unbearably high temperature spread out, and the entire arena became hot with its actions.

However, people were unaware and just kept shouting.

This matchup is called a break between brothers, bah, it's a classic.

see you.

Beedrill's figure stopped abruptly, and the airflow around his body was driven by it, isolating Charizard's "Heat Wave", forming a small airflow of its own.

The Shield of Retaliation!

Charizard was briefly surprised by such a move.

Of course, this is the opportunity Beedrill has been waiting for!

A professional assassin never misses this rare opportunity.

Approaching quickly.

The move used by Beedrill is Assurance!


A long needle shot directly at the weak point in Charizard's abdomen.

But Beedrill's attack didn't stop there.

This is Xia Yan's next training direction for Beedrill's combination moves, Fury Attack+ Assurance!

With intense concentration, Beedrill managed to use "Assurance" for a "Twineedle" effect despite failing to combine the two moves.

After all, it has two guns!


The effect of Assurance is that after the enemy is damaged, the power will be doubled when the second damage is dealt again.


Charizard cried out in pain.

Not just because of the second hit of "Assurance", but because it hit the nail on the head.

Snipe Shot Hand Ability Triggered!

This time, the damage is terrifying!

But Charizard is worthy of the Charizard of crossing. When he received the first blow, he responded. Although the second blow was painful, it still endured the pain and made a move.

Bear! !

Crimson-gold flames wrapped around his body, and his claws grabbed Beedrill, who was unable to dodge because of his "greed" attack, and smashed it towards the ground from top to bottom.

The Charizard combo of crossing training, Flare Blitz + Seismic Toss!

This shot is absolutely deadly enough!

boom! ! !

Today's battleground has endured a tremendous amount of pressure that it should not have endured.

ka ka ka-

Layers of cracks, dense cracks.


Xia Yan did not intend to stop commanding.

Beedrill in this situation, hasn't he lost his ability to fight?

the answer is.


Porksky's "Wish" played an important role again, allowing Beedrill to successfully retain the last bit of physical strength.

Despite Beedrill's embarrassment, is Charizard any better?

Togekiss suffered two "Air Slash", then two "Assurance" from Beedrill, the second time triggered the additional effect of "Assurance" and the effect of "Snipe Shot" Ability, and finally added The last "Flare Blitz" bounced damage.

Charizard, too, was on the brink of exhaustion.

It's time for a last-ditch effort?

No one could have predicted that Beedrill could play like this with Charizard.

Only crossing.

There is really nothing to underestimate Xia Yan's Beedrill strength.

Da Ye should have a deep understanding of this point.


"Charizard, Overheat!"

Overheat, a fire-type move with a power of up to 130 points, the disadvantage is that after using it, its own special attack will be greatly reduced.

This was Charizard's last outburst.

Because Du didn't want to see it, Beedrill really went to see Dragonite after harvesting with "Fell Stinger".


Xia Yan didn't even think about letting Beedrill go to Dragonite. The choice he made was.

Drill Run!

Right now, Charizard, on the ground!

boom! ! !

This is a raging flame, a battle with stubborn insects.

This is like a moth to a flame.

This is also two Pokémon, the last stubborn!

Both fell to the ground.

This battle is far more tragic than the audience imagined.

And next.

With the quasi-god Dragonite, it seems to have a great advantage.

But Xia Yan held Alakazam's Poké Ball without the slightest intention of giving up, and sent a steady stream of Psychic to the Poké Ball.

Why did he choose to expose Psychic?

One of the most important reasons.

The fusion of his Psychic and Alakazam's Psychic really does not necessarily mean that there is no chance to face Dragonite at all.

And this is also his last trump card without exposing the evolution of Mega.

In fact, to be honest, even if BeedrillMega evolves, it may not be able to play better than before.

In the battle just now, the "Snipe Shot" Ability is obviously more suitable than the "Adaptability" Ability.


"Brothers Break 1.0" ushered in an upgrade!


It's nearly 5000 words, and there will be more later. I'll go have a meal first~~ Today, I'll finish this fraternity game!

(End of this chapter)

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