The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 538 Cyrus Visits! (Two In One)

Chapter 538 Cyrus Visits! (two in one)

"Chimchar, pay attention to the rhythm, the most important thing in 'Fake Out' is not the strength, but the rhythm."

Xia Yan's "private" Pokémon ranch.

After a simple excavation and development, he created a simple but sufficient training ground.

"Hey!" (`)

Chimchar nodded his head hard.

In training, it has never been meticulous.

Since seeing the strength of Beedrill and Alakazam, Chimchar has also been preparing to work in this direction.

During Xia Yan's participation in the game, although it failed to play, the training has not stopped.

From the initial tacit understanding and familiarity with Xia Yan's training method, it has officially begun to accept Xia Yan's planned direction training.

to this end.

Xia Yan even called for two Salandit as Chimchar's training objects.

Xia Yan was still very satisfied with Chimchar's attitude.

Although it is now a bit far from the strength of several main Pokémon, it does not mean that it cannot catch up.

After all, the more powerful a Pokémon is, the harder it is to improve.

Beedrill and Doublade are also training according to Xia Yan's wishes.

The main training direction of Beedrill during this period is the training of "U-Turn".

Xia Yan is already laying the groundwork for the next tactics.

Once Beedrill has mastered it, and then let Chimchar learn, it will be much faster.

What Doublade needs to do now is to get acquainted with the coated body as soon as possible.

Try to be the same as before the coating, then Xia Yan can arrange the schedule of its evolution.

Speaking of which, in the game some time ago, the picture of Doublade killing the enemy in seconds with one sword was completely popular.

When Xia Yan went online recently, he could see many such pictures.

There are also many people who attach different textual descriptions to the pictures.

to this end.

Xia Yan often saw Doublade secretly open his computer, browse those GIFs, and smirk to himself while watching.

Speaking, or two tone.

It is estimated that people who don't know see this scene and think that they are sick.

When Togekiss quietly told Xia Yan about this, Xia Yan thought whether Doublade was sick.

The result was called to ask.

It was found that he was indeed sick, and it was a "suffocating disease".

I had no idea you were Doublade like this.

But it seems that both of Doublade's personalities enjoy looking at these pictures.

At most, one squinted and secretly glanced at him, blushed and turned back, and then looked again, and the other stared blatantly, as if he didn't notice any details.

So Xia Yan simply printed dozens of sheets for it.

Doublade tucked in his scabbard secretly, and took it out to take a look when he had nothing to do.

Just like now.

Behind a tree, Doublade's two magenta ribbons hold the photo, "exchanging" a few words from time to time, quite strange.

But Xia Yan found that, in fact, such behavior helped the communication between Doublade's two characters very well.

During Doublade's training recently, the connection between the two swords has been getting better and better.

This is why Xia Yan printed photos for it.

And the hardest training during this time, apart from Chimchar, may be Togekiss.

no way.

Although Togekiss doesn't like training very much, but who made it evolve and learned too many moves at once.

In the competition, Togekiss also clearly realized the impact of not being proficient enough in his moves.

So even if it doesn't like training, it actively asks to increase the amount of training.

Of course, aside from training, one of Togekiss's favorite things recently is to play with little Latios.

One is a happy Pokémon, and the other is an infinite Pokémon, but also yearns for kindness and beauty, and it can be said that the characters are quite compatible.

Togekiss likes to fly with little Latios, followed by Doron Messiah who just calls out "Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee".

Kind of disgusting.

But the interesting things that happened to Togekiss, Latios Jr., and Doron Messiah didn't stop there.

Once, Xia Yan noticed that Togekiss took Latios and Doron Messia aside to chat.

Togekiss: You two, you will be my sister from now on. (Д`)y━~~

Doron Messiah: Sister. (ˊˋ)

Latios: Sister. (.)

Togekiss: It's my sister, not my sister.

Latios: Okay sister, I understand my sister. (í_ì)

Togekiss: .

At that time, Xia Yan almost didn't laugh out loud.

Congrats to Togekiss for mentioning a brother.

Doron Messiah is very honest.

Let me mention here that this resurrected Dragon Messiah is a female, and is regarded as a sister with Togekiss and a brother and sister with Latios.

The ghost knows why Latios wants to be the elder brother so much. In the face of two Pokémons who are bigger than him, he relied on his "unyielding" will and took the position of the elder brother.

