The Bottom Trainer In The Pokémon World

Chapter 546 Xia Yan Vs Groudon... Phantom

Chapter 546 Xia Yan VS Groudon. Phantom

Unown is actually very good at doing things.

The more they gather, the stronger their ability to do things.

Xia Yan remembered that they had created a phantom Entei, and that Entei also had self-awareness and strong fighting ability.

This time, the Groudon they fiddled with was obviously not self-aware, much worse.

Estimation is also related to insufficient number of clusters.

But yeah.

No matter how unconscious and much worse, that is also Groudon!

Ancient beasts!

Is it something Unown can control?

The crack that suddenly appeared, and the sluggish appearance of the Unowns, knew that it should have gotten out of control.


Xia Yan would like to ask, which beast is good, why choose Groudon?

If you know Xia Yan's doubts, the Unowns will tell him crying: It's not all your fault.

They just intercepted the most worried and feared existence in Xia Yan's mind. How could they know that this existence was Groudon?

If they knew it was Groudon, they wouldn't want to use this method to see if Xia Yan had a problem or they had a problem.

It turns out.

Xia Yan has a problem.

Who is normal person thinking about Groudon?


Xia Yan didn't want to either.

Who asked Darkrai to come to him to "Take Dreams" some time ago, although he used Giratina a few times before, but Xia Yan had seen Giratina, and knew that it was locked in Destruction World and couldn't get out, so he didn't worry at all.

But the last time Darkrai told him that Groudon was waking up.

That's different.

After all, Groudon is possible, but Giratina is impossible, and Darkrai also made him take the responsibility of notifying the "Draconid Tribe", which made Xia Yan always worried about Groudon's recovery.

Besides, there are some fragments of Primal Groudon's carapace on his body. The ghost knows if Groudon will sense the existence of these fragments after resurrection and come to him.

So it's purely coincidental that the Unowns created a phantom Groudon.

But yeah.

It also made Xia Yan understand one thing.

Unown this dangerous existence.

Or control it yourself.

So as not to go to hoho other people.

After all, if I don't go to hell, who goes to hell right?

Xia Yan's heart is so "noble".


The first question now may be this fully materialized phantom Groudon.

"Quite yea!!"

Togekiss and Alakazam arrived late, flew to Xia Yan's side, and looked at Groudon in the valley below, and were quite surprised.

What the hell?

So big.

Chimchar, wrapped in Alakazam's Psychic, pursed his lips and tapped his fingers between his teeth.

I said that I felt itchy teeth, and I missed a toothpicker.


Phantom Groudon, suddenly began to move.

The heavy footsteps stepped out, and the Ground suddenly sank a lot, and cracks of different sizes scattered around his feet.

And with the cracking of the Ground, fiery red hot magma overflowed from large and small gaps and surrounded Groudon's side.

Xia Yan was thinking about what would happen if he left it here.

In fact, there was also a fake Groudon in the original work. One person assisted the power of the wishing star after Jirachi's 1000-year-old recovery, and created a fake Groudon, which brought a lot of damage to the Pokémon world at that time.

But this is not the Pokémon world.

Besides, Xia Yan didn't know how to stop this thing.

Drive Latios and fly towards the Unown below.

It's all made by these guys, they should know.


Latios Flying whips up a violent airflow.

Seeing Xia Yan's arrival, the Unowns gathered together, showing a vigilant look.

Xia Yan slightly mobilized Psychic.

Unown is connected using telepathy.

For Xia Yan's Psychic, the Unowns did not show any surprise.

"I said, the trouble you caused should end by yourself, right?"

Xia Yan said angrily.


Latios nodded vigorously.

Xia Yan said that if you make a mistake, you must admit it, and if you make a mistake, you must correct it.

They have to admit their mistakes, correct them, and redeem them.

Latios is still very serious in class.

Hearing this, the Unowns looked at each other and seemed helpless.

"Then you should send a representative out to chat, right?"

This time, the Unowns did not choose to be silent, and an Unown with the letter "P" walked out slowly.

Assisting with telepathy, a slightly immature boy's voice, with a little tiredness, sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

"That's the product of the materialization based on what you fear and fear in your subconscious mind."

Xia Yan was startled, and frowned slowly.

"You read my mind?"

He is very taboo about this kind of behavior, if the Unowns really do it, then I'm afraid.

The letter "P" suddenly shuddered, and in the moment just now, it actually had a creepy feeling.

He quickly shook his body, "No, no, we just intercepted your fear."

