The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 540 Xia Yan's Infinite Defense System (2-In-1)

Chapter 540 Xia Yan's "Infinite Defense" System (2-in-1)

"Okay, Latios, let's go down."

Above the distant clouds of Soaring in the sky, a Cianwood-colored light beam galloped past, accompanied by a frantic blast of airflow, quickly crossing the distant distance.

And on top of this blue and white body, it was Xia Yan who just spoke.

Psychic wraps him to shield him from the terrifying air currents in the fast Flying.

to be frank.

If you don't have Psychic, if you don't have strong physical fitness, it's really not recommended to ride a Pokémon like Latios.

Because the speed is too fast.

After all, not everyone has the "stupid" kind of constitution.

If you are not careful, you may fall directly from the ground.

Even if he held onto Latios' body tightly to keep himself from falling, he would be filled with gas and his face would hurt from scratching.

Latios' jet-setting way of Flying, no joke.

The name "Blue Airplane" is not just talk.

That was really the fastest Flying among the Pokémon Xia Yan had ever seen.

Even a Pokémon that is stronger than Latios, as long as it is not the one with a big gap in strength, very few can match Latios in terms of straight-line flying ability.


Latios nodded excitedly, gradually slowed down, and stayed high in the sky.

From here, they could just see the top of Mt. Coronet pierced through the clouds, and below the dense clouds, houses smaller than ants.

Xia Yan smiled and patted Latios' neck, "Don't get too excited, the days when you can fly are still long."

"Oss!" ('`)

That's right.

Latios ended the infancy and entered the normal growth stage of Pokémon.


The time spent in the middle is only fifteen days.

It is much shorter than Xia Yan imagined.

Just now, it was Latios' first full-speed Flying after the end of its infancy, and it was also its first full-speed Flying with Xia Yan. It can be said that the speed is very exaggerated.

According to Latios' speed, as long as it normally grows to the main level of the museum, Xia Yan felt that going back and forth between the northernmost and southernmost Sinnoh Region would only take an hour or two.

This speed is already very exaggerated.

Of course, Latios isn't strong enough to do that right now, but it's fast.

From today, Xia Yan can use Alakazam's Teleport for short distances, and assist Latios' Flying ability for long distances.

Although Latios cannot be displayed in front of others normally in a short period of time, it is absolutely no problem for Flying to run above the clouds like now.


Latios, like Doron Bartto and Doron Messiah, has the ability to become invisible.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xia Yan may be able to see Xia Yan galloping through the sky alone, and he doesn't know what he is riding, and he may even be too fast to recognize Xia Yan.


Latios reverses direction.

Like a sword piercing through the clouds, he quietly returned to the Pokémon ranch in Solaceon Town.

After fifteen days, Xia Yan planned and adjusted, and the Pokémon ranch had taken shape.

Mainly divided into several areas.

The ice and snow area near Mt. Coronet is home to Froslass, the ice system or Pokémon who like cold air. Currently, there are the Froslass family, the Abomasnow family and the Vanilluxe family.

They have fully adapted to the environment there and are extremely comfortable.

And apart from Abomasnow, Froslass and its children and Vanilluxe are all mild-mannered Pokémons who won't break out into conflict.

The area closer to the north is the Rock area, where most of the Rock and Ground Pokémon live, such as Mudsdale, Onix, Excadrill, and so on.

Some of the Rocks are original, some were excavated during the construction of gymnasiums and Pokémon ranches, and some were excavated from Mt. Coronet. They are rich in minerals and are one of their favorite foods. .

The area closer to the south is the hot zone, where Pokémon eggs are hatched.

Because of the existence of several "Flaming Body" Ability, the surrounding temperature will naturally increase as they live for a long time.

All Pokémon eggs bred by Pokémon in the Pokémon ranch will be transported to this place for quick hatching, speeding up the reproduction and development of the Pokémon ranch.

Among them, there are many Pokémon living, and the Burning Beetle, Turtonator, Darmanitan, Houndoom Clan, and Salandit Clan also make their homes.

Of course, the Salandit's are also responsible for the first protection of the Pokémon ranch.

The periphery of today's Pokémon ranch has basically condensed into a circle of faint Poison Gas. Ordinary Pokémon or humans approaching, may not have approached the range of Pokémon ranch, they will become unconscious because of the existence of Poison Gas. Qing, after the last few laps, he left here in a daze without noticing anything.