The existence of Little Latios and Dolong Messia made Xia Yan's team a little more angry.

Originally, there was only one living treasure, Teacher Togekiss Bo, but now there are two more.

In addition to them, there is Alakazam who just woke up.

Alakazam's life experience and origin, Xia Yan has almost been determined.

Its parents are the product of Rocket's research on the Mew gene, but is the Mew gene so well-integrated?

So their duration will get out of control due to the overly powerful Psychic.

But it is estimated that the Rockets themselves did not expect that the children they gave birth to successfully survived, and with the help of Xia Yan, the influence of this part of the gene was gradually offset.

Even Alakazam unconsciously used some of the abilities carried by the Mew gene.

The deep sleep this time is not only because of the exhaustion of Psychic.

Also because of the steps necessary for gene fusion.

After awakening again, Alakazam Psychic has completely turned pink, and it is not due to foreign powers such as shards of slate, but entirely its own power.

Although there are not many obvious changes in strength, there has been a qualitative leap in Psychic.

This is undoubtedly a potential improvement.

The benefits for Alakazam will also be slowly manifested in the future, not now.


Duolong Bartto appeared beside Xia Yan, and Duolong Messiah immediately jumped down from its head and circled around Xia Yan, which seemed to have a good relationship.


On Xia Yan's shoulder, Little Latios who was originally in Rest heard Doron Messiah's voice and opened his eyes.

Little hands rubbed lightly.

When he saw Doron Messiah, his eyes lit up.


The two Pokémon suddenly got into a fight.

Sometimes they play in the air, sometimes they fly to Xia Yan's body to play, and sometimes they fly into the hole where Duolong Bart is holding his head to hide and seek.

After a while, he flew to the ground and played with the eight Eevees.

These eight Eevees and Latios are newborn Pokémons, so they're fun to play with.

It's become good friends with each other.

Xia Yan smiled and patted Duolong Bartto's back.

Since the resurrection of Duolong Messia, Xia Yan can clearly feel Duolong Bartto's Contest Condition and gradually become active.

"How are they?"

Doron Bartto shook his head, but nodded again after a while.


I see.

Behind Doron Bartto, several Pokémons appeared.

They are Tyrantrum, Noiven, and Turtonator.

Since Xia Yan wants to open a dragon-type gym, the dragon-type Pokémon is naturally indispensable.

For now, the only dragon-type Pokémon that can play are Tyrantrum, Noiven, and Turtonator.

But Turtonator's strength is too strong.

Hoshino Ryu, Xia Yan, and the other trainers who entered the Groudon space for trials, did not completely let go of their gazes.

Turtonator's strength is destined to be unable to show it in everyone's sight in a short time.

But Xia Yan still troubled Duolong Bartto, and made a simple evaluation and basic teaching on these Pokémon.

Judging from Doron Bartto's feedback, it is estimated that it failed to meet its requirements.

As an Elite-level or even higher Pokémon, Kodoron Bartto doesn't have much of a natural fit into its eyes.

In Xia Yan's view, Turtonator aside, the main-level Noiven can barely be used as a Pokémon in the town hall, with similar strength and ability.

After all, for the Trainers who came to challenge the gym, the strength of the gym owner is probably not something they can compete with.

The regular challenger, Tyrantrum can handle perfectly, the unconventional challenger, Noiven can also handle 90%.

In the middle of saying there are ten percent left

"Let's take a step by step, and it will be too late to consider when the gym construction is completed."

Now that the construction of the gymnasium has just begun, the foundation has just been laid, and Xia Yan still has time to prepare.

Not really.

Just go to the "Land of Dragons" in Celestic Town and ask Garchomp to borrow a few Dragon-type Pokémons, they will always be able to handle it.



A Salandit came to Xia Yan's feet with a card in his mouth.

Xia Yan crouched down and took the card.

This is what he left to chrysanthemum.

Because of the chrysanthemum to help him take care of, he can do a lot of things.

But when there is really something you can't handle, you can find him outside his Pokémon ranch, and then hand over such a card to the Pokémon that appears, and that's it.

Dozens of salandit are the first protection Xia Yan gave to his Pokémon ranch.

Turn over the card.

I see a few words written on it.

"A distinguished guest is visiting."

"VIP?" Xia Yan frowned slightly.