"Why do you want to do this?" Xia Yan still didn't give up the idea of ​​asking.

"I, you." Unown hesitated, not knowing how to explain.

They have existed for a very long time, but there are not many things actually experienced, and many situations are choices made unconsciously.

I really want them to say why, but Drew can't make sense.

"Then do you have a way to solve it, if not, please send us back." Xia Yan said after taking a deep breath.

no way.

If you want to go back, you still need the power of Assist Unowns.

Although it is not sure where this place is, it may be a different space, or it may be a gap in time and space, but the current Xia Yan has no way to leave by conventional means.

Hearing Xia Yan's words, Unown was stunned for a while.

But then he shook his body again, "Now. No."

"Why?" Xia Yan's face sank.

"Part of our power, in its body, lost the ability to open space." Unown explained quickly.

Say so.

Xia Yan turned to look at the phantom Groudon, who gradually regained his mobility and began to destroy arbitrarily.

"Is it the only way to fix it?"

Unown nodded repeatedly in agreement.

"Okay, what's the way?"

Unown felt like he was about to cry.

Although it hasn't communicated with humans much, it knows.

This guy is so vicious.

The point is, it feels that this person has the ability to threaten it.

"I, we, don't know."

I really don't know.

If I knew, I wouldn't be here watching.

Also, most of their power was poured into Phantom Groudon's body, but they lost control of Phantom Groudon.

"You, it was created according to your consciousness, you should know what to do, right?"


Xia Yan couldn't help but sneered.

You are so kidding.

That's Groudon!

Even if it's just a phantom, Xia Yan doesn't think he can fight it. The ghost knows how much energy Unown has injected into this phantom Groudon, and how much strength can this phantom Groudon have?

"Ha, ha-" Unown heard Xia Yan's laughter, and laughed a few times in agreement.

Obviously it didn't understand that it was Xia Yan's sneer just now, with a mocking meaning.

glanced at it.

I also have a certain understanding of the simplicity of Unown's mind.

"You guys, can you still move?"

Unown shook his head and nodded again and again.

"Follow up."

Xia Yan waved at them.

The letter "P" immediately supported the letter "D", and the rest like the letter "F", etc. There were fourteen in total.

Just fourteen Unowns create the Phantom Groudon.

I have to admit that things like Unown, even if only two of them are gathered together, can exert incredible power.

And to gather fourteen, it is true that some unexpected things can be done.

Unown drifted to Xia Yan's side and surrounded Latios' side.

"Latios, go."

Xia Yan patted Latios' neck lightly.


Latios flapped his wings slightly, and the jet, Normal, flew in the direction of Groudon, and the rest of the Pokémon followed.

Xia Yan took out the Poké Ball again and summoned the last Beedrill.

In this way, all six of his current main Pokémon are on the stage.

Although it may not have much substantial help against Groudon.

Xia Yan's last support is Duolong Bartto.

Just hope the Unowns don't push too hard and make this phantom Groudon too perverted.



Latios took Xia Yan to catch up with Groudon.

It's only been a short time, but Groudon has already wreaked havoc on the area, with a large number of wild Pokémon running frantically across the Ground and galloping through the sky, trying to avoid the aftermath of Groudon's wanton destruction.

Xia Yan frowned slightly.

Togekiss and Latios also showed distressed expressions at the same time.

They couldn't bear to see these wild Pokémon suffer unpredictable disasters.

"Force it to stop first."

"Alakazam, Togekiss." Xia Yan shouted.



The two Pokémon know each other.

Alakazam crossed the spoon to his chest, surging Psychic quickly gathered, and several Psychic blasted towards Groudon without reservation.

Togekiss's wings swayed constantly, and the milky white Air Slashes shot at Groudon like the curved blades of the normal full moons.


Attack Smack Down on Groudon's body, made a big roar.

And such an attack successfully stopped Groudon and attracted its attention.


Empty eyes, unable to see any emotional changes, a roar.

Looking at Xia Yan in the air, and his group of Pokémon.

"That's right!" (つ﹏)

Togekiss suddenly shuddered.

Kind of scary.

When Groudon raised his head, he could see from the position of its neck and abdomen that the color had turned dark red, densely covered with orange-yellow lines, as if magma was constantly surging there.


Groudon let out a growl.

Xia Yan held Latios' body tightly and stared at Groudon, waiting for it to attack.

The strength of its attack this time determines what attitude Xia Yan will use to face it.


What made Xia Yan and Togekiss falsely alarmed was that the phantom Groudon just glanced at them and continued to move forward, not intending to attack.


