The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 543 The Temperature Across Time And Space

Chapter 543 The temperature across time and space

Unown brought him to the Xicui Region?

The so-called Xicui Region is actually the ancient name of Sinnoh Region, which is what the Sinnoh Region looked like in ancient times.

Because the climate at that time was very different from the Sinnoh Region at that time, just like the Alola Region and the Galar Region, many Pokémons were different from modern Pokémons.

For example, the strange-horned deer that Xia Yan saw at the moment, and the Braviary that he saw in the different space of Regigigas before.

It's just that Xia Yan doesn't understand.

Although Unown is very capable, it is not enough to bring him from modern times to ancient Xicui Region, right?

This is already in the realm of time.

Unown knows some spatial tricks Xia Yan knows, but he really doesn't know the time ability.


Even if he travels to the Xicui Region, according to the location of Solaceon Town in Mt. Coronet, he should not appear in the snow-covered area west of Mt. Coronet in the Xicui Region.

More likely, it should be in the searing heat east of Mt. Coronet.

Can't figure it out.

Xia Yan frowned.

Look at the Stantler and the Strange-horned Deer in the distance.


Xia Yan glanced at Togekiss and Latios beside him, and suddenly said to Alakazam: "Alakazam, Psychic!"


Alakazam looked serious, didn't ask Xia Yan why he let it attack, just supported one of the spoons with Psychic.

The Psychic on his body was surging and turbulent, and a group of dark spiritual energy gathered in front of him.

In the direction of Stantler and the Strange-horned Deer, he quickly smashed them.

But the next second.

The moment Alakazam's "Psychic" came into contact with the Strange-horned Deer, it was like throwing a stone into a pool and causing ripples, the surrounding space rippled faintly.

And the strange-horned deer that has been "watching" here, but his expression has not changed.


Xia Yan frowned and slowly loosened.

In this way, some things can be explained.

For example, why Unown has the ability to travel through time.

Another example.

Xia Yan looked at Togekiss and Latios again.

Why did the two little guys go to lick the snow and couldn't feel something.

More for example.

As a pathfinder and protector, the Strange-horned Deer should have the ability to perceive danger. Since it is so wary of Xia Yan and the others, why would they allow the Stantlers to come here for food?

These unreasonable points were subconsciously ignored by Xia Yan.

But when combined with the movement caused by Alakazam's attack at the moment, it all makes sense at once.


This is not the real Xicui Region at all.

But a fantasy created by Unown!


Soon Xia Yan had some doubts.

Why can Alakazam sense danger?

Feel the presence of the Strange Horned Deer.

That's weird.

It stands to reason that since the Strange Horned Deer can't sense them, they shouldn't be able to sense the Strange Horned Deer either.

This has been confirmed by Alakazam's attack just now.

Could it be that.

Xia Yan turned to look at Alakazam, "Can you still sense the deer with strange horns?"

Alakazam is also full of doubts, and some are not very clear about the situation.

But after hearing Xia Yan's question, after sensing it carefully, he nodded.

can also be felt.

That is to say.

Xia Yan looked around, "This is not a pure fantasy, nor is it simply a time-space shuttle to wash the Cui Region, but a fuzzy time-space shuttle and a fuzzy environment. Maybe it's more appropriate to use time-space folding?"

Something like a space-time gap?

space-time gap.

The area where the Unowns live is in some ancient ruins and cracks in time and space.

Simply understand.

It is the special ability of the Unowns that creates an illusion.

However, due to some special reasons, the illusion they created blurred the concept of space and time, and made the past and present time and space overlap.

That's why Alakazam can feel the existence of the Strange Horned Deer, and Xia Yan and the others can also clearly feel the temperature of the air.

It's just that such spatial folding is incomplete and unstable, so they can only achieve part of the interaction.

Maybe it's because the number of Unowns who created this illusion is not enough, or because of the special ability of a certain Unown.

Because Xia Yan remembered that in Unown, in addition to the twenty-six Unowns represented by the twenty-six letters, there are also two special Unowns representing "exclamation mark" and "question mark", which have more special abilities.

Ordinary Unowns don't have the ability to travel through time and space, but it doesn't mean that these two special Unowns don't.