The most important area, naturally, is the central area, which is also the area with the largest scope.

Currently living are mainly the Noivern family, the Cherrim family, the Combee family, and a few "tool" Pokémon from Xia Yan who have gradually left the team.

Obviously, this should also be the most worthwhile area to expand Pokémon.

Moreover, Xia Yan has consciously asked the Pokémons to clear a large blank area in it. He plans to plant all kinds of tree fruits here and leave them to the Cherrims to take care of them. I believe that they will be harvested soon.

And his first goal of planting tree fruit is the tree fruit that contains Fairy energy.

This thing is very cheap now, very cheap. The price of buying saplings and even trees is extremely low. If you don't take advantage of it now, you may not be able to buy it later.

Xia Yan has begun to consciously hoard Fairy-related things.

His next goal is to gather a group of Pokémon who are not Fairy now, but will become Fairy in the future.

Pokémon like Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Marylou, Granbull, Mawile, etc.

But even if these Pokémon don't have the Fairy Attribute, the price is not cheap.

Moreover, wanton purchases will inevitably attract some unnecessary attention, so Xia Yan is still restrained and does not do that.

But it has already been planned.

The most important thing is actually because of his lack of funds.

That's right.

Xia Yan's funds are almost exhausted.

In the construction of the gym, what Alliance provided was still a little short, so Xia Yan posted some himself.

In any case, it is also my own territory in the future, and it is the most stable source of income. Such an investment will only hurt a little bit.

The second is consumption on Pokémon Breeder.

The growth of Pokémon's strength and the entry of new Pokémon have made his daily expenses larger.

Especially Latios.

Great influence.

Calculating what he has now, there are three Snorlax, Duolong Bartto, and Latios alone.

Among them, the food of Duolong Bartto and Latios cannot be sloppy, so Snorlax is better to feed.

Now that Latios has entered a normal growth period, the food needed will usher in a surge.

In other words, it is easy to conquer Pokémon, but difficult to cultivate Pokémon.

The resources consumed by Latios to grow are definitely no less than the resources required to cultivate a quasi-god Pokémon.

Xia Yan thought.

I may be able to hold on for more than a month, and if the gym fails to gain substantial revenue, it must go out to earn extra money.

This is not counting the investment that will be spent on hiring some employees, referees, etc. after the gym opens in the future.

Although Alliance will reimburse a little, Xia Yan estimates that it will definitely not be enough.

In general, Xia Yan is just starting everywhere now, and it will be very good if you do it well, but it is extraordinarily difficult at the beginning.


Seeing Latios carrying Xia Yan back, Togekiss immediately greeted him and circled around Xia Yan and Latios.


Behind Togekiss, there is a small tail.

Obviously Doron Messia no doubt.

Doron Messiah has now become a qualified little sidekick.

Wandering around behind Togekiss all day long, enjoying one another.


Beside Xia Yan and Latios, Duolong Bart slowly changed his appearance.

The only one who can keep up with Latios' speed is Doron Bartto.

Doron Bartto is pleased with Latios' growth.

After all, apart from Xia Yan, Duolong Bartto was the one who put the most effort into Latios during the egg period.

It's not an exaggeration to say that I watched Latios grow from a Pokémon egg to its normal state.

Doron Messiah slid into Doron Bartto's arms and acted like a spoiled brat.

Togekiss also rushed into Xia Yan's arms, almost rushing him down from Latios.


Xia Yan landed.

"Haha - well, don't make trouble, do you have obedient training?" Xia Yan smiled and stroked Togekiss's wings.

"Cha~ Ke Ya~!"

Togekiss nodded vigorously.

Recently, he has worked very hard to master the moves as soon as possible.




After Xia Yan landed, the eight lovely Eevees ran towards him in no particular order, rubbing against his feet.

Latios had ended their pups, but these eight little Eevees had not.

The small appearance is quite cute, and now the hair has been completely stretched out, and the fluffy and plush appearance is even more.

But Xia Yan discovered a very strange thing.

Originally, these young Eevees were gray, and as they grew, the color of the hair gradually changed, gradually shifting towards brown and creamy white.

But one seems to be developing a little slower, and the hair is still gray.