Xia Yan was also a little surprised.

Could it be that this Phantom Groudon does not know "Precipice Blades"?

This seems to be unexpected, but reasonable.

After all, it is only a phantom created by the Unowns, and it is impossible to fully possess all the abilities of the real Groudon.


As long as it is in the sky, is it safe?

Xia Yan didn't know what to say.

I feel that the Unowns created this phantom Groudon, not to scare him, but to mock the real Groudon.

Just ridicule it that so many divine beasts and phantom beasts can fly, but it can't.

The taunt value is full.

If Groudon is really here, make sure a "Precipice Blades" sends the Unowns to accompany Arceus first.

But this gave Xia Yan a chance.

"Go on, Beedrill, you too."

Since they can't reach them in the sky, can Xia Yan let Pokémon keep attacking in the sky.

How to say this phantom Groudon is only constructed by the energy hands of Unowns. It is impossible to draw energy from the ground like a real Groudon, right?

probably not.


Use it up!

Then a large number of attacks continued to smash at Groudon, and the roar continued.

Aside from Doublade not being very good at long-range attacks, even Beedrill can keep throwing "Electro Web" to limit the phantom Groudon's movement.


Phantom Groudon is noticeably slower.

While these attacks didn't seem to do much damage to him, they at least slowed Groudon's progress and escape.

hum- hum-


Not far behind Xia Yan and the others, two bright white beams shot.

It's two aluminum-steel dragons!

Xia Yan rescued their children, and seeing that Xia Yan and the others were fighting against the Groudon, the aluminum-steel dragons resolutely joined in.

Although the effect is also small, but at least a little more help.

The Unowns surrounded Xia Yan and Latios, and they didn't look happy, but rather worried.

"That." The letter "P" Unown's voice sounded in Xia Yan's mind.

"What?" Xia Yan glanced at it.

"It's accumulating Stockpile," Unown said timidly.


Xia Yan's complexion suddenly changed.

With a big wave of his hand, the voice resounded in the minds of all his Pokémons.


next second.



see you.

A dark red huge stone pillar with scorching magma suddenly surged up from the Ground below Xia Yan and them, carrying terrifying power and scorching temperature, rushing towards them.

This is!

Precipice Blades!

"Oss!" Latios was a little flustered. He had not experienced many big scenes, but he was a little overwhelmed at the moment.

Seeing "Precipice Blades" touch Latios in the blink of an eye.

Xia Yan frowned.

He didn't blame Latios, he didn't push it, and he understood its reaction.

In the face of attack, he is actually quite frank.



A roar with a slight Rage sounded beside Xia Yan.

Duolong Bartto appeared instantly, and with a swing of his tail, it was like a huge sharp arrow rushing towards the rapidly rising "Precipice Blades".

The rich dragon-type energy engulfed in it had a terrifying collision with the ground-type energy.

boom! ! !

The whole world seemed to be silent for a short time, and the impact of the collision in the next second wanted to spread around.

The rising stone pillar.


However, Doron Bartto was suspended unscathed above the fracture of the stone pillar, his angry eyes staring at the expressionless phantom Groudon.

Rarely revealed the fierce dragon might.

Quite the momentum of being a husband, and facing the phantom Groudon is not weak at all.

Looking at Doron Bartto, Latios' eyes were full of little stars.

"Fakes are just fakes after all, even 'Precipice Blades' are fakes."

It can be tricky to collect all twenty-six Unown-created Phantom Groudons.

But now there are only fourteen, which is the difference in quantity.

Doron Bartto flicked his tail and brushed off the powder from his body.

"You come with me." Xia Yan said to the Unowns in an unquestionable tone.

After saying that, he jumped up.

Jumped straight off Latios' back.

Standing firmly on Doron Bartto's back.

The Unowns naturally didn't dare to go against Xia Yan's intention at this time, and even a line followed him to Duolong Bartto's side.

Latios also flew down.

"Osios—" accusing Doron Bartto.

'It bullies me! ’


Doron Bart gently wraps his arms around Latios, pulling him behind him.

Latios is that it grows big, and it is no different from its children.

Now that children are being bullied, parents naturally have to stand up for "justice".

In the bottom of Xia Yan's heart, a bold thought suddenly appeared.

To the Unowns: "You now intercept my consciousness again."



By the way, there are two activities in the operation of the book circle, one is the fan title, and the other is the free gift of coins, you can actively participate~~

(End of this chapter)

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