Xia Yan was lost in thought.

"If it is really because the number of Unowns is not enough and the ability is not strong, so the time-space folding is not stable enough, does that mean that a large number of Unowns, or even those two special Unowns, can really be opened. The way to Xicui Region?"

The existence of this possibility cannot be ruled out.

And now the question before us is.

How to get out of this fantasy?



Duolong Bartto's voice sounded behind Xia Yan.

Yes, there is also Doron Bart.

With the strength of Duolong Bartto, he may have discovered the strangeness here.

I saw Doron Bartto slowly revealing his figure.

He tilted his head, with a little doubt in his eyes.

"What's the matter? Duolong Bartto?" Xia Yan asked.

"Bartya~~" Duolong Bartto shook his head slowly, looking at the steep cliff in the distance.

The feeling just now was particularly obvious to it.

the other side.

Togekiss and Latios also realized that this was a fantasy, and they felt very new.

Wandering back and forth.

It will fly high into the sky for a while, fall to the Ground for a while, and pick up the snow on the ground for a while.

They clearly felt the weight, but when they stretched out their tongues to lick them, they found that it was really unreal, like licking the air.

Although it was cold, there was no feeling of touching it.

"Cha~ Ke Yi~"


The two Pokémon were having a lot of fun.

It was Chimchar, because the temperature of the surrounding air was too real, so it kept lying on Xia Yan's shoulder and refused to leave.




The two Pokémon put down the snow at the same time, raised their heads, and looked at a bush in a different direction from the dense forest where the deer was.

Xia Yan, who was thinking about how to leave, also noticed the difference between the two Pokémon.

"What's wrong?"


Latios waved at Xia Yan.

Togekiss also said to let Xia Yan come and see.

With a little doubt, Xia Yan approached the bushes.

After getting closer, he also noticed something strange.

He frowned and slowly opened the dense bushes, only to see a lot of blood stains on them.

And in this bush, lay a little fox.

To be precise, it is a body covered with white hair, but on the eyes, neck, tail, top of the head and other places, there is a gradual Fuchsia color hair, on the closed eyes, two bright red eyebrows flicker. ground, indicating that it is still alive at the moment.

But judging from Xia Yan's experience, if such an injury is not treated in time.

I am afraid that death is not far away.

But what surprised Xia Yan the most was not the Contest Condition of this Pokémon, but its appearance.


And it's still Zorua in the form of a green jade!

A Pokémon that combines the attributes of the Normal and Ghost types.

It does look cute.

As far as Xia Yan knows, Zorua with the appearance of washing green and their evolutionary Zoroark are more violent than ordinary Zorua and Zoroark.

They will naturally emit the energy of Spite, which will not only make people see terrifying pictures, but also cause damage to them.

It's no surprise that Togekiss, a happy Pokémon, and Latios, who loves a friendly atmosphere, can find this seriously injured Zorua.

But the current situation is that Xia Yan should not be able to touch this Zorua.

Just tried it.

His palm slipped through Zorua's body with ease.

Obviously, the most real time and space folded by Unowns are dead objects and some plants, and living creatures like Pokémon are basically impossible to contact and interact.


He could only watch this Zorua leave in silence like this.

"Os~~" Latios drooped his head, a little lost.

Togekiss's expression is similar to it.

While they were disgusted by the smell Zorua unmistakably radiated, they were not Pokémons who only looked at appearances.

They can clearly feel that the heart of this Zorua is not bad, and it can even be said to be kind.

And the most real thought in this Zorua's heart now is

It wants to go home.

It wants to take another look at its relatives.

It's a little scary.

The vast snow field, the icy environment, the body that gradually lost consciousness, and the consciousness that was slowly chaotic.

Everything terrified the young Zorua.

This mood was captured by Togekiss and Latios, so their mood became very low.

Xia Yan looked at Zorua in the bushes with a complicated look.

He thought of when he had just arrived in the world of Pokémon.

Although it was the memory of his predecessor, he remembered it very clearly.

It was a hazy rainy day, and the late autumn rain was particularly cold. At that time, he was lying in a biting pool, feeling the slow passage of life, and his consciousness seemed to be imprisoned in a cold and pitch-black cage, helpless, sad, full of Despair, but with the last trace of humble prayer.