Just sent Steven off, what other guests will be there?

Xia Yan thought for a while, but called back Pokémon and walked towards the gym.

The Pokémon ranch he chose was not far from the location designated by the gym, and it took about ten minutes to walk there. This was not only for the convenience of going back and forth, but also to protect his private property.

Anyway, with the delineation of the area where the gym is located, a large area around it can be regarded as an affiliated industry of the gym.

Xia Yan's gym is theoretically built according to Alliance's basic standards.

That is, a basic gym with a width of about 50 meters and a length of about 100 meters.

It's just that basic gyms like this are really rare now.

In Xia Yan's words, there is no face.

And because he had Agatha's funding, Steven hired the construction team to reduce some costs. Finally, the construction team leader gave Xia Yan's plan to be a medium-sized gym with a length of about 150 meters and a width of about 75 meters.

The whole occupies more than 10,000 square meters of Ground.

In fact, it can be made a little bigger, but in this way, many details cannot be handled well.

And in the design drawing given by the captain of the construction team, the first 100 meters of the gymnasium is used as the public construction area of ​​the gymnasium, including the battlefield, training grounds, auditoriums, performance seats and so on.

Not only can it be used for gym battles, but it can also be used as a small competition venue to host some small competitions.

The last 50 meters is built as Xia Yan's private area, which mainly includes private living area, training area, Pokémon Breeder area, etc.

As far as Xia Yan knows, in Rustboro City in Hoenn, Kenin's father's Rock-based gym occupies a ground area of ​​more than 30,000 square meters and belongs to a large gym.

This is also one-third of others.

Because a qualified gym is not just for battles, but also includes Breeder, performance, teaching and other facilities.

So very complicated.

Xia Yan's gym, not to mention the top, but at least it is slightly above the average.

When he has sufficient funds in the future, he can completely expand, repair or even knock down and rebuild.

The specialty of the construction team recommended by Steven is that they will leave enough space and location for Xia Yan to expand.

At least, in terms of length, it can continue forever.

Some gyms are more focused on Pokémon Breeder, where Pokémon Breeder builds various breeding areas that may be larger than the gym's facade.

For example, in Petalburg Gym in Petalburg City, Hoenn Region, Norman, who likes to cultivate Vigoroth, directly built an artificial forest to cultivate lazy man and Vigoroth, not only for Breeder, but also for observation.


The construction of the gym mainly depends on the amount of money in hand.

Alliance's support is based on minimum standards.

Now, Xia Yan is quite satisfied.

That is, there is Agatha's support and Steven's Help, otherwise he can't even build such a gym, and can only follow the minimum standards of the Alliance.

Not to mention that he still wants to build the gymnasium to be quite distinctive, with some designs and changes in appearance.

Alliance's standard is.

Boxy, very old-fashioned.

"Mr. Xia Yan."

"Master Xia Yan."


Along the way, many workers who were under construction shouted respectfully when they saw Xia Yan.

Xia Yan also responded politely one by one.

I have to admit that in the Pokémon world, combining the abilities on Pokémon makes it much easier and faster to do a lot of things.

For example, this construction team has a lot of Pokémon such as Machamp, Machoke, and old repairman, and the construction speed is very fast.

It has only been so long, and the foundation of the gymnasium has almost been dug.

I believe that it will not be long before Xia Yan can successfully live in his own gym and become a veritable gym owner.

Dragon series.

"Mr. Xia Yan."

With the arrival of Xia Yan, Ju Cai walked quickly to him.

"Mr. Xia Yan, someone, someone wants, wants to invest in the construction of Solaceon Town." Ju Cai gasped and said intermittently.

"I see." Xia Yan narrowed his eyes, looked past Ju Cai, and saw the person behind him.

Deep in his squinted eyes, there was a deep fear.

"Mr. Xia Yan, please forgive my rash visit, hehe-"

A middle-aged man in a suit with short hair and short hair came up with a smile on his face, with Zhang Sifang's national character face, stretched out his hand and walked in front of Xia Yan.

come, it is

Xia Yan also showed a warm smile, reached out and shook the other side gently.

"Mr. Cyrus, I've heard your name for a long time, but I didn't expect to see it today."

Team Galactic boss.



My friend came to my house for dinner today, so I'm a little late, sorry~~ bow~~

(End of this chapter)

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