Xia Yan picked up the hair, which was still gray, and gently rubbed its belly, which was very soft.


Eevee narrowed his eyes.

It enjoys being slapped, or the Eevees all enjoy being slapped.

And now Xia Yan has a little hobby every day, that is, licking Eevee.

Not to mention, after the masturbation, the mood will become very good.

"It's growing well, it's weird"

Drop Eevee.

Xia Yan didn't think much about it, and turned to look at Latios who was playing with a few Pokémons.

Now that Latios is out of its infancy, it will soon be ready for training.

"Chimchar, get off Latios, I want to do a simple test on it." Xia Yan waved with a smile.


Chimchar stuck out his tongue, jumped off Latios, three steps and two steps to Xia Yan's shoulder.

"Latios, let me see your abilities."

How to say Latios is also a mythical beast, although it is a fake mythical beast, and he has invested so many resources, he will definitely not pull his hips, it depends on how many surprises he can give him.


Latios nodded heavily.

Although it hasn't trained or fought, it hasn't been a day or two since Beedrill trained them.

Immediately show Xia Yan the abilities it has at the moment one by one.


Xia Yan built a simple data card for Latios.

Pokémon: Latios

gender: male

Attribute: Dragon + Psychic

Ability: Floating

Strength Assessment; Excellent Class

Mastery moves: Dragon Dance, Help, Recover, Confusion, Tailwind, Dragon Breath, Ally Switch, Luster Purge, Heal Pulse, Scale Shot

Excellent strength, this is definitely a very high starting point for Latios who was just born, and it also saves Xia Yan a lot of unnecessary time.

The ability to have such strength just after the end of the infancy is estimated to have a lot to do with the large amount of Dragon Crystals and Dragon Scale that Xia Yan invested.

Moreover, according to Duolong Bartto's meaning, Latios still has a lot of pure dragon energy hidden in his body, but it has not been fully absorbed by it, but it can be absorbed quickly through training and combat, and his strength will grow rapidly in the short term. stage.

The rapid improvement of strength is of course a good thing, but it is not entirely a good thing.

This will make Latios' already shaky foundation even more unstable, causing it to have a period of slow progress after this period of rapid improvement in power.

Therefore, in order to avoid this possible situation, Xia Yan must focus on laying a solid foundation for the next training of Latios.

Except for strength.

There are not many moves that Latios can use, but there is one thing to say that every move is very practical.

"Dragon Dance" represents Latios' dragon talent. Although Latios is a Pokémon who is better at special attack, because of the existence of "Dragon Dance", his physical attack ability may not be much weaker.

There is also the "Luster Purge" move.

As an exclusive move of Pokémon like Latios, the power is not too strong, but the additional effect is very good. There is a good probability that it can reduce Rival's special defense ability. A crucial move.

In addition, what surprised Xia Yan the most was the "Ally Switch" and "Heal Pulse" moves.

The existence of two moves allows Latios to quickly integrate into his team even if he is a little weaker.

And the move "Ally Switch" can also allow Latios to perfectly integrate into the core system that Xia Yan is now building.

After this period of training, trials and summaries, Xia Yan chose a good name for his lineup system centered on Alakazam.

"Unlimited Defense" system.

It is Assist Alakazam's "Ally Switch", "Teleport" and some other moves, as well as the characteristics and moves of each Pokémon, such as "U-Turn", "Baton Pass" and so on.

Let the Pokémon face the enemy that they should face the most all the time in battle.

Whether it is Attribute with restraint that can cause decent damage, or Attribute with resistance can be resisted.

Obviously, Latios can be perfectly integrated into this system.

Not only "Ally Switch" can make Xia Yan's tactics more diverse, "Heal Pulse" can ensure the team's endurance, and Alakazam's "Psychic Terrain" can also bring a good increase to Latios, complementing each other.


Xia Yan fondled Latios' head, which was approached by Latios, while staring at the towering Mt. Coronet in the distance, "You can even try to make Latios the second core point."

Dual core lineup!

According to what Xia Yan currently knows, combined with some limited data, it is speculated that the dual-core lineup is relatively rare even in the current Elite Four in the current Alliance regions.

And if he can perfectly build a true dual-core lineup, it will undoubtedly represent his upper limit, which will be raised once again!

(End of this chapter)

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