If it wasn't for Xia Yan's arrival, which reinvigorated this body, I'm afraid it would be the same as the Zorua in front of me.

There was a momentary trance.

This Zorua and Xia Yan's memory overlapped.

Silently sighed.

He took out a box of energy cubes from his arms.

After thinking for a while, he took out two more medicines for the wound and placed them in front of little Zorua.

Whether it can be touched or not.

At least doing this will make Xia Yan feel a little better.


On the other side, Alakazam shouted at Xia Yan.

I see.

The surrounding scene, like a mirror Normal began to shatter, as if the eraser gradually wiped away the traces, dissipating little by little.

Xia Yan stood up and patted the bodies of Latios and Togekiss.

"Let's go."

Entering the area covered by the Alakazam Psychic package, the illusion completely dissipated.

What Xia Yan didn't know was.

At the moment when the illusion dissipated, it was like the real world he saw.

That familiar bush.

The weak Zorua lay dying in the bushes, the tip of her nose was slightly wrinkled, her eyelids twitched slightly, and a gap opened.

in front of its eyes.

Suddenly, a metal box appeared, as well as granular food with a strong fragrance, and two crystal emerald green potions.

Surprise appeared in Zorua's hazy eyes.

The hope of life, let it use up the last bit of strength, stubbornly smashed into the metal box.

The abundant energy brought a little change to its dry body.

The food is delicious and the effect of the potion is very good, but what makes it memorable is the slight temperature on the box and the residual smell.

this moment.

The corners of Zorua's eyes slid into two crystals.

"Chimchar, I'm fine, don't console me."

Xia Yan, who calmed down his complicated heart, said to Chimchar on his shoulder.


Chimchar was stunned.

Xia Yan didn't say much, and gently wiped his cheek with his palm, and he wiped away the two water stains.

Water is warm.

Is it Chimchar's drool?

In this regard, Xia Yan did not reject anything, but felt that his mood was inexplicably much better.

Maybe this is the bond between humans and Pokémon.

When looking around again.

It has become pitch black.

Even the flames radiating from Chimchar's body seemed to be engulfed and vanished the moment it came into contact with the darkness.

If Xia Yan's feet hadn't been able to clearly feel that he was standing on the ground, he would have doubted whether he had fallen into an endless abyss.

A light beam of Maynard's shaking suddenly appeared in front of him.

It's like a door slowly opening in the dark.

Xia Yan hesitated a little, then raised his foot and walked towards the gate.

As he entered the door, several Unowns appeared where he had just stood.

Unown's body is covered with a light halo, and communication with each other does not require words.

But from their eyes, I can see the deep surprise and amazement.

An Unown with the letter "D" that Xia Yan first saw before, the Contest Condition at the moment is very sluggish, his eyes are drooping, and he looks very tired.

After some unknown discussion with the Unowns, the letter "P" supported the letter "D" and followed the rest of the Unowns, forming a black line, floating in the direction of the door Xia Yan entered.

Along with the ripples, Unown did not enter the closed door one by one.

Unown, who just thought it was fun, wanted to create a fantasy to scare Xia Yan.

After all, being disturbed to sleep is not something to be happy about.

But it seems that even they didn't want to understand why things were developing in a direction that they didn't understand themselves.

So ever.

The Unowns decided to explore whether they had a problem or Xia Yan had a problem.

And even the Unowns didn't notice.

Where Xia Yan stood just now, on the pitch-black Ground, two crystal drops were left so quietly.

Until everything is silent.

A special Unown with drooping eyes, half-closed and half-open, appeared to be particularly uninspired, and appeared beside the two crystal drops.

If Xia Yan can definitely recognize it here, what this Unown represents is not a letter, but a "question mark"!

"Question Mark" tilted his head, and a rare curiosity appeared in his lazy eyes.

But he seemed to sense something again. After standing up and looking deeply in a certain direction, he turned and disappeared into the darkness.


A little foreshadowing was buried in the previous chapter. Friends, did you not expect such a development? hehe - don't doubt my rigor~~

Zorua and Zoroark in the Xicui Region, here are the pictures!

(End of this chapter